Index of All Lines

First LineAuthor (Meter)Number
A Christ with idols base,John Berridge (148th)885
A Daysman he is made,W. Gadsby (148th)571
A Fountain that never can sink.W. Gadsby (8s)566
A Friend and Helper so divine,Isaac Watts (C.M.)325
A Friend before the Throne of Love.C. Wesley (112th)1060
A Friend there is, your voices join,J. Swain (C.M.)132
A God of providence;D. Herbert (C.M.)507
A God, long-suffering, still restoresW. Gadsby (S.M.)556
A Man there is, a real Man,J. Hart (C.M.)23
A Marys or Manassehs stains,J. Kent (C.M.)914
A Physician, I learn, abides in this place,W. Gadsby (11s)548
A River that never can fail;W. Gadsby (8s)566
A Sabbatism, a rest from pains,J. Hart (8.8.6.)358
A Sanctuary unto me.Samuel Medley (L.M.)173
A Saviour all divine.John Newton (C.M.)128
A Surety just and good;W. Gadsby (C.M.)579
A Tower, a precious Hiding-place,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)557
A banquet more divine.J. Hart (C.M.)828
A bar to all thats wrong.J. Hart (S.M.)832
A barren tree that bears no fruit,J. Hart (L.M.)256
A base, ungrateful monster I have been,W. Gadsby (10s)668
A beam of comfort shines.A. Steele (8.8.6.)962
A beggar poor, at mercys door,Samuel Medley (C.M.)378
A beggar, vile and base, I come,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)589
A bleeding Christ is all they plead,W. W. Horne (L.M.)943
A bleeding Jesus is the Way,J. Hart (S.M.)130
A bleeding Saviour seen by faith,John Newton (C.M.)933
A body united indeed;W. Gadsby (8s)635
A bold, rebellious will,Henry Fowler (S.M.)1035
A boundless stock of grace;W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)643
A boundless treasure, all of grace,W. Gadsby (C.M.)637
A brighter faith impart.John Berridge (S.M.)891
A brother or sister landed safe from fears,W. Gadsby (C.M.)664
A bruisèd reed he never breaks,S. Stennett (L.M.)762
A calm and heavenly frame;WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)958
A calm, delightful house of prayer.WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)381
A captive born, a child of earth,John Berridge (148th)671
A captive here, and far from home,T. Kelly (L.M.)1021
A child of corruption and dust.J. Swain (8s)319
A child of sorrows here?John Berridge (148th)672
A chosen sheep in Zions fold.J. Kent (148th)87
A city of refuge and righteousness too.J. Kent (11s)1097
A clearer passport they receive,J. Hart (C.M.)747
A confidence thats strong;J. Hart (S.M.)832
A conscience hard does oft retardSamuel Medley (C.M.)378
A constant flow of every good,W. Gadsby (148th)630
A constant warfare must maintain.W. Gadsby (148th)617
A contrite heart, or no?WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)281
A cordial for our fears.Isaac Watts (C.M.)213
A cordial in sickness; a fountain of life.J. Hart (104th)254
A costly, consecrating oil,J. Hart (L.M.)794
A covenant once was made,J. Kent (148th)87
A cross of massy wood;W. Batty (C.M.)950
A crowd about him will be found,John Berridge (8.8.6.)302
A crumb of mercy, Lord, I crave,J. Fawcett (C.M.)393
A cup of blessing for the poor,John Berridge (148th)886
A darksome and restless abode:B. Francis (8s)246
A debt no more to pay;J. Adams (8.8.6.)67
A debtor to mercy alone,Augustus Toplady (8s)340
A deep celestial spring.Samuel Medley (C.M.)987
A doctrine most divine;J. Hart (C.M.)31
A doleful gulf of gloomy care,J. Hart (112th)835
A door of hope is opened wide,W. Gadsby (148th)585
A double eye is in the child,J. Berridge (S.M.)253
A drop of heaven on worms below.Isaac Watts (L.M.)265
A dwelling fit for thee?John Newton (S.M.)196
A dwelling for the Eternal Mind,Isaac Watts (L.M.)365
A fair one, whose garments are clean,J. Kent (8s)334
A faith that assureth my sonship with God.John Berridge (104th)906
A faith that endureth, and feasts on his blood;John Berridge (104th)906
A faith that triumphs over death,W. Gadsby (S.M.)653
A faith that will live in water and flame,John Berridge (104th)906
A faithful God restrains their hands,P. Doddridge (L.M.)332
A faithful and unchanging God,Isaac Watts (L.M.)83
A faithful friend of grief partakes;J. Hart (C.M.)785
A faithful, loving GodW. Gadsby (148th)532
A fathers hand I fain would see;T. Kelly (L.M.)1043
A fathers rod no terror hath.T. Kelly (L.M.)1043
A favour bestowed, we hope not in vainJ. Hart (104th)456
A favour so great we highly should prize;J. Hart (104th)778
A feast is now prepared for thee,John Berridge (L.M.)897
A feast of mercy, sweetly freeJohn Berridge (L.M.)897
A feeble creature pray;C. Wesley (7.6.8.)391
A feeble saint shall win the day,Isaac Watts (148th)122
A fence against evil, by which we resistJ. Hart (104th)254
A few more days, or months, or years,J. Swain (L.M.)286
A few more rolling suns, at most,J. Brewer (L.M.)134
A few more sighs, a few more tears,J. Swain (L.M.)286
A filthy Mary, and a dying thief;W. Gadsby (10s)669
A flood should drown the earth no more.J. Hart (L.M.)791
A foe received a favourite,J. Hart (S.M.)792
A form of words may pleaseW. Gadsby (S.M.)725
A form of words, though eer so sound,J. Hart (C.M.)31
A fountain is opened for sin,W. Gadsby (8s)627
A fountain is opened in Jesus the Word;W. Gadsby (11s)524
A fountain opened for the poor,John Berridge (L.M.)896
A fountain which will ever runJ. Ryland (C.M.)247
A fountain with a purple flood;John Berridge (L.M.)896
A fountain! cries the man of God,John Berridge (L.M.)896
A free, a full supply;A. Steele (C.M.)1039
A fretful soul his fault may spy,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)178
A friendless, helpless wretch indeed,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)589
A full and free pardon Christ gives,W. Gadsby (8s)632
A fulness of every good;W. Gadsby (8s)566
A fulness of grace to display,Henry Fowler (11.8.)350
A fulness of grace, rich, sovereign, and free;W. Gadsby (104th)639
A fulness resides in Jesus our Head,J. Fawcett (104th)184
A gift both rich and free;W. Gadsby (S.M.)603
A glad and grateful songJ. Hart (7.6.8.)801
A glimpse of love, a glimpse of thee.Isaac Watts (L.M.)265
A glorious life indeed.(Author Unknown) (8.8.6.)902
A glorious, immortal repast.W. Gadsby (11.8.)591
A godliness which feeds on form,John Berridge (112th)901
A godly fear of sin impart;C. Wesley (112th)1060
A gracious gale on plants beneath.Isaac Watts (L.M.)363
A grievous, galling load.J. Hart (S.M.)287
A guard of heavenly warriors waits;Isaac Watts (L.M.)364
A guide and help be with me found;J. Hart (112th)790
A guilty world to save.R. Burnham (C.M.)16
A guilty, weak, and helpless worm,Isaac Watts (C.M.)764
A habitation for our God;Isaac Watts (L.M.)365
A happy, pardoned child thou art,J. Berridge (C.M.)101
A hard and haughty heart.J. Hart (S.M.)878
A hardened herd, a rebel race;J. Hart (L.M.)153A
A healing balm for all their woes.Isaac Watts (L.M.)1112
A healing rest in thee?C. Wesley (S.M.)1050
A heart from sin set free,C. Wesley (C.M.)1024
A heart renewed by faith and love,John Berridge (8.8.6.)905
A heart resigned, submissive, meek;C. Wesley (C.M.)1024
A heart submissive, mild, and meek,John Berridge (8.8.6.)905
A heart thats sprinkled with the bloodC. Wesley (C.M.)1024
A heart the Saviour to adore.Lock Chapel Collection (L.M.)1008
A heart which prays for great and small,John Berridge (8.8.6.)905
A heavenly form appears;Isaac Watts (S.M.)38
A heavenly joy his words convey;John Berridge (C.M.)756
A helper of the helpless be,C. Wesley (L.M.)1074
A helpless soul, I come to thee,C. Wesley (L.M.)1074
A helpless worm am I,W. Gadsby (148th)613
A helpless wretch am I;W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)592
A holy Christ to view;R. Burnham (C.M.)16
A holy oil anoints him too,J. Hart (L.M.)794
A hope so much divineIsaac Watts (S.M.)79
A hope that triumphs over death,John Newton (C.M.)933
A house of prayer, O Lord for thee,(Author Unknown) (8.8.6.)903
A humble groan, a broken heart,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1098
A humble, lowly, contrite heart,C. Wesley (C.M.)1024
A jealous God art thou,John Berridge (148th)885
A joyful sound indeed,W. Gadsby (148th)526
A judgment bond against me lay,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)148
A kindly harvest crowns thy love,A. Flowerdew (C.M.)1152
A kingdom of immense delight,A. Steele (L.M.)257
A kingdom which can neer decay,A. Steele (L.M.)257
A life of joy and peace.John Newton (C.M.)198
A life thats known by few;W. Gadsby (148th)598
A lifeless lump of loathsome sin,J. Hart (L.M.)740
A lifeless lump of sin like me.J. Hart (L.M.)875
A light to shine upon the roadWIlliam Cowper (C.M.)958
A limping beggar, clothed in rags;W. Gadsby (C.M.)588
A little spot enclosed by grace,Isaac Watts (L.M.)363
A little, they own, they may fail,John Newton (8s)1149
A lively type of Christ;W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)636
A living spark of heavenly fire?Lock Chapel Collection (L.M.)1008
A loathsome stench of death and sinW. Gadsby (C.M.)604
A long eternity to spend,W. Gadsby (C.M.)631
A long, an everlasting day.Isaac Watts (L.M.)265
A look from him will cheer thy heart,John Berridge (C.M.)765
A look from the Lord discovers our case,John Berridge (104th)710
A look of thy love is all that we want;John Berridge (104th)710
A lovely vine in heathen lands?Isaac Watts (L.M.)1140
A lover of all his dear saints.R. Burnham (8s)460
A loving Christ is near;John Berridge (C.M.)714
A loving Saviour surely willJohn Berridge (C.M.)765
A man, or an angel at most:John Newton (8s)1149
A manger is his bed.J. Hart (C.M.)39
A mansion in the skies.John Newton (C.M.)469
A mansion of immortal love.W. Gadsby (8s)635
A meek suit adorning both sinner and saint.John Berridge (104th)687
A method strange this Friend has shown,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)149
A mighty Saviour suits me well;W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)592
A miracle of grace I stand;H. Paice, 1798 (L.M.)200
A mist before thy eyes;John Berridge (8.8.6.)302
A moment he hid the light of his face,W. Hammond (104th)343
A moment puts an end to these,J. Hart (P.M.)814
A monstrous mass of woe!W. Gadsby (S.M.)614
A monument of grace,J. Kent (148th)732
A mortal man ashamed of thee?J. Grigg and B. Francis (last verse) (L.M.)427
A most illustrious Prince of Peace;W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)557
A mourner all his days;Isaac Watts (C.M.)71
A mourner waiteth at thy door,J. Berridge (C.M.)299
A moving lip and silent heart.John Berridge (112th)901
A name just suited to their case;W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)557
A needy, helpless sinner still;Henry Fowler (L.M.)1034
A never-changing Friend;J. Hart (C.M.)13
A new peculiar race.Isaac Watts (C.M.)190
A new regenerated race,Isaac Watts (L.M.)73
A noble end and truly great;J. Hart (L.M.)791
A paradise divinely fair;Isaac Watts (L.M.)142
A pardon on the breast;J. Berridge (S.M.)81
A pattern chaste and kind;John Berridge (C.M.)375
A peaceful sceptre in thy handsIsaac Watts (C.M.)126
A pearl for rotten wood;John Berridge (148th)885
A people for his praise;W. Gadsby (C.M.)596
A perfect Saviour prove;J. Hart (C.M.)774
A pilgrim in his walk,John Berridge (148th)887
A pitcher and a lamp?WIlliam Cowper (148th)338
A place whereon to lay his head –J. Hart (8.8.8.)807
A pleasant mount indeed,W. Gadsby (148th)599
A pledge of endless love we call,C. Wesley (last verse unknown) (8.8.6.)137
A plentiful blessing of pardon shall taste.W. Hammond (104th)998
A plentiful treasure, to give to the poor.J. Fawcett (104th)184
A point so little known?J. Hart (C.M.)222
A poor backsliding soul restore;C. Wesley (7.6.8.)391
A poor blind creature of a day,WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)259
A poor, little, faint-hearted band;J. Kent (8s)298
A porter at the heavenly gate,J. Swain (C.M.)467
A portion for my soul,John Berridge (148th)886
A portion of thy love unknown,C. Wesley (7.6.8.)390
A portion so divine?A. Steele (C.M.)1083
A precious Christ for evermore.Samuel Medley (L.M.)174
A precious resting-place indeed;W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)636
A precious stream of vital blood,Isaac Watts (L.M.)33
A present help in times of need;A. Steele (L.M.)957
A prey to death and hell,W. Gadsby (148th)634
A principle active and young,J. Hart (8s)233
A prodigy of injured love!J. Hart (L.M.)797
A promise so divine?Isaac Watts (C.M.)1146
A prophet good and great,John Berridge (148th)749
A prosperous gale of grace;R. De Courcy (148th)294
A proud and fruitless strife!John Berridge (8.8.6.)905
A proud and wandering heart,Henry Fowler (S.M.)1035
A refuge for sinners the gospel makes known;J. Kent (11s)1097
A refuge sweet, and sure, and nigh,John Berridge (S.M.)739
A remnant small of humble soulsJohn Berridge (8.8.6.)690
A rest where pure enjoyment reigns,C. Wesley (C.M.)1061
A resting-place below;John Berridge (148th)673
A righteousness brought in.W. Gadsby (148th)537
A righteousness divine.J. Hart (7.6.8.)823
A righteousness full and complete he receives,W. Gadsby (11.8.)591
A righteousness to raise;WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)188
A ring that denotes his unchangeable love,W. Gadsby (11s)524
A risen Saviour sing;J. Stevens (C.M.)426
A rival near his throne;John Berridge (148th)885
A robe is provided, their shame now to hide,W. Gadsby (11s)524
A rod shall make their shoulders smart.John Berridge (112th)898
A rough and thorny path we tread,John Newton (S.M.)337
A royal robe to cover thee.J. Kent (L.M.)113
A ruined soul to save,John Berridge (148th)674
A ruined soul, condemned he stands,John Berridge (112th)744
A sacred ray breaks on his eyes;J. Kent (L.M.)908
A sacred, solemn signW. Gadsby (S.M.)653
A sacrifice of nobler nameIsaac Watts (S.M.)125
A sad inheritance!Isaac Watts (C.M.)465
A safe and solid ark.Henry Fowler (S.M.)1029
A saint there was in days of oldJ. Hart (112th)790
A scene of pain, of grief, and woe;Matlock’s Selection (S.M.)948
A scornful and a smarting crownJ. Berridge (8.8.6.)148
A season most fit his love to disclose;John Berridge (104th)687
A second look he gave, which said,John Newton (C.M.)1025
A sense of pardoning love,John Newton (C.M.)933
A servant he becomes;W. Gadsby (148th)590
A servant, though the Lord of all?J. Hart (8.8.8.)807
A short, but an effectual prayer.J. Hart (112th)790
A sign in which by faith we readJ. Hart (L.M.)791
A sign of Jesus near!C. Wesley (last verse unknown) (8.8.6.)137
A single smile from thy sweet faceJ. Berridge (C.M.)299
A sink of sin and unbelief.J. Hart (L.M.)447
A sinner clothed in this rich vest,J. Hart (C.M.)805
A sinner dead in sin;W. Gadsby (S.M.)725
A sinner is he, a rebel in chief;W. Gadsby (104th)520
A sinner may repent and sing,J. Hart (C.M.)241
A sinner once purchased by blood;R. Burnham (8s)380
A sinner saved by blood;J. Kent (148th)732
A sinner saved by grace.J. Kent (8.8.6.)217
A sinner saved by sovereign grace.Henry Fowler (148th)1026
A sinner self-condemned I come,J. Cennick (8.8.6.)163
A sinner so signally loved.Augustus Toplady (8s)346
A sinner trembles at his doom.John Berridge (112th)744
A sinner vile indeed!(Author Unknown) (148th)214
A sinner weak and vile,(Author Unknown) (148th)214
A sinner, saved by grace,W. Gadsby (148th)590
A sinners heart to sing,John Newton (C.M.)202
A sinners thankful voice;J. Hart (S.M.)833
A slave to every lust obscene;J. Kent (L.M.)10
A slave to rebellion and lust;J. Swain (8s)319
A smiling eye upon them cast,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)580
A soft and tender sighJ. Berridge (S.M.)268
A solemn joy proclaims;W. Gadsby (148th)607
A solemn sacred place;Samuel Medley (C.M.)382
A solid peace is found,W. Gadsby (148th)599
A soul devoted unto thee,John Berridge (8.8.6.)690
A soul oppressed with sins desertIsaac Watts (C.M.)1098
A soul so base as mine.John Newton (S.M.)278
A soul that fain would see his face,John Newton (S.M.)729
A soul, though as wretched as mine,W. Gadsby (8s)595
A soul-reviving feast;Isaac Watts (C.M.)56
A sovereign God I wish to see;R. Burnham (L.M.)61
A sovereign Protector I have,Augustus Toplady (8s)346
A sovereign act indeed;W. Gadsby (C.M.)530
A sovereign balm for every wound,Isaac Watts (C.M.)213
A spectacle he stood;J. Hart (C.M.)785
A spectacle of wounds and blood,J. Hart (L.M.)797
A spring that issues from a rock,John Berridge (C.M.)684
A stable peace, a constant strife;John Newton (112th)728
A stable serves him for his room,J. Hart (C.M.)39
A strength proportioned to our day;P. Doddridge (L.M.)332
A stubborn guest is sin,John Berridge (148th)887
A subject divinely sublime;W. Gadsby (8s)578
A substance sound and sure,J. Hart (S.M.)236
A sun amongst ten thousand stars.Isaac Watts (L.M.)21
A sure defence from all their rage.Isaac Watts (L.M.)53
A sweet and a permanent peaceW. Gadsby (8s)627
A sweet glimpse of thy sweet face;W. Gadsby (8.7.)697
A sweet law of liberty this;W. Gadsby (8s)523
A sweet resting-place is Jesus to thee;W. Gadsby (104th)639
A taste of joys divine!A. Steele (C.M.)1069
A temple of infinite grace,W. Gadsby (8s)635
A temple undefiled;(Author Unknown) (8.8.6.)903
A thievish swarm frequents the place;WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)381
A thorn in the flesh they shall have,J. Kent (8s)298
A thousand ages in thy sightIsaac Watts (C.M.)1139
A thousand angels learn thy name,Isaac Watts (C.M.)5
A thousand blessings on him rest.Isaac Watts (122nd)362
A thousand glories moreIsaac Watts (C.M.)121
A thousand promises are wroteT. Greene (C.M.)230
A thousand snares besetJohn Berridge (148th)887
A thousand stripes upon my back;John Berridge (112th)898
A thousand victories.Isaac Watts (C.M.)192
A time he has set to heal up your woes,John Berridge (104th)687
A travelling fair one in distress,J. Kent (S.M.)994
A treasure well stored with heavenly wealth;J. Hart (104th)254
A tree that bears corrupted fruit,J. Hart (C.M.)851
A triune God is here displayedW. Gadsby (C.M.)564
A truth from nature never learned,J. Hart (L.M.)34
A vale of sin and woe!Henry Fowler (C.M.)1027
A victim bathed in blood.J. Hart (C.M.)785
A wall of fire Ill be.J. Kent (8.8.6.)917
A warfare I find without and within,Samuel Medley (104th)321
A way to make the conscience clean,Isaac Watts (C.M.)946
A weakling, more than strong;J. Kent (S.M.)994
A wicked heart is no small partSamuel Medley (C.M.)378
A wondrous wine there is,John Berridge (S.M.)890
A word of thy supporting breathIsaac Watts (C.M.)139
A work of freest grace;John Berridge (148th)674
A work of heavenly grace;John Berridge (8.8.6.)905
A world he drowns at once,W. Gadsby (148th)559
A world of filth, too base to name,W. Gadsby (148th)618
A world to redeem from its woes;W. Gadsby (8s)597
A world undone, a world restored;B. Beddome (L.M.)8
A worldly crowd to din thy ears,John Berridge (8.8.6.)302
A worm deserving endless misery,W. Gadsby (10s)668
A worm, by self and sin oppressed,R. Hill (112th)1070
A worthless worm like me?John Newton (C.M.)1100
A wounded soul, and not a whole,J. Hart (
A wretch that had nought of his own,J. Swain (8s)319
A wretched wanderer from the Lord?A. Steele (L.M.)927
A wretched wanderer mourn!A. Steele (C.M.)1069
A yoke that is easy and mild;W. Gadsby (8s)523
Aaron within the veil appears,Isaac Watts (C.M.)121
Abba, Father, hell cry, my Lord and my God,W. Gadsby (104th)520
Abhor to touch the thing unclean,C. Wesley (S.M.)1059
Abhorred by God above,J. Hart (C.M.)773
Abide secure enough,W. Gadsby (148th)607
Abides and reigns within;Isaac Watts (C.M.)192
Above her guilt she cannot rise,W. Gadsby (C.M.)638
Above the ground we tread,Isaac Watts (S.M.)1015
Above these creature things,D. Herbert (C.M.)676
Above what the fiends have in hell;J. Swain (8s)319
Above your highest mirth,J. Hart (148th)307
Abram had as much as most;John Berridge (7s)742
Abram, to unknown countries led,Isaac Watts (C.M.)226
Absent from thee I cannot rest;Henry Fowler (L.M.)1034
Absent from thee, my Guide, my Light,A. Steele (C.M.)1069
Absolute redemption.J. Hart (8.3.)104
Abundance of good folk, I find,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)178
Accept in Christ, and bless withalJ. Hart (C.M.)862
Accept us in thy Son, and blessJ. Hart (C.M.)862
Accept us in thy Son;J. Hart (C.M.)808
Accept, O Lord, the humble song,B. Beddome (L.M.)8
Accepted at thy throne of grace,A. Steele (C.M.)1010
Access to thee is given,J. Hart (C.M.)821
Accomplish in me all thy will;J. Hart (L.M.)873
Accomplish in the soul.J. Hart (C.M.)774
Accomplished is the sacrifice;C. Wesley (L.M.)97
Accounting each a jewel rich,J. Hart (S.M.)832
Accounts so very different there,J. Hart (L.M.)740
Acknowledge him the Lord alone,W. Gadsby (S.M.)541
Across my peaceful breast.Isaac Watts (C.M.)474
Acts a raw and foolish part;John Berridge (7s)742
Acute disease, or tiring pain;J. Hart (L.M.)707
Adam, when the tempter foiled him,J. Kent (8.7.4.)920
Adhering to his laws;J. Stevens (C.M.)426
Adieu, thou world so vain;W. W. Horne (C.M.)468
Adopted sons perceiveJ. Berridge (S.M.)81
Adopted too, and children made,W. Tucker (L.M.)65
Adopts them for his own.John Newton (C.M.)966
Adore him or deride him.J. Hart (P.M.)814
Adore our infant God.J. Hart (C.M.)39
Adore the dying Friend of man,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)149
Adore the just, the sovereign Lord,A. Steele (C.M.)1086
Adored be his name for his grace,W. Gadsby (8s)597
Adored by angels, and obeyed,J. Hart (L.M.)153
Adored by hosts above the sky,John Berridge (C.M.)1128
Adoring at our Fathers throne.J. Stevens (L.M.)224
Adoring saints around him stand,Isaac Watts (L.M.)481
Adorn the heavenly plains;Isaac Watts (C.M.)207
Adorned me with his glory too,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)647
Adorned with wondrous grace,Isaac Watts (122nd)362
Affected angels, while they view!J. Hart (L.M.)797
Affections placed above,J. Hart (7.6.7.)796
Affections wild, by sin defiled,Samuel Medley (C.M.)378
Afflicted at thy feet I fall;WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)967
Afflicted believer, thy cause hell maintain;Henry Fowler (11s)1033
Afflicted saint, to Christ draw near,J. Fawcett (L.M.)328
Afflictions abound in body and mind!Samuel Medley (104th)321
Afflictions make us see,J. Hart (S.M.)872
Afflictions, temptations, or pain;J. Kent (8s)298
After his example rise.J. Fawcett (8.7.)428
After so much mercy past,John Newton (7s)376
Again revive and bloom?T. Kelly (C.M.)1047
Again, dear Lord, we would be fed;W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)643
Again, through heedless haste,J. Hart (S.M.)308
Again, we cannot seeJ. Hart (S.M.)308A
Again, yea, and again,W. Gadsby (148th)550
Against delusions blast.W. Gadsby (148th)618
Against her God reply;W. Gadsby (148th)648
Against him dreadful enmity.W. Gadsby (L.M.)621
Against him in malice unite,J. Hart (8s)233
Against his throne in vain they rage;Isaac Watts (L.M.)364
Against hope to believe in hope,J. Hart (S.M.)312
Against it preach, it prompts the speech;J. Hart (S.M.)287
Against its influence pray,J. Hart (S.M.)287
Against my soul unite,W. Gadsby (C.M.)547
Against no Scripture ever strive,J. Hart (S.M.)878
Against the God of my delight.W. Gadsby (L.M.)621
Against the God who rules the skyJ. Brewer (L.M.)134
Against the Son of Gods delight,Isaac Watts (L.M.)1121
Against the chosen few;John Newton (C.M.)202
Against the grace of God,J. Hart (148th)353
Against the man who fails but once!Isaac Watts (L.M.)48
Against the visits of thy face.Henry Fowler (L.M.)954
Against this faith can stand;W. Gadsby (148th)602
Against thy image, work, and grace,Henry Fowler (L.M.)954
Against thy law, against thy grace;Isaac Watts (L.M.)761
Against tomorrow came;John Newton (C.M.)1126
Agonising, groaning, dying,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)656
Agree and shine in Jesus face.W. Gadsby (148th)526
Agree to give us up,J. Hart (8.8.6.)223
Ah! Lord, with such a heart as mine,John Newton (C.M.)999
Ah! Lord, direct my wishful eyes,J. Hart (112th)835
Ah! bring a wretched wanderer home,Samuel Medley (L.M.)1056
Ah! but for free and sovereign grace,H. Paice, 1798 (L.M.)200
Ah! compassionate my case;J. Hart (7s)874
Ah! how my pensive spirit faints,John Newton (C.M.)288
Ah! look from above, and give us content.John Berridge (104th)710
Ah! must I die with this sad plague?D. Herbert (C.M.)510
Ah! my winter has been long!John Newton (7s)400
Ah! tear it thence, and reign alone,G. Tersteegen, translated by J. Wesley (112th)1075
Ah! tell me, how is it I findAugustus Toplady (8s)293
Ah! then my faith gives way;D. Herbert (C.M.)507
Ah! what a fool have I been made!J. Hart (C.M.)860
Ah! what avails my strife,C. Wesley (S.M.)1050
Ah! what will profession like thisJohn Newton (8s)1149
Ah! where are now the faithful fewJohn Newton (L.M.)1142
Ah! whither must I go,John Berridge (148th)883
Ah! whither shall I fleeSamuel Medley (C.M.)386
Ah! whither shall we fly?J. Hart (7.6.7.)795
Ah! why should unbelief and pride,J. Hart (C.M.)151
Ah! wretched soul to reason thus,W. Hammond (C.M.)929
Ah, Lord, behold us at thy feet!T. Kelly (L.M.)1125
Ah, give me, Lord, the tender heart,C. Wesley (112th)1060
Ah, leave me not alone.Henry Fowler (S.M.)1035
Ah, my Lord, thou knowst my name;John Newton (7s)376
Ah, whither shall thy prisoner flee?Henry Fowler (L.M.)1034
Ah, wretched, vile, ungrateful heart,A. Steele (L.M.)1084
Aid and keep us by thy power;W. Gadsby (8.7.)697
Aiming to distress the mind.W. Gadsby (7s)645
Airs divine; and this the song:J. Hart (8.7.)776
Alas! I broke his heart!J. Hart (C.M.)13
Alas! and did my Saviour bleed?Isaac Watts (C.M.)763
Alas! dear Lord, with shame we ownJ. Hart (C.M.)734
Alas! from such a heart as mine,John Newton (C.M.)959
Alas! how large a share is his!J. Hart (148th)817
Alas! how oft this wretched worldD. Herbert (C.M.)507
Alas! how soon theyre gone!J. Hart (S.M.)308
Alas! my dear friends, were apt to forget;J. Hart (104th)456
Alas! my sinking spirits droop;J. Hart (112th)835
Alas! the Lord my life is gone,J. Hoskins (C.M.)953
Alas! the cruel spearIsaac Watts (S.M.)167
Alas! theres worse than nothing there.J. Hart (L.M.)875
Alas! what can I do?W. Gadsby (148th)590
Alas! what could we worse?J. Hart (C.M.)861
Alas, what hourly dangers rise!A. Steele (C.M.)1051
Alas, what numbers do!John Newton (C.M.)999
Alive to that to come;J. Hart (148th)102
Alive when wounded, dead when whole!J. Hart (L.M.)304
All Deity can there agreeW. Gadsby (L.M.)525
All Deitys engagedW. Gadsby (C.M.)579
All I have is in the Lamb.W. Hammond (7s)342
All I want for life or pleasure,John Newton (8.7.4.)43
All Israel must to glory go,W. Gadsby (C.M.)596
All Jehovahs love can give,W. Gadsby (7s)626
All a faithful God can give,W. Gadsby (7s)543
All a helpless soul can need,W. Gadsby (7s)543
All a hungry soul can want,W. Gadsby (7s)558
All appointed were by him.J. Ryland (7s)64
All are his in Christ the Lord.J. Hart (8.7.)864
All are too mean to speak his worth,Isaac Watts (148th)122
All bare, or, what is quite as bad,J. Hart (C.M.)805
All believers feel the same.J. Hart (8.7.)776
All beside to ruin lead;W. Gadsby (7s)543
All black, and yet comely, through Jesus desert.John Berridge (104th)710
All blessings for the poor.W. Gadsby (C.M.)527
All blessings have secured for me;W. Gadsby (L.M.)525
All blessings he contains;W. Gadsby (S.M.)519
All blessings that a God can give,W. Gadsby (S.M.)605
All blessings that a God can give;W. Gadsby (L.M.)622
All born of heavenly birth;J. Hart (148th)102
All born of the Spirit are brought to repent;J. Stevens (11s)239
All contained in that red listJ. Hart (7.6.)717
All creation groans through thee,J. Hart (7s)154
All creation must give placeW. Gadsby (7s)626
All creatures are at his control;W. Gadsby (148th)559
All creatures obey his commands!John Newton (8s)276
All creatures to his bounty oweJ. Hart (C.M.)834
All cry out, It is not here.Augustus Toplady (7s)988
All demands to satisfy.J. Hart (8.7.)237A
All disorders of the soul;R. Burnham (8.7.)976
All earthly good I count but loss,R. Burnham (L.M.)771
All enriching as it goes;T. Kelly (8.7.4.)932
All events at thy command.J. Ryland (7s)64
All filthy waters rise;John Berridge (148th)671
All flowing from eternal love,P. Doddridge (C.M.)84
All for sin could not atone;Augustus Toplady (7s)143
All glory to mercy we bring,R. Burnham (8s)12
All glory to the Lord!Isaac Watts (C.M.)498
All glory to the dying Lamb,Isaac Watts (C.M.)100
All glory to the great I AM,W. Tucker (L.M.)78
All good thats worthy of a God,W. Gadsby (L.M.)525
All grace is now to sinners given;C. Wesley (L.M.)97
All grace is vanished from my sight,John Berridge (C.M.)336
All hail reproach, and welcome shame!T. Haweis (C.M.)1065
All hail the power of Jesus name,E. Perronet (C.M.)730
All hail! we bless thee now!J. Berridge (148th)146
All hail, holy Jesus! our Lord and our God.J. Cennick (104th)404
All hail, incarnate Love!Isaac Watts (C.M.)424
All hell and its lions stood roaring around;Isaac Watts (11s)414
All her debts were cast on me,W. Gadsby (7s)534
All his care rejoice to prove,C. Wesley (7s)1071
All his dealings wise and good,J. Hart (7.6.)315
All his garments in their blood;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)560
All his helpless soul can need.W. Gadsby (7s)545
All his love and loveliness;J. Berridge (7s)177
All his majesty is seen!W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)514
All his saints obtain delight;J. Irons (8.7.4.)735
All his saints, by man rejected,J. Cennick, C. Wesley and M. Madan (8.7.4.)493
All his sheep amazing wonder!J. Hart (8.7.)826
All his ways are holy;J. Hart (7.6.)315
All human beauties, all divine,Isaac Watts (L.M.)21
All human medicines will do harm;J. Berridge (S.M.)81
All in all in thee I find;C. Wesley (7s)303
All in debt or in distress,J. Berridge (7s)147
All in heaven and earth is mine.W. Hammond (7s)342
All in league with death and hell.W. Gadsby (7s)616
All in one grand cause unite;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)600
All is dark, and vain, and wild;John Newton (7s)283
All is finished; do not doubt it;J. Hart (8.7.)237A
All is ours if we are his.T. Kelly (8.7.7.)1063
All is ours in earth and heaven;J. Hart (8.7.)864
All is settled,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)582
All is well if Christ be mine;John Newton (7s)277
All its dregs am drinking up;J. Berridge (7s)170
All its hid disorders,J. Hart (7.6.)306
All keepers that come short of this,J. Hart (8.8.6.)358
All lower things despise,J. Hart (148th)102
All melt away like snow.John Newton (C.M.)691
All must come, and last, and end,J. Ryland (7s)64
All my backslidings freely heal,C. Wesley (112th)1060
All my darkness chase away;W. Hammond (7s)280
All my desires are now contentJ. Hart (C.M.)156
All my evidences dark,J. Hart (7.5.)853
All my guilty fears remove,J. Stocker (7s)767
All my help from thee I bring;C. Wesley (7s)303
All my little strength is gone;John Newton (7s)356
All my powers are depraved,J. Hart (7.6.)780
All my prayer and praise suggest;J. Stocker (7s)767
All my safety is in thee.J. Adams (7s)347
All my safety is in thee.J. Adams (7s)347
All my safety is in thee.J. Adams (7s)347
All my safety was in thee.J. Adams (7s)347
All my sins on Christ were laid;J. Bradford (7s)116
All my sins were on him thrown;W. Gadsby (7s)542
All my sorrows to him bringing,J. Irons (8.7.4.)735
All my souls delight in thee.R. Burnham (7s)990
All my springs and consolationsW. Gadsby (8.7.4.)573
All my stubbornness subdue;J. Hart (7s)874
All my times are in thy hand,J. Ryland (7s)64
All my times shall ever beJ. Ryland (7s)64
All my trust on thee is stayed;C. Wesley (7s)303
All nations rose from earth at first,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1139
All natures gold appears but dross.Isaac Watts (L.M.)57
All needful grace will God bestow,Isaac Watts (L.M.)370
All obeyed with fixed attention,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)560
All other means my heart has tried,(Author Unknown) (8.8.6.)902
All other paths must lead astray,J. Hart (S.M.)152
All other streams are vain beside(Author Unknown) (8.8.6.)902
All others lead to hell.John Newton (S.M.)337
All our prayers and all our praises,J. Hart (8.7.)180
All our righteousnesses hateful;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)535
All our souls in safety keep.John Newton (7s)1138
All our souls in safety keep.John Newton (7s)501
All our souls shall praise the Lord,John Newton (7s)501
All our strength is from above.W. Gadsby (7s)645
All our weakness pity;J. Hart (7.6.)827
All outward means, till God appears,John Newton (C.M.)691
All over glorious is my Lord;Isaac Watts (L.M.)21
All penal wrath to Zion due,W. Gadsby (L.M.)536
All penitent cries his Spirit imparts,John Berridge (104th)687
All performed he came to do;T. Kelly (8.7.4.)982
All plagues and distempers, all sickness and pain,W. Gadsby (11s)548
All plaintive I pour out my song,Augustus Toplady (8s)293
All polluted is my breast;John Newton (7s)356
All power belongs to thee.J. Kent (C.M.)930
All praise to the Spirit, whose whisper divineJ. Stocker (11s)11
All pregnant with delight;W. Gadsby (S.M.)540
All real good in Jesus dwells,W. Gadsby (C.M.)570
All real, vital prayer;W. Gadsby (S.M.)725
All souls that in the Lord believe,W. Gadsby (S.M.)665
All souls that under that are found,J. Hart (C.M.)45
All sovereign, rich, and free;Samuel Medley (C.M.)176
All sufferings, if my Lord be there;Isaac Watts (L.M.)326
All taken up by thee?C. Wesley (8.8.6.)249
All that a living soul can crave,W. Gadsby (C.M.)604
All that bears the name of good,J. Hart (7.6.7.)796
All that feeds my busy pride,John Berridge (7s)686
All that feel thy quickening flame,(Author Unknown) (7s)970
All that has been amiss forgive,J. Hart (L.M.)457
All that he has is yours!J. Hart (S.M.)219
All that his Father loved in him.J. Kent (L.M.)405
All that his heavenly Father gaveIsaac Watts (C.M.)354
All that might offend or grieve.T. Kelly (8.7.4.)1014
All that the Word relates.Isaac Watts (C.M.)192
All that the ark did once contain,Isaac Watts (C.M.)366
All thats past, and all to come, isJ. Hart (8.7.)864
All the blessings of his love!C. Wesley (7s)1071
All the blissful regions ring.J. Hart (7s)490
All the bright angelic spiritsJ. Bakewell (8.7.)931
All the debts I had contracted,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)583
All the elected trainR. Burnham (148th)60
All the fitness he requireth,J. Hart (8.7.4.)723
All the gloryJ. Adams (8.7.4.)208
All the glory God can show!W. Gadsby (7s)518
All the glory,J. Adams (8.7.4.)205
All the glory, Lord, be thine!J. Adams (8.7.4.)205
All the glory, Lord, is thine!J. Adams (8.7.4.)205
All the heart, or nothing.J. Hart (8.3.)800
All the heavenly hosts adore thee,J. Bakewell (8.7.)931
All the law in human natureJ. Hart (8.3.)104
All the powers of nature, shaken,John Newton (8.7.4.)496
All the sorrows he endured,W. Gadsby (7s)562
All the vain things that charm me most,Isaac Watts (L.M.)439
All the while they work alone;J. Hart (8.7.)746
All the world calls good or greatW. Gadsby (7s)619
All their sins are washed away;J. Humphreys (7s)80
All things another aspect wear.John Newton (L.M.)1001
All things but loss for Jesus sake;Isaac Watts (L.M.)112
All things else are dung and dross;J. Hart (8.7.)180
All things for our good are given;J. Hart (8.7.)864
All things in Jesus I possess.Samuel Medley (L.M.)172
All things to promote our fallJ. Hart (7.6.)306
All things to them seemed to agreeJ. Hart (7s)802
All things to thy omniscient eye,J. Kent (C.M.)757
All things to us must work for good,J. Hart (L.M.)88
All this was done for you?D. Herbert (C.M.)680
All those that God had foreordained,D. Herbert (C.M.)680
All thou hast done, and all thou dost,B. Beddome (L.M.)8
All through it our Jesus does shine.R. Burnham (8s)460
All through the wilderness below,J. Stevens (8.8.6.)242
All thy chosenJ. Adams (8.7.4.)349
All thy faithful mercies crown.C. Wesley (8.7.)1053
All thy kindness well explore,R. Burnham (7s)990
All thy needs he will supply;Henry Fowler (8.7.4.)1038
All thy people are forgiven,J. Bakewell (8.7.)931
All thy people shall adore;T. Kelly (8.7.4.)1135
All thy sheep shall come to Zion;J. Adams (8.7.4.)349
All thy sins are washed away.T. Kelly (8.7.4.)932
All thy sorrows soon shall end,John Newton (7s)273
All thy wastes I will repair;John Newton (7s)273
All thy ways Id well approve,R. Burnham (7s)990
All to happiness aspire,Augustus Toplady (7s)988
All to leave and follow thee;H. F. Lyte (8.7.)971
All to make usJ. Kent (8.7.4.)758
All to succourJ. Kent (8.7.4.)758
All unholy and unclean,W. Hammond (7s)737
All vanity below.Rozzell (7.6.)292
All waters beside them are full of the curse;J. Hart (104th)155
All we can boast, till Christ we know,John Newton (C.M.)933
All we hear, or feel, or see,J. Hart (7s)154
All we saw and heard was suitedT. Kelly (8.7.7.)1040
All were loathsome in Gods sight,J. Hart (7.6.)717
All were wretched sinners.J. Hart (7.6.)717
All who are taught by thee shall know,J. Adams (7s)99
All who discontented are,J. Berridge (7s)147
All who find their sinful debtJ. Berridge (7s)147
All who hate him must, confounded,J. Cennick, C. Wesley and M. Madan (8.7.4.)493
All who have been Satans tool –J. Berridge (7s)147
All who in thy Son believe;W. Hammond (7s)737
All who shall sing Jehovahs praise!J. Stevens (L.M.)224
All who taste itJ. Swain (8.7.4.)1055
All who would protection have,J. Berridge (7s)147
All will be well if thou art mine.John Newton (L.M.)692
All will come to desolation,John Newton (8.7.)1144
All worlds are nothing in his sight.Samuel Medley (L.M.)172
All worlds his glorious power confess;Samuel Medley (L.M.)410
All, all is grief and misery,W. Tucker (L.M.)399
All-kind and all-wise, thy season is best.Augustus Toplady (104th)262
All-sufficient is our Jesus,J. Kent (8.7.4.)760
Alls deceit; and the cheatJ. Hart (8.3.)799
Allure, enchant, affright;J. Hart (S.M.)308
Allurèd by thy voice;John Berridge (8.8.6.)690
Almighty God of grace.W. Gadsby (C.M.)646
Almighty God sighed human breath!J. Hart (L.M.)88
Almighty King of grace!Isaac Watts (C.M.)74
Almighty King of grace.W. Gadsby (C.M.)646
Almighty King of saints,B. Beddome (S.M.)733
Almighty Ruler of the sky,WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)969
Almighty grace, thy healing powerA. Steele (C.M.)392
Almighty love inspires my heart,Isaac Watts (C.M.)269
Almighty love, arrest that man!J. Brewer (L.M.)134
Almighty mercy guards my life,Isaac Watts (C.M.)94
Almighty to rescue thou art,Augustus Toplady (8s)293
Almighty to rule and command;Augustus Toplady (8s)346
Almost carry me away.W. Gadsby (7s)611
Alone secure are found;Rozzell (7.6.)292
Aloud will I rejoice.Isaac Watts (C.M.)109
Alpha and Omega be;C. Wesley (8.7.)1053
Already has prepared for meJohn Newton (C.M.)469
Also the means were fixed uponR. Burnham (L.M.)61
Although he bless from day to day,D. Herbert (C.M.)507
Although the billows roll between;Henry Fowler (L.M.)1034
Altogether like our Lord.C. Wesley (7s)248
Always interceding.J. Hart (7.6.)306
Always keeping Christ in view;J. Hart (7s)788
Always pray and never rest;J. Hart (8.7.)270
Always takes the tempters part;J. Hart (7.6.7.)795
Am I his, or am I not?John Newton (7s)283
Am I made a real Christian,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)698
Am I not safe beneath thy shade?Isaac Watts (L.M.)166
Am I not safe, since God is nigh?A. Steele (L.M.)957
Am I quickened by his Spirit;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)698
Am freely saved by grace.C. Wesley (7.6.8.)98
Am thy Husband and thy Friend;John Newton (7s)273
Am weary of the bustling crowd;WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)381
Amazed to find him bathed in blood;J. Hart (L.M.)153
Amazed to see myself so vile,John Berridge (148th)889
Amazed, I turn, grown strangely bold,J. Swain (C.M.)951
Amazing favour, matchless graceIsaac Watts (S.M.)437
Amazing grace! how sweet the sound!John Newton (C.M.)198
Amazing pity! grace unknown!Isaac Watts (C.M.)763
Amazing thought! which devils fear;J. Hart (L.M.)316
Amazing wisdom, power, and love,J. Maxwell (L.M.)44
Amazing work of sovereign grace,Isaac Watts (L.M.)317
Amen! our hearts with rapture cry,J. Swain (L.M.)387
Amen! the word is good;J. Berridge (S.M.)114
Amen! well bless his name;W. Gadsby (C.M.)588
Amen, to all the praise.Isaac Watts (S.M.)318
Amid the dreadful storm.J. Fawcett (C.M.)341
Amid the sharpest pains I feel,A. Steele (C.M.)1086
Amid this little company;S. Stennett (L.M.)453
Amidst his Fathers throne;Isaac Watts (C.M.)19
Amidst temptations sharp and long,Isaac Watts (L.M.)83
Amidst ten thousand anxious cares,W. Tucker (L.M.)399
Amidst ten thousand dangers,Rozzell (7.6.)292
Amidst the bright numberless throng,B. Francis (8s)246
Amidst the din of Jordans flood;J. Kent (L.M.)1091
Amidst the house of GodIsaac Watts (S.M.)50
Amidst the roaring of the sea,WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)290
Amidst the sorrows of the way,D. Herbert (L.M.)711
Amidst the storms career,J. Kent (C.M.)1093
Amidst thy works can rove,Boyce (C.M.)1151
Among that favoured band!B. Wallin (C.M.)194
Among the children of thy grace,S. Stennett (S.M.)359
Among the chosen of his love,Isaac Watts (C.M.)63
Among the flock they rest,J. Stevens (S.M.)425
Among the great unfit to shine;T. Kelly (L.M.)992
Among the rest this note shall swell,Samuel Medley (L.M.)410
Among the sons of God.R. Elliott (S.M.)471
Among thy saints abide,W. Gadsby (S.M.)683
Amongst the shades I roll,Isaac Watts (C.M.)186
Amongst the sons of flesh and blood?Isaac Watts (L.M.)365
Amongst thy children room for me?J. Hart (L.M.)447
An able Counsellor, to plead,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)557
An able, willing Saviour too;Henry Fowler (L.M.)1028
An alien made a child;J. Hart (S.M.)792
An all-atoning Priest;B. Beddome (S.M.)225
An all-prevailing plea.John Newton (S.M.)395
An all-sufficient help for me,John Berridge (8.8.6.)904
An earthly brother drops his hold,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)149
An empty knowledge bloats with air,W. Gadsby (148th)618
An end of sins entirely made;J. Hart (L.M.)836
An endless Father, He;W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)557
An everlasting righteousness.J. Hart (L.M.)815
An everlasting song from thee.J. Kent (L.M.)10
An everlasting song of praise.J. Swain (L.M.)721
An everlasting theme.J. Hart (C.M.)828
An ignominious death.J. Hart (8.8.6.)786
An interest in the Saviours blood,A. Steele (L.M.)1085
An unctuous light to all thats right,J. Hart (S.M.)832
Ancient of Days!C. Wesley (6.4.)35
Ancient of endless days;W. Gadsby (148th)539
And Abba, Father, cry.J. Berridge (S.M.)81
And Abram heard his voice,W. Gadsby (S.M.)606
And Calvary, say gentler things:Isaac Watts (L.M.)47
And Calvarys peace impart,John Berridge (C.M.)714
And Christ all his battles will fight;W. Gadsby (8s)632
And Christ be all in all,D. Herbert (C.M.)508
And Christ exalted be;W. Gadsby (S.M.)683
And Christ has made him heir of heaven.J. Hart (8.6.8.)234
And Christ himself my Rock.T. Kelly (S.M.)1012
And Christ in him dwelleth as King of one host.W. Gadsby (11s)612
And Christ is faithful to his word.John Berridge (L.M.)897
And Christ my All in All.John Berridge (C.M.)336
And Christ receives and gives it in.J. Hart (L.M.)882
And Christ shall be our song.J. Cennick (C.M.)118
And Christ the Man, we sing.Isaac Watts (S.M.)167
And Christians join the solemn word,Isaac Watts (S.M.)318
And Christians, with a smile,W. Gadsby (148th)617
And Esau vows my death.J. Berridge (C.M.)299
And God calls him his son,W. Gadsby (148th)590
And God from his purpose shall never remove,J. Kent (104th)912
And God from thy eyes wipe all sorrows away.J. Kent (104th)297
And God has raised his Son.J. Hart (S.M.)487
And God how pure and bright.J. Hart (S.M.)872
And God invites to sup;WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)1122
And God the Spirit we adore;Isaac Watts (L.M.)33
And God the eternal Spirit bless,J. Kent (C.M.)757
And God will clear thy misty sight,John Berridge (S.M.)891
And God, thy God, thy soul shall fillIsaac Watts (C.M.)126
And Gods just law with terror fills your soul,W. Gadsby (10s)669
And He that will not for my sakeJ. Hart (8.8.8.)807
And Him in everything employ.Samuel Medley (L.M.)171
And Him youll sing for ever there.Samuel Medley (L.M.)171
And Holy Ghost;W. Gadsby (6.4.)517
And Holy Spirit, Three-in-One,J. Hart (L.M.)868
And I also trust to see the glad hour;C. Wesley (104th)408
And I am black as hell.J. Hart (C.M.)31
And I am left below,W. Gadsby (C.M.)664
And I am left to walk alone,J. Hoskins (C.M.)953
And I believe tis often true,J. Hart (L.M.)740
And I desire no more.Isaac Watts (C.M.)186
And I each boisterous storm outride.R. De Courcy (148th)294
And I feel the sweets of peace,Gospel Mag., 1781 (7s)963
And I for ever am set free.W. Gadsby (L.M.)525
And I his grace record.W. Gadsby (C.M.)567
And I hope, by thy good pleasure,R. Robinson (8.7.)199
And I on him depend.J. Hart (C.M.)355
And I shall his glory see;W. Gadsby (7s)558
And I shall see his face.WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)1122
And I shall sin abhor.C. Wesley & Augustus Toplady (C.M.)1072
And I shall stand forgiven.C. Wesley (7.6.8.)391
And I shall surely find,Samuel Medley (C.M.)7
And I stand complete in him.W. Gadsby (7s)558
And I still pray and be denied?Isaac Watts (L.M.)401
And I to his praise in heaven shall live;Samuel Medley (104th)321
And I want something new.D. Herbert (C.M.)507
And I will shout his fame.J. Berridge (S.M.)114
And I will work thy good.J. Hart (C.M.)151
And I, with them, thy praise will soundB. Wallin (C.M.)194
And Im a sinner vile indeed;J. Hart (L.M.)447
And Im completely blest;J. Hart (C.M.)251
And Im for ever justified.C. Wesley (L.M.)97
And Im victorious through his name.R. Burnham (L.M.)3
And Ishmael send away,W. Gadsby (122nd)522
And Ive a carnal nature too,W. Gadsby (L.M.)621
And Jehovah gave the word:W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)560
And Jesus be my All in All.Samuel Medley (L.M.)172
And Jesus call his ransomed home.J. Hart (L.M.)492
And Jesus entombed was the sameJ. Swain (8s)159
And Jesus had no charms for me;T. Kelly (L.M.)1042
And Jesus holds her hand;W. Gadsby (148th)602
And Jesus is his name;J. Berridge (8.8.6.)149
And Jesus is the child.Isaac Watts (S.M.)38
And Jesus is thy rest.W. Hammond (C.M.)929
And Jesus leads the song;J. Hart (C.M.)850
And Jesus name adore.W. Gadsby (148th)618
And Jesus says hell cast out noneJ. Humphreys (C.M.)55
And Jesus seals it with his blood.Isaac Watts (L.M.)83
And Jesus seems to mock his groans.John Berridge (148th)749
And Jesus smiles at such a guest;John Berridge (L.M.)748
And Jesus smiling all the while.John Berridge (148th)889
And Jesus will not fail thy hope;John Berridge (112th)899
And Jesus wins the heart.John Newton (C.M.)1020
And Jesus, at the Lords right hand,J. Swain (L.M.)387
And Jesus, on the eternal throne,J. Montgomery (C.M.)1002
And Jesus, the incarnate Word,W. Gadsby (C.M.)530
And Jesus, with his precious blood,Gospel Mag., 1778 (S.M.)86
And Mercys angel-form appeared;J. Brewer (L.M.)134
And Moses much condemn,J. Berridge (C.M.)101
And Moses never can demandJ. Berridge (C.M.)101
And O may this my glory be,J. Grigg and B. Francis (last verse) (L.M.)427
And O my soul, with wonder view,J. Kent (last 3 verses) (L.M.)407
And O what love the Spirit shows!W. Gadsby (C.M.)579
And O, celestial Dove!J. Hart (C.M.)30
And Paul may plant in vain.Isaac Watts (C.M.)165
And Paul the hateful truth shall tell.J. Berridge (L.M.)115
And Satan binds our captive mindsIsaac Watts (C.M.)764
And Satan cheat the Holy Ghost?J. Hart (148th)353
And Satan lays his wily net.John Berridge (148th)887
And Satan says the medicines vainJ. Hart (S.M.)311
And Satan sorely thrust;John Berridge (C.M.)714
And Satan trembles when he seesWIlliam Cowper (L.M.)394
And Satan would confound us;J. Hart (7.7.4.)235
And Satan, my malicious foe,Isaac Watts (L.M.)401
And Zion is his dwelling still;Isaac Watts (L.M.)365
And Zion preserve from despair.W. Gadsby (8s)628
And Zion shall behold his face.W. Gadsby (148th)571
And Zion shall in glory be,W. Gadsby (C.M.)579
And Zion shall in him rejoice.W. Gadsby (148th)532
And Zion shall recordW. Gadsby (148th)532
And Zion shall surely prevail.W. Gadsby (8s)516
And Zion shall wear it in praise of her Friend.W. Gadsby (11s)524
And Zion triumph in her King.Isaac Watts (L.M.)365
And Zion with beauty does deck;W. Gadsby (8s)523
And a full release proclaim;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)593
And a sad decline we see;John Newton (8.7.)1144
And a thousand deaths are due.John Berridge (7s)895
And adore thy matchless name.W. Gadsby (7s)720
And adoring,J. Kent (8.7.4.)918
And after perfect bliss aspires,J. Stevens (8.8.6.)242
And against thee all things feel;J. Hart (7.5.)853
And ah! still less enjoy.R. Burnham (C.M.)997
And aid my tongue to bless his name,Isaac Watts (S.M.)420
And air, and earth, and seas,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1005
And all Gods glory see.W. Gadsby (C.M.)530
And all Gods judgments right.J. Hart (S.M.)832
And all Zions mourners shall decked with it be.W. Gadsby (11s)524
And all are one in him.J. Hart (C.M.)816
And all complain, as thou wilt do,John Berridge (8.8.6.)302
And all conspire with sweet accord,J. Kent (L.M.)1127
And all fear of want remove.John Newton (8.7.)372
And all her joys decline.J. Kent (S.M.)412
And all his boundless love proclaim!Isaac Watts (L.M.)18
And all his choicest treasure givesW. Gadsby (L.M.)531
And all his chosen seed;W. Gadsby (148th)559
And all his frightful powers.Isaac Watts (C.M.)464
And all his glory view.W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)572
And all his glory view?W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)647
And all his goodness make to passW. Gadsby (C.M.)554
And all his legions roar;Isaac Watts (C.M.)94
And all his mercies prove;G. Burder (C.M.)750
And all his springs in Zion flowIsaac Watts (L.M.)363
And all his will be done;W. Gadsby (C.M.)664
And all his wondrous grace explore,R. Burnham (L.M.)771
And all his word shall stand.W. Hammond (C.M.)344
And all his works I praise;J. Hart (C.M.)251
And all in faithfulness is sent.J. Hart (L.M.)873
And all is foul within us;J. Hart (7.7.4.)235
And all its glory spoiled.(Author Unknown) (8.8.6.)903
And all its hardness cease.Samuel Medley (C.M.)378
And all its pride abase.Isaac Watts (C.M.)74
And all its shame despised?J. Fellows (C.M.)429
And all its streams which here are found,Samuel Medley (L.M.)996
And all my fears were hushed to peace.John Newton (L.M.)1017
And all my foes shall lose their aim;Isaac Watts (L.M.)166
And all my help in Jesus seek.John Berridge (112th)744
And all my hope of bliss.John Berridge (8.8.6.)745
And all my hopes decline.A. Steele (C.M.)136
And all my hopes were slain.Isaac Watts (C.M.)46
And all my leprosy subdue.John Berridge (148th)671
And all my powers be praise.Isaac Watts (C.M.)478
And all my powers by thine control.G. Tersteegen, translated by J. Wesley (112th)1075
And all my powers renew.B. Beddome (S.M.)733
And all my powers shall bow and singIsaac Watts (L.M.)480
And all my soul adore, and love his name.W. Gadsby (10s)693
And all my soul be tuned to singGospel Mag., 1796 (L.M.)482
And all my soul resigned.A. Steele (C.M.)1086
And all my thoughts and powers control.T. Kelly (L.M.)1124
And all my warfare oer;John Berridge (148th)672
And all my work be praise!Isaac Watts (C.M.)139
And all new covenant blessings brings?J. Irons (C.M.)1156
And all of humble mind.J. Franklin (C.M.)512
And all our beautys gone,W. Gadsby (148th)618
And all our faith increase,Samuel Medley (C.M.)382
And all our help, we then shall prove,Samuel Medley (C.M.)382
And all our wants supplied;S. Stennett (C.M.)42
And all seems death within;R. Burnham (C.M.)997
And all such pleading he approves,Samuel Medley (C.M.)383
And all that are born from above,W. Gadsby (8s)523
And all that are born from above,W. Gadsby (8s)529
And all that earth calls good or great.Isaac Watts (L.M.)265
And all that guilty sinners need;W. W. Horne (L.M.)943
And all that in the Son believe,J. Hart (C.M.)834
And all that seek to him shall know,John Berridge (112th)900
And all that take may live.J. Hart (C.M.)821
And all thats earth must perish.J. Hart (P.M.)814
And all the blissful seats of loveJ. Hart (S.M.)487
And all the debt was charged on him.J. Hart (148th)445
And all the dreadful debt is paid.J. Hart (L.M.)836
And all the earth shall hear.P. Doddridge (S.M.)201
And all the garden grow.J. Hart (C.M.)455
And all the glorious ranks above Isaac Watts (C.M.)476
And all the glory shall be thine.A. Steele (L.M.)1087
And all the grief that intervenes,Samuel Medley (L.M.)173
And all the heavens adore.Isaac Watts (S.M.)167
And all the help of man proves vain;J. Hart (L.M.)707
And all the host was overthrown.WIlliam Cowper (148th)338
And all the openings of thy love,J. Stevens (8.8.6.)216
And all the power it hath,W. Gadsby (148th)602
And all the saints adore. Isaac Watts (C.M.)476
And all the sons of darkness flyIsaac Watts (C.M.)168
And all the sons of malice joinIsaac Watts (L.M.)164
And all the steps that grace displayP. Doddridge (S.M.)201
And all the trials here we see,J. Swain (L.M.)387
And all their actions guilt.Isaac Watts (C.M.)111
And all their fears destroy:S. Barnard (148th)1129
And all their foes shall surely fly.R. Burnham (L.M.)3
And all their pleasure share;T. Kelly (S.M.)995
And all their powers engage,W. Gadsby (6.4.)517
And all their work is praise and love.Isaac Watts (L.M.)369
And all things dark appear,W. Gadsby (S.M.)605
And all this to prove thee, to stain thy cursed pride;J. Kent (104th)297
And all through the Lamb and his blood.J. Kent (8s)334
And all thy foes oerturn, oerturn,(Author Unknown) (8.8.6.)903
And all thy glory see,Samuel Medley (C.M.)176
And all thy nature clean.Isaac Watts (C.M.)121
And all thy saints in praises join.John Newton (L.M.)451
And all within it shared the same.J. Hart (L.M.)794
And almost as unwilling;J. Hart (7.7.4.)235
And always hears our cry.J. Hart (S.M.)308A
And always is the same.J. Hart (S.M.)833
And am but barren still.J. Hart (C.M.)251
And an unfeeling soul.J. Hart (C.M.)785
And angel round the throne,Isaac Watts (148th)409
And angels fly at his command.Isaac Watts (L.M.)20
And angels proclaiming the stranger forlorn,E. L. Schlict (11s)41
And angels tell, The Lord is risen.J. Hart (L.M.)488
And art rebellious still;Henry Fowler (S.M.)1032
And art thou not a captive led,John Berridge (112th)900
And as a nail he fastened him.W. Gadsby (148th)550
And as a sinner, plead for grace,D. Herbert (L.M.)711
And as his kingdom grows,Isaac Watts (C.M.)366
And as my soul more humbled grows,John Berridge (S.M.)891
And as priests, his solemn praisesJohn Newton (8.7.)372
And as the benefit is ours,J. Hart (C.M.)455
And as thy days, thy strength shall be.J. Fawcett (L.M.)328
And ask him still for more.John Newton (C.M.)959
And ask our Lord some new years gift.J. Hart (148th)777
And asked for what the worldings prize.John Newton (L.M.)692
And at his footstool bow the knee,J. Kent (L.M.)925
And at last our souls receive.Gospel Mag., 1781 (8.7.)965
And at my Lords feet fall;John Berridge (C.M.)336
And at thy footstool lie;B. Beddome (148th)947
And at times may know no reasonW. Gadsby (8.7.4.)615
And autumn with rich crops succeeds;J. Hart (L.M.)875
And avarice gripeth still.(Author Unknown) (8.8.6.)903
And bade the rivers glide between.J. Hart (L.M.)88
And balm for every fear;Gospel Mag., 1778 (S.M.)86
And banish all your fear.W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)572
And banished guilt and fear.W. Gadsby (C.M.)637
And banishes her fears.W. Gadsby (C.M.)638
And banishes their fears.Isaac Watts (S.M.)38
And banquet on pleasures divine,B. Francis (8s)246
And banquet with our Head;W. Gadsby (148th)642
And base that heart must beW. Gadsby (148th)532
And bathed in its own blood;Isaac Watts (C.M.)763
And be his name adored.Isaac Watts (C.M.)498
And be his name adored.W. Gadsby (S.M.)653
And be his name adored;W. Gadsby (S.M.)540
And be it my fixed endeavour,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)641
And be it our great concern,W. Gadsby (7s)609
And be not wise in self-conceit;J. Hart (P.M.)814
And be our Sun, and Strength, and Shield.John Newton (L.M.)1115
And be sure he died for me?W. Hammond (7s)280
And be the guest of God.J. Hart (C.M.)805
And beamed with characteristic light.J. Hart (L.M.)794
And bear my fainting spirit up,A. Steele (C.M.)1051
And bear our spirits home,S. Stennett (148th)403
And bear thy witness with my heart,Isaac Watts (C.M.)24
And bears the sword in vain.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1146
And before his power to fall.R. Burnham (7s)187
And beggars raised to reign in heaven.J. Hart (L.M.)837
And begin, from this good hour,John Newton (8.7.)1144
And bettered by the cross.J. Hart (S.M.)872
And bid a dying sinner live.J. Fawcett (L.M.)238
And bid each trembling fear begone.S. Stennett (L.M.)271
And bid me cleave to thee, my Lord,A. Steele (L.M.)1078
And bid me wait serene;A. Steele (C.M.)260
And bid my crimes remove?A. Steele (C.M.)392
And bid my drooping powers rejoice?A. Steele (L.M.)1078
And bid my faith prevail.John Berridge (S.M.)739
And bid my fears depart;John Newton (C.M.)999
And bid my fears remove.A. Steele (C.M.)1079
And bid my sorrows fly;A. Steele (C.M.)1083
And bid our kindred rise;Isaac Watts (C.M.)466
And bid the dying live.J. Fawcett (C.M.)393
And bid the mourners fears depart.John Newton (altered) (L.M.)1130
And bid the poor sinner look there.J. Kent (8s)183
And bid the prisoner flyW. Gadsby (C.M.)553
And bid the tempter flee;A. Steele (C.M.)1051
And bid thee welcome to our heart.J. Allen (L.M.)952
And bid us all depart in peace.J. Hart (L.M.)457
And bid us all go free.D. Herbert (C.M.)677
And bids affliction drive me home,T. Greene (C.M.)209
And bids his cares adieu;J. Hart (8.8.6.)358
And bids the enlightened sinner seekJ. Hart (C.M.)32
And bids the weary in him rest.W. Gadsby (148th)599
And bids them trust in him.J. Hart (S.M.)832
And bids your longing appetitesIsaac Watts (C.M.)56
And blacken all my soul,J. Hart (C.M.)773
And blasphemy grows bold,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1146
And blasts the promised crop.J. Hart (S.M.)314
And bless een two or three.D. Herbert (C.M.)679
And bless him highly as you can;J. Berridge (8.8.6.)149
And bless his saints and angels eyes,Isaac Watts (S.M.)167
And bless me with thy smile?J. Fellows (C.M.)429
And bless the hand that dries their tears,J. Swain (L.M.)738
And bless the happy hour.Isaac Watts (C.M.)505
And bless the nuptial bands.John Berridge (C.M.)375
And bless the seed thats sown;J. Hart (7.6.8.)866
And bless us with a holy fear;W. Gadsby (L.M.)655
And blessed us with a living faith;W. Gadsby (L.M.)655
And blesses them indeed.Samuel Medley (C.M.)383
And blessings more than we can give,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1005
And blessings on atoning blood,W. Tucker (L.M.)78
And blessings shall attend my word.Isaac Watts (L.M.)365
And blessèd am I when I seeJohn Berridge (L.M.)748
And blest in Jesus live:C. Wesley (148th)59
And blind is that unholy eye,(Author Unknown) (L.M.)937
And bliss, immortal bliss enjoy;W. Gadsby (122nd)522
And bloats the soul with air;J. Hart (S.M.)287
And blood that takes out every stain.J. Kent (L.M.)1090
And blood to purge our sin;J. Hart (8.8.6.)29
And blood tracks all the path.J. Hart (S.M.)130
And blush that I should ever beWIlliam Cowper (L.M.)323
And blushing, looks to thee;John Berridge (148th)889
And boast in him alone.J. Berridge (S.M.)114
And boast their moral dignity;A. C. R., 1790 (L.M.)204
And body bathed in blood?W. Batty (C.M.)950
And bore the loved Immanuels name.C. Wesley (148th)37
And bore their sins away.J. Adams (8.8.6.)67
And born unholy and unclean;Isaac Watts (L.M.)1004
And both became our heavenly food.J. Hart (148th)445
And both through mercy still,John Berridge (148th)674
And bought for us, so dear!J. Hart (C.M.)803
And bought the blest release;J. Berridge (148th)146
And bought us with a price;W. Gadsby (S.M.)606
And bound in legal fear,J. Berridge (S.M.)253
And boundless as our sins!Isaac Watts (C.M.)56
And bounds his raging power.Isaac Watts (C.M.)94
And bounty all divine preparesSamuel Medley (S.M.)499
And bow before his throne?Samuel Medley (C.M.)383
And bow before the King.J. Hart (S.M.)130
And break in upon his soul.W. Gadsby (7s)658
And break infernal chains;R. Burnham (S.M.)203
And break my heart of stone.C. Wesley (7.6.8.)390
And break my heart of stone.C. Wesley (7.6.8.)390
And break the chains of reigning sin;Isaac Watts (L.M.)26
And break thy schemes of earthly joy,John Newton (L.M.)295
And breaks his prison door;John Berridge (C.M.)756
And breaks my peace in vain;Isaac Watts (C.M.)266
And breathe the living word.C. Wesley (S.M.)983
And brighten all the scene.A. Steele (C.M.)260
And brighter and brighter shall shine,W. Gadsby (8s)544
And brightest angels can but guess.J. Hart (L.M.)681
And bring a lasting peace about?W. Gadsby (148th)585
And bring all heaven before our eyes.WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)1023
And bring her home to God;W. Gadsby (C.M.)533
And bring his gospel store?John Berridge (C.M.)743
And bring in bills exceeding large?J. Berridge (C.M.)101
And bring me near to God.Augustus Toplady (8.8.6.)1103
And bring my vileness to my view,J. Hart (L.M.)304
And bring on weeping eyes?John Berridge (148th)889
And bring renewèd strength.John Berridge (C.M.)765
And bring the gospel feast;John Berridge (C.M.)1128
And bring the promised hour.Isaac Watts (C.M.)19
And bring thy presence near;J. Stevens (8.8.6.)216
And bring upon thy wingD. Herbert (C.M.)679
And bringeth his word attended with grace;John Berridge (104th)710
And bringeth nigh to God;John Berridge (148th)671
And brings another year.J. Hart (148th)777
And brings at length salvation nigh.John Berridge (148th)889
And brings eternal glories near.Isaac Watts (L.M.)231
And brings him from his cell.W. Gadsby (C.M.)528
And brings immortal blessings down.Isaac Watts (L.M.)211
And brings proud nature down;W. Gadsby (C.M.)553
And brings such salvation as this,J. Hart (8s)233
And brings the distant near.J. Hart (S.M.)308A
And brings the gospel-rest.J. Berridge (S.M.)81
And brings the sinner back to God.J. Hart (112th)89
And broken heart rejoice;Isaac Watts (C.M.)56
And brooding sorrows steal my rest.John Berridge (148th)672
And brought himself into disgrace.W. Gadsby (148th)590
And brought me home to God.W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)647
And brought me to his chosen fold.John Newton (L.M.)91
And brought us liberty.Isaac Watts (S.M.)210
And bruise thy inmost soul.John Berridge (C.M.)892
And burial we see;W. Gadsby (S.M.)653
And buries our woes in triumphant grace,John Berridge (104th)710
And burst into a song;Isaac Watts (C.M.)269
And bursting to a better birth,J. Hart (C.M.)845
And by and in him live.J. Hart (C.M.)181
And by and in him lives;W. Gadsby (148th)532
And by faith may I inheritW. Gadsby (8.7.4.)641
And by faith may we inheritW. Gadsby (8.7.4.)563
And by faith the shore espy;Henry Fowler (8.7.4.)769
And by faith therein we viewW. Gadsby (7s)657
And by his Spirit and his wordJohn Newton (C.M.)966
And by his Spirit given;J. Stevens (8.8.6.)242
And by his Spirits power revealsW. Gadsby (S.M.)614
And by his dying vanquished death.A. Steele (L.M.)1080
And by his own atoning blood,W. Gadsby (148th)585
And by his power my foes controlled;John Newton (L.M.)91
And by his saints it stands confessed,B. Beddome (L.M.)6
And by his winning ways,John Berridge (C.M.)684
And by my very birth unclean.John Berridge (148th)671
And by one atonement thy sin has condemned,W. Gadsby (104th)639
And by such granted help I thoughtJ. Berridge (C.M.)300
And by such means, though strange to tell,W. Gadsby (148th)618
And by such rovings I have broughtJohn Berridge (112th)898
And by such visionary propsJohn Berridge (148th)674
And by that grace, through faith, we stand,J. Stevens (L.M.)224
And by that needs must hateJ. Hart (8.3.)800
And by the gospel live.Isaac Watts (C.M.)192
And by thy Spirit formB. Beddome (148th)947
And by thy oath and covenant sure.J. Stevens (L.M.)224
And by thy people here;John Berridge (C.M.)1128
And by what wondrous ways!J. Hart (S.M.)831
And call his Makers ways unjust,Isaac Watts (L.M.)75
And call my words and actions oer.A. Steele (L.M.)1085
And call no more on Jesus name?Henry Fowler (L.M.)1028
And call the Lord our own;W. Gadsby (C.M.)564
And call the spices forth.John Newton (C.M.)1108
And called by grace divine,W. Gadsby (148th)608
And called the day of rest.J. Hart (8.8.6.)358
And called the stars my own,Isaac Watts (C.M.)186
And called them still his sons.Isaac Watts (S.M.)318
And calls effectual reach their hearts,G. Burder (C.M.)750
And calls her trash delicious sweets.W. Gadsby (L.M.)620
And calls my sins his own.John Newton (C.M.)119
And calls the place his own;John Newton (C.M.)1020
And calls them all his own.J. Hart (S.M.)832
And calls us to a feast divine,Isaac Watts (L.M.)363
And calm the surges of the mind.Isaac Watts (L.M.)26
And calmed offended Majesty.J. Hart (L.M.)794
And calms the troubled breast;John Newton (C.M.)135
And came to earth to bleed and die!A. Steele (C.M.)418
And can an all-creating armIsaac Watts (C.M.)327
And can both watch and pray,J. Hart (7.6.7.)795
And can he have taught me to trust in his name,John Newton (104th)232
And can its virtues tell;John Berridge (S.M.)890
And can my heart aspire so highA. Steele (C.M.)260
And can my hope – my comfort die,A. Steele (L.M.)980
And can my soul from thee depart,A. Steele (L.M.)927
And can no farther go.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1148
And can no sovereign balm be found?A. Steele (L.M.)977
And can the Lord pass heedless by,John Berridge (112th)705
And can the ear of sovereign graceA. Steele (C.M.)136
And can those prayers be lost?E. Scott (C.M.)1145
And can we remain unwounded,J. Hart (8.7.)237A
And cannot be condemned.W. Hammond (C.M.)344
And cannot evil see,John Berridge (148th)671
And cannot see the cloud cleared upJ. Hart (C.M.)812
And canst thou, wilt thou yet forgive,A. Steele (C.M.)392
And captivate my soul;J. Kent (148th)732
And carelessness succeed.J. Hart (C.M.)782
And carnal things discard.W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)643
And cast a gracious eyeJ. Hart (S.M.)775
And cast each hated idol down,P. Doddridge (C.M.)1066
And cast it all around.Isaac Watts (C.M.)109
And cast my soul at last away?Dobell’s Selection (L.M.)981
And cast the world and sin behind;C. Wesley (L.M.)1074
And cast your gloomy fears away.A. Steele (L.M.)1109
And cause our doubts and fears.D. Herbert (C.M.)509
And cause the dead to hear.John Newton (C.M.)193
And causes the deed to be done.Gospel Mag., 1777 (8s)250
And celebrate, with one accord,J. Hart (C.M.)39
And centre of my soul.Isaac Watts (S.M.)185
And chains them down in iron bands.P. Doddridge (L.M.)332
And chainèd down each night in bed?John Berridge (112th)900
And change the leopards skin.Augustus Toplady (S.M.)1067
And chase the darkness of the mind.Isaac Watts (L.M.)1006
And chase the thieves away;(Author Unknown) (8.8.6.)903
And chastens whom he loves.J. Hart (C.M.)871
And cheer a drooping heart;J. Berridge (C.M.)299
And cheer a troubled heart.John Berridge (C.M.)714
And cheer me from the north;John Newton (C.M.)1108
And cheer my fainting soul!Matlock’s Selection (S.M.)948
And cheer my heart with sacred wine.Isaac Watts (L.M.)264
And cheer us ere we go.D. Herbert (C.M.)677
And cheereth souls distressed;John Berridge (C.M.)743
And cheerfully bear up the cross,J. Swain (8s)319
And cheers him with a heavenly feast.John Berridge (L.M.)748
And cheers us under every care,J. Swain (L.M.)1107
And chide each vanity away,A. Steele (L.M.)1084
And chose them both to means and end.W. Tucker (L.M.)66
And chosen in the Lamb,W. Gadsby (148th)598
And churlish hearts makes harder still;J. Berridge (L.M.)49
And circle it around. Isaac Watts (C.M.)476
And cleanse my spotted garments too.Isaac Watts (L.M.)142
And cleave to the world and its toys:John Newton (8s)1149
And clothe with power the preachers tongue.John Newton (altered) (L.M.)1130
And clouds and darkness thee surround,Samuel Medley (L.M.)377
And clouds surround his throne,J. Swain (C.M.)132
And come according to thy word.T. Kelly (L.M.)1125
And come for all I want to thee.C. Wesley (L.M.)1076
And comes at evening late;John Berridge (C.M.)893
And comes to standing corn.J. Hart (C.M.)845
And comfort of my mind;Samuel Medley (C.M.)7
And comfort of my nights.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1011
And comforts and cheers him, and banishes fear.W. Gadsby (104th)520
And comforts mingle with my sighs.J. Fawcett (L.M.)289
And complained their hopes were spilt,J. Hart (8.8.7.)876
And completely spoiled their might,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)560
And condescends to be a worm,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)149
And conflicts hard with doubts and fears,J. Stevens (8.8.6.)242
And conquered him that conquered all.J. Hart (L.M.)492
And conquers death and hell.W. Gadsby (C.M.)561
And conquest sparkles in his eyes.J. Hart (L.M.)836
And conscience roar within?J. Berridge (S.M.)81
And conscious, fled his Makers face,J. Hart (112th)89
And consolation send;Augustus Toplady (8.8.6.)1103
And contradict his gracious word.John Newton (L.M.)961
And could a single holy soulE. Scott (C.M.)1145
And count the fulsome storeJohn Berridge (148th)674
And count them basely born.T. Kelly (C.M.)1013
And counteth every sigh;John Berridge (148th)749
And counts our cause his own.S. Stennett (C.M.)51
And covenant of grace,W. Gadsby (148th)607
And cries, Im all over as any fiend black.John Berridge (104th)710
And cries, with his expiring breath,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)149
And crosses still increase;W. Gadsby (S.M.)605
And crowds of unbelieving fears,John Berridge (8.8.6.)302
And crown him Lord of all.E. Perronet (C.M.)730
And crown him Lord of all.E. Perronet (C.M.)730
And crown him Lord of all.E. Perronet (C.M.)730
And crown him Lord of all.E. Perronet (C.M.)730
And crown my journeys end.A. Steele (C.M.)1010
And crown that grace with glory too;Isaac Watts (L.M.)370
And crown the nuptial ties.R. Burnham (C.M.)1153
And crown thee Lord of all for evermore.W. Gadsby (10s)703
And crown thy gospel with success.J. Fawcett (112th)454
And crown thy gospel with success.J. Fawcett (112th)454
And crown thy gospel with success.J. Fawcett (112th)454
And crown thy gospel with success.J. Fawcett (112th)454
And crowns of joy laid up in heaven.Isaac Watts (L.M.)1112
And crowns of victory wear.W. Gadsby (C.M.)547
And crushed before the moth?WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)259
And cry aloud, and give to GodC. Wesley (7.7.4.)131
And cry for help to God.W. Gadsby (C.M.)570
And cry, Behold, he prays!J. Montgomery (C.M.)1002
And cry, with joy unspeakable,C. Wesley (S.M.)983
And daily make them more.J. Hart (C.M.)860
And daily makes his sovereign goodness known.W. Gadsby (10s)667
And daily strength renew.J. Franklin (C.M.)511
And dainties not a few.W. Gadsby (S.M.)587
And dare so many deaths to brave?T. Kelly (L.M.)1049
And darkness veils the skies,J. Kent (S.M.)994
And dart through all the lofty skies,J. Berridge (S.M.)268
And dash our every hope.J. Hart (S.M.)312
And dash thy ship, it is not lost;John Berridge (112th)705
And days how swift they are!Isaac Watts (C.M.)498
And dearly bought us with his blood.J. Hart (L.M.)837
And dearly loves thy children all,John Berridge (8.8.6.)905
And death is ever nigh;Isaac Watts (C.M.)498
And debts, and broken laws.J. Berridge (C.M.)299
And deep repentance melts their souls.W. W. Horne (L.M.)943
And deep to deep incessant calls,J. Kent (8.8.6.)917
And deeper visions show.John Berridge (S.M.)891
And delights to hear his praise.J. Hart (8.7.)864
And destined to a throne.T. Kelly (C.M.)1013
And destroyed the powers of hell;W. Gadsby (7s)657
And determined to forgive;T. Kelly (8.7.7.)1040
And devils aim our overthrow;Gospel Mag., 1799 (L.M.)245
And devils at thy presence flee;Isaac Watts (L.M.)370
And did my Sovereign die?Isaac Watts (C.M.)763
And did resist to blood.Isaac Watts (C.M.)120
And did the Holy and the Just,A. Steele (C.M.)95
And did the darling Son of GodJ. Hart (C.M.)803A
And die as one thats born of God.Samuel Medley (L.M.)195
And died a cursèd death!C. Wesley (S.M.)1050
And dies in peace with God.J. Stevens (8.8.6.)242
And different objects she surveys;W. Gadsby (L.M.)621
And different passions shake us;J. Hart (7.7.4.)235
And disappoints his devilish views;J. Hart (112th)89
And dissolve your every fear.R. Burnham (8.7.)157
And do as Jesus did.J. Hart (S.M.)852
And do what good you can.J. Hart (S.M.)852
And does his sceptre sway;W. Gadsby (148th)648
And does thy heart for Jesus pine,John Berridge (C.M.)765
And dost thou say, Ask what thou wilt?John Newton (L.M.)692
And dost thou still regard,J. Hart (S.M.)775
And down we sink as low.J. Hart (C.M.)305
And downcast souls rejoice;D. Herbert (C.M.)508
And drag me down to hell.John Berridge (C.M.)336
And drag the tyrants from my heart,(Author Unknown) (8.8.6.)903
And draw me by thy special grace;D. Herbert (C.M.)507
And draw me to thy mercy-seat.D. Herbert (L.M.)711
And draw me up to thee;John Berridge (8.8.6.)302
And draw my soul from all thats good.T. Kelly (L.M.)1124
And draw my thoughts to thee;Isaac Watts (C.M.)2
And draw us after thee.S. Browne (8.8.6.)1134
And draw your hearts from him away,J. Hart (8.8.8.)807
And draws a bloody sweat.J. Berridge (8.8.6.)148
And draws the soul upwards to God.J. Hart (8s)233
And drink abundance of my love.Isaac Watts (L.M.)363
And drink at my spring-head;(Author Unknown) (8.8.6.)902
And drink full draughts of heavenly love,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)636
And drink immortal vigour in,Isaac Watts (C.M.)475
And drink immortal wine:J. Hart (S.M.)831
And drink the blood as shed for me.J. Hart (L.M.)447
And drink with thankful hearts.Samuel Medley (C.M.)987
And drink, and wash my sores away;John Berridge (L.M.)896
And drive away our fear?D. Herbert (C.M.)677
And drive him near despair.J. Hart (C.M.)774
And drive my foes away.J. Hart (C.M.)773
And drive our wants away.Isaac Watts (C.M.)56
And drive thy guilty fears away.W. Gadsby (L.M.)622
And drives away his fear.John Newton (C.M.)135
And drooping spirit cheer.John Berridge (C.M.)714
And drove thee from my breast.WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)958
And drown the sorrows of my breast,Gospel Mag., 1796 (L.M.)482
And drowned destruction in thy blood.J. Hart (L.M.)844
And drowned my head in tears,Isaac Watts (C.M.)266
And drowns my every fear.R. Burnham (S.M.)203
And dry those falling tears.J. Swain (C.M.)951
And duty into choice.WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)188
And dwell for ever in his love.Samuel Medley (L.M.)263
And dwell where Jesus is.Isaac Watts (S.M.)185
And dwells in heavenly light.Isaac Watts (C.M.)226
And dyed in his own blood.Isaac Watts (C.M.)56
And dying saints can sing, Tis well.Samuel Medley (L.M.)470
And dying, bowed his head.W. Gadsby (S.M.)663
And each for thee would daily pine,John Berridge (148th)884
And each in its course is made good;W. Gadsby (8s)628
And each returning want supplies.J. Swain (L.M.)738
And each says, I am chief;J. Hart (S.M.)820
And earth and hell my course withstand,John Newton (L.M.)960
And earth converse with heaven.J. Hart (C.M.)821
And earth grow less in our esteem;Isaac Watts (L.M.)435
And ease the sorrows of my breast;A. Steele (L.M.)957
And eat celestial bread;J. Hart (S.M.)831
And eat celestial food.J. Hart (C.M.)818
And echo to thy praise.Samuel Medley (C.M.)367
And empty send us not away.S. Barnard (148th)1129
And empty send us not away.S. Barnard (148th)1129
And empty send us not away.S. Barnard (148th)1129
And endure, for Jesus sake,W. Gadsby (7s)616
And enemies deride;W. Gadsby (148th)613
And enjoy sweet peace of mind.R. Burnham (8.7.)976
And enter my celestial home,Gospel Mag., 1796 (L.M.)482
And enter to thy rest;Isaac Watts (C.M.)366
And enter while theres room;Isaac Watts (C.M.)440
And envy base its head will hide,(Author Unknown) (8.8.6.)903
And envy rage in vain.Isaac Watts (C.M.)141
And eternal life to win;W. Gadsby (7s)575
And ever abides to answer our need;J. Fawcett (104th)184
And ever brings us higher.C. Wesley (7.7.4.)131
And ever cleave to God.R. Burnham (C.M.)1153
And ever dwell in his embrace.S. Stennett (148th)403
And ever intercedes.J. Hart (S.M.)130
And ever is his time.Isaac Watts (C.M.)2
And ever lives the church to save.W. Gadsby (148th)559
And ever sing electing love.R. Burnham (148th)60
And ever was the same.D. Herbert (C.M.)675
And ever with him reign.W. Gadsby (C.M.)661
And everlasting ages singIsaac Watts (C.M.)424
And everlasting life impart.John Berridge (L.M.)716
And everlasting life obtained.J. Hart (L.M.)836
And everlasting love demandsJ. Kent (L.M.)10
And everlasting love.C. Wesley & Augustus Toplady (C.M.)1072
And everlasting love.J. Hart (7.6.7.)795
And everlasting righteousnessC. Wesley (L.M.)97
And everlasting songs.Isaac Watts (S.M.)421
And evermore endure;J. Berridge (8.8.6.)149
And every beast devours the vine.Isaac Watts (L.M.)1140
And every bosom swellC. Wesley (148th)127
And every breath we draw is love,J. Swain (8.8.6.)724
And every burdened soul redress,J. Kent (8.8.6.)1132
And every cheering ray depart.A. Steele (L.M.)1078
And every comfort be withdrawn,J. A. Rothe translated by J. Weeks (112th)96
And every conflicts oer;T. Kelly (S.M.)995
And every danger past,J. Hart (S.M.)308
And every danger past,J. Hart (S.M.)308A
And every day your songs renew,W. Gadsby (C.M.)631
And every door is shut but one,John Newton (C.M.)1108
And every favour claim.Samuel Medley (C.M.)383
And every favour, richly given,R. Burnham (L.M.)61
And every fiery dart repel,R. Burnham (L.M.)3
And every good obtain.Gospel Mag., 1801 (7.6.)483
And every grace be active here.Isaac Watts (L.M.)363
And every groan and gaping woundIsaac Watts (L.M.)47
And every heart be glad.J. Hart (S.M.)820
And every hurtful snare.Isaac Watts (S.M.)421
And every idle thought remove.W. Gadsby (L.M.)655
And every labour of his hands,Isaac Watts (L.M.)752
And every man a liar.J. Hart (C.M.)355
And every mercy passed in silence by.W. Gadsby (10s)699
And every moment live.W. Gadsby (C.M.)637
And every mouth sing praise.J. Hart (S.M.)487
And every one thats with it blessedJ. Hart (L.M.)255
And every place is hallowed ground.WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)1023
And every promise mine;P. Doddridge (C.M.)84
And every ransacked corner showsJ. Hart (C.M.)310
And every ransomed soul support;R. Burnham (L.M.)3
And every score did quit;J. Berridge (C.M.)101
And every sinful thought subdued.S. Turner (L.M.)1131
And every step we take betraysJ. Hart (S.M.)308
And every step, from first to last,G. Burder (C.M.)750
And every storm blows oer.John Berridge (C.M.)336
And every sweet a snare.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1064
And every trial firm endure;J. Stevens (L.M.)224
And every voice be praise.Isaac Watts (S.M.)437
And every wish has full supplies.A. Steele (L.M.)257
And everything thats dear to him,J. Hart (C.M.)251
And experience the comforts peculiar to thine;Augustus Toplady (11s Irreg.)68
And face a frowning world.Isaac Watts (C.M.)474
And fain would reach Jehovahs ear,J. Swain (L.M.)1107
And faint beneath the bliss.J. Hart (C.M.)105
And faint upon the way;John Berridge (148th)674
And faint, yet her course shall pursue,J. Kent (8s)334
And fainting hope almost expires,A. Steele (L.M.)980
And faith and hope be fixed on him.Isaac Watts (L.M.)435
And faith assures us, though we die,Isaac Watts (C.M.)226
And faith be mixed with what we hear;J. Fawcett (112th)454
And faith has all it asks;W. Gadsby (148th)599
And faith may have enough and more,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)178
And faith says, All is mine.W. Gadsby (C.M.)637
And faith seems lost in fears.John Berridge (C.M.)336
And faith therein will make the conscience glad.W. Gadsby (10s)669
And faith, and love, and joy appear,Isaac Watts (L.M.)363
And faithful is the word,J. Berridge (S.M.)114
And faithful pastors cease;John Berridge (148th)374
And faiths a full discharge.J. Hart (C.M.)486
And fall before his feet.John Berridge (C.M.)892
And falsehood whispers out its lies,(Author Unknown) (8.8.6.)903
And fan the sacred fire.J. Hart (C.M.)28
And fancys never fixed.J. Hart (S.M.)236
And fast as sheep to Jesus go,John Berridge (148th)374
And fasten in his side.W. Gadsby (C.M.)637
And favoured with peculiar grace,J. Hart (S.M.)219
And fear where no fear is;Rozzell (C.M.)291
And fears distress us sore;John Newton (S.M.)337
And feast and sing for evermore.Samuel Medley (L.M.)979
And feast on love divine;W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)643
And feast on thy ravishing love?B. Francis (8s)246
And feast upon the sacrifice.John Berridge (148th)888
And feast upon thy love.W. Gadsby (C.M.)661
And feast us on thy sacrifice,John Berridge (112th)1120
And feasts his saints today;Isaac Watts (S.M.)357
And feeble flesh assumes.S. Stennett (C.M.)51
And feed my soul with heavenly love.Isaac Watts (L.M.)264
And feed on bread and wine,J. Hart (C.M.)734
And feed thereon and grow;J. Hart (S.M.)458
And feeds them, and folds them, and guards them from harms.J. Hart (104th)804
And feel a broken heart,John Berridge (C.M.)894
And feel destruction close at hand,J. Hart (C.M.)783
And feel its power within;D. Herbert (C.M.)677
And feel my heart to thee ascend;C. Cole (L.M.)736
And feel no change by changing time.T. Gibbons (L.M.)755
And feel no want or woe,W. Hammond (C.M.)929
And feel that God is love.W. Hammond (148th)339
And feel the Saviour in their hearts.J. Berridge (148th)146
And feel the Saviour near.J. Berridge (S.M.)253
And feel the balm of Jesus blood,J. Hart (L.M.)707
And feel the load of sin.J. Hart (C.M.)305
And feel the plague of sin?J. Berridge (S.M.)81
And feel the virtue of thy blood,(Author Unknown) (8.8.6.)902
And feel them incessantly shine,B. Francis (8s)246
And feel, when resigning his breath,J. Kent (8s)298
And feeling thus our ruined state,John Berridge (148th)888
And feels a sympathetic smart.B. Beddome (L.M.)441
And feels each tempted members pains;J. Hart (C.M.)23
And feels the plague of sin?John Berridge (148th)889
And felt a mortal wound.J. Swain (C.M.)467
And felt no inward dread!Isaac Watts (C.M.)46
And felt that God in blessing has us blessed.W. Gadsby (10s)699
And fenced with power divine;Augustus Toplady (C.M.)939
And fetches agonising throes,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)148
And fetches out sighs from sin-feeling hearts;John Berridge (104th)687
And few lambs in the fold appear.John Berridge (148th)374
And fiery cloven tongues appear;J. Hart (8.8.6.)715
And fight till the conquest I gain.R. Burnham (8s)380
And fight with foes so very strong,J. Hart (S.M.)314
And fight with hell by faith.J. Hart (C.M.)305
And fight, and win the well-fought day,John Berridge (8.8.6.)745
And fill each heart with peace.W. Gadsby (C.M.)660
And fill me with devotions fire;John Berridge (112th)901
And fill me with thy heavenly peace.C. Wesley (L.M.)1019
And fill thee with his praise.R. Burnham (C.M.)997
And fill their souls with living bread;Isaac Watts (L.M.)365
And fill them with celestial fire;R. Burnham (L.M.)3
And fill thy poor with bread.Isaac Watts (C.M.)366
And fill us all with love.D. Denham (C.M.)1154
And fill your fellow-creatures earWIlliam Cowper (L.M.)394
And filled me with shame and disgrace.W. Gadsby (8s)565
And filled with love to God and man;J. Hart (112th)790
And fills all heaven with endless praise.Isaac Watts (L.M.)83
And fills us with fears, we triumph by faith;John Newton (104th)324
And find an open way to heaven?Henry Fowler (L.M.)1036
And find eternal rest.J. Berridge (S.M.)268
And find his Saviour there.J. Hart (8.8.6.)786
And find me food, and bring me joy.John Berridge (148th)886
And find salvation in the Lord.Isaac Watts (L.M.)57
And find that all things work for good,John Berridge (8.8.6.)1113
And find the rest they sought.J. Hart (C.M.)782
And find these consecrated hoursJohn Newton (L.M.)1001
And finding no deliverance near,John Berridge (112th)899
And finds the grand specific there.T. Kelly (L.M.)949
And fired his zeal along the road.Isaac Watts (L.M.)231
And firmly to believe.S. Browne (8.8.6.)1134
And fit me to approach my God;Lock Chapel Collection (L.M.)1008
And fix his childrens hearts above.W. Gadsby (148th)696
And fix my heart and bind it fast.John Berridge (148th)673
And fix our hearts and hopes above;J. Fawcett (112th)454
And fixed my standing more secureIsaac Watts (C.M.)94
And fixes in our hearts,W. Hammond (C.M.)344
And flame melt down the skies,Isaac Watts (C.M.)2
And flesh and sin no more controlIsaac Watts (L.M.)473
And flowed in those rivers for me,J. Swain (8s)162
And flows from every bleeding wound;A. Steele (L.M.)1123
And fly in the face of my God?J. Swain (8s)319
And fly to God by prayer.J. Hart (C.M.)782
And fly to Jesus breast!R. De Courcy (148th)294
And foes by their distress made glad,W. W. Horne (L.M.)285
And following their incarnate God,Isaac Watts (C.M.)477
And folly to the Greek.Isaac Watts (C.M.)165
And for a stranger Surety stood;J. Kent (C.M.)413
And for dead sinners died.John Berridge (8.8.6.)904
And for everW. Gadsby (8.7.4.)583
And for everW. Gadsby (8.7.4.)600
And for everW. Gadsby (8.7.4.)651
And for everW. Gadsby (8.7.4.)656
And for her was surely made sin;W. Gadsby (8s)569
And for his people cares,J. Hart (C.M.)31
And for my Saviours blood.Isaac Watts (C.M.)727
And for my relief will surely appear;John Newton (104th)232
And for our pardon pleads his blood.Isaac Watts (L.M.)123
And for their crimes be sold?W. Batty (C.M.)950
And form them fit for heavenly joys?Isaac Watts (L.M.)75
And form thyself in me.Augustus Toplady (S.M.)1067
And forms a people for his praise.Isaac Watts (L.M.)211
And fortune I defy;C. Wesley (S.M.)70
And found I had no hiding-place.J. Brewer (L.M.)134
And fraught with sin and guile,(Author Unknown) (148th)214
And free salvation reign,W. Gadsby (S.M.)683
And freed from sin and Satans power.John Newton (L.M.)692
And freely bore it all!J. Hart (C.M.)782
And freely he bestowsW. Gadsby (S.M.)556
And freely in my room enduredAugustus Toplady (8.8.6.)227
And freely is bestowedW. Gadsby (C.M.)570
And freely left his native skies,John Berridge (8.8.6.)690
And freely to them will impartW. Gadsby (S.M.)587
And freely would exchangeJohn Berridge (148th)885
And friends betrayed him to his foes.Isaac Watts (L.M.)1121
And fright the rescued sheep;Isaac Watts (C.M.)424
And frights my soul away.John Newton (S.M.)278
And from Jesus send supplies.Henry Fowler (7s)754
And from SinaiJ. Kent (8.7.4.)918
And from bondage set thee free.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)583
And from bondage sets me free.W. Gadsby (7s)562
And from his Father ran;W. Gadsby (148th)590
And from his working ceased;J. Hart (8.8.6.)358
And from it she will pertly start,J. Berridge (L.M.)115
And from me bid evil depart;R. Burnham (8s)380
And from our old husband freed,W. Gadsby (7s)650
And from the affliction take the curse.J. Hart (L.M.)707
And from the curse delivers thee.J. Kent (L.M.)113
And from the curse has set me free?J. Irons (C.M.)1156
And from the mighty take the prey,J. Kent (8.8.6.)406
And from the second death be free.W. Gadsby (148th)666
And from the work it once beginsJohn Newton (C.M.)202
And from their sins be freed.W. Gadsby (S.M.)605
And from thy joy to draw my strength;John Newton (L.M.)692
And from within, whats worse to bear,J. Hart (C.M.)774
And fruits immortal feast the soul.Isaac Watts (L.M.)481
And full felicity.J. Adams (8.8.6.)67
And full redemption too.J. Hart (C.M.)181
And full salvation too;W. Gadsby (148th)586
And fully clears from guilt;J. Hart (C.M.)13
And further, I seek the charms of thy mind,John Berridge (104th)906
And gall a tender mind;J. Berridge (C.M.)169
And garments washed in blood,J. Hart (C.M.)805
And gather all with thee.J. Berridge (8.8.6.)178
And gave her to him for a wife;W. Gadsby (8s)569
And gave himself a sacrifice:B. Wallin (L.M.)82
And gave them to his Son.W. Gadsby (C.M.)530
And gaze and tarry here;(Author Unknown) (8.8.6.)902
And gaze upon his tomb;J. Stevens (C.M.)426
And gems divinely bright.S. Stennett (C.M.)42
And gild the smiling vales below;J. Hart (L.M.)791
And gilded baits of sin,J. Hart (C.M.)860
And gilds the bed of death with light.T. Kelly (L.M.)919
And gird the gospel-armour on;Isaac Watts (L.M.)1007
And give a cheerful spring,J. Berridge (S.M.)268
And give a new, a contrite heart,Lock Chapel Collection (L.M.)1008
And give me all this pain?J. Hart (C.M.)151
And give me daily cause to raiseJohn Newton (L.M.)961
And give me lowliness of heart.C. Wesley (L.M.)1076
And give me more enlargèd faith,John Berridge (112th)744
And give my friends a good reportJ. Stevens (8.8.6.)216
And give my straitened bosom roomJohn Berridge (L.M.)897
And give new strength to fainting souls.Isaac Watts (L.M.)1141
And give our conscience rest;W. Gadsby (S.M.)682
And give the glory all to God.John Berridge (148th)888
And give the glory to the Lord.J. Hart (148th)353
And give the heart of flesh;John Berridge (8.8.6.)905
And give them liberty.John Berridge (C.M.)892
And give thy word success;C. Wesley (6.4.)35
And give us faith, and hope, and love,D. Herbert (C.M.)679
And gives a secret prop,John Berridge (148th)749
And gives him Davids throne.Isaac Watts (S.M.)38
And gives me glory too.W. Gadsby (C.M.)637
And gives me to groan at feeling my wants;Augustus Toplady (104th)262
And gives soon as felt infallible cure;J. Hart (104th)155
And gives the Holy Ghost.J. Hart (C.M.)821
And gives them power in Christ to live.W. Gadsby (L.M.)538
And gives true peace and joy,J. Hart (C.M.)28
And gladly thy commandments do;J. Hart (L.M.)740
And glittering robes for conquerors wait.Isaac Watts (L.M.)1007
And glorify God in the flames.R. Burnham (8s)12
And glorify his name;W. Gadsby (C.M.)631
And glorify the Lamb once slain.W. Gadsby (148th)629
And glorify the Son;J. Hart (8.8.6.)504
And glory glads his eyes.J. Hart (C.M.)486
And glory immortal with Christ thou shalt share.W. Gadsby (11s)612
And glory in him whom proud sinners abhorred.E. L. Schlict (11s)41
And glory in his name;J. Adams (S.M.)274
And glory in his name;W. Gadsby (148th)537
And glory in our Surety, Christ,D. Herbert (C.M.)677
And glory in thy name.J. Ryland (C.M.)247
And glory, like a crown, adornsIsaac Watts (L.M.)21
And go at thy command.B. Beddome (C.M.)1110
And going, take thee to their home.WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)1023
And gold is sordid dust.P. Doddridge (C.M.)138
And good works Ive none to show.J. Hart (7.5.)853
And govern all my words and ways;C. Cole (L.M.)736
And govern every motion there.G. Tersteegen, translated by J. Wesley (112th)1075
And grace and sin by turns prevail;John Newton (112th)728
And grace be all our song.R. Burnham (S.M.)203
And grace command my heart awayIsaac Watts (C.M.)1064
And grace in return makes me knowW. Gadsby (8s)595
And grace my fears relieved;John Newton (C.M.)198
And grace my soul sustain,J. Kent (8.8.6.)406
And grace on me bestows;W. Gadsby (C.M.)604
And grace subdues my lusts within.A. C. R., 1790 (L.M.)204
And grace will help us through the worst,John Newton (C.M.)202
And grace will lead me home.John Newton (C.M.)198
And grant his souls desire.D. Herbert (C.M.)508
And grant me such supplies of grace,J. Fawcett (C.M.)341
And grant that I may ever findMatlock’s Selection (S.M.)948
And grant that we may spend an hourJ. Kent (8.8.6.)1132
And grant thy Spirits kindly heat,John Newton (C.M.)691
And grant thy Spirits power;John Newton (C.M.)469
And grants them all their wants.S. Stennett (S.M.)359
And grasp an empty shade.J. Hart (8.8.6.)358
And grasp in all the shore;Isaac Watts (C.M.)186
And grief indulge no more;J. Hart (S.M.)842
And grieve for grieving him.J. Hart (C.M.)241
And grieved him day by day.Rozzell (C.M.)189
And grieves that he can work no more.J. Hart (L.M.)256
And grieves thy Spirit still.J. Hart (S.M.)287
And grins, but cant devour.J. Hart (C.M.)845
And griped and grappled hard with love.J. Hart (L.M.)153
And groanings that cannot be told.Augustus Toplady (8s)293
And grovel not on earth.J. Hart (148th)102
And groweth afflicted more than he can tell.John Berridge (104th)710
And guard from every snare;W. Gadsby (148th)608
And guard me in this dangerous way.J. Fawcett (L.M.)289
And guard my very hair,John Berridge (8.8.6.)1113
And guard the soul from harm;John Berridge (148th)888
And guards me through the war.Isaac Watts (C.M.)325
And guide and guard me through the storm;WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)290
And guide it in thy way.Samuel Medley (C.M.)378
And guide it right, and hold it fast.John Berridge (112th)898
And guide me right and bring me through.J. Hart (112th)182
And guide me safe to heaven and thee.A. Steele (L.M.)1085
And guide me safe to heaven.C. Wesley (8.8.6.)928
And guide me with his eye;R. De Courcy (148th)294
And guide our roving feet anew.Isaac Watts (L.M.)26
And guide us in thy way;W. Gadsby (148th)700
And guide us on the gospel road;John Berridge (112th)900
And guide us to eternal rest.A. Steele (L.M.)1109
And guide us to the realms of day.J. Fawcett (112th)454
And guide you safe from every thrall,W. Gadsby (C.M.)631
And guided by his power,J. Hart (148th)353
And guilty I, though vile as they could be,W. Gadsby (10s)669
And guilty fears depart.W. Gadsby (S.M.)555
And hallelujah sing;J. Berridge (8.8.6.)149
And hang upon thy arm; thy breastA. Steele (8.8.6.)962
And harps of sweeter sound.Isaac Watts (C.M.)19
And has he not his promise passed,John Newton (L.M.)961
And has immortal joys to give.A. Steele (L.M.)957
And has its cursed foundations laidIsaac Watts (C.M.)212
And has my soul at freedom set?J. Irons (C.M.)1156
And has set my soul at large.W. Gadsby (7s)542
And hast brought us home to God.W. Gadsby (7s)650
And hast not lost thy power to save.C. Wesley (L.M.)1076
And hate the works he hates.Isaac Watts (C.M.)192
And hates to put away.J. Kent (C.M.)413
And hateth Satans yoke,John Berridge (148th)889
And have my conversation there.Augustus Toplady (L.M.)991
And have their thousands slain.J. Hart (7.6.7.)795
And having tasted gospel-grace,John Berridge (112th)898
And he anoints my head,John Berridge (C.M.)336
And he baptizes us with fire.J. Hart (L.M.)718
And he can well secureIsaac Watts (C.M.)54
And he engaged to bring them through;W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)572
And he enjoys the sight no more;T. Kelly (L.M.)1049
And he has answered all the laws demand.W. Gadsby (10s)669
And he has conquered death and hell:Samuel Medley (L.M.)470
And he has gainèd high renownJohn Berridge (148th)887
And he has heard my prayers.J. Hart (C.M.)31
And he is safe, and must succeed,WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)967
And he is with me still.J. Hart (7.6.8.)801
And he loved the sacred spot;J. Hart (7s)802
And he my rising sun.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1011
And he reduced them low.Isaac Watts (S.M.)318
And he refuse to hear thy call?John Newton (L.M.)961
And he reveals his love to me.John Newton (L.M.)960
And he shall all the glory have.W. Tucker (L.M.)66
And he shall live again.T. Kelly (C.M.)1047
And he that first made me still keeps me alive.J. Stocker (11s)11
And he that flees, and he that sleeps,J. Hart (C.M.)783
And he that gave his Son to bleed,J. Hart (L.M.)837
And he that hell endured;J. Hart (148th)445
And he that in my name believes,John Newton (C.M.)193
And he the dreadful debt has paid,J. Adams (8.8.6.)67
And he the first-born Son.Isaac Watts (S.M.)437
And he will bring them home to God.W. Gadsby (148th)634
And he will give in bail.John Berridge (C.M.)893
And he will guide your footsteps right.W. Gadsby (L.M.)531
And he will make it plain.WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)320
And he will preserve it from hell;W. Gadsby (8s)635
And he will send supplies.John Berridge (8.8.6.)302
And he, I trust, has answered prayer;John Newton (L.M.)295
And headlong urge the mad career;J. Kent (L.M.)76
And heal a bleeding breast.John Berridge (C.M.)743
And heal it if it be.WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)281
And heal the plague of sin and death;Isaac Watts (L.M.)142
And heal, with balm from Jesus wounds,J. Hart (C.M.)28
And healing up thy guilty smart,John Berridge (C.M.)892
And healing virtue stole,WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)731
And heals old wounds and new;J. Berridge (S.M.)114
And health, and safe abode;Isaac Watts (C.M.)186
And hear him say, It was for you!John Berridge (C.M.)756
And hear his pardoning voice,WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)188
And hear his secret call,J. Hart (C.M.)708
And hear the Saviours faithful word;Henry Fowler (L.M.)1028
And hear the blessed Spirit say,D. Herbert (C.M.)680
And hear thy still small voice.J. Hart (C.M.)30
And hearest every sigh;John Berridge (8.8.6.)690
And hears their humble prayer,John Newton (C.M.)966
And hearts as hard as stone;J. Hart (C.M.)785
And hearts of stone are turned to flesh.Isaac Watts (L.M.)53
And heaven afford them sweet repose.T. Kelly (L.M.)992
And heaven begins below.Isaac Watts (S.M.)423
And heaven begun below.John Newton (C.M.)966
And heaven below I shall prove;R. Burnham (8s)380
And heaven is at thy door.J. Berridge (C.M.)101
And heaven will not be wanting hereJ. Hart (C.M.)850
And heaven with joy resounds.J. Hart (C.M.)489
And heavenly breathings there inspire;John Berridge (112th)901
And heavenly dews enrich the ground?Isaac Watts (L.M.)1140
And heavenly life afford.John Berridge (S.M.)436
And heavenly peace on earth;Isaac Watts (S.M.)38
And heavenly peace on earth;Isaac Watts (S.M.)38
And heavenly truths discern.J. Hart (S.M.)832
And heaviness may endure for a night,W. Hammond (104th)343
And held by Jews in high esteem,J. Hart (L.M.)815
And hell against heaven prevail –W. Gadsby (8s)632
And hell and earth in vain combine,Isaac Watts (L.M.)92
And hell for ever smile.J. Swain (C.M.)467
And hell have all the glory too.W. Gadsby (148th)613
And hell redress my woes.W. Gadsby (C.M.)604
And hell them accomplish too;W. Gadsby (7s)623
And hell, with its legions, come on;J. Kent (8s)298
And hellish darts be hurled,Isaac Watts (C.M.)474
And help from him implore;John Berridge (C.M.)743
And help him to obey thy will.R. Hill (L.M.)373
And help me in my darkest frameDobell’s Selection (L.M.)981
And help me to resignWIlliam Cowper (C.M.)259
And help to sing before the throne,J. Dracup (C.M.)215
And help us more to thee to live,Samuel Medley (S.M.)499
And helped to nail him there.John Newton (C.M.)1025
And helps a pulse with grace to beat;John Berridge (L.M.)896
And her everlasting Head.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)573
And her from Sinais dreadful yokeW. Gadsby (C.M.)553
And her request and her complaintIsaac Watts (L.M.)92
And here I sue, and here I waitJohn Berridge (C.M.)743
And here as travellers we meet,J. Swain (L.M.)286
And here is all my hope;C. Wesley (7.6.8.)98
And here the Saviours lovely faceS. Stennett (C.M.)42
And here thy choicest blessings bring,Samuel Medley (C.M.)367
And here thy praises sing:S. Barnard (148th)1129
And hes an heir of heaven that findsJ. Swain (C.M.)1082
And hid his head, to shun the sight;J. Hart (L.M.)153A
And hide in heaven the hoard.J. Hart (S.M.)880
And hide it deep within their heart.J. Hart (L.M.)255
And him that runs too fast.J. Hart (C.M.)783
And himself more deeply know!J. Allen & W. Shirley (8.7.)158
And his angels have thy part.John Newton (8.7.4.)496
And his availing blood;Augustus Toplady (8.8.6.)1103
And his best resolutions be crossed;J. Hart (11.9.)309
And his blood has washed us clean;J. Hart (7s)830
And his dear name does health afford,John Berridge (C.M.)756
And his dear truth deny?R. Burnham (C.M.)191
And his deep mind can trace;John Berridge (C.M.)1128
And his delight is placed in them.J. Hart (L.M.)255
And his electing love employs,Isaac Watts (L.M.)75
And his eternal praise.Isaac Watts (C.M.)141
And his forgiving love,Isaac Watts (S.M.)1015
And his garments rolled in blood.J. Hart (7s)490
And his life he receives from the dead.J. Hart (11.9.)309
And his likeness fully bear.W. Gadsby (7s)619
And his mercy knows no end;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)593
And his obedience mine.John Newton (C.M.)119
And his people cease to mourn.T. Kelly (8.7.7.)1063
And his shall be the praise.Isaac Watts (C.M.)325
And his wonders spread abroad.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)514
And hold sweet fellowship with God.J. Kent (L.M.)911
And holds the fear of God.J. Hart (S.M.)236
And holds the promisesIsaac Watts (148th)122
And holy is his name.J. Hart (C.M.)855
And holy zeal inspires my heart.S. Stennett (L.M.)271
And honour him in all we do.W. Gadsby (148th)608
And honour thee in all we do.W. Gadsby (L.M.)531
And hope almost expires in night,A. Steele (L.M.)1078
And hope expects for evermoreJ. Stevens (8.8.6.)242
And hope he his help will afford,John Newton (8s)1149
And hope in glory to appear.J. Swain (122nd)371
And hope soon in glory to praise the Three-One.J. Stevens (11s)243
And hope that with us thou wilt be.W. Gadsby (148th)642
And hope the like in heaven.J. Hart (C.M.)156
And hope to be formed to that likeness anew.J. Stevens (11s)243
And hope to follow that.J. Hart (C.M.)812
And hope, and every grace;Isaac Watts (C.M.)109
And hope, though eer so clear of doubt,J. Hart (C.M.)241
And hoped it some mercy would show;W. Gadsby (8s)565
And hopeless, yield to fear?R. Burnham (C.M.)997
And hopes her guilt was there.Isaac Watts (S.M.)125
And hosannas daily give;John Berridge (7s)686
And hosannas ever cry.John Berridge (7s)686
And hourly watch and pray.A. Steele (C.M.)1051
And how for sin they daily mourn.Samuel Medley (L.M.)263
And human pride abase.W. Gadsby (S.M.)541
And humble souls rejoice with fear.Isaac Watts (122nd)362
And humbled in the dust,John Berridge (S.M.)891
And humbly seek thy face;A. Steele (C.M.)1143
And hunt for tinkling sound;J. Hart (148th)817
And hurts beyond them all.J. Hart (S.M.)287
And husks he now must eat, or pine.W. Gadsby (148th)590
And if God the Spirit reveal this to you,J. Kent (11s)1097
And if free grace, why not for me?C. Cole (L.M.)984
And if he wounds, or if he heals,John Berridge (C.M.)894
And if it be not broken, break,WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)281
And if my soul were sent to hell,Isaac Watts (L.M.)761
And if no grace the Lord will grant,John Berridge (C.M.)743
And if our dearest comforts fallJ. Swain (C.M.)132
And if sufferings must ensue,W. Gadsby (7s)558
And if the conflict should be long,J. Fawcett (L.M.)328
And if the rod should needful be,T. Kelly (L.M.)1043
And if this one be given,J. Hart (C.M.)156
And if thou count us worthy,C. Wesley (7.7.4.)131
And if thou make thy temple shine,WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)381
And if thou reject my prayer,A. Serle (7s)964
And if with lively faith we viewJohn Berridge (C.M.)756
And if you are minded, you freely may eat.J. Berridge (104th)150
And if your souls be sad,J. Hart (7.6.8.)843
And ills I cannot flee;T. Haweis (C.M.)1065
And implore thy mercy.J. Hart (7.6.)827
And in Jehovah lives.W. Gadsby (S.M.)713
And in bliss immortal sing,W. Gadsby (7s)518
And in dreadful troops drew near;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)560
And in every trying case,W. Gadsby (7s)623
And in glory,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)573
And in heaven is now set downJ. Hart (7s)830
And in him alone rejoice;J. Swain (8.7.4.)1055
And in him alone rejoice;W. Gadsby (7s)623
And in him are all my springs;W. Gadsby (7s)562
And in him endless life prepared,Boyce (C.M.)1151
And in him our boast well make;J. Hart (8.7.)491
And in him they shall boast;W. Gadsby (148th)532
And in him well rejoice.W. Gadsby (S.M.)606
And in his arms shall lose my breath;Samuel Medley (L.M.)410
And in his love may we be blest,S. Browne (8.8.6.)1134
And in his precious name rejoice.R. Burnham (L.M.)450
And in his sweet presence to dwell;B. Francis (8s)246
And in his wondrous mercy see,J. Kent (148th)732
And in measure sweetly traceW. Gadsby (7s)518
And in my Saviours image rise.Isaac Watts (L.M.)473
And in one bosom, false as hell,John Berridge (148th)885
And in our Priest we will rejoice,J. Cennick (C.M.)118
And in our hearts record,J. Hart (C.M.)459
And in our troubles fleeW. Gadsby (148th)630
And in prayer watch every day;W. Gadsby (7s)645
And in return accepts with smiles,S. Stennett (S.M.)359
And in sweet murmurs by thy side,Isaac Watts (L.M.)264
And in that glorious, bright abode,Samuel Medley (L.M.)195
And in the Lord rejoice.W. Gadsby (S.M.)606
And in the conscience safely sealsS. Stennett (C.M.)42
And in the mount it shall be seen,J. Franklin (L.M.)513
And in the new JerusalemIsaac Watts (C.M.)54
And in thee it shall appearJohn Newton (7s)273
And in them does rejoice;(Author Unknown) (148th)214
And in these galleries of thy grace,J. Stevens (8.8.6.)216
And in this covenant thou shalt viewJ. Kent (148th)87
And in this stormy sea provideHenry Fowler (S.M.)1029
And in thy temple let us seeIsaac Watts (L.M.)265
And inly sigh for thy repose;G. Tersteegen, translated by J. Wesley (112th)1075
And insolvent debtors will fit.W. Gadsby (8s)523
And interest in his death.Isaac Watts (S.M.)437
And interest sways the whole;J. Hart (C.M.)851
And into boundless glory flow.Isaac Watts (L.M.)33
And is by God the Spirit sealed.J. Kent (L.M.)405
And is freely given;W. Gadsby (7.6.)574
And is he not thy friend?W. Hammond (C.M.)929
And is no kind physician nigh,A. Steele (L.M.)977
And is the beginning of wisdom and grace.J. Hart (104th)254
And is the gift of God.B. Beddome (S.M.)225
And it is his righteous will,W. Gadsby (7s)594
And it must and shall endure.W. Gadsby (7s)594
And it suffices still.John Berridge (8.8.6.)904
And it will move at thy command.John Berridge (148th)883
And its waters freely flow.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)582
And join the anthems in the skies,Samuel Medley (L.M.)410
And join the joyful song.J. Hart (C.M.)489
And join their songs of praise!John Newton (C.M.)288
And join with all the angelic hostJ. Hart (8.8.6.)504
And join with the armies above,B. Francis (8s)246
And joy a constant guest;Isaac Watts (C.M.)361
And joy from heart to heart.J. Swain (C.M.)1082
And joy shall rest upon their head.W. Gadsby (148th)532
And joy succeeds to smart.B. Wallin (C.M.)194
And joy surrounds a dying bed.Samuel Medley (L.M.)470
And joy within thee wait,Isaac Watts (122nd)362
And joyful spread thy praise abroad,Samuel Medley (L.M.)195
And joyfully believes.C. Wesley (S.M.)983
And joys that never die.A. Steele (C.M.)1039
And judge by what he feels?W. Gadsby (C.M.)604
And judgment joining in the theme,J. Hart (S.M.)833
And judgment unto victory send.S. Stennett (L.M.)762
And justice all her rights maintains;W. Tucker (L.M.)17
And justice for the oppressed.Isaac Watts (S.M.)420
And justice now is on your side.J. Hart (L.M.)488
And justice, mercy, truth, and power,W. Gadsby (C.M.)530
And justifies the dreadful strokeW. Gadsby (S.M.)713
And keep our comforts back.J. Hart (S.M.)287
And keep the solemn day!Isaac Watts (C.M.)361
And keep us safe from every snare,J. Franklin (C.M.)512
And keeps his love from first to last,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)149
And keeps us from the Lord.J. Hart (S.M.)287
And kept our eye on him alone?T. Kelly (L.M.)1041
And kill me to Moses, to sin, and the world.W. Gadsby (104th)521
And kills him with a kiss.W. Gadsby (C.M.)588
And kindle in our breasts the flamesJ. Hart (S.M.)27
And kindles with a pure desire;Isaac Watts (L.M.)264
And kindly call thy foe thy friend;J. Hart (112th)835
And kindly handed down to us.J. Hart (112th)790
And kindly knits a broken bone,John Berridge (L.M.)896
And kiss a weeping child.J. Berridge (C.M.)101
And kiss our Saviours feet.J. Hart (7.6.8.)787
And kissed him, for his mercys sake.W. Gadsby (148th)590
And knock at Mercys door;J. Berridge (148th)146
And knock at mercys door;W. Gadsby (C.M.)527
And knock at mercys door;W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)589
And knock at mercys door;W. Gadsby (148th)629
And knock at mercys door;John Berridge (C.M.)765
And knock at mercys gate;J. Berridge (S.M.)81
And know he saved us by his blood?J. Hart (112th)790
And know no will but his.Augustus Toplady (C.M.)472
And know that hes your conquering Lord.Henry Fowler (L.M.)1028
And know thou art my Father, God!Samuel Medley (L.M.)275
And know what Israel ought to do?John Newton (L.M.)1142
And knowest well the Fathers will,John Berridge (C.M.)1128
And knows himself unclean,W. Gadsby (C.M.)528
And labour but in vain.W. Gadsby (C.M.)528
And labours hard for peace;W. Gadsby (C.M.)638
And laid his robes aside,S. Stennett (148th)403
And laid the Gittite low?WIlliam Cowper (148th)338
And land my soul with God.J. Kent (C.M.)1093
And land you safe above;W. Gadsby (C.M.)631
And larger make my share;J. Stevens (8.8.6.)216
And lash them well with grief on grief,John Berridge (112th)898
And lashed him when his hands were bound;J. Hart (L.M.)153A
And lasting as the mind.A. Steele (C.M.)1079
And laud the Lord most high.J. Hart (C.M.)834
And lay and keep us low.J. Hart (S.M.)287
And lay their highest honours down, Isaac Watts (C.M.)476
And lay us abhorring ourselves at thy feet.John Berridge (104th)710
And lay your load at Jesus feet,D. Herbert (C.M.)675
And lays his thunder by.Isaac Watts (148th)122
And lead me in thy path;Augustus Toplady (S.M.)1067
And lead me to Jesus for peace,Augustus Toplady (8s)293
And lead me to the Lamb;Henry Fowler (S.M.)1035
And lead me to thy blest abode.Lock Chapel Collection (L.M.)1008
And lead my thoughts to things above,Henry Fowler (C.M.)1027
And lead the soul astray?W. Gadsby (S.M.)601
And lead the steps astray;J. Hart (S.M.)308
And lead us on with Christ in view.W. Gadsby (148th)608
And lead us safely home.John Newton (C.M.)202
And lead us safely onW. Gadsby (6.4.)517
And leads me safely through;J. Franklin (C.M.)511
And leads me, for his mercys sake,Isaac Watts (C.M.)139
And leads us to adoreW. Gadsby (148th)618
And lean on Jesus breast.W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)636
And leaning moves along.J. Kent (S.M.)994
And leaped to the hills of ethereal day!Isaac Watts (11s)414
And learn from man, vain man, to cease.T. Kelly (L.M.)974
And learn to feast uponJohn Berridge (148th)888
And learn to kiss the rod.A. Steele (C.M.)260
And learn to walk the best.John Berridge (8.8.6.)745
And learn your Fathers will;W. Gadsby (148th)599
And learn, in some degree,J. Hart (C.M.)782
And learned to trust the Saviours name;T. Kelly (L.M.)949
And leave all our cares in his hands.John Newton (8s)276
And leave but half for God!Isaac Watts (C.M.)1064
And leave it to return no more.WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)290
And leave me to my joys;Isaac Watts (C.M.)266
And leave my native land,R. De Courcy (148th)294
And leave the consecrated door.WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)381
And leave the narrow road;John Berridge (148th)883
And leave the rest among their heirs.Isaac Watts (L.M.)473
And leave the world and sin behind.R. De Courcy (148th)294
And leaves my heart in pain.Isaac Watts (C.M.)727
And led by thy Spirit, we boldly draw near;J. Stevens (11s)243
And led the tribes, thy chosen sheep,Isaac Watts (L.M.)1140
And left a long perfume.Isaac Watts (C.M.)466
And left no more to roam.J. Stevens (S.M.)425
And left the burden there.J. Hart (C.M.)486
And legal toil as well,W. Gadsby (C.M.)528
And legions of the blackest crimes,John Newton (L.M.)1142
And lends a gracious ear,John Berridge (148th)889
And lepers all unclean.J. Kent (C.M.)930
And lest I should be neglected,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)583
And let a precious Jesus beSamuel Medley (S.M.)499
And let distinctions fall?J. Hart (C.M.)816
And let each prefer another,T. Kelly (8.7.4.)1014
And let every ransomed soulJ. Hart (7s)830
And let his precious loveW. Gadsby (148th)550
And let it there remain.Samuel Medley (C.M.)378
And let me cease from sin.C. Wesley (C.M.)1061
And let me feel the softening shower;C. Wesley (7.6.8.)391
And let me find my all in thee.C. Wesley (L.M.)1074
And let me have true intercourse with thee.W. Gadsby (10s)693
And let me heal thy smart.John Berridge (C.M.)894
And let me know my Father reigns,A. Steele (C.M.)1083
And let me look, at least, to thee.J. Hart (112th)835
And let me lose my sins in thee.C. Wesley (7.6.8.)98
And let me never, never stray,A. Steele (C.M.)1051
And let me rove no more.C. Wesley (7.6.8.)391
And let me rove no more.C. Wesley (7.6.8.)391
And let me rove no more.C. Wesley (7.6.8.)391
And let me rove no more.A. Steele (C.M.)392
And let me sing thy praises well,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)148
And let me taste thy special grace,D. Herbert (L.M.)711
And let me with confidence sing,R. Burnham (8s)380
And let my feeble criesJohn Berridge (148th)883
And let my tongue declare the woesRozzell (C.M.)189
And let our souls go free.D. Herbert (C.M.)679
And let repentance go?J. Hart (C.M.)240
And let the Lord be all.J. Hart (C.M.)708
And let the angry powers of hellJohn Newton (L.M.)295
And let the marriage be complete.J. Hart (8.6.8.)234
And let the mourning sinner live.Isaac Watts (L.M.)164
And let the seed thy servant sowsJ. Hart (C.M.)455
And let the year we now begin,John Newton (C.M.)1114
And let their songs record his name,J. Kent (last 3 verses) (L.M.)407
And let thy Spirits voice impartA. Steele (C.M.)1069
And let thy hand in every needJ. Hart (112th)790
And let thy loving-kindness stillSamuel Medley (S.M.)499
And let thy presence fill this place.T. Kelly (L.M.)1125
And let thy truth within us live.J. Hart (L.M.)457
And let thy wrath be turned away.John Newton (L.M.)1142
And let us all in him rejoice.W. Gadsby (148th)590
And let us drink thy precious blood.W. Gadsby (148th)642
And let us eat and sing;W. Gadsby (148th)590
And let us feast indeed;W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)643
And let us lay claim to thee;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)610
And let your conduct shine;W. Gadsby (148th)608
And let your hearts be glad.J. Hart (7.6.8.)843
And lets them lifeless lie?J. Hart (8.8.6.)715
And lie submissive at his feet!W. W. Horne (L.M.)285
And life almost depart,A. Steele (C.M.)1083
And life deriving from thy blood,Augustus Toplady (112th)1052
And life proceeds from grace.J. Hart (C.M.)809
And life, and joy, and crowns above,Isaac Watts (L.M.)47
And lift their ghastly eyes.J. Hart (S.M.)847
And lift their hearts above.W. Gadsby (S.M.)540
And lift your souls above;G. Burder (C.M.)750
And lifts his name on high.Henry Fowler (148th)1026
And light from darkness springs;John Newton (C.M.)966
And light their steps surround.Isaac Watts (C.M.)58
And light, and hope, and joy impart;A. Steele (L.M.)1085
And lighter than our guilt.Isaac Watts (S.M.)1015
And lights our passions to a flame!Isaac Watts (L.M.)265
And like the mountains for their size,T. Gibbons (L.M.)755
And link me to thy side?John Berridge (148th)885
And link mid-day with night,John Berridge (148th)885
And linked in kindly care,John Berridge (C.M.)375
And lip devotion, barren cheer,John Berridge (112th)901
And lisp thy holy name;John Newton (S.M.)196
And listen to thy call;John Berridge (148th)886
And live and reign with Christ my Lord.Gospel Mag., 1796 (L.M.)482
And live and reign with him above.W. Gadsby (148th)617
And live for evermore.J. Hart (S.M.)811
And live for evermore.J. Hart (S.M.)825
And live for evermore;J. Hart (148th)353
And live to eternity too,W. Gadsby (8s)635
And live while they behold thee die.J. Swain (L.M.)738
And live with God eternally.W. Gadsby (122nd)522
And lives and reigns for you.J. Hart (C.M.)856
And lives beneath the throne,J. Stevens (C.M.)228
And lives in Jesus righteousness,J. Stevens (8.8.6.)242
And lives to God above the skies.Isaac Watts (L.M.)432
And lives to carry on his love,Isaac Watts (C.M.)124
And lives to die no more.J. Hart (S.M.)487
And living joy imparts;Samuel Medley (C.M.)987
And living waters gently roll,Isaac Watts (L.M.)480
And lo! I plead the atoning blood,C. Wesley (L.M.)97
And loathe my folly too;John Berridge (148th)883
And loathsome is my breath;J. Berridge (C.M.)299
And loathst the mire they bring?John Berridge (C.M.)684
And long abused his grace.J. Hart (S.M.)219
And long for a discharge!John Newton (C.M.)288
And long may they remain.Samuel Medley (C.M.)367
And long to be dissolved;J. Kent (C.M.)1089
And long to fly away.Augustus Toplady (C.M.)472
And long to know thy will;R. Burnham (C.M.)997
And long to meet my Saviours face,Isaac Watts (C.M.)478
And long to see his face.W. Gadsby (C.M.)660
And long to see it fall;John Newton (C.M.)469
And long to see thy face above.J. Berridge (148th)146
And long to see thy face?Isaac Watts (C.M.)402
And longing to dwell with my God.B. Francis (8s)246
And look for certain joy.D. Herbert (C.M.)507
And look for his love to the end.J. Hart (8s)233
And look for salvation in me.J. Kent (8s)183
And look within the veil,Isaac Watts (C.M.)479
And looks like an angel of light;J. Hart (8s)220
And looks well reconciled;J. Berridge (C.M.)101
And looks with everlasting loveJ. Hart (S.M.)831
And looks, and loves, and smiles;J. Hart (C.M.)850
And loose my cable from below;Augustus Toplady (L.M.)1018
And loosed thy native chains;J. Kent (8.8.6.)406
And lordly self before it fly.John Berridge (L.M.)896
And lost in Deity.J. Kent (C.M.)914
And loud for mercy cries;W. Gadsby (C.M.)588
And loud repeat their songs:Isaac Watts (S.M.)38
And love beyond degree.Isaac Watts (C.M.)763
And love command my tongue.Isaac Watts (C.M.)207
And love divine he will impart,W. Gadsby (S.M.)624
And love eternal, strong as death.J. Kent (L.M.)87A
And love for ever reigns.J. Hart (C.M.)850
And love him in his word.Isaac Watts (S.M.)423
And love is waxing cold –Isaac Watts (C.M.)1146
And love maintains it to the end.W. Gadsby (L.M.)633
And love me to the end.Samuel Medley (C.M.)378
And love shed in the heart abroad,J. Berridge (S.M.)81
And love that lasts for evermore.J. Hart (148th)777
And love that seeks no merit.J. Hart (P.M.)814
And love the faithless sinner still.C. Wesley (112th)1060
And love thee freely too.John Berridge (C.M.)714
And love thee more than I can tell,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)148
And love thy house of prayer;WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)281
And love thy righteous law.J. Hart (S.M.)833
And love will bring them safe to God;W. Gadsby (L.M.)633
And love will finish all their strife.W. Gadsby (L.M.)633
And love wipes her sorrows away;J. Kent (8s)334
And love, and concord dwell;John Newton (C.M.)398
And love, and praise, and pray.Isaac Watts (S.M.)357
And love, and pray, and praise, and sing,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)643
And love, are all in thee.J. Hart (7.6.8.)801
And loves as much as fears.J. Needham (C.M.)252
And loves the road to death;W. Gadsby (148th)617
And lovest to the end.J. Hart (7.6.7.)796
And loving to the end.John Berridge (8.8.6.)745
And lust, and work, engendering sin?J. Hart (148th)313
And made alive to GodW. Gadsby (S.M.)652
And made an end of sin;W. Gadsby (148th)537
And made believers clean,J. Hart (C.M.)785
And made een death our gain.J. Hart (S.M.)842
And made his glories known,John Newton (C.M.)933
And made his truth and mercy known;J. Fawcett (L.M.)289
And made me strong in faith.W. Gadsby (S.M.)546
And made salvation mine;Isaac Watts (C.M.)109
And made their conscience clean.W. Gadsby (S.M.)665
And magnify thy grace divine;R. Hill (112th)1070
And magnify thy grace.D. Herbert (C.M.)510
And magnify thy sovereign name;W. Gadsby (L.M.)655
And make Jehovahs arm their song;P. Doddridge (L.M.)332
And make a bankrupt whole;John Berridge (148th)886
And make a joyful noise.Isaac Watts (C.M.)266
And make all heaven to ring with joy?J. Irons (C.M.)1156
And make an end of sin?J. Hart (C.M.)782
And make each face to shine.W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)643
And make her in his name rejoice,W. Gadsby (C.M.)533
And make him all thy arm;J. Berridge (S.M.)253
And make him often halt.J. Hart (S.M.)287
And make him to the end endure.R. Hill (L.M.)373
And make his counsels shine.W. Gadsby (C.M.)631
And make his goodness known;W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)592
And make his love at times prevail,Dobell’s Selection (L.M.)981
And make his mercy known.J. Franklin (C.M.)511
And make his wonders known.Isaac Watts (S.M.)421
And make it only know thy call;G. Tersteegen, translated by J. Wesley (112th)1075
And make it strong and clear,J. Berridge (S.M.)253
And make it wholly thine.A. Steele (C.M.)95
And make its secret moan?John Berridge (C.M.)765
And make me gladly all thy will embrace.W. Gadsby (10s)693
And make me live to thee.A. Steele (C.M.)1010
And make me live wholly to thee.Augustus Toplady (8s)293
And make me more than conqueror too.W. Gadsby (L.M.)621
And make my broken bones rejoice.Isaac Watts (L.M.)1004
And make my comforts strong;Isaac Watts (C.M.)192
And make my conquest quite complete.Dobell’s Selection (L.M.)981
And make my guilty conscience clean;Isaac Watts (L.M.)761
And make my heart a house of prayer.C. Wesley (112th)1060
And make my heart alive;John Berridge (C.M.)894
And make my heart sincere;Isaac Watts (C.M.)1003
And make my refuge, Lord, in thee.J. Kent (L.M.)926
And make my spirit thrive.John Berridge (C.M.)894
And make oppressors flee;Isaac Watts (C.M.)1146
And make our happiness complete.S. Turner (L.M.)1131
And make our outward worship pureJ. Hart (8.8.6.)786
And make that Sonship clear.J. Hart (S.M.)312
And make the careless sinner fear.John Newton (altered) (L.M.)1130
And make the conscience whole.W. Gadsby (C.M.)604
And make the covert of thy wingsIsaac Watts (S.M.)140
And make the living Lord, alas!J. Hart (C.M.)855
And make the promise sweet.S. Browne (8.8.6.)1134
And make the rent still worse.J. Hart (C.M.)774
And make the sinner whole.Matlock’s Selection (S.M.)948
And make the world obey.Isaac Watts (C.M.)126
And make the wounded whole.J. Hart (C.M.)31
And make thee from the promise start?Henry Fowler (L.M.)1036
And make thee master of the field.W. Gadsby (L.M.)622
And make thee more like him.J. Hart (C.M.)871
And make their faces shine.W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)589
And make them fall!C. Wesley (6.4.)35
And make them know what union is;W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)580
And make them like a drunkard reel.W. Gadsby (L.M.)620
And make them when he please,Isaac Watts (C.M.)14
And make thy conscience sweet.J. Berridge (S.M.)81
And make thy eyes run oer.J. Berridge (C.M.)101
And make thy foes obey.B. Wallin (C.M.)194
And make thy glory known.C. Wesley (last verse unknown) (8.8.6.)137
And make thy glory known;John Newton (C.M.)1114
And make thy name our choice;W. Gadsby (S.M.)556
And make thy pleasure mine.WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)259
And make thy praise my song.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1098
And make thy spirit meek.J. Hart (S.M.)872
And make thy word my guide to heaven.Isaac Watts (L.M.)1147
And make us feel it too.J. Hart (S.M.)312
And make us watch and pray;W. Gadsby (148th)608
And make us watch and pray;W. Gadsby (148th)700
And make your passage clear.W. Gadsby (C.M.)631
And makes a rueful rout;John Berridge (148th)887
And makes een grace a snare.J. Hart (S.M.)287
And makes her all-glorious within;W. Gadsby (8s)523
And makes him choose to die.T. Kelly (S.M.)1012
And makes his Fathers counsels known;Isaac Watts (L.M.)211
And makes his counsels shine;Isaac Watts (C.M.)4
And makes his face to shine.W. Gadsby (C.M.)588
And makes his goodness known;W. Gadsby (C.M.)570
And makes me dutiful besides.J. Berridge (L.M.)115
And makes me feel the plague of sin;D. Herbert (L.M.)711
And makes me pant for God;John Berridge (148th)884
And makes such a sinner as IJ. Hart (8s)233
And makes temptations light!J. Hart (C.M.)107
And makes the atonement her plea,J. Kent (8s)334
And makes the conscience clear.J. Hart (S.M.)863
And makes the soul rejoice;R. Burnham (148th)60
And makes thee young again.Isaac Watts (S.M.)420
And makes their faces shine.John Berridge (S.M.)890
And makes their sore consciences whole;J. Hart (8s)233
And makes them white as wool,W. Gadsby (148th)526
And makes us anticipate heaven.R. Burnham (8s)460
And makes us more than conquerors, too.Isaac Watts (L.M.)72
And malice brooding ill;(Author Unknown) (8.8.6.)903
And malice to the deep.Isaac Watts (C.M.)424
And man grows up to mourn.Isaac Watts (C.M.)465
And man may change, he changes not;J. Berridge (8.8.6.)149
And manages the seas;Isaac Watts (S.M.)770
And manifests his power.J. Franklin (C.M.)511
And many are the wonders we have known;W. Gadsby (10s)699
And many enter in thereat,J. Hart (S.M.)308
And many sighs and many tears,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)178
And marks a secret groan.John Berridge (C.M.)765
And matchless grace has made that treasure mine.W. Gadsby (10s)667
And may I for ever reclineR. Burnham (8s)380
And may draw near to God.J. Hart (S.M.)311
And may obtain a place,WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)1122
And may the gospels joyful sound,John Newton (C.M.)398
And may the heavenly Paraclete,W. Gadsby (148th)696
And may thy blessed familyW. Gadsby (148th)696
And may thy will be done.J. Hart (C.M.)156
And may we all pursueR. Burnham (148th)60
And may we feel the blessing come,D. Herbert (C.M.)677
And may we thy love inherit,W. Gadsby (8.7.)694
And may we to thy glory live,W. Gadsby (S.M.)682
And may we, in thy faith and fear,J. Fawcett (112th)454
And meanly value him.J. Hart (C.M.)803
And measures out our pains;J. Swain (C.M.)132
And measures the earth with a span;W. Gadsby (8s)632
And meet a scourging God,John Berridge (S.M.)335
And meet no crowd to check their pace,John Berridge (8.8.6.)302
And melt in flowing tears!A. Steele (C.M.)1051
And melted is my frame.J. Berridge (S.M.)268
And melts a most obdurate heart.J. Berridge (L.M.)49
And melts my soul to love.J. Swain (C.M.)951
And members sound and whole;J. Hart (C.M.)785
And mercy lifts him to a crown.Isaac Watts (L.M.)317
And mercy or wrath is your lot.John Newton (8s)1149
And mercy will bear us awayR. Burnham (8s)12
And mercy, like a mighty stream,Isaac Watts (L.M.)72
And mercy, like a river, flowsW. Gadsby (C.M.)588
And merits of the Son.J. Hart (C.M.)28
And mighty is his name.W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)592
And mix no more with mud.J. Hart (148th)102
And mix with the triumphing crowd.B. Francis (8s)246
And mixes all with sin.J. Hart (S.M.)287
And mocks the weak, the slender ties;A. Steele (L.M.)1084
And mongst a thousand tender thoughts,Isaac Watts (C.M.)269
And more exalts our joys.Isaac Watts (C.M.)5
And more resemble too.J. Hart (C.M.)855
And more than conquerors too.J. Hart (C.M.)305
And more will after rise.John Berridge (S.M.)891
And mortal life shall cease,John Newton (C.M.)198
And mothers monsters prove,Isaac Watts (C.M.)269
And mould it for a nobler end,Isaac Watts (L.M.)75
And mount and bear us far aboveIsaac Watts (L.M.)481
And mount to meet the Lord.J. Hart (C.M.)845
And mount with thee to heaven.Augustus Toplady (S.M.)1067
And mountains of almighty wrath,Isaac Watts (S.M.)167
And mourn an absent God.J. Kent (S.M.)412
And mourn to think that I should beT. Kelly (L.M.)1021
And mourned because I found it not;J. Cennick (L.M.)144
And move and melt this heart of mine.J. Hart (L.M.)316
And murmur beneath his kind rod?J. Swain (8s)319
And murmur without end!W. Hammond (C.M.)929
And murmured with their tongue.Isaac Watts (S.M.)318
And must I ever smart,John Berridge (148th)672
And must I, then, indeed,John Newton (S.M.)196
And must appear at length;John Berridge (C.M.)765
And must be righteous still?T. Greene (C.M.)261
And must be saved by grace.W. Gadsby (C.M.)596
And must divinely be adored.Isaac Watts (L.M.)20
And must have sunk them down,J. Swain (122nd)371
And must it, Lord, be so?J. Hart (148th)307
And must thy children bearJ. Hart (148th)307
And my Beloved mine!Isaac Watts (C.M.)266
And my Elder Brother, who loves to the end?W. Gadsby (11s)577
And my best honours to his name!Isaac Watts (L.M.)166
And my heart is hard and cold,Henry Fowler (7s)1037
And my own self defend;J. Cennick (8.8.6.)163
And my poor heart cries out for God.John Berridge (148th)673
And my sad condition moan;Henry Fowler (7s)1031
And my soul approves it well.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)582
And my soul will cling to thee,W. Gadsby (7s)722
And my tongue be rightly skillèd,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)641
And my unguarded soul surprise;W. Tucker (L.M.)399
And nail my glory to his cross.Isaac Watts (L.M.)112
And nailed and pierced thy body there.John Berridge (L.M.)716
And naked must depart.J. Hart (S.M.)880
And naked now to Jesus flies.J. Kent (L.M.)908
And near me seat my favourites, and my sons;Isaac Watts (50th)497
And nearer to our house above,Augustus Toplady (S.M.)330
And needs a heart upright.J. Berridge (S.M.)253
And neer can give it up,R. Burnham (C.M.)244
And neer forget thy word,Isaac Watts (C.M.)402
And neer from us depart,C. Wesley (6.4.)35
And neither knows measure nor end.J. Hart (8s)220
And neither sun nor stars appear,John Berridge (C.M.)893
And nerves the feeble arm for fight;T. Kelly (L.M.)919
And never dare to offend thee more.C. Wesley (112th)1060
And never from thy sight remove.A. Steele (L.M.)1084
And never hunger more.T. Kelly (S.M.)995
And never part again.W. Gadsby (S.M.)683
And never part again?J. Hart (C.M.)310
And never shall see death.J. Hart (C.M.)685
And never shall they die again,J. Hart (S.M.)130
And never was forfeited yet.Augustus Toplady (8s)340
And never with it part.J. Hart (C.M.)455
And never, never part again.W. Gadsby (148th)539
And never, never sin;Isaac Watts (S.M.)770
And never, never stray again,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)636
And never-ceasing praise,Isaac Watts (C.M.)100
And never-withering flowers;Isaac Watts (C.M.)1022
And new-create the whole.J. Hart (S.M.)27
And next, to have our coast enlargedJ. Hart (112th)790
And nights and days thy power confess:Isaac Watts (L.M.)1147
And no help from heaven appears.R. Burnham (8.7.)1096
And no helper there was found,J. Adams (8.7.4.)205
And no man ever will.J. Hart (C.M.)809
And no payment he demandeth,R. Burnham (8.7.)976
And no relief can find.John Newton (S.M.)196
And none can raise to life the deadJohn Berridge (8.8.6.)904
And not a single mite will bate;J. Berridge (L.M.)49
And not a wave of trouble rollIsaac Watts (C.M.)474
And not by bread alone;J. Hart (S.M.)825
And not feel tears of sorrow flow,J. Hart (C.M.)734
And not from Esaus bow.J. Hart (148th)817
And not like an alien rove;J. Hart (7s)874
And not one jot or tittle fail.J. Hart (L.M.)352
And not the grace of God abuse,J. Hart (112th)790
And not thy liberal hand espy,Boyce (C.M.)1151
And nothing move this heart of mine.J. Hart (L.M.)316
And nought on earth desire to know,J. Berridge (C.M.)169
And nourish your despair?Isaac Watts (C.M.)212
And now he fills the mercy-seat.W. Tucker (L.M.)17
And now his God forsakes him too!J. Hart (L.M.)797
And now his office is to waitJ. Swain (C.M.)467
And now in stubborn silence sit.W. Hammond (L.M.)279
And now it pleads before the throne.Isaac Watts (148th)122
And now it shall be mine;John Newton (C.M.)1020
And now made willing to return,C. Wesley (112th)1060
And now my willing footsteps moveJ. Fellows (C.M.)429
And now the Fathers house aboundsW. Gadsby (148th)590
And now the work is done,J. Hart (148th)817
And now their fervent prayers ascend –E. Scott (C.M.)1145
And now thou in thy kingdom art,Augustus Toplady (C.M.)117
And now thou livst for evermore,J. Hart (C.M.)856
And now we live through thee.J. Hart (C.M.)856
And now will I set thee at large.W. Gadsby (8s)581
And now with shame my guilt and folly own;W. Gadsby (10s)668
And now, O Lord, my wants I see;J. Maxwell (L.M.)44
And now, in his distress,W. Gadsby (148th)590
And now, through grace, I fix on thee,J. Stevens (8.8.6.)216
And nowhere else but there.Isaac Watts (S.M.)185
And nursèd by folly, brings all evil forth!John Berridge (104th)907
And obey thy righteous will.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)656
And oer the plains of Canaan range;W. W. Horne (C.M.)468
And of covenant mercy sing.J. Kent (8.7.)759
And of him will make my boast.W. Gadsby (7s)558
And of his conquest boast?John Berridge (148th)887
And of his mercy boast.W. Gadsby (S.M.)541
And of his righteousness partake!Isaac Watts (L.M.)112
And of the heavenly Canaan sing,J. Stevens (8.8.6.)216
And of thee we will boast.W. Gadsby (S.M.)652
And of their richness boast,J. Hart (C.M.)803
And offer solemn prayer and praise;S. Stennett (L.M.)453
And offers his blood to purge off our stain;J. Berridge (104th)150
And oft a Fathers rodW. Gadsby (148th)634
And oft an absent God I mourn.J. Fawcett (L.M.)289
And oft bring mischief on our head,John Berridge (S.M.)335
And oft he seems to gain the field,D. Herbert (C.M.)678
And oft my comforts kill.Henry Fowler (S.M.)1035
And oft our enemies have feltJohn Newton (L.M.)1142
And oft stick fast in mire;J. Hart (S.M.)308
And oft, to thy sorrow, his face he shall hide,J. Kent (104th)297
And often said, None are so tried as we;W. Gadsby (10s)699
And often say theyre neither just nor wise.W. Gadsby (10s)699
And often see thy face;W. Gadsby (148th)700
And often since our life had failed,John Newton (C.M.)193
And often takes me by surprise.Henry Fowler (L.M.)954
And often thou shalt hear from me.Isaac Watts (L.M.)92
And often wonder where the scene will end;W. Gadsby (10s)701
And on him can cast all his cares;W. Gadsby (11.8.)591
And on him rest when dangers near.W. Gadsby (148th)571
And on his bosom leans secure,J. Kent (S.M.)994
And on his bounty feed,John Berridge (148th)674
And on his hand a ring;W. Gadsby (148th)590
And on his heart inscribe the nameW. Gadsby (C.M.)579
And on his righteousness rely,J. Hart (S.M.)811
And on his word can feast;John Berridge (8.8.6.)905
And on me justly mightst thou pourJ. Maxwell (L.M.)44
And on the Rock of Ages setIsaac Watts (C.M.)94
And on the kind errand most joyfully comes.E. L. Schlict (11s)41
And on the water brood;J. Hart (C.M.)862
And on the wings of every hour,Isaac Watts (C.M.)207
And on thee cast our cares.W. Gadsby (C.M.)637
And on thee to cast their cares.Henry Fowler (7s)754
And on them puts a crown.W. Gadsby (C.M.)553
And on thy care depend;J. Ryland (C.M.)247
And on thy faithful word relies;Henry Fowler (L.M.)954
And on thy knees for pardon sue,J. Kent (L.M.)113
And on thy righteousness to live,Samuel Medley (L.M.)979
And one pure anthem swell the joysR. Burnham (C.M.)1153
And only be living to publish thy praise.John Berridge (104th)906
And only pleasure know;W. Gadsby (148th)613
And only the debt did increase,W. Gadsby (8s)565
And only thou canst help afford;Samuel Medley (L.M.)384
And open adamantine locks;J. Hart (L.M.)492
And open all his grace.Samuel Medley (C.M.)367
And open all his wounds?Isaac Watts (S.M.)210
And open all our eyes.J. Hart (S.M.)27
And open every seal?Isaac Watts (C.M.)19
And open wide the gospel-door.W. W. Horne (L.M.)285
And order all his works of graceIsaac Watts (C.M.)71
And orders all things by his will,W. A. Clarke (L.M.)62
And others from without;J. Hart (C.M.)773
And others lull to sleep.J. Hart (S.M.)308
And our debt was paid by thee.J. Hart (7s)857
And our defence is sure.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1139
And our devotion dies.Isaac Watts (C.M.)25
And our eternal Home.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1139
And our eternal Home.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1139
And our justest cause to grieveJ. Hart (7s)154
And our requests renew;J. Hart (C.M.)862
And our souls at last receive.Gospel Mag., 1781 (8.7.)965
And out he lets his vital floodJ. Berridge (8.8.6.)149
And out his arm reach to help you on too;John Berridge (104th)906
And overcome the devil.J. Hart (7.7.4.)235
And own it a blessing sent down from above.J. Stevens (11s)239
And own no other Lord but thee.Augustus Toplady (112th)1052
And own our foul offences here;John Berridge (L.M.)716
And own our sins the cause;J. Stevens (C.M.)426
And own the virgins Babe our God and King;W. Gadsby (10s)703
And own thou hast helped me till now.Augustus Toplady (8s)346
And own thy sovereign sway.J. Hupton (C.M.)1099
And own tis free, because bestowedJ. Hart (C.M.)222
And owns Immanuel for his name.WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)969
And owns the vital power he gives –Isaac Watts (L.M.)142
And paid for follies not his own.Isaac Watts (L.M.)164
And paid our ransom with his blood.J. Hart (148th)445
And paid the heavy debt;J. Hart (C.M.)151
And pain our hearts, and fill our eyesA. Steele (L.M.)1080
And pardon every fault.J. Hart (148th)448
And pardon in his hands.John Berridge (C.M.)336
And pardon them and punish me.J. Hart (L.M.)837
And pardon, full and free;J. Kent (148th)87
And pardoning blood that swells aboveIsaac Watts (C.M.)212
And pardoning love to know;P. Doddridge (S.M.)201
And pardons in his hands;Isaac Watts (148th)122
And part of heaven possessed.Isaac Watts (C.M.)85
And pass in a moment away.B. Francis (8s)246
And pass the river, tellingGospel Mag., 1801 (7.6.)483
And passing through a thousand woes,John Berridge (8.8.6.)302
And passing through the fire,C. Wesley (7.7.4.)131
And past offences pain my eyes.Isaac Watts (L.M.)761
And patient wait, for who can tell?B. Beddome (148th)947
And patient wait, till thou shalt seeJ. Kent (L.M.)915
And pay their praise to thee!Isaac Watts (C.M.)1
And pay their praise to thee!Isaac Watts (C.M.)1
And peace and comfort find:S. Barnard (148th)1129
And peace and pardon from the skiesIsaac Watts (C.M.)946
And peace in my peace-speaking blood.J. Kent (8s)183
And peace, most richly meetW. Gadsby (C.M.)567
And pearly gates behold;Bromehead’s Collection (C.M.)934
And perceived his mountain slip.John Berridge (7s)742
And perfect love cast out sad fear.W. Hammond (L.M.)279
And perfectly perform,W. Hammond (148th)339
And perished in our sin.Isaac Watts (C.M.)440
And personates our case;D. Herbert (C.M.)509
And pierce thee through and through,John Berridge (C.M.)714
And pine away and die;Isaac Watts (C.M.)56
And pities my distress;T. Greene (C.M.)209
And planted holy life within;J. Swain (L.M.)721
And plead that blood by which the church is freed.W. Gadsby (10s)668
And plead what he has done.D. Herbert (C.M.)675
And plead with thee in vain?E. Scott (C.M.)1145
And pleading Christ alone.Samuel Medley (C.M.)383
And pleasure tunes my tongue.Isaac Watts (C.M.)269
And pleasures all serene.J. Stevens (S.M.)425
And pleasures banish pain.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1022
And plenteously thy truth declare.John Berridge (148th)374
And plenty fills the plain.A. Flowerdew (C.M.)1152
And pluck new life from heavenly trees;Isaac Watts (L.M.)265
And plucked thee burning from the fire.J. Hart (L.M.)106
And plunge into shame and disgrace,W. Gadsby (8s)670
And plunge me again in the deep.Augustus Toplady (8s)293
And plunged in deep distress.T. Kelly (C.M.)975
And plunged me in despair;John Newton (C.M.)1025
And possess, in sweet communion,John Newton (8.7.)500
And pour contempt on all my pride.Isaac Watts (L.M.)439
And pour my woes abroad.Isaac Watts (C.M.)727
And pour out floods of tears,J. Berridge (148th)146
And pour thy blessings from above,John Newton (C.M.)398
And power to run the race;John Berridge (148th)674
And powerfully bring us forth from all ill;J. Hart (104th)129
And powers of hell unknown,Isaac Watts (148th)122
And practise what you know.J. Hart (S.M.)458
And praise be to the Spirit given,W. Tucker (L.M.)78
And praise employs our breath.Isaac Watts (C.M.)190
And praise redeeming grace.J. Kent (8.8.6.)217
And praise thee in our room.John Newton (C.M.)1114
And praise, and bless, and love him too.J. Kent (L.M.)113
And pray thee, for thy mercys sake,W. Gadsby (C.M.)646
And pray to him for more.W. Gadsby (C.M.)527
And pray with fervent strife?J. Berridge (148th)146
And prayer indited by the Lord,W. Gadsby (S.M.)725
And preserve us day and night.John Newton (7s)1138
And preserve your title clear.J. Hart (7.5.)77
And prize them more than mines of gold;John Newton (112th)728
And promised they should walk at large,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)572
And prove his truth divine;W. Gadsby (C.M.)631
And prove like them at last,John Newton (C.M.)999
And proved their sin and shame.John Newton (C.M.)1126
And proves our cause completely good.J. Swain (L.M.)1107
And proves the Sabbath true.J. Hart (8.8.6.)358
And pull each fancy idol down.John Berridge (148th)673
And purged the guilt of all our sin;C. Wesley (L.M.)97
And purifies the soul.John Berridge (C.M.)684
And purifies with blood;J. Hart (S.M.)236
And put his soul to pain.W. Gadsby (S.M.)665
And put our souls in frame.J. Hart (C.M.)455
And put the hosts of hell to flight.W. Gadsby (L.M.)622
And put them all to flight.W. Gadsby (C.M.)547
And put thy threatening foes to flight.W. W. Horne (L.M.)285
And puts all guilty fears to flight.John Berridge (L.M.)896
And quenched his Fathers flaming swordIsaac Watts (C.M.)100
And quickens whom he slays,John Berridge (C.M.)894
And quickly flies to my relief.J. Franklin (L.M.)513
And quickly sends salvation down.S. Stennett (L.M.)762
And quit yourselves like men.J. Hart (C.M.)782
And rage without control;John Berridge (C.M.)892
And raise thy drooping head;J. Hart (C.M.)861
And raise us from the fall.D. Herbert (C.M.)508
And raise your heads, ye saints, for heaven rejoices.Isaac Watts (50th)497
And raised his head and showed his face,J. Hart (L.M.)153A
And raising my soul from the pit of despair;S. Turner or Bennett (11s)1104
And raptures all divine,Isaac Watts (C.M.)266
And rates his merits high;J. Hart (C.M.)803
And rather choose to die.C. Wesley (S.M.)1059
And rather starve than come?Isaac Watts (C.M.)440
And rather than lose me his own blood he spilt.W. Gadsby (11s)577
And ravished my soul with his look.W. Gadsby (8s)581
And readest all my aching heart,John Berridge (8.8.6.)690
And realms of endless day.Bromehead’s Collection (C.M.)934
And rear again my head.(Author Unknown) (8.8.6.)903
And rear the fallen race.John Berridge (8.8.6.)905
And rebels brought to God.A. Steele (C.M.)95
And rebels that deserve his sword,Isaac Watts (L.M.)123
And receives us for his own.J. Hart (8.7.)719
And reckon trash for treasure?J. Hart (P.M.)814
And reconciled to God;J. Hart (C.M.)30
And reconciles the soul to God,J. Hart (L.M.)858
And redeemed the church to God.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)560
And redeemed with blood divine.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)656
And reign for ever, says the Lord;Isaac Watts (L.M.)365
And reign without a rival there.John Newton (L.M.)692
And reigns enthroned above the skies;W. Gadsby (L.M.)625
And reigns on high, the Saviour, God.S. Stennett (148th)403
And reigns supreme alone.J. Stevens (C.M.)228
And rejoice in his dear name.J. Fawcett (8.7.4.)333
And rejoice in his dear name.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)514
And rejoice in his dear name;W. Gadsby (7s)654
And rejoice with holy fear.J. Adams (8.7.4.)205
And rest alone on sovereign grace.W. Gadsby (148th)618
And resting on his blood alone,J. Stevens (S.M.)425
And restless sure my heart must beJohn Berridge (148th)884
And reverential fear.Samuel Medley (C.M.)367
And richer blood than they.Isaac Watts (S.M.)125
And richly dispenses salvation and health.J. Hart (104th)155
And richly furnished too,W. Gadsby (S.M.)587
And richly grasp the whole.J. Hart (C.M.)181
And richly supplied from its Head,W. Gadsby (8s)635
And richly will supplyW. Gadsby (148th)630
And rides upon the storm.WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)320
And righteousness divine brought in.W. Gadsby (148th)586
And righteousness divine brought in.W. Gadsby (148th)586
And righteousness divine brought in.W. Gadsby (148th)586
And righteousness divine;W. Gadsby (C.M.)637
And righteousness has none;Henry Fowler (148th)1026
And righteousness have none,J. Hart (148th)313
And rightly taught of God.J. Kent (C.M.)1089
And rills of comfort here below.Isaac Watts (L.M.)33
And rise to everlasting bliss.R. Burnham (L.M.)771
And roars aloud, Why, O my God,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)148
And rob it of repose.Rozzell (C.M.)291
And rob my Saviour of his praise.WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)381
And rocks and dangers fill the way.Isaac Watts (L.M.)231
And rocky hearts, by Moses struck,John Berridge (C.M.)684
And rovèd from the gospel track;John Berridge (112th)898
And ruined rebels raised to heaven,C. Cole (L.M.)984
And rules and reigns the God of grace.W. Gadsby (148th)599
And rules as on a throne.John Newton (C.M.)1020
And run coeval with his love.J. Kent (L.M.)915
And run to Christ, my Hiding-place.D. Herbert (L.M.)711
And runs to this relief;Isaac Watts (C.M.)764
And sacred peace made known.Gospel Mag., 1801 (7.6.)483
And safe beneath thy wings to rest.C. Wesley (L.M.)1016
And safe in Jesus dwell,C. Wesley (148th)59
And safely through each tempest sail;Gospel Mag., 1799 (L.M.)245
And safety is where he is found.T. Kelly (L.M.)1049
And sail to heaven with thee and thine.R. De Courcy (148th)294
And saints adore the name;Isaac Watts (C.M.)141
And saints and angels join to sing,Isaac Watts (L.M.)422
And saints have all need to trust in his name;J. Berridge (104th)150
And saints to endless bliss.J. Hart (C.M.)845
And saints, triumphant sing.J. Hart (C.M.)489
And sanctified us by his grace;J. Swain (L.M.)721
And sanctify the will.J. Hart (C.M.)870
And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress.K., 1787 (11s)329
And sang the triumph when he rose.Isaac Watts (L.M.)1007
And sat on every one;J. Hart (8.8.6.)715
And satisfied with living bread.J. Fawcett (112th)454
And satisfy my heart.John Newton (C.M.)999
And save from sad despair;J. Stevens (8.8.6.)242
And save me for thy mercies sake.Samuel Medley (L.M.)384
And save me for thy mercies sake.Samuel Medley (L.M.)384
And save me for thy mercies sake.Samuel Medley (L.M.)384
And save me from all evil deed,John Berridge (S.M.)739
And save me from my gloomy fear.J. Franklin (L.M.)513
And save me in thy Son.R. Elliott (S.M.)471
And save me to the end.John Berridge (S.M.)739
And save them from the power of hell;W. Gadsby (L.M.)625
And save them in a trying hour.W. Gadsby (L.M.)625
And saved the trembling, dying prey.A. Steele (L.M.)1080
And saved us from the pains of hell!J. Swain (L.M.)721
And saves him by his death;J. Hart (8.6.8.)234
And saves our souls from death;W. Gadsby (148th)602
And saves the helpless and the poor.Henry Fowler (148th)1026
And saves them from their guilt and woes,W. Gadsby (C.M.)596
And savèd sinners know,W. Gadsby (S.M.)556
And saw the horrors of the deep.John Newton (L.M.)1017
And say hes the Fountain of joys;John Newton (8s)1149
And say, Behold the way to God.J. Cennick (L.M.)144
And say, Christ died for thee.C. Wesley (C.M.)1088
And say, Let Death this house destroy,John Newton (C.M.)469
And say, my soul, why not for thee?C. Cole (L.M.)984
And say, our dear Saviour redeemed us from hell.J. Cennick (104th)404
And says it made the payment good.J. Berridge (L.M.)49
And says that I shall shortly beJohn Newton (L.M.)91
And scan his work in vain;WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)320
And scarce can lift a sigh,Henry Fowler (148th)1026
And scarce know how to pray or speak;Samuel Medley (L.M.)385
And scarcely a prayer can repeat,R. Burnham (8s)12
And scoffed, and sneered, and cursed, and railed.J. Hart (L.M.)153A
And scorners rise up in their room.John Berridge (148th)374
And scorns the Saviours blood;W. Gadsby (148th)618
And seal me ever thine!C. Wesley (S.M.)1050
And seal their own destruction sure?Isaac Watts (L.M.)75
And seal them heirs of heaven?Isaac Watts (C.M.)24
And seal them sons and heirs of grace.W. Gadsby (148th)526
And sealed an heir of heaven.J. Hart (C.M.)351
And sealed by blood divine.P. Doddridge (C.M.)84
And seals it on his heart.Isaac Watts (C.M.)479
And see a mourning sinner die?John Berridge (112th)705
And see a smiling God.W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)572
And see great cause to be abashed.W. Gadsby (148th)700
And see him bleed for me.W. Batty (C.M.)950
And see in all his grace;John Berridge (8.8.6.)690
And see its purple tide;John Berridge (148th)673
And see my glorious Hiding-place.J. Brewer (L.M.)134
And see myself a fool.J. Berridge (C.M.)300
And see such evils there,J. Hart (S.M.)811
And see the Canaan that we loveIsaac Watts (C.M.)1022
And see the Father smile.John Newton (C.M.)128
And see the Saviour eye to eye.T. Kelly (L.M.)1021
And see the sorrows of his soulIsaac Watts (C.M.)438
And see thee face to face.J. Stevens (8.8.6.)216
And see their guilt forgiven;Isaac Watts (S.M.)110
And see thy smiling face:S. Barnard (148th)1129
And see with joy a godly seed,John Berridge (C.M.)375
And see, in his dear sacred face,J. Kent (S.M.)922
And seek more earnestly his face.John Newton (L.M.)295
And seek salvation only there?J. Kent (L.M.)113
And seek the presence of the Lord!T. Kelly (L.M.)1125
And seek thy face, and learn thy praise.Isaac Watts (L.M.)369
And seek thy treasure there.J. Hart (S.M.)880
And seeking help duly, as sinners must do;John Berridge (104th)687
And seeks his treasure there.J. Hart (C.M.)222
And seeks his will before his own.J. Hart (L.M.)256
And seem to want no hiding-place.D. Herbert (L.M.)711
And seems intent to kill,John Berridge (C.M.)714
And seems to closer cling;J. Hart (C.M.)708
And seems to quite forsake us;J. Hart (7.7.4.)235
And sees our ages waste.Isaac Watts (C.M.)2
And seldom do we see the snaresJ. Hart (C.M.)305
And self, and Satans art,John Newton (C.M.)1020
And send a labouring groan;John Berridge (148th)884
And send the Spirit down,J. Hart (C.M.)821
And send the cheering blessing down.J. Allen (L.M.)952
And send their darts like hail,W. Gadsby (C.M.)547
And sends the Spirit from heaven.J. Hart (C.M.)850
And sends the blessed Spirit downD. Herbert (C.M.)509
And sent him to gather his children in one.J. Hart (104th)449
And sent his equal Son to showGospel Mag., 1777 (C.M.)206
And sent the early rain.A. Flowerdew (C.M.)1152
And sent the lion down to howlIsaac Watts (C.M.)100
And separate from all beside;T. Kelly (L.M.)974
And serve thee kindly every day,(Author Unknown) (8.8.6.)902
And set his soul at large.W. Gadsby (C.M.)528
And set his tongue at liberty,D. Herbert (C.M.)508
And set my broken bones;D. Herbert (C.M.)510
And set my servants free.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1146
And set our grovelling minds on things above.W. Gadsby (10s)703
And set our hearts on things above.S. Turner (L.M.)1131
And set our souls on fire.J. Hart (8.8.6.)29
And set the prisoner free.John Newton (C.M.)288
And set the prisoner free.D. Herbert (C.M.)675
And set thy prisoners free.J. Hart (7.6.8.)843
And set thy works in view.J. Hart (S.M.)852
And set your minds above.J. Hart (148th)102
And set your minds above.W. Gadsby (148th)571
And sets my soul at liberty.W. Gadsby (148th)537
And sets the heart at rest.W. Gadsby (S.M.)713
And setteth captives free;John Berridge (C.M.)892
And shades of sin obscure thy soul;J. Kent (L.M.)925
And shake the globe from pole to pole,J. Brewer (L.M.)134
And shall I be ashamed, O Lord,J. Fellows (C.M.)429
And shall I harbour in my breastA. Steele (L.M.)1087
And shall I impatiently fretJ. Swain (8s)319
And shall I not sing as I go,J. Swain (8s)319
And shall I scorn his name to own?W. Gadsby (S.M.)659
And shall I seek in vain?A. Steele (C.M.)136
And shall a pardoned rebel live,A. Steele (C.M.)392
And shall again behold thy face.Isaac Watts (L.M.)401
And shall all her foes confound;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)600
And shall be for ever the same.W. Gadsby (8s)581
And shall be till I die.WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)160
And shall for ever be.J. Kent (S.M.)921
And shall my guilty fears prevailA. Steele (C.M.)1069
And shall my pride disdain the deedJ. Fellows (C.M.)429
And shall sing, beyond the sky,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)593
And shall the man be cursedW. Gadsby (148th)532
And shall the subject scorn to treadW. Gadsby (148th)648
And shall we be found forgetfulT. Kelly (8.7.7.)1040
And shall we come in vain to God?D. Herbert (C.M.)679
And shall we for whom he died,W. Gadsby (7s)649
And shame confound his foes.Isaac Watts (C.M.)366
And share in the gladness of all that believe.C. Wesley (104th)408
And share thy flesh and blood.J. Hart (C.M.)822
And shares in all their griefs and pains.T. Kelly (L.M.)992
And she became his bride.W. Gadsby (S.M.)519
And she must and shall go free.W. Gadsby (7s)534
And shed abroad Gods love.J. Hart (8.8.6.)715
And shed my glories round the place.S. Stennett (L.M.)453
And sheds his love abroad!S. Stennett (S.M.)359
And sheds sweet glories on them all.Isaac Watts (L.M.)481
And shelter in his wounded side,J. Hart (L.M.)352
And shines and reigns the incarnate God.Isaac Watts (L.M.)142
And shines in Jesus face.Isaac Watts (C.M.)5
And shook the gates of hell.Isaac Watts (C.M.)168
And shortening tribulation daysJ. Hart (L.M.)844
And shout the victories of the Lamb;R. Burnham (L.M.)3
And shout, Free grace, free grace alone!A. C. R., 1790 (L.M.)204
And shout, ye saints, he comes for your salvation.Isaac Watts (50th)497
And shout, ye saints, he comes for your salvation.Isaac Watts (50th)497
And show a brothers love.J. Swain (C.M.)1082
And show a sin-forgiving God;John Berridge (112th)900
And show his praises forth.T. Kelly (C.M.)975
And show my guilt forgiven;Augustus Toplady (S.M.)1067
And show my sins forgiven?Isaac Watts (C.M.)24
And show our names upon thy heart;John Berridge (112th)1120
And show the man of sin;John Berridge (148th)888
And show the sweet smiles of thy faceR. Burnham (8s)380
And show the world how Christians live.C. Wesley (112th)955
And show them the depth of their sin;J. Kent (8s)298
And show thy smiling face;W. Gadsby (148th)696
And showed our feet the way;Isaac Watts (C.M.)466
And shows a most ill-favoured face;John Berridge (L.M.)897
And shows a smiling face.D. Herbert (C.M.)509
And shows his glorious scars;J. Hart (C.M.)850
And shows his lovely face;W. Gadsby (C.M.)553
And shows me where his glories are;Isaac Watts (L.M.)22
And shrink at every stroke;D. Herbert (C.M.)507
And shrink, and tremble, and despair.Isaac Watts (L.M.)47
And shut his glories in,Isaac Watts (C.M.)763
And shuts, and no man opes.J. Hart (C.M.)685
And sick and faint am I.J. Berridge (C.M.)299
And sigh for Canaans shore,John Berridge (148th)672
And sigh, and sing, and mourn, and love.J. Hart (L.M.)824
And sighed, and groaned, and prayed, and feared;J. Hart (L.M.)153
And sighs of pity rise?J. Hart (C.M.)734
And sighs to be set free.J. Hart (7.6.8.)854
And signed it with his blood.J. Hart (S.M.)130
And signed with all their names, the Greek, the Jew,Isaac Watts (50th)497
And silent abides for merciful ends,John Berridge (104th)687
And sin and Satan break my rest,Dobell’s Selection (L.M.)981
And sin by Christ was borne!J. Hart (C.M.)785
And sin the sin to death?J. Hart (148th)353
And since his love is to the end,Henry Fowler (L.M.)1034
And since my glorious GodIsaac Watts (122nd)362
And since my soul has known his love,Samuel Medley (L.M.)410
And since the Saviour gave me sight,John Berridge (L.M.)748
And since, kind God, tis only thouJ. Hart (8.8.6.)29
And sing and triumph in his name.Isaac Watts (L.M.)57
And sing at the dear Saviours feet,John Berridge (8.8.6.)1113
And sing his bleeding love.Isaac Watts (S.M.)125
And sing his praise below.W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)592
And sing the Lamb once slain.W. Gadsby (S.M.)614
And sing the bounties of our Lord;Isaac Watts (L.M.)363
And sing the eternal Fathers praise,J. Hart (8.8.6.)504
And sing the eternal Fathers praise,J. Hart (C.M.)834
And sing the everlasting songT. Kelly (S.M.)995
And sing the joys of heaven.J. Hart (C.M.)850
And sing the love that took me in,J. Kent (L.M.)924
And sing the song of Moses.C. Wesley (7.7.4.)131
And sing the wonders of thy grace;Isaac Watts (L.M.)26
And sing their cares away,W. Gadsby (C.M.)554
And sing their cares away.W. Gadsby (C.M.)561
And sing thy bleeding heart.Isaac Watts (C.M.)100
And sing thy great Redeemers praise;Samuel Medley (L.M.)9
And sing thy love in every breath.John Berridge (148th)673
And sing with rapture and surprise,Samuel Medley (L.M.)9
And sing, The Lord is risen.J. Hart (C.M.)486
And sing, The Lord our righteousness.Isaac Watts (L.M.)1006
And sing, as we pass through this valley of tears,Henry Fowler (11.8.)350
And sink with gay indifference downA. Steele (C.M.)1143
And sinks our virtues down so far,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1148
And sinks them if he please.Isaac Watts (C.M.)63
And sinners hear his voice;W. Gadsby (S.M.)556
And sinners highly value him.J. Hart (112th)89
And sinners now may learn to love,John Newton (C.M.)1114
And sinners plunged beneath that flood,WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)160
And sinners, daring God,John Berridge (148th)672
And sinners, saved by grace, silent remain?W. Gadsby (10s)703
And sins and snares oft make me sigh;J. Fawcett (L.M.)289
And sins complete remission too.J. Kent (L.M.)908
And sins like mountains rise,W. Gadsby (148th)550
And sit and sing herself awayIsaac Watts (S.M.)357
And sit on every heavenly hill,Isaac Watts (L.M.)481
And sit to all eternity,W. Gadsby (C.M.)596
And sits in judgment there.Isaac Watts (C.M.)361
And skill to aim aright;WIlliam Cowper (148th)338
And sleep on doctrines sound;J. Berridge (C.M.)169
And slight the fear of God;J. Hart (C.M.)851
And slight the tokens of thy grace,D. Herbert (L.M.)711
And smarts with hanging all his weightJ. Berridge (8.8.6.)148
And smile on all around.S. Stennett (S.M.)359
And smiles upon his Son.Isaac Watts (S.M.)167
And smiling day once more appears,WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)323
And smite the Son of God,W. Gadsby (148th)559
And smite through all inferior thingsC. Wesley (last verse unknown) (8.8.6.)137
And smite upon my thigh.D. Herbert (C.M.)507
And smooths the rugged way;J. Hart (S.M.)308A
And so fulfil his word!J. Swain (C.M.)1082
And so go safely on.J. Hart (C.M.)240
And so supply each member well.W. Gadsby (8s)635
And soar aloft, and reach the sky;J. Berridge (L.M.)49
And soften hearts of stone.John Newton (S.M.)196
And softened every bed;Isaac Watts (C.M.)466
And softened in his blood.J. Hart (C.M.)871
And solemn oaths have bound his loveIsaac Watts (C.M.)269
And solemnly confess,W. Gadsby (S.M.)652
And solemnly confess,W. Gadsby (148th)700
And solemnly rejoice.W. Gadsby (C.M.)564
And some five hundred owe.J. Hart (C.M.)218
And some of wisdom boast,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1095
And some say, Strive to please.J. Hart (C.M.)240
And sometimes shorts the warning.J. Hart (P.M.)814
And sometimes, lest we might go wrong,J. Hart (S.M.)308
And songs before unknown.Isaac Watts (C.M.)19
And soon we fall a prey;W. Gadsby (C.M.)564
And souls who under grace are found,W. Gadsby (S.M.)601
And sound his power abroad;Isaac Watts (C.M.)14
And sovereign love alone confessed;Samuel Medley (L.M.)195
And spare the guilty realm.J. Hart (C.M.)808
And speak some boundless thing;Isaac Watts (C.M.)14
And speak thy endless praise.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1005
And spend my hours in fruitless grief,John Newton (C.M.)288
And spit in their Creators face!J. Hart (L.M.)797
And spoil him of his crown.J. Hart (C.M.)351
And spread his fame abroad,W. Gadsby (S.M.)653
And spread our woes at his dear feet;J. Kent (L.M.)911
And spread the table of thy grace;Isaac Watts (L.M.)264
And spread the triumphs of their King!Isaac Watts (L.M.)481
And spreads his wounded hands.Augustus Toplady (C.M.)117
And spreads its poison to the heart.A. Steele (L.M.)977
And sprinkled with his blood.J. Berridge (C.M.)101
And sprinkled with thy blood?Augustus Toplady (8.8.6.)227
And squeezed his heart and bruised his breast;J. Hart (L.M.)153
And stamp thy image on my heart.C. Wesley (L.M.)1019
And stand and bow amongst them thereIsaac Watts (L.M.)481
And stand before the Lord,R. Burnham (148th)494
And stand complete in righteousness.Isaac Watts (L.M.)473
And stands condemned to die,J. Berridge (148th)146
And stay myself on thee alone;R. Hill (112th)1070
And steadfast faith on Jesus fixed,J. Hart (8.8.6.)786
And stem the tide of sin.C. Wesley (S.M.)1059
And still are upwards borne,Isaac Watts (C.M.)465
And still despair of thy return?Isaac Watts (L.M.)401
And still direct our wayNorman (8.8.6.)430
And still displays his love;W. Gadsby (S.M.)540
And still his love shall prize.J. Adams (S.M.)274
And still in him let Israel trust.P. Doddridge (L.M.)332
And still my soul would cleave to thee,A. Steele (C.M.)136
And still preserves us here,Samuel Medley (S.M.)499
And still the Lord is dumb;John Berridge (148th)749
And still they are talking of Jesuss grace.C. Wesley (104th)408
And still to his most holy place,Isaac Watts (L.M.)142
And still we live to pray.A. Steele (C.M.)1143
And still we meet, at thy command,John Newton (L.M.)1115
And still, from that auspicious day,J. Kent (8.8.6.)406
And still, through the Lamb and his bloodJ. Kent (8s)298
And stimulate my powers to singHenry Fowler (C.M.)1027
And stoop to those of low estate.J. Hart (L.M.)810
And stopped my wild career.John Newton (C.M.)1025
And storms forbear to toss;R. De Courcy (148th)294
And storms of sorrow fall;Isaac Watts (C.M.)474
And straight a flaming troop was seen;Isaac Watts (S.M.)38
And streets of shining gold?Bromehead’s Collection (C.M.)934
And strength to do thy will.J. Hart (C.M.)30
And strength to run the race.D. Herbert (C.M.)679
And stretch forth my hands unto God.Augustus Toplady (8s)293
And strictly obeying our God,W. Gadsby (8s)670
And strive to force a passage through;W. Tucker (L.M.)78
And strive, with a Do this and live,J. Hart (8s)220
And strong affections fix my sightIsaac Watts (C.M.)479
And strong temptations blow.J. Kent (S.M.)412
And strove hard to make matters straight,W. Gadsby (8s)565
And struck with terror all my soul,W. Tucker (L.M.)399
And struggle much, and often tryJ. Berridge (8.8.6.)178
And such as there resort;John Berridge (148th)884
And such his justice too,W. Gadsby (148th)559
And such is my Jesus to me,W. Gadsby (8s)578
And such were some of you!J. Kent (C.M.)1094
And such, O Lord, am I.John Newton (C.M.)388
And suffered in his stead;A. Steele (C.M.)95
And suffered once for me.Augustus Toplady (8.8.6.)1103
And suffers in their place.T. Kelly (S.M.)1012
And surety would become;J. Berridge (8.8.6.)148
And swear he has no choice,W. Gadsby (S.M.)606
And sweeps away mountains of guilt.R. Burnham (8s)460
And sweet refreshment find.J. Hart (8.8.6.)358
And sweeten pain to peace.A. Steele (C.M.)1079
And sweetens every bitter cup.T. Kelly (L.M.)919
And sweetens every painful cross;A. C. R., 1790 (L.M.)204
And sweeter streams above.P. Doddridge (S.M.)345
And sweetly discovers his face and his blood.John Berridge (104th)687
And sweetly lean upon him too,W. Gadsby (C.M.)561
And sweetly lean upon his breast.W. Gadsby (148th)700
And sweetly sing the Lamb once slain.W. Gadsby (148th)607
And sweetly sing thy matchless grace.W. Gadsby (L.M.)655
And sweetly weep my life away.John Berridge (148th)672
And sweetly whisper to my heart,Augustus Toplady (8.8.6.)1103
And sweetly works by love.W. Gadsby (S.M.)653
And sweets that never cloy.T. Kelly (S.M.)995
And swell, and reach to heaven,C. Wesley (7.6.8.)391
And take a servants place?W. Gadsby (148th)608
And take away all stain.W. Gadsby (C.M.)527
And take him for their all.John Berridge (8.8.6.)690
And take his children home;W. Gadsby (148th)666
And take his servants upC. Wesley (148th)127
And take its sting away;J. Dracup (C.M.)215
And take my hearty fill.John Berridge (S.M.)890
And take the remission God gives in his Son.J. Hart (104th)456
And take the saints to heaven.Isaac Watts (S.M.)110
And take thee captive at their will?John Berridge (112th)900
And take them to his bliss.W. Gadsby (S.M.)665
And take thy mourning pilgrims home.T. Kelly (L.M.)992
And tame the beasts within thy breast;John Berridge (112th)899
And tarry at leisure, and hope still in thee.Augustus Toplady (104th)262
And taste a living spring.John Berridge (C.M.)684
And taste of the gall of in-dwelling sin;John Berridge (104th)687
And taste the promised bliss,Isaac Watts (C.M.)327
And taste the riches of his grace.R. Burnham (148th)60
And taste the wine, and bless our God.Isaac Watts (L.M.)435
And taste thy joys divine.J. Needham (C.M.)252
And taught my wretched heart to proveJ. Kent (C.M.)923
And taught thee how to feel the smart.John Berridge (148th)889
And teach me how to love and praise.John Berridge (148th)671
And teach me how to pray.(Author Unknown) (8.8.6.)903
And teach me now to sing thy praise,J. Stevens (8.8.6.)216
And teach me on thee to rely;J. Swain (8s)319
And teach my tongue to sing thy praise.C. Cole (L.M.)736
And teach our stammering tonguesJohn Newton (C.M.)202
And teach thee to prize his immutable love.Henry Fowler (11s)1033
And teach them all his ways to prize;W. Gadsby (L.M.)625
And teach us lessons how to live,S. Browne (8.8.6.)1134
And tears of penitential griefJ. Hupton (C.M.)1099
And tell him my complaint;W. Gadsby (148th)590
And tell him thou hast died.John Newton (C.M.)388
And tell me all thy name.C. Wesley (8.8.6.)928
And tell me what it all can mean.J. Hart (L.M.)712
And tell of thy wonderful love.R. Burnham (8s)380
And tell the wonders of his love.J. Swain (L.M.)286
And tell thee all my grief and pain,Samuel Medley (L.M.)1056
And tell thy love, and tell our shame,John Berridge (L.M.)716
And tell what I have done;J. Kent (8.8.6.)1132
And telling the shepherds that Jesus is born.E. L. Schlict (11s)41
And tells me its wages are hell after death.John Berridge (104th)907
And tempted all hope to resign,Augustus Toplady (8s)293
And tempts me to despair.J. Hart (S.M.)811
And terror of the human race;Samuel Medley (L.M.)470
And that blood will you deliver,R. Burnham (8.7.)157
And that dear something much I need;J. Hart (L.M.)316
And that divinely free,B. Beddome (S.M.)225
And that in drinking wine.J. Hart (S.M.)820
And that is mercys door.John Newton (C.M.)1108
And that love be much admiring,R. Burnham (8.7.)157
And that my treasure is above.C. Cole (L.M.)736
And that shall kindle ours.Isaac Watts (C.M.)25
And that shall the first notes employP. Doddridge (C.M.)84
And that strong arm shall guide us homeJ. Swain (L.M.)286
And that sweet land forgotJohn Berridge (148th)673
And that they may safe abide,W. Gadsby (7s)551
And that thou wouldst enlarge my bound;J. Hart (112th)790
And that we may never part,W. Gadsby (7s)542
And that will be for good to me.C. Cole (L.M.)736
And that will make me well.John Berridge (S.M.)444
And that with smiling face.W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)643
And thaw, with beams of love divine,J. Hart (L.M.)316
And the Fathers boundless love,John Newton (8.7.)500
And the God who answers prayer,John Newton (7s)397
And the Lord himself shall sing.J. Hart (8.7.)864
And the Lord will have it so.Henry Fowler (7s)1037
And the Lord will prove at length,W. Gadsby (7s)543
And the Spirit sends the man.J. Hart (8.7.)864
And the Word was made flesh. John 1. 14J. Hart (11s)40
And the amazing depths of grace,W. Tucker (L.M.)17
And the blest Spirit, Three-in-One,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)647
And the blest volume thou hast writIsaac Watts (L.M.)1147
And the conscience witness;J. Hart (7.6.)306
And the covenant love of thy crucified Son;J. Stocker (11s)11
And the coward flesh would start,John Newton (7s)277
And the craft of Satan knows,W. Gadsby (7s)545
And the flood increases fast;John Newton (7s)356
And the great Judge of all descendT. Greene (C.M.)261
And the keen sword that justice draws,Isaac Watts (L.M.)47
And the law that I had broke.W. Gadsby (7s)576
And the loathsome stench of sinJ. Hart (7.6.)306
And the needy it approve.W. Gadsby (7s)543
And the old prince of hellW. Gadsby (148th)550
And the performing God.Isaac Watts (C.M.)14
And the rich flood of purple goreIsaac Watts (S.M.)167
And the richest consolationR. Burnham (8.7.)976
And the storms before him fly.T. Kelly (8.7.4.)1102
And the sweet Spirit sends,W. Gadsby (148th)526
And the sweet kingdom of thy grace,W. Gadsby (S.M.)683
And the trifles of a dayW. Gadsby (7s)611
And the vindictive wrath of GodJ. Hart (C.M.)785
And the weary long for rest.John Newton (7s)356
And the whole in Zion dwell?W. Gadsby (7s)626
And the whole race of Adam standIsaac Watts (C.M.)111
And the whole world before his throne,Isaac Watts (L.M.)75
And their God as soon relented;J. Hart (8.8.7.)876
And their Lord, with pity pressed,J. Hart (7s)802
And theirs too weak who faint.J. Hart (S.M.)872
And them to heaven convey.J. Dracup (C.M.)215
And then O how pleasant the conquerors song!John Newton (104th)232
And then a crown of life receive.T. Kelly (L.M.)974
And then again at mine.Augustus Toplady (8.8.6.)227
And then all his sorrows will end.W. Gadsby (11.8.)591
And then bestowst a crown.J. Hart (S.M.)308A
And then how proud we grow!J. Hart (C.M.)305
And then proclaim my peace with thee;C. Cole (L.M.)736
And then the conflicts done.J. Hart (S.M.)842
And then those very vows repeat.B. Beddome (L.M.)296
And then thy praise they sung;Isaac Watts (S.M.)318
And then, O then, what wilt thou do?W. Gadsby (148th)666
And then, Thy will be done.J. Hart (C.M.)808
And then, compelled to fight,J. Hart (C.M.)747
And thence his mighty foesS. Stennett (148th)403
And thence return again.J. Hart (C.M.)156
And thence to glory wing my way.J. Hoskins (L.M.)945
And there I fix my trust.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1095
And there be loved and served alone,(Author Unknown) (8.8.6.)903
And there confess my sin.Isaac Watts (S.M.)125
And there for ever stay.Gospel Mag., 1801 (7.6.)483
And there have I, as vile as he,WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)160
And there is all my trust.John Berridge (S.M.)739
And there is none beside him,J. Hart (P.M.)814
And there it dwells for me;W. Gadsby (C.M.)567
And there my guilt would hide.John Berridge (S.M.)739
And there our hope to stay,W. Gadsby (C.M.)554
And there our vows and honours pay.Isaac Watts (122nd)362
And there should I have gone,J. Kent (148th)732
And there sing for ever, Tis all for the best.Samuel Medley (104th)322
And there the dying Lord behold,J. Swain (C.M.)951
And there the following page he turns,Isaac Watts (C.M.)4
And there would look, and look again.Samuel Medley (L.M.)1056
And there, to make his wonders known,W. Gadsby (L.M.)538
And there, when all my fears are past,Samuel Medley (L.M.)385
And therefore cannot fail.W. Gadsby (S.M.)546
And therefore gives his own.J. Hart (C.M.)816
And therefore his love Ill repeat.W. Gadsby (8s)581
And therefore none his boast;J. Hart (148th)817
And these are they who soon shall riseSamuel Medley (L.M.)978
And these rejoicing eyes.Isaac Watts (S.M.)357
And these shall all be freedW. Gadsby (122nd)522
And these shall now ascend with meR. Burnham (148th)494
And these the hymns they raise –Isaac Watts (C.M.)19
And they a sweet victory sing.W. Gadsby (8s)632
And they be filled with joy and peace;Samuel Medley (L.M.)263
And they from his fulness are fed.W. Gadsby (8s)635
And they from sin are freed;W. Gadsby (148th)598
And they his faithfulness record.W. Gadsby (148th)634
And they must in glory shine.W. Gadsby (7s)626
And they shall with him reign.W. Gadsby (S.M.)653
And they that in this Jesus trust,J. Hart (P.M.)814
And they who scarce can speak.J. Hart (C.M.)816
And they who seek my face shall find.J. Hart (L.M.)810
And thine to us so great?Isaac Watts (C.M.)25
And think him nothing worth.John Berridge (8.8.6.)690
And think their state so blest?W. Hammond (C.M.)929
And thinks his toils will soon be oer;T. Kelly (L.M.)1049
And thirst for fresh supplies of grace.Samuel Medley (L.M.)979
And this be my subject, Tis all for the best.Samuel Medley (104th)322
And this blest covenant ever sing;J. Kent (C.M.)411
And this good prayer by God was heard,J. Hart (112th)790
And this inferior clod!Isaac Watts (C.M.)186
And this produces doubt.J. Hart (C.M.)773
And this, O Christian, is thy lot,J. Hart (L.M.)707
And this, when brought through grace to know,Henry Fowler (148th)1026
And thorns begird it round.J. Berridge (8.8.6.)148
And those emphatic lines denoteT. Greene (C.M.)230
And those he kills he makes alive;D. Herbert (C.M.)675
And those views relieve me;J. Hart (7.6.)780
And those who in his name believe,Samuel Medley (L.M.)174
And thou a faithful God?Isaac Watts (C.M.)402
And thou alone shalt have the praise.John Newton (148th)452
And thou art loved alone.C. Wesley (C.M.)1061
And thou canst bear me where thou fliest,Isaac Watts (L.M.)480
And thou canst give no more.Augustus Toplady (C.M.)940
And thou hast this to give;W. Gadsby (148th)642
And thou my joyful portion be!John Berridge (112th)901
And thou refuse that mourners plea?WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)967
And thou return to God.John Newton (C.M.)469
And thou shalt all our needs supply,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)643
And thou shalt for ever go free.W. Gadsby (8s)565
And thou shalt praise him still.John Berridge (C.M.)714
And thou shalt see his face.W. Hammond (C.M.)929
And thou shalt witness what we say,J. Hart (8.8.6.)29
And thou the kindred own.Isaac Watts (S.M.)79
And thou their songs approve!J. Hart (C.M.)821
And thou treadst the thorny road,J. Fawcett (8.7.4.)333
And thou wilt safely lead us home,W. Gadsby (L.M.)655
And though exceeding faint,John Berridge (148th)749
And though he reproved us, and still may reprove,W. Hammond (104th)343
And though his outside be kept clean,D. Herbert (C.M.)678
And though his pale and ghastly faceJ. Swain (C.M.)467
And though his ransomed race electJ. Hart (8.8.6.)223
And though it be costly, yet is the robe free,W. Gadsby (11s)524
And though not like a mighty wind,J. Hart (C.M.)30
And though sin and Satan, and their hellish guest,W. Gadsby (104th)639
And though the Lord awhile forbear,W. Gadsby (S.M.)725
And though they may trembling stand,W. Gadsby (7s)720
And though thus in pain for an evidence clear,Samuel Medley (104th)321
And though unskilful, weak, and blind,T. Kelly (L.M.)1049
And though we neither feel nor see,J. Hart (S.M.)308A
And thought his base, adulterate coin,J. Hart (S.M.)775
And thought my sins were dead.Isaac Watts (C.M.)46
And thousands its virtues have proved;W. Gadsby (8s)627
And thousands pursued him his life to bereave.W. Gadsby (104th)549
And thousands sink to hell,J. Kent (C.M.)411
And threat with final fallJ. Hart (148th)353
And threaten to devour,W. Gadsby (148th)634
And threaten with disgrace;W. Gadsby (C.M.)596
And thrive in number too,John Berridge (148th)374
And thrones and powers before him fall;Isaac Watts (L.M.)481
And through all time it will remain,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)149
And through this desert land,Isaac Watts (148th)122
And thrust out preachers more,John Berridge (148th)374
And thunders when he please;Isaac Watts (S.M.)770
And thus approve thy chastening rod,Samuel Medley (L.M.)275
And thus became their Hiding-place.J. Brewer (L.M.)134
And thus begin the year.Samuel Medley (S.M.)499
And thus far have brought me to put me to shame?John Newton (104th)232
And thus he is furnished with men, to be sure,W. Gadsby (104th)549
And thus he pours abundant shameIsaac Watts (C.M.)74
And thus his grief relate:John Berridge (148th)749
And thus is kept aliveJ. Stevens (8.8.6.)242
And thus it seems to say:J. Hart (S.M.)842
And thus obtains his ends.J. Berridge (C.M.)300
And thus redeem the slave.Isaac Watts (C.M.)46
And thus supported, who shall faint?P. Doddridge (L.M.)332
And thus we all are even.J. Hart (C.M.)816
And thus with many foretastes blestJ. Stevens (8.8.6.)216
And thus with zeal pursue;Norman (8.8.6.)430
And thy good Spirit on the heartJ. Hupton (C.M.)1099
And thy heart was filled with pain;John Newton (7s)273
And thy love in him reveal.(Author Unknown) (7s)970
And thy mighty grace abounding,J. Adams (8.7.4.)208
And thy own gospel bless;John Berridge (148th)374
And thy rebellious worm is still.WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)323
And thy revenging justice showsIsaac Watts (C.M.)5
And thy rich glories from afarIsaac Watts (L.M.)18
And thy salvation see.J. Hart (C.M.)783
And thy sinful inclinationsJ. Fawcett (8.7.4.)333
And thy soft wings, celestial Dove,Isaac Watts (C.M.)24
And thy soul draws near to death;J. Hart (8.7.)270
And thy sweet grace have felt,John Berridge (148th)374
And thy victory oer the grave,J. Fellows (8.7.)433
And thy weak stomach choke,John Berridge (148th)889
And tides of pleasure oer me roll;W. W. Horne (C.M.)468
And till he is ready to show his good-will,John Berridge (104th)687
And till we reach those seats of bliss,J. Kent (8.8.6.)217
And tis a pleasing sight;Isaac Watts (C.M.)475
And tis as well, in Gods account,J. Kent (S.M.)412
And tis by his favour we are what we are.J. Hart (104th)778
And tis his hand that hides my sun,Isaac Watts (C.M.)63
And to God the glory give.T. Kelly (8.7.7.)1136
And to adore the Lamb.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1005
And to comfort in distress;W. Gadsby (7s)515
And to enter into rest;J. Hart (7s)704
And to eternityC. Wesley (6.4.)35
And to every evil prone;J. Hart (8.7.)719
And to glory in thy cross;W. Gadsby (7s)640
And to her his glory unfold.W. Gadsby (8s)516
And to him it most surely leads.W. Gadsby (148th)598
And to him the weakest is dear as the strong.J. Hart (104th)804
And to his much-loved friends,J. Hart (C.M.)818
And to me, for ever, The Lord will appear.Samuel Medley (104th)321
And to our wondering view revealJ. Hart (S.M.)27
And to receive we now agree,J. Hart (7.6.8.)823
And to relieve us ran;J. Hart (148th)448
And to remember thee;J. Hart (C.M.)829
And to save the lost he came.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)593
And to show thy great salvation,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)651
And to that Dove who seals for heavenJ. Stevens (L.M.)224
And to the Holy Ghost:J. Hart (148th)817
And to the Lamb your way pursue.J. Kent (L.M.)1090
And to the fount of Jesus bloodJ. Kent (C.M.)1089
And to the herd he goes;W. Gadsby (148th)590
And to the utmost farthing paidAugustus Toplady (8.8.6.)227
And to the vilest yields the most.T. Kelly (L.M.)1046
And to the weary rest.John Newton (C.M.)135
And to the weary rest;J. Hart (C.M.)28
And to this my woeful plea,J. Hart (7s)802
And to thy footstool let me come,Samuel Medley (L.M.)1056
And to thy glory take me in,Samuel Medley (C.M.)386
And to thyself the conquest get.Augustus Toplady (L.M.)991
And to tremble in that hour.W. Gadsby (7s)575
And toil and seek salvation there,Isaac Watts (L.M.)47
And too often proudly say,W. Gadsby (7s)611
And took his throne in glory too.W. Gadsby (L.M.)536
And took my heart in hand,Rozzell (C.M.)189
And took possession of the joy.Isaac Watts (L.M.)211
And took up a life to be able to die!Isaac Watts (11s)414
And touch with compunction, and sprinkle with blood.J. Hart (104th)456
And trace the footsteps of my God,R. Burnham (L.M.)61
And trace the pure footsteps of Jesus, my Lord,E. L. Schlict (11s)41
And trap the travellers feet.J. Hart (S.M.)308
And travel much by night.J. Hart (C.M.)747
And treacheries abound.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1146
And tread the heavenly road.W. Gadsby (S.M.)652
And tread the path he trod before.B. Beddome (L.M.)431
And tread the refuse with his feet.Isaac Watts (L.M.)142
And tread the tempter down!Isaac Watts (148th)122
And treads the monarch down.Isaac Watts (C.M.)4
And treads their foes to hell.Isaac Watts (C.M.)327
And tremble, and asunder part;C. Wesley (L.M.)688
And tries them by his law;W. Gadsby (S.M.)614
And triumph ever more.C. Wesley (148th)127
And triumph in my God,A. Steele (C.M.)1079
And triumph in my Saviours cross.R. Burnham (L.M.)771
And triumph in the power of God.R. Burnham (L.M.)3
And triumph in thy God;Isaac Watts (C.M.)94
And triumph oer the fall;J. Hart (C.M.)809
And triumph over sin and death.John Berridge (148th)888
And troubles rush in as a flood,J. Kent (8s)183
And true disciples safely may,J. Hart (8.8.6.)786
And true faith works by love.J. Hart (C.M.)851
And trust a surer seal;J. Hart (148th)353
And trust him for all thats to come.J. Hart (8s)220
And trust him for the rest.Isaac Watts (C.M.)85
And trust him till my troubles end.John Berridge (148th)749
And trust his promised grace;Isaac Watts (C.M.)465
And trust his tender care.A. Steele (C.M.)1083
And trust in him alone;W. Gadsby (148th)602
And trust in none beside.J. Berridge (8.8.6.)148
And trust the gracious God.T. Greene (C.M.)209
And trust upon the Lord.Isaac Watts (C.M.)764
And trusts a faith thats dead.J. Hart (C.M.)774
And trusts his righteousness.B. Beddome (S.M.)225
And trusts in his crucified God,J. Hart (8s)233
And truth informs us how.J. Hart (C.M.)809
And truth is his delight;Isaac Watts & J. Needham (C.M.)15
And truth upon his tongue.T. Kelly (C.M.)975
And try if we can pray so too.J. Hart (112th)790
And try its real state to find,A. Steele (L.M.)1085
And try their choicest strains.Isaac Watts (C.M.)207
And tunes of pleasure sing;Isaac Watts (C.M.)94
And turn his very grace to sin.J. Hart (112th)790
And turn my sorrows into joy.R. Hill (112th)1070
And turn the feet to Zions hill.J. Kent (L.M.)76
And turn the shade to day.J. Franklin (C.M.)511
And turn this night to day!D. Herbert (C.M.)676
And turn to earth again.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1139
And turn to see thy woe,John Berridge (S.M.)891
And turned his joy to praise:Isaac Watts (C.M.)71
And turned the house into a den,(Author Unknown) (8.8.6.)903
And turns my grief to joy.J. Hart (C.M.)108
And turns the gloomy shade to day.J. Franklin (L.M.)513
And turns the night to day.J. Hart (S.M.)308A
And turns with double love.J. Hart (S.M.)872
And twas named Gethsemane.J. Hart (7s)802
And unbelief within;J. Hart (C.M.)305
And unceasing sing his love!J. Fawcett (8.7.4.)333
And unconcerned can look uponJohn Berridge (8.8.6.)905
And unctuously displaysW. Gadsby (S.M.)682
And underneath the heaviest load,Samuel Medley (L.M.)275
And undertake the Saviours part;John Berridge (8.8.6.)905
And unto Jesus lifts his hands.John Berridge (112th)744
And upon thee cast our care.W. Gadsby (7s)640
And upon thy grace depend.W. Gadsby (7s)640
And upright in his way;John Berridge (S.M.)335
And use the freedom Christ has brought.J. Hart (112th)790
And vain the rage of hell.P. Doddridge (S.M.)345
And vainly strive with earthly toysIsaac Watts (C.M.)56
And vanity confess.Isaac Watts (C.M.)475
And vanquish all the force of hell.R. Burnham (L.M.)3
And vanquish every foe;J. Kent (148th)87
And vast destruction come!Isaac Watts (C.M.)2
And veil thy glory from my eyes,A. Steele (8.8.6.)962
And vengeful mountains on him roll.W. Gadsby (L.M.)536
And venture near the throne.John Newton (C.M.)1114
And venture, O Lord, for salvation on thee!Augustus Toplady (11s Irreg.)68
And very, very poor,J. Hart (S.M.)811
And vex my sickly soul!J. Hart (C.M.)151
And vex your heart with pain;J. Hart (C.M.)45
And vexed with trifling cares,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1
And victory hangs in doubtful scale;John Newton (112th)728
And view his lovely face;W. Gadsby (C.M.)596
And view his wounded side.J. Hart (8.8.6.)29
And view the glory given;J. Hart (148th)102
And view the landscape oer,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1022
And view thy face, and sing thy love?Isaac Watts (L.M.)481
And view your Saviour dear.W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)572
And view, with sharp remorse and shame,J. Hart (S.M.)775
And views them righteous in his Son.W. Tucker (L.M.)66
And vigour every day,John Berridge (148th)674
And wage the war within;J. Hart (S.M.)314
And wait and look, and look again.Samuel Medley (L.M.)1056
And wait beneath thy feet.A. Steele (C.M.)136
And wait for mercy at thy door;Samuel Medley (L.M.)385
And wait the great decisive day.Isaac Watts (L.M.)75
And wait the time when Christ shall speak,J. Hart (C.M.)773
And wait the welcome hour.J. Hart (S.M.)842
And wait their fiery doom.Isaac Watts (C.M.)2
And wait till thy salvation come.John Berridge (L.M.)897
And wait to hear his great command,J. Hart (L.M.)106
And wait your Makers nod;Isaac Watts (C.M.)4
And wait, and pray, and groan, and sigh,Henry Fowler (L.M.)954
And waits around the tomb to seeJ. Stevens (C.M.)228
And waits to answer prayer.John Newton (S.M.)395
And waits upon the Lord,R. Burnham (C.M.)244
And wakes the general doom.J. Hart (S.M.)847
And walk in Jesus path;W. Gadsby (148th)617
And walk that beaten road.J. Hart (S.M.)308
And walk the gloomy vale of death,J. Hoskins (L.M.)945
And walk the heavenly way.W. Gadsby (S.M.)541
And walk the ways of God,J. Hart (148th)313
And walk with joy to heaven.J. Hart (C.M.)747
And walls of salvation surroundAugustus Toplady (8s)346
And walls of strength embrace thee round;Isaac Watts (122nd)362
And wandered from the gospel way;John Berridge (L.M.)748
And wantoned with the wounds of God.J. Hart (L.M.)153A
And wantoned with thy woe!J. Hart (C.M.)860
And wantons with his wounds and pains.W. Gadsby (L.M.)621
And warmest zeal their souls inflameR. Burnham (C.M.)1153
And warns us of such to beware.J. Hart (8s)220
And wars with the Most High;Augustus Toplady (C.M.)348
And was himself made man,J. Hart (C.M.)709
And was in battle slain?J. Swain (8.8.6.)724
And wash me in his blood;R. Elliott (S.M.)471
And wash our guilt away;J. Hart (C.M.)23
And wash the leper clean.Rozzell (C.M.)189
And wash thee from filth in his blood.W. Gadsby (8s)627
And wash your garments in my blood.J. Hart (L.M.)352
And wash, and drink, and there abide;J. Cennick (112th)985
And washed me in a Saviours bloodSamuel Medley (L.M.)195
And washed me in his blood;W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)647
And watch at wisdoms gate,W. Gadsby (148th)630
And water is the sign.J. Hart (S.M.)863
And watering our divine abode.Isaac Watts (L.M.)1141
And waves of fierce temptation roll,J. Kent (L.M.)926
And we all live in peace.D. Denham (C.M.)1154
And we are clothed with love;Isaac Watts (C.M.)498
And we attempt the work alone,Isaac Watts (L.M.)326
And we do bless thee, Lord, becauseSamuel Medley (C.M.)382
And we drink his blood in wine.J. Hart (7s)830
And we have nought to give.J. Hart (C.M.)818
And we hope, through thy good pleasure,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)651
And we loved his service well.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)535
And we must feel thy rod,J. Hart (C.M.)808
And we on the way are no farther yet,J. Hart (104th)778
And we reflect his brightest praise.Isaac Watts (L.M.)364
And we rise his praise to sing.W. Gadsby (7s)649
And we shall bid adieu to pain.J. Swain (L.M.)286
And we shall do all things in love.Gospel Mag., 1777 (8s)250
And we shall never, never mourn.T. Kelly (L.M.)1021
And we shall not delay.J. Hart (C.M.)783
And we shall pray indeed.J. Hart (C.M.)808
And we shall reign with thee.Isaac Watts (C.M.)19
And we shall share the prize.W. Gadsby (S.M.)663
And we shall stand through him.J. Hart (S.M.)312
And we shall weep no more.John Newton (S.M.)337
And we still will follow thee.J. Cennick (7s)267
And we were justified.J. Hart (148th)445
And we will follow thee;J. Hart (C.M.)783
And we will likewise laud the Lamb,J. Hart (C.M.)856
And we with pleasure realiseW. Gadsby (8.8.6.)643
And wear an everlasting crown,W. W. Horne (C.M.)468
And wearied oft, yet give not out;John Berridge (112th)898
And weariness our steps attends.T. Kelly (L.M.)1021
And wears his priesthood still.Isaac Watts (C.M.)121
And weep to the praise of the mercy I found.J. Stocker (11s)11
And welcome wanderers home.J. Hart (C.M.)818
And well adore his name.W. Gadsby (C.M.)660
And well deserves the praise.P. Doddridge (S.M.)201
And well engrave thy lawJohn Berridge (148th)671
And well he knows weve none to give.J. Hart (148th)448
And well in him rejoice.W. Gadsby (S.M.)556
And well in him rejoice.W. Gadsby (S.M.)606
And well in thee rejoice.W. Gadsby (S.M.)556
And well secures his sheep.J. Adams (S.M.)274
And well thou knowest all my state;Samuel Medley (L.M.)385
And well when called to die.J. Kent (S.M.)412
And went from hence, though sorely maimed,J. Kent (C.M.)930
And wept, and bled, and died;S. Stennett (148th)403
And were these first disciples blessedJ. Hart (8.8.6.)715
And wet their couch with tears;Isaac Watts (C.M.)477
And wet thy feet with tears,John Berridge (C.M.)756
And what can tame the lusts but grace?John Berridge (112th)900
And what can wash me cleanJohn Berridge (148th)671
And what canst thou view more suited to theeSamuel Medley (104th)322
And what distress I feel.John Newton (S.M.)729
And what from Jesus shall divide?J. Kent (L.M.)924
And what he commands inspires.J. Hart (8.7.)180
And what he wills is best.C. Wesley (S.M.)70
And what is all our pain?J. Hart (148th)307
And what makes this gospel most precious to me,Gospel Mag., 1777 (11s)52
And what she has she misapplies,WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)188
And what should fill us with surpriseT. Kelly (C.M.)1047
And what their secret sighs declare;Samuel Medley (L.M.)263
And what works have I to plead,J. Hart (7.6.)780
And when I once begin to save,John Newton (C.M.)193
And when I safely reach my home,W. Gadsby (C.M.)567
And when I shall resign my breath,J. Hoskins (L.M.)945
And when I wake he shall me keep,J. Hart (C.M.)108
And when at my footstool at last,J. Kent (8s)183
And when before thee we appear,John Newton (C.M.)1114
And when by faith we traceW. Gadsby (S.M.)713
And when every dangers past,W. Gadsby (7s)645
And when from him I start,John Berridge (148th)884
And when he resigns his breath,W. Gadsby (7s)545
And when he withdraws them, tis all for the best.Samuel Medley (104th)322
And when hoary hairs shall their temples adorn,K., 1787 (11s)329
And when in death they bow their head,Samuel Medley (L.M.)174
And when in glory I appear,Samuel Medley (L.M.)172
And when in glory I appear,Samuel Medley (L.M.)173
And when insulting Ishmaels mockW. Gadsby (S.M.)624
And when my guilt was to him charged,W. Gadsby (S.M.)659
And when my heart I feel so foul,J. Hart (C.M.)773
And when my mourning days are oer,Samuel Medley (L.M.)263
And when the appointed hour shall come,Samuel Medley (L.M.)195
And when the fights ended, the crown thou shalt wear,W. Gadsby (11s)612
And when the hour is nearJohn Berridge (S.M.)739
And when the icy hand of deathW. Gadsby (8.8.6.)592
And when the soul to march prepares,J. Stevens (8.8.6.)242
And when they leave this world of woe,W. Gadsby (L.M.)625
And when they touch the mournful string,J. Kent (S.M.)412
And when thou hidst thy lovely faceJ. Kent (C.M.)757
And when thou veilst thy lovely face,D. Herbert (L.M.)711
And when through Jordans floodJ. Kent (148th)87
And when thy victories are complete,B. Wallin (C.M.)194
And when to that bright world I rise,Samuel Medley (L.M.)410
And when united trials meet,P. Doddridge (L.M.)332
And when we are fainting and ready to die,J. Fawcett (104th)184
And when we are wounded by sin,R. Burnham (8s)12
And when we faint and cannot walk,J. Hart (S.M.)308A
And when we have immortal tongues,W. Gadsby (C.M.)588
And when we his unction feel,W. Gadsby (7s)654
And when we meet our Lord,R. Burnham (S.M.)203
And when we taste thy love,Isaac Watts (S.M.)423
And when were frightened, bid us standJ. Hart (C.M.)783
And when with her pardon shes blessed,J. Kent (8s)334
And when within his house they meet,John Newton (C.M.)966
And when wounded healed thy wound;WIlliam Cowper (7s)968
And when, at the archangels blastJ. Kent (8.8.6.)217
And when, through fear, I only creep,John Berridge (8.8.6.)302
And where I rove, or where I restt,John Berridge (112th)901
And where the Son is honoured well,J. Berridge (S.M.)114
And wheres our courage fled?Isaac Watts (C.M.)327
And wheres the man, in thought or deed,J. Hart (C.M.)45
And wheres the monsters sting?Isaac Watts (C.M.)464
And which to leave for viler use?Isaac Watts (L.M.)75
And while I feel afflictions rod,Samuel Medley (L.M.)275
And while I tread the thorny road,W. Gadsby (L.M.)620
And while by faith they see his face,R. Burnham (C.M.)16
And while he in Jesus their souls shall approve,J. Kent (104th)912
And while my throne unshaken stands,P. Doddridge (S.M.)345
And while our faith enjoys this sight, Isaac Watts (C.M.)476
And while our lips their tribute bring,Isaac Watts (148th)506
And while the Spirit seals my heart,(Author Unknown) (148th)214
And while the legal nights abide,John Berridge (148th)889
And while they feast upon his grace,John Newton (L.M.)1001
And while they strike the golden lyres,J. Kent (8.8.6.)406
And while they walk the thorny way,T. Kelly (L.M.)992
And while thou shalt smile upon us,H. F. Lyte (8.7.)971
And while thy salute him, betray;John Newton (8s)1149
And while we mourn, and sing, and pray,J. Hart (C.M.)734
And while with sin and hell I fight,Isaac Watts (L.M.)419
And whilst he remains on his throne,W. Gadsby (8s)516
And whilst upon my restless bed,Isaac Watts (C.M.)186
And whisper in each humble ear,John Berridge (S.M.)436
And whisper in his ear,John Berridge (C.M.)714
And whispers I am his.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1011
And whither can we go?W. Gadsby (S.M.)614
And who can say how nigh?J. Kent (C.M.)1093
And who can tell but God may bless,D. Herbert (C.M.)677
And who in Jesus only trust!Samuel Medley (L.M.)978
And who more poor than we?J. Hart (S.M.)831
And who shall be our Lord?Isaac Watts (C.M.)1146
And who shall set them free?J. Kent (C.M.)930
And wholly in his name confide;Samuel Medley (L.M.)978
And wholly live to thee;John Newton (C.M.)1100
And why not so? for who can tell?B. Beddome (148th)947
And why so called, let Christians guess;J. Hart (L.M.)153
And why, dear Saviour, tell me why,J. Hart (L.M.)153A
And why, my soul, why not for thee?C. Cole (L.M.)984
And why, my soul, why not for thee?C. Cole (L.M.)984
And why, my soul, why not for thee?C. Cole (L.M.)984
And will all needful blessings grant.J. Adams (L.M.)175
And will bring me safely through.W. Gadsby (7s)542
And will bring you home to God.W. Gadsby (7s)662
And will ever hold us fast.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)535
And will for ever love;W. Gadsby (C.M.)579
And will his people keep;J. Adams (S.M.)274
And will my soul defend.W. Gadsby (C.M.)552
And will not Jesus show his face,John Berridge (C.M.)743
And will not feed on trash.John Berridge (8.8.6.)905
And will not let me go.P. Doddridge (S.M.)201
And will not let me miss my way.John Newton (L.M.)960
And will not let us fall;D. Herbert (C.M.)509
And will present them all to God.(Author Unknown) (148th)214
And will take us safe to heaven.J. Hart (7s)179
And will the righteous Judge of menAugustus Toplady (8.8.6.)227
And will their strength renew.W. Gadsby (S.M.)624
And will while Jesus lives.W. Gadsby (S.M.)556
And will you to his glory bring.W. Gadsby (148th)539
And wilt be King alone!John Berridge (148th)885
And wilt thou give thyself to me?W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)589
And wilt thou not subdueJohn Berridge (148th)885
And wipe my weeping eyes.Isaac Watts (C.M.)474
And wipe our tears away.John Newton (C.M.)1155
And wisdom, grace, and glory meet;John Newton (C.M.)128
And wish and long to be released.A. Steele (L.M.)1081
And wish our sufferings less.W. Gadsby (S.M.)682
And wish the world to know;J. Berridge (S.M.)114
And wish thy fiery chariots, Lord, Isaac Watts (C.M.)476
And wishes thy increase,Isaac Watts (122nd)362
And with Christ exalted reign.J. Kent (7s)145
And with JesusT. Kelly (8.7.4.)1102
And with JesusW. Gadsby (8.7.4.)600
And with Zion on his breast,W. Gadsby (7s)584
And with a double heart.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1146
And with a holy, reverend awe,W. Gadsby (L.M.)655
And with a humble hopeB. Beddome (148th)947
And with a humble, fervent prayer,E. Scott (C.M.)1145
And with a smiling face;J. Berridge (S.M.)268
And with a solemn pleasure prove,W. Gadsby (C.M.)660
And with a solemn pleasure tell,J. Kent (last 3 verses) (L.M.)407
And with a solemn, heavenly voiceW. Gadsby (148th)607
And with a song filleth the mouth of the saint.John Berridge (104th)710
And with a whispering word,J. Berridge (S.M.)268
And with an immortal song,W. Gadsby (7s)515
And with angels loud proclaim,C. Wesley (7s)36
And with boldness,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)641
And with conviction preachJohn Berridge (148th)888
And with delightful joy recordSamuel Medley (L.M.)941
And with flaming heart adore.J. Berridge (7s)177
And with him bear a part;J. Swain (C.M.)1082
And with him for ever rest,W. Gadsby (7s)542
And with him in glory shall reign,W. Gadsby (8s)516
And with him must ever reign.W. Gadsby (7s)657
And with him she shall live and reign.W. Gadsby (8s)569
And with him to be baptized?W. Gadsby (7s)649
And with his love be blessed.W. Gadsby (C.M.)579
And with holy wonder tell,W. Gadsby (7s)611
And with love our bosoms cheer;Henry Fowler (8.7.4.)769
And with love our souls inspire;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)610
And with me all the heavenly throngW. Gadsby (C.M.)567
And with me fast abide;J. Berridge (8.8.6.)148
And with me sup and stay;John Berridge (148th)673
And with mighty care and pain,W. Gadsby (7s)594
And with obedience mixed,J. Hart (S.M.)236
And with our thankful tongues proclaim,J. Hart (C.M.)459
And with patience may I wait,W. Gadsby (7s)611
And with pleasure ever proveW. Gadsby (7s)645
And with pleasure keep in view,W. Gadsby (7s)558
And with pleasure keep in view,W. Gadsby (7s)662
And with pleasure say, My God!Henry Fowler (8.7.4.)1038
And with pleasure,J. Cennick, C. Wesley and M. Madan (8.7.4.)493
And with pleasure,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)514
And with pleasure,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)563
And with pleasure,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)573
And with pleasure,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)641
And with such a scene in view,W. Gadsby (7s)650
And with sweet comfort cheers.J. Hart (7.6.8.)801
And with the will afford me strengthJohn Newton (S.M.)278
And with their Saviour rest.John Newton (C.M.)1155
And with thy Father plead my cause;R. Hill (112th)1070
And with thy gracious presence blest,R. Hill (112th)1070
And with thy quickening power applyJ. Hart (C.M.)862
And with us there abide;J. Hart (8.8.6.)29
And with wonderT. Kelly (8.7.4.)1102
And with zeal our hearts inflame.Henry Fowler (7s)754
And without a rival reign.John Newton (7s)379
And without praises die.Isaac Watts (S.M.)420
And witness thou art mine.J. Hoskins (C.M.)953
And witness with the blood.C. Wesley (S.M.)983
And wonder at his grace.J. Berridge (S.M.)268
And wonder yet what all could mean.J. Hart (L.M.)153
And wonders where the scene will end.J. Fawcett (L.M.)289
And wondrous in our eyes.Isaac Watts (C.M.)141
And works by fraud or force.J. Hart (S.M.)287
And works his sovereign will.WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)320
And works obedience too.R. Burnham (C.M.)16
And works of righteousness,C. Wesley (7.6.8.)98
And works of slavish kind;J. Hart (8.8.6.)358
And worldly wisdom mock;T. Kelly (S.M.)1012
And worship at his Fathers throne.Isaac Watts (L.M.)752
And worship at his feet.Isaac Watts & J. Needham (C.M.)15
And worship love divine;J. Hart (C.M.)105
And worship only thee.WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)958
And would be always only thine.John Berridge (148th)884
And would but cannot pray,John Newton (S.M.)278
And would gladly do his word.W. Gadsby (7s)650
And would gladly him obey,W. Gadsby (7s)654
And would repose his trust in thee,Henry Fowler (L.M.)1034
And would to prison hale;John Berridge (C.M.)893
And wound my soul, and make me halt.W. Gadsby (148th)613
And wound us with distress;W. Hammond (C.M.)344
And wrapped him in our clay;C. Wesley (148th)37
And wrath and darkness chained them down;Isaac Watts (L.M.)317
And wrestle for thy Spirits power;R. Burnham (C.M.)997
And writ the blessings in thy word.Isaac Watts (L.M.)935
And ye shall glean ere long.W. Gadsby (S.M.)519
And ye that sincerely confide in the Lamb,J. Hart (11s)40
And yet I am not whole?J. Hart (C.M.)151
And yet O how faithfuls my Friend!W. Gadsby (8s)628
And yet are always poor;John Berridge (148th)674
And yet be just and gracious still?Isaac Watts (L.M.)75
And yet from thee will start;John Berridge (148th)673
And yet have sought it well;John Berridge (S.M.)739
And yet how far from thee I lie;Isaac Watts (S.M.)185
And yet how oft did Israel proveIsaac Watts (S.M.)318
And yet how slow my spirits moveIsaac Watts (C.M.)402
And yet is just and holy still.W. Gadsby (148th)559
And yet my God was good;J. Hart (C.M.)13
And yet my heart unmoved remain,A. Steele (L.M.)1123
And yet no answers come;John Berridge (148th)749
And yet reject my soul at last?Dobell’s Selection (L.M.)981
And yet what land so vile!A. Steele (C.M.)1143
And yet while below we cannot but sing;J. Swain (104th)417
And yield obedience to his laws.J. Grigg and B. Francis (last verse) (L.M.)427
And yield some patient gain.J. Berridge (C.M.)300
And yield the fruits of righteousness –J. Hart (C.M.)871
And yields no more to sad complaints.John Newton (L.M.)960
And yields obedience true;J. Stevens (C.M.)228
And you and me the worst.D. Herbert (C.M.)678
And you must be content.J. Hart (S.M.)219
And you shall of your pain be eased,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)572
And you to him belong.W. Gadsby (S.M.)519
And young ones catch no fire,John Berridge (148th)374
And your souls shall bless the Lord.J. Hart (7s)789
And your wounds you cant endure?R. Burnham (8.7.)976
And youthful vigour cease;Isaac Watts (C.M.)327
And, Jonah like, has fled from thee,Samuel Medley (L.M.)1056
And, Likewise ye shall perish all,J. Hart (C.M.)240
And, Lord, do thou the prayers fulfilJohn Newton (C.M.)1155
And, Lord, we ask thy presence hereJohn Berridge (C.M.)375
And, O victorious King!W. Gadsby (C.M.)561
And, Saviour, we are such.WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)731
And, aiming at the eternal throne,Isaac Watts (C.M.)212
And, as the jewels of his crown,J. Adams (8.8.6.)67
And, believing,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)563
And, bless his precious name,W. Gadsby (148th)550
And, blessed be his name,T. Greene (C.M.)230
And, brooding in each secret cell,J. Hart (C.M.)310
And, by his loves constraining power,John Newton (L.M.)295
And, by savage beasts of prey,W. Gadsby (7s)616
And, by sweet experience taught,John Newton (7s)397
And, by the most endearing names,W. Gadsby (S.M.)555
And, conscious of his mighty woe,John Berridge (112th)744
And, determined us to save,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)535
And, dying, clasp thee in my arms,P. Doddridge (C.M.)138
And, for their comfort, has expressedSamuel Medley (L.M.)263
And, grasping hard, embraces all,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)149
And, having paid the utmost cost,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)148
And, if thou dost my health restore,J. Hart (L.M.)838
And, if tis done by faith,J. Hart (S.M.)863
And, in every deep distress,W. Gadsby (7s)626
And, in her foulest way,Rozzell (C.M.)189
And, in his measure, feels afreshIsaac Watts (C.M.)120
And, in his set time and way,W. Gadsby (7s)720
And, in living,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)563
And, in the presence of our God,Isaac Watts (C.M.)121
And, in the presence of our Lord,John Newton (C.M.)398
And, in the sweet promise, shall findJ. Kent (8s)334
And, lest the priest the place defile,J. Hart (L.M.)794
And, lest the shadow of a spotIsaac Watts (C.M.)109
And, lest we should mistake the way,J. Hart (S.M.)308A
And, lo! he bowed his head.W. Gadsby (C.M.)561
And, lo! this charge I give to you.J. Hart (L.M.)106
And, midst the terrors of his rod,B. Beddome (L.M.)6
And, nurtured by celestial power,B. Beddome (C.M.)434
And, pressed with sorrows and with sins,Isaac Watts (L.M.)92
And, seated on his Fathers throne,J. Hart (C.M.)489
And, taught by him, I findJ. Berridge (C.M.)300
And, that they might be justified,J. Hart (L.M.)815
And, though I cannot always feelW. Gadsby (S.M.)546
And, though he reigns enthroned on high,W. Gadsby (S.M.)624
And, though theyre long delayed,R. Burnham (C.M.)244
And, through his atoning blood,W. Gadsby (7s)594
And, to make his wonders known,W. Gadsby (7s)654
And, to redeem us from the dead,Isaac Watts (C.M.)505
And, venturing hard, behold I come;J. Hart (L.M.)447
And, what is still stranger to tell,J. Hart (8s)233
And, when Jesus bids me fly,W. Gadsby (7s)575
And, when dying,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)563
And, when his strokes are felt,Isaac Watts (S.M.)1015
And, when the souls oppressedW. Gadsby (S.M.)603
And, when their languid life is spent,J. Hart (C.M.)828
And, when they stumble, makes them flyW. Gadsby (C.M.)553
And, when time is no more, we still shall adoreC. Wesley (11s)161
And, when we close our eyes,Isaac Watts (C.M.)498
And, when youve ended, find at lastJ. Hart (C.M.)45
And, while I pour my soul to thee,Samuel Medley (L.M.)173
And, while he shows our heavenly crown,J. Swain (L.M.)1107
And, while his awful voiceIsaac Watts (C.M.)361
And, while that marks in view,J. Hart (S.M.)308A
And, while through many a painful pathJ. Hart (C.M.)708
And, with a cheerful voice,W. Gadsby (S.M.)606
And, with a smiling face,W. Gadsby (148th)590
And, with a smiling face,W. Gadsby (148th)599
And, with a strong, immortal voice,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)647
And, with a touch divine,W. Gadsby (C.M.)588
And, with a transporting wonder,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)563
And, with all the saints above,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)583
And, with thy precious mercy crowned,Samuel Medley (L.M.)174
And, without a jarring voice,W. Gadsby (7s)534
And, without a veil between,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)514
And, yielding to the tempters power,T. Kelly (L.M.)1043
Angelic minds cannot exploreJ. Kent (C.M.)914
Angels and men agree,C. Wesley (148th)37
Angels and men shall join to singIsaac Watts (L.M.)360
Angels have no perfect sense.J. Hart (7s)154
Angels have not skill to mentionW. Gadsby (8.7.4.)615
Angels here may gaze and wonder,J. Swain (8.7.)689
Angels joyed, and devils trembled,J. Hart (8.7.)776
Angels made the heavens ring,W. Gadsby (7s)518
Angels songs of victory sing;J. Hart (7s)490
Angels, astonished, viewed the scene;J. Hart (L.M.)153
Angels, that hymn the great I AM,J. Hart (L.M.)88
Angels, with saints above,J. Hart (S.M.)487
Annoys my better joys!D. Herbert (C.M.)507
Anon the Fathers set time came,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)572
Another year of our short life is gone,W. Gadsby (10s)699
Answers the beholders face,John Newton (7s)379
Anxious to know thy sins forgiven,Henry Fowler (L.M.)1036
Apace the solemn hour draws nigh,Samuel Medley (L.M.)173
Appear to mingle earth and sky.W. W. Horne (L.M.)285
Appear, O gracious Lord, appear,Matlock’s Selection (S.M.)948
Appear, and thy own flock protect,C. Wesley (last verse unknown) (8.8.6.)137
Appears in my Redeemers face!W. Gadsby (L.M.)525
Appears the God of hope.R. Burnham (C.M.)244
Appears to call the saint away,J. Stevens (8.8.6.)242
Appears to set his people freeJohn Newton (C.M.)1020
Appeased stern Justice with his blood,J. Adams (8.8.6.)67
Applies peace and pardon, with power from above,W. Gadsby (104th)520
Apply the balm, thy love reveal.Gospel Mag., 1777 (L.M.)942
Apply the reconciling blood,J. Hart (112th)835
Apply thy word that rules must give,S. Browne (8.8.6.)1134
Appoint my soul a place.Isaac Watts (C.M.)54
Appointed for the poor,John Newton (S.M.)729
Appointed, by Gods firm decree,W. Tucker (L.M.)78
Approach his royal board,J. Hart (S.M.)820
Approach the throne of grace.Samuel Medley (C.M.)382
Approach thy awful throne;B. Beddome (148th)947
Approach with humble faith;J. Hart (C.M.)23
Approach, my soul, the mercy-seat,John Newton (C.M.)388
Approach, ye poor, nor dare refuseWIlliam Cowper (C.M.)1122
Are all at thy control;W. Gadsby (C.M.)646
Are all the afflictions I see,J. Swain (8s)319
Are all thy ways to me,J. Kent (148th)732
Are all without money and price;W. Gadsby (8s)595
Are as yet so little known,J. Hart (7s)154
Are at once made whole again.J. Kent (8.7.)759
Are baptized beneath the wave.J. Fellows (8.7.)433
Are big with mercy, and shall breakWIlliam Cowper (C.M.)320
Are broken, not divided, hearts.J. Hart (8.8.8.)807
Are brought to know themselves and God,J. Kent (8.8.6.)406
Are everlasting mines;Isaac Watts (C.M.)56
Are found, and there alone.John Newton (C.M.)933
Are gathering goodness for the windJ. Berridge (8.8.6.)178
Are growing lank and few;John Berridge (148th)374
Are heartily welcome to knock at his door;W. Gadsby (11s)548
Are hidden from the wise;Isaac Watts (C.M.)71
Are hot, are cold; now freeze, now burn;B. Beddome (L.M.)296
Are in the gospel found!Samuel Medley (C.M.)987
Are justified freely by grace;W. Gadsby (8s)544
Are like an evening gone;Isaac Watts (C.M.)1139
Are little works compared with one.J. Hart (L.M.)88
Are lost to my astonished sight.J. Hart (L.M.)153A
Are much more warm, more safe, more fine,J. Hart (C.M.)805
Are my portion here below;Henry Fowler (7s)1037
Are not our lips our own? they cry;Isaac Watts (C.M.)1146
Are not thy mercies large and free?Isaac Watts (L.M.)761
Are not thy mercies sovereign still,Isaac Watts (C.M.)402
Are not thy righteous dear to theeE. Scott (C.M.)1145
Are once to be compared to this,S. Stennett (S.M.)359
Are one eternal NOW.J. Kent (C.M.)757
Are one in Jesus now.J. Kent (S.M.)921
Are only rambling still;John Berridge (8.8.6.)302
Are opened to our sight;S. Stennett (C.M.)42
Are others utmost views.J. Hart (C.M.)855
Are pleased with her deceptive ore;W. Gadsby (L.M.)620
Are put beneath thy power;Isaac Watts (C.M.)19
Are saved, I know full well;J. Hart (C.M.)31
Are scandal in the Jews esteem,Isaac Watts (C.M.)165
Are signs that mark the present times.John Newton (L.M.)1142
Are some to speak or hear?J. Hart (C.M.)222
Are springs of joy that never fail,John Newton (C.M.)933
Are swallowed up, O love, in thee!J. Kent (L.M.)10
Are taught by the Spirit to Jesus to fly.J. Kent (11s)1097
Are taught this lesson well;D. Herbert (C.M.)676
Are terrors to my mind.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1095
Are the shipwrecked saved by sinking?J. Hart (8.7.)719
Are the welcome guests of God.J. Hart (8.7.)826
Are these the blessings we expect?J. Hart (148th)307
Are these the toils thy people know,J. Fawcett (L.M.)289
Are these unstable hearts,W. Gadsby (S.M.)682
Are those that hold thee fast!J. Hart (C.M.)708
Are thy bounteous gifts t bestow;Crosse (8.7.)1150
Are thy gifts, thou God of grace.J. Hart (8.7.)237A
Are thy sins beyond recounting,J. Kent (8.7.)913
Are to our Jesus given;C. Wesley (148th)127
Are too vast to be conceived.J. Hart (7s)802
Are very, very great;J. Hart (S.M.)792
Are washed from sin by Jesus blood;J. Kent (C.M.)1094
Are we not tending upward too,Isaac Watts (C.M.)466
Are welcome to the feast of grace,W. Gadsby (S.M.)587
Are you tempted? So was he.J. Hart (7.6.8.)787
Are, like myself, with fetters bound,T. Kelly (L.M.)1021
Aright his dangerous course to steer.T. Kelly (L.M.)1049
Arise, O God, thy cause defend;W. W. Horne (L.M.)285
Arise, O King of grace, arise,Isaac Watts (C.M.)366
Arise, arise, O God of might,W. W. Horne (L.M.)285
Arise, my love, and come away,J. Berridge (S.M.)268
Arise, my soul! awake my voice,Isaac Watts (C.M.)94
Arise, my soul, my joyful powers,Isaac Watts (C.M.)94
Armed with vengeance,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)560
Armed with wrath and righteous vengeance,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)560
Around fair Zions hill,John Berridge (148th)374
Around the throne of majesty;Isaac Watts (L.M.)369
Around their wandering camp,J. Hart (S.M.)446
Around thy all-supporting stem,Augustus Toplady (C.M.)939
Arrayed in hallowed vests he stood,J. Hart (L.M.)794
Arrayed in mortal flesh,Isaac Watts (148th)122
Arrayed in obedience, all wrought by the Lamb,J. Stevens (11s)243
Art that mysterious Three-in-One,J. Hart (8.8.6.)29
Art thou a stranger stillW. Gadsby (148th)666
Art thou afflicted, sore distressed,Henry Fowler (L.M.)1036
Art thou by sin a captive led?John Berridge (C.M.)892
Art thou not mine, my living Lord?A. Steele (L.M.)980
Art thou ready to meet God?W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)698
As Christ reveals himself to me.W. Tucker (L.M.)399
As God with us hes present now.J. Kent (L.M.)911
As I am ready to repine;WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)323
As I can be destroyed.Rozzell (C.M.)291
As I live, ye shall live too;J. Adams (7s)347
As I, and lower too;J. Hart (C.M.)105
As Isaac and Rebecca giveJohn Berridge (C.M.)375
As Jesus appears in your view,John Newton (8s)1149
As Jesus died to save the lost,D. Herbert (C.M.)510
As Jesus, in covenant love, did engageHenry Fowler (11.8.)350
As Prophet, Priest, and King,W. Gadsby (S.M.)605
As Shepherd, Priest, and King,W. Gadsby (148th)550
As a dim candle dies at noon.Isaac Watts (L.M.)480
As a fair signet, on my breast.Isaac Watts (L.M.)92
As a gift divinely free;W. Gadsby (7s)594
As a helmet, guard thy head.J. Hart (8.7.)270
As a rock, he guards them wellW. Gadsby (7s)551
As absolute as free;W. Gadsby (C.M.)530
As all I need, as all I have,W. Gadsby (148th)550
As almost drove me to despair.John Newton (L.M.)295
As an emblem of thy passion,J. Fellows (8.7.)433
As an emblem of thy passion,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)651
As black as the confines of endless despair;J. Kent (11s)1097
As body differs from a shade,J. Hart (S.M.)236
As by the light of opening dayJohn Newton (C.M.)1100
As children loved and taught of God,W. Gadsby (L.M.)655
As dangerous as the fire.J. Hart (S.M.)308
As dangerous foes as they.J. Hart (C.M.)782
As divine historians say,J. Hart (7s)802
As emblems of thy death,W. Gadsby (C.M.)661
As far from God as sheep can run.J. Kent (L.M.)76
As fast as time can move?Isaac Watts (C.M.)466
As favoured objects of his choice;W. Tucker (L.M.)65
As finished by the Son of God,D. Herbert (C.M.)508
As free as the sun runs its race.W. Gadsby (8s)566
As from a serpent, fly;C. Wesley (S.M.)1059
As full of guilt, and fear, and pain,John Newton (S.M.)729
As full of truth and full of grace;J. Kent (L.M.)910
As gold from the flame, hell bring thee at last,J. Kent (104th)297
As he is belovèd or not;John Newton (8s)1149
As he sustained their weight;J. Hart (C.M.)105
As he the grace imparts.W. Gadsby (S.M.)682
As her Surety,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)573
As holy believers, rely on your Priest;W. Gadsby (11s)644
As if he sought some help from man;J. Hart (L.M.)153
As in the days of flesh he grewJ. Hart (C.M.)709
As kind as when he died;Isaac Watts (C.M.)438
As kindest fathers will not spareJ. Hart (C.M.)871
As knowledge, arts, or learning,J. Hart (P.M.)814
As long as life and speech endure,J. Hart (C.M.)13
As loud as others I could sing;T. Kelly (L.M.)1046
As made with Christ our Head,Gospel Mag., 1778 (S.M.)86
As members of his mystic frame,J. Kent (L.M.)911
As much when in the manger laidWIlliam Cowper (L.M.)969
As my Guide, my Guard, my Friend,John Newton (7s)379
As my atoning Priest,W. Gadsby (S.M.)713
As near his cross I stood.John Newton (C.M.)1025
As new-born babes desire the breast,Isaac Watts (C.M.)192
As now I am of power.John Newton (S.M.)278
As oft as sin defiles.J. Kent (C.M.)1089
As one Elijah dies,John Berridge (148th)374
As one Jehovah, in one mind.W. Gadsby (L.M.)525
As one in the Lord, hes a true son of peace;W. Gadsby (11s)612
As one new-born or nourished there.Isaac Watts (L.M.)360
As one whom thou regardest not?Isaac Watts (L.M.)401
As one with those who worship thee.J. Kent (L.M.)1127
As one, through grace, thats born of God.Samuel Medley (L.M.)195
As our Prophet, King, and Priest.W. Gadsby (7s)515
As prompted from within.W. Gadsby (S.M.)725
As pure as an angel of light.J. Hart (8s)233
As pure as he is pure.Isaac Watts (S.M.)79
As round the pool, Bethesda named,J. Kent (C.M.)930
As school-boys learn their task;W. Gadsby (148th)618
As servants of the Lord most high,C. Wesley (112th)955
As settled by decree,W. Gadsby (148th)559
As shall please my heavenly Friend.J. Ryland (7s)64
As sheep are gathered to the fold,J. Stevens (S.M.)425
As shuts all doubtings out;J. Hart (S.M.)312
As sinners bought with blood;J. Kent (S.M.)412
As sinners saved by grace,W. Gadsby (S.M.)652
As sons from bondage freed.W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)643
As soon as we have nought to pay,J. Hart (C.M.)218
As sparks break out from burning coals,Isaac Watts (C.M.)465
As spears in thy side or thorns in thy eyes;J. Kent (104th)297
As still shall support us and silence our fear,J. Fawcett (104th)184
As sure as God is God,W. Gadsby (S.M.)606
As sure as the earnest is given;Augustus Toplady (8s)340
As tender mothers grieve to hearJ. Hart (C.M.)828
As that which built the skies;Isaac Watts (C.M.)14
As the Lord his Righteousness.W. Gadsby (7s)545
As the Lord our Righteousness;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)610
As the effect of sin;W. Gadsby (C.M.)646
As the image in the glassJohn Newton (7s)379
As the purchase of thy blood,W. Gadsby (7s)609
As the way, indeed, is hard,J. Hart (7s)788
As they draw near their journeys end,Samuel Medley (L.M.)174
As those whove felt the legal lash,John Berridge (112th)898
As thou hast given a place for prayer,John Newton (C.M.)398
As though on eagles wings.D. Herbert (C.M.)676
As three in one God, and no more,W. Gadsby (8s)516
As through the wilderness I roam,W. Gadsby (C.M.)567
As thy Saviour will be known,John Newton (7s)273
As thy days may demand, shall thy strength ever be.K., 1787 (11s)329
As thy days, thy strength shall be!Henry Fowler (7s)1037
As thy foes and fears increase.J. Hart (8.7.)270
As tis by some men named;J. Hart (C.M.)241
As to Canaan on you move,J. Langford (7s)90
As to lay down his life to redeem us from hell.C. Wesley (11s)161
As trophies of his grace.W. Gadsby (C.M.)596
As up the shining path I soar,John Newton (C.M.)469
As vast as the burden of guilt which he bore.Isaac Watts (11s)414
As we have had before.D. Herbert (C.M.)679
As we lay exposed and friendless,T. Kelly (8.7.7.)1040
As we the light can bearJohn Berridge (S.M.)891
As well as their danger to see,J. Kent (8s)183
As what my Shepherd speaks.P. Doddridge (S.M.)345
As when a child, secure of harms,J. Hart (C.M.)708
As when at first I came.John Newton (S.M.)729
As when the six days work he madeWIlliam Cowper (L.M.)969
As wonder to create?W. Batty (C.M.)950
As ye are chosen from the rest,J. Kent (C.M.)1094
As ye journey, sweetly sing;J. Cennick (7s)267
As zealous for his glorious name,C. Wesley (112th)955
Ascend to the Most High;W. Gadsby (S.M.)725
Ascended Saviour, fix our eyes,J. Swain (L.M.)387
Ascends above the skies,Isaac Watts (C.M.)121
Ascribe their conquest to the Lamb,Isaac Watts (C.M.)477
Ascribing the glory to God and the Lamb.J. Hart (104th)129
Ashamed of Jesus! just as soonJ. Grigg and B. Francis (last verse) (L.M.)427
Ashamed of Jesus! sooner farJ. Grigg and B. Francis (last verse) (L.M.)427
Ashamed of Jesus! that dear Friend,J. Grigg and B. Francis (last verse) (L.M.)427
Ashamed of Jesus! yes, I may,J. Grigg and B. Francis (last verse) (L.M.)427
Ashamed of self, we prostrate at thy door,W. Gadsby (10s)699
Ashamed of thee, whom angels praise;J. Grigg and B. Francis (last verse) (L.M.)427
Ashamed to show his shameful face,J. Hart (C.M.)860
Ask thy God, for hell provide.J. Hart (8.7.)864
Ask thy Saviour for this token;Henry Fowler (8.7.4.)1038
Ask what thou wilt, it shall be done.J. Hart (L.M.)882
Ask, O why such love to me?Gospel Mag., 1777 (8.7.4.)69
Assault my soul in every part.John Newton (L.M.)295
Assist my soul, my heavenly King,Samuel Medley (L.M.)195
Assist us now thy grace to sing,Norman (8.8.6.)430
Assure me of thy love;A. Steele (C.M.)1079
Assure my conscience of her partIsaac Watts (C.M.)24
Assure my soul that thou art mine,A. Steele (C.M.)1086
Assured that he will not refuse.John Newton (L.M.)692
Assures us sin no more shall reign.J. Swain (L.M.)1107
Astonished and distressed,B. Beddome (S.M.)733
Astonished angels stand amazed,D. Herbert (C.M.)680
Astonished angels stoop to gaze,W. Tucker (L.M.)17
Astonished at the amazing view,J. Hart (C.M.)310
At God incarnate threw,J. Hart (S.M.)312
At Jehovahs searching word;Henry Fowler (8.7.4.)1038
At Jesus cross we find.J. Berridge (C.M.)169
At Jesus feet to lay it down,C. Wesley (L.M.)1019
At Jesus right hand, in glory to reign,W. Gadsby (104th)568
At Mercy on her knees?J. Berridge (148th)146
At a distance, unconcerned;W. Gadsby (7s)611
At a trifling distance stand.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)641
At all times he loves them; twas for them he died;J. Kent (104th)297
At all times on the Lord;W. Gadsby (148th)630
At all times, in every case,W. Gadsby (7s)640
At anchor laid, remote from home,Augustus Toplady (L.M.)1018
At death, beyond the grave, hell love;W. Gadsby (L.M.)633
At first did freely move;W. Hammond (148th)339
At hells dark door we lay;Isaac Watts (C.M.)213
At his call the dead awaken,John Newton (8.7.4.)496
At his throne their sins confessing,J. Kent (8.7.4.)918
At home, or abroad, on the land, on the sea,K., 1787 (11s)329
At humble distance bow. Isaac Watts (C.M.)476
At last be where my Jesus is,R. Burnham (L.M.)771
At least I to depend desire;J. Hart (112th)182
At least Im sure with me.J. Hart (C.M.)310
At length he uncovers himself from his cloud,John Berridge (104th)687
At length my Lord, with sweet surprise,John Berridge (C.M.)336
At length my Suns refulgent beamJ. Kent (C.M.)923
At length shall walk at large.W. Gadsby (S.M.)519
At mercys footstool would remain,Samuel Medley (L.M.)1056
At most we do but taste the cup,J. Hart (148th)307
At once hed answer my request;John Newton (L.M.)295
At once my soul revives and sings,John Newton (L.M.)960
At once to cleanse and pardon too.Isaac Watts (L.M.)1006
At once unite to make thee yield,W. Gadsby (L.M.)622
At once would make me clean.B. Beddome (148th)947
At our Redeemers feet.J. Hart (S.M.)27
At peace with hell, with God at war,J. Kent (L.M.)76
At sin they grieve and groan.J. Hart (C.M.)241
At that transporting word,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1011
At the Redeemers birth!Isaac Watts (S.M.)38
At the Redeemers birth!Isaac Watts (S.M.)38
At the birth of Christ our King,W. Gadsby (7s)518
At the dear Saviours feet.Matlock’s Selection (S.M.)948
At the foot of Olivet,J. Hart (7s)802
At the great rising day.Isaac Watts (C.M.)466
At this poor dying rate?Isaac Watts (C.M.)25
At thy commanding word.B. Wallin (C.M.)194
At thy dear feet repentant mourn;A. Steele (L.M.)1084
At thy feet, O God, Id groan,Gospel Mag., 1781 (7s)963
At thy perfections awed,J. Hart (7.6.8.)854
At war with heaven, in league with hell,J. Kent (L.M.)10
Atoned for sins which we had done.Isaac Watts (L.M.)164
Atonement made for Israels race,J. Hart (L.M.)794
Atonement to the heart;John Berridge (148th)888
Attack the child of God;J. Hart (S.M.)287
Attacked in vain by all its foes,Isaac Watts (L.M.)1140
Attend me all my days.Isaac Watts (C.M.)139
Attend the followers of the Lamb,WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)290
Attend to every case;Samuel Medley (C.M.)382
Attend us all the desert through.Isaac Watts (L.M.)142
Attending day and night;John Berridge (8.8.6.)302
Attends the mourners prayer;A. Steele (C.M.)136
Attends their wanderings here and there;J. Kent (L.M.)76
Attends when you speak, nor lets a word fall;John Berridge (104th)687
Attentive to the state and wantsJohn Newton (C.M.)128
Attract us with the cords of men,J. Hart (C.M.)783
Aught that more of God displays;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)514
Author of the new creation,Augustus Toplady (from the German) (8.7.)1073
Avail in his terrible day?John Newton (8s)1149
Availèd nothing here;W. Gadsby (C.M.)637
Avenge thy own despised elect,C. Wesley (last verse unknown) (8.8.6.)137
Averse to all thats good.WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)281
Await their several crowns;Isaac Watts (C.M.)168
Awake my heart, arise, my tongue;Isaac Watts (C.M.)109
Awake our love, our fear, our hope;B. Beddome (C.M.)434
Awake the sacred song;A. Steele (C.M.)418
Awake! the powers of hell are near!S. Stennett (L.M.)271
Awake, O heavenly wind, and come,Isaac Watts (L.M.)363
Awake, my soul, in joyful lays,Samuel Medley (L.M.)9
Awake, my soul; awake, my tongue!Isaac Watts (L.M.)18
Awake, my voice, and loud proclaimIsaac Watts (C.M.)94
Awake, nay, while we sleep,J. Hart (S.M.)287
Awake, our hearts, adore the graceIsaac Watts (C.M.)212
Awake, sweet gratitude, and singAugustus Toplady (C.M.)117
Awake, the Father cries,W. Gadsby (148th)559
Awake, ye nations under ground;Isaac Watts (C.M.)466
Awaken many sinners round,John Newton (C.M.)398
Awakened by the Archangels sound.J. Hart (L.M.)492
Awakened to see the depth of my fall,Augustus Toplady (104th)262
Away, sad doubt and anxious fear;J. A. Rothe translated by J. Weeks (112th)96
Awful is thy threatening, Lord;John Berridge (7s)895
Awhile endure, for tis your due;J. Hart (L.M.)858
Awhile in that dark cell to rest,J. Stevens (C.M.)426
Awhile we will endure,J. Hart (
Backsliding souls, return to God;J. Hart (L.M.)858
Backwards and forwards thrice he ran,J. Hart (L.M.)153
Bad shepherds will flee, yet whats that to us?J. Hart (104th)804
Banish all our guilt and fear.W. Gadsby (7s)515
Banish all your guilty fears;J. Langford (7s)90
Baptized into his death,J. Hart (S.M.)863
Baptized into his death, and thenIsaac Watts (L.M.)432
Baptized with fire, and bathed in blood.J. Hart (L.M.)718
Baptizèd Christian, bear the cross.J. Hart (L.M.)718
Barren, wandering from the fold.Henry Fowler (7s)1037
Barrenness is not all I bear;J. Hart (L.M.)875
Bars the sinners peace no more;T. Kelly (8.7.4.)982
Base and vile, from head to feet;W. Gadsby (7s)611
Base as I am, yet, blessed Lord,D. Herbert (C.M.)510
Base ingratitude indeed!J. Adams (8.7.4.)208
Base it is, and full of guile,John Berridge (7s)742
Bastards may escape the rod,WIlliam Cowper (7s)282
Bathe here and be whole, wash here and be white;J. Hart (104th)155
Bathed in agonies and blood,W. Gadsby (7s)611
Bathed in blood was Christ for me;W. Gadsby (7s)562
Be all the glory thine.J. Hart (C.M.)455
Be all things else accounted dross,J. Hart (L.M.)797
Be ascribed for evermore.J. Hart (8.7.)776
Be banished from our mind;S. Barnard (148th)1129
Be baptizèd in my name.J. Fawcett (8.7.)428
Be deaf when I complain?A. Steele (C.M.)136
Be doomed to Tophets endless flame,J. Kent (L.M.)87A
Be endless blessings paid;Isaac Watts (C.M.)19
Be everlasting honour given;Isaac Watts (L.M.)211
Be everlasting peace.J. Fawcett (C.M.)341
Be every anxious thought suppressed,A. Steele (C.M.)1086
Be exercised again;B. Beddome (C.M.)434
Be felt by all assembled here!John Newton (L.M.)1142
Be found at thy right hand?Lady Huntingdon’s Col., 1774 (8.8.6.)938
Be glory, praise, and honour givenJ. Hart (L.M.)868
Be her attendants blest.Isaac Watts (C.M.)361
Be his mercy, therefore, soughtJ. Hart (7s)789
Be in rags, exposed to shame,J. Hart (7s)874
Be interred at his commanding;J. Fawcett (8.7.)428
Be it but his pleasure.J. Hart (7.6.)780
Be it ours his word to keep;T. Kelly (8.7.7.)1063
Be it that from thee were freed;J. Hart (7s)154
Be love your aim, for I am love.J. Hart (L.M.)810
Be mine this better part.C. Wesley (8.8.6.)249
Be mine to recommend thy grace,T. Kelly (L.M.)974
Be my Pilot in each storm;Henry Fowler (8.7.4.)769
Be my everlasting all!R. Hill (7s)944
Be my guide in every peril,W. Williams (8.7.)1101
Be my portion, Lord, alone.R. Hill (7s)944
Be neither weak nor small,J. Hart (S.M.)287
Be not as they could wish,W. Gadsby (148th)634
Be of sin the double cure,Augustus Toplady (7s)143
Be our Guardian,J. Adams (8.7.4.)208
Be passed unheeded by?J. Hart (8.8.6.)715
Be patient and steady, and wait on him still.John Berridge (104th)687
Be patient under every cross;R. Burnham (L.M.)771
Be precious to us; all beside is as dross,Augustus Toplady (11s Irreg.)68
Be saved, to sin no more.WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)160
Be shame and self-abhorrence mine.WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)323
Be silent, each unhallowed tongue,J. Hart (S.M.)219
Be silent, still tis there.J. Hart (S.M.)287
Be simple, meek, and kind;J. Franklin (C.M.)512
Be something, and yet nothing, there.Samuel Medley (L.M.)172
Be sovereign love for ever blest,J. Kent (C.M.)1094
Be spotless as snow, and as white;J. Hart (8s)233
Be sprinkled on each guilty heart,John Berridge (L.M.)716
Be sprinkled with thy blood!J. Hart (C.M.)105
Be still and know that thou art God.Samuel Medley (L.M.)275
Be still and know that thou art God.Samuel Medley (L.M.)275
Be still and know that thou art God.Samuel Medley (L.M.)275
Be still, my heart! these anxious caresJohn Newton (L.M.)961
Be strict obedience paid;Isaac Watts (S.M.)50
Be sullen, or repine?T. Greene (C.M.)261
Be sweetly felt within;D. Herbert (C.M.)508
Be sweetly graven on my heart,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)148
Be thankful for present, and then ask for more.J. Hart (104th)778
Be that far from thee, Lord.WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)731
Be that forgotten never;J. Hart (
Be the Lords adopted child?Henry Fowler (7s)1031
Be the breastplate of thy heart.J. Hart (8.7.)270
Be the language of our souls,J. Hart (7s)706
Be this my great, my only care,A. Steele (L.M.)1085
Be this one God adored,W. Gadsby (6.4.)517
Be this our constant care:J. Hart (7.6.7.)796
Be this religion mine.J. Hart (C.M.)105
Be this the cry of every heart,C. Wesley (C.M.)1088
Be thou both life and light to me.Augustus Toplady (112th)1052
Be thou my Counsellor,Isaac Watts (148th)122
Be thou my Shield and constant Sun!J. Hoskins (L.M.)945
Be thou my all-sufficient Friend,J. Fawcett (C.M.)341
Be thou my portion, Lord, alone!R. Hill (112th)1070
Be thou my shield and hiding-place,John Newton (C.M.)388
Be thou my strength and righteousness,Isaac Watts (C.M.)764
Be thou our Guard while life shall last,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1139
Be thou our guardian, thou our guide,S. Browne (8.8.6.)1134
Be thou still my strength and shield.W. Williams (8.7.4.)462
Be thou, dear Jesus, ever near,J. Hoskins (L.M.)945
Be thou, dear Lord, my hiding-place,Lady Huntingdon’s Col., 1774 (8.8.6.)938
Be thou, dear Lord, still nigh,R. De Courcy (148th)294
Be thou, in every time of need,J. Hart (C.M.)459
Be thus abused? Forbid it, Heaven!(Author Unknown) (L.M.)937
Be thy groans and cries rehearsèdJ. Hart (8.7.)746
Be to disappointment brought,A. Serle (7s)964
Be to our incarnate God.J. Hart (7s)788
Be to their own will left,J. Hart (148th)353
Be to this world as dead,J. Hart (148th)102
Be too proud to be despised,W. Gadsby (7s)649
Be tormented night and day?W. Gadsby (7s)616
Be with me in temptations fire;J. Hart (112th)182
Be with me soon on this my throne.J. Swain (L.M.)387
Be with me where I am.Augustus Toplady (C.M.)117
Be with thee delighted, and clasp thee and twine,John Berridge (104th)906
Be with these anxious thoughts oppressed?Isaac Watts (L.M.)401
Be with you to unfold his grace,W. Gadsby (C.M.)631
Be, Lord, for ever thine.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1005
Beam forth with mildest majesty,C. Wesley (L.M.)1076
Beam from the glorious Lord.J. Hoskins (C.M.)953
Beaming in the Saviours face,J. Langford (7s)90
Beams of glory decked his mission,J. Hart (8.7.)776
Bear me, in thy bosom bear.C. Wesley (7s)1071
Bear one tremendous name;J. Hart (S.M.)878
Bear the joyful truth on high :T. Kelly (8.7.4.)982
Bearing all our misbehaviour,J. Hart (8.7.)746
Bearing all the wrathful angerZion’s Trumpet, 1838 (8.7.)1118
Bears all its sons away;Isaac Watts (C.M.)1139
Bears my name upon his breast;W. Gadsby (7s)542
Bears tokens of a ransomed soul.J. Swain (122nd)371
Beasts of prey, nor roaring lion,J. Adams (8.7.4.)349
Because I could not cease from sin.J. Cennick (L.M.)144
Because freed from the law?W. Gadsby (S.M.)601
Because he died for me,R. Burnham (C.M.)191
Because he hopes a port to find,T. Kelly (L.M.)1049
Because he sent his Son to die;J. Hart (L.M.)34
Because hes determined his grace shall be tried.J. Kent (104th)297
Because his sin has been forgiven?(Author Unknown) (L.M.)937
Because men think they all possessJ. Hart (C.M.)222
Because my foes were then concealed.John Newton (L.M.)1017
Because that nothing could controlR. Burnham (C.M.)191
Because the Lord has promised meJ. Hart (C.M.)31
Because the gate of lifeJ. Hart (S.M.)308
Because the land affrights him moreT. Kelly (L.M.)1049
Because they are so rich.J. Hart (C.M.)222
Because they think themselves so wiseJ. Hart (C.M.)222
Because those golden hours are gone.J. Kent (L.M.)1090
Because thy grace abounds?Isaac Watts (S.M.)210
Because tis a gospel as full as tis free!Gospel Mag., 1777 (11s)52
Because we yet are sick.J. Hart (S.M.)311
Because you thirst for God.D. Herbert (C.M.)986
Because young Davids God is yours.WIlliam Cowper (148th)338
Because, as masters over sloth,J. Hart (C.M.)222
Because, of all opposers worst,J. Hart (C.M.)773
Become the favourites of the Lord.Isaac Watts (L.M.)123
Becomes a true believer;J. Hart (
Becomes his meetness now for heaven.J. Kent (L.M.)908
Before Gods burning throne,J. Hart (C.M.)805
Before Jehovah built the skies,W. Gadsby (C.M.)530
Before Jehovah stood,E. Scott (C.M.)1145
Before all worlds, the glorious plan,D. Herbert (C.M.)680
Before creation-work began.J. Kent (L.M.)405
Before for sin we rightly grieve.J. Hart (112th)89
Before he finds a Saviour?J. Hart (P.M.)814
Before he gave the mountains birth,Isaac Watts (L.M.)73
Before he made the worlds above,J. Kent (L.M.)10
Before he spread the starry sky.Isaac Watts (L.M.)211
Before he vanquished hell?J. Hart (C.M.)709
Before him thy protection send;R. Hill (L.M.)373
Before his Fathers face,Isaac Watts (C.M.)54
Before his Fathers face.J. Adams (8.8.6.)67
Before his Fathers face;Isaac Watts (C.M.)121
Before his Fathers throne;S. Stennett (C.M.)51
Before his feet they prostrate fall –T. Kelly (C.M.)975
Before his sovereign will,J. Swain (C.M.)132
Before men or angels, sing, Worthys the LambW. Gadsby (104th)521
Before my Redeemer Ill spread my complaint;S. Turner or Bennett (11s)1104
Before my roving eyes,John Berridge (S.M.)335
Before my troubles rose;J. Berridge (C.M.)300
Before the Lord like incense rise.W. W. Horne (L.M.)943
Before the Saviours bloodJ. Hart (C.M.)774
Before the dying hour.John Newton (C.M.)469
Before the earth or seas were made,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)572
Before the eternal All.Isaac Watts (C.M.)475
Before the glory of his face,Isaac Watts (S.M.)421
Before the golden throne.Isaac Watts (C.M.)121
Before the gospel day,John Berridge (148th)889
Before the hills in order stood,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1139
Before the mournful scene began,Isaac Watts (L.M.)1121
Before the rising sun.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1139
Before the scoffers of the ageIsaac Watts (L.M.)419
Before the sinner fell;J. Kent (C.M.)411
Before the throne of grace.Samuel Medley (C.M.)382
Before the willing spirit takesJohn Newton (C.M.)1155
Before the world beganJ. Hart (7.6.8.)823
Before the world began;Isaac Watts (148th)409
Before the worlds foundation slain;J. A. Rothe translated by J. Weeks (112th)96
Before the worlds were made;R. Burnham (148th)60
Before thee now may be;Samuel Medley (C.M.)176
Before thee on their bended knees,J. Swain (L.M.)387
Before them in the way.W. Gadsby (C.M.)554
Before they were possessed by me,B. Beddome (C.M.)1110
Before thy face Ive told my case;Samuel Medley (C.M.)378
Before thy gracious feet to bow,Lady Huntingdon’s Col., 1774 (8.8.6.)938
Before thy pure discerning eye,J. Fawcett (L.M.)238
Before tomorrow fall from grace;J. Kent (L.M.)87A
Before us in the way.W. Gadsby (C.M.)554
Before us in the way.W. Gadsby (C.M.)554
Before us in the way.W. Gadsby (C.M.)554
Before us in the way.W. Gadsby (C.M.)554
Before us in the way.W. Gadsby (C.M.)554
Before we feel the smart.J. Hart (C.M.)305
Before we reach the fields above,J. Swain (L.M.)286
Before weve journeyed far,J. Hart (S.M.)308
Beggars, approach my royal board,J. Hart (C.M.)818
Begging mercy every hour.J. Hart (8.7.)237
Begging, trusting, cleaving;J. Hart (7.6.)306
Begin and end with thee.John Newton (C.M.)1114
Begin, my tongue, some heavenly theme,Isaac Watts (C.M.)14
Begins to discover his colour and make,John Berridge (104th)710
Begone, unbelief, my Saviour is near,John Newton (104th)232
Begotten, not of blood,W. Gadsby (148th)598
Behind a frowning providenceWIlliam Cowper (C.M.)320
Behind this Shield did stand.W. Gadsby (C.M.)547
Behold Peter boasting, but oercome at length;W. Gadsby (11s)644
Behold a never-failing storeA. Steele (C.M.)1039
Behold a scene of matchless grace,W. Gadsby (L.M.)536
Behold and love him too.W. Gadsby (C.M.)564
Behold him as your All in All.W. Gadsby (148th)571
Behold him as your Head;W. Gadsby (148th)571
Behold him as your King,W. Gadsby (148th)571
Behold him as your Shepherd dear,W. Gadsby (148th)571
Behold him as your great High Priest,W. Gadsby (148th)571
Behold him now, the Father cries;W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)572
Behold him present with his aid.Isaac Watts (L.M.)1141
Behold him rising from the dead!Isaac Watts (L.M.)72
Behold his patience lengthened out,G. Burder (C.M.)750
Behold his suffering Lord.J. Hart (7.6.8.)823
Behold in sorrow and disgrace,J. Hart (L.M.)797
Behold me prostrate at thy gate;J. Fawcett (C.M.)393
Behold my heart and see;P. Doddridge (C.M.)1066
Behold my soul at freedom set;Isaac Watts (148th)122
Behold that pale, that languid face,J. Hart (L.M.)797
Behold the Lamb, the incarnate Word;B. Beddome (L.M.)431
Behold the Saviours righteousness,J. Kent (S.M.)909
Behold the awful Judge is come,R. Burnham (148th)494
Behold the darling Son of GodJ. Hart (L.M.)712
Behold the glories of the Lamb,Isaac Watts (C.M.)19
Behold the gospel plan:J. Hart (S.M.)852
Behold the pastures large and green;Isaac Watts (L.M.)142
Behold the potter and the clay;Isaac Watts (L.M.)75
Behold the rising billows roll,Isaac Watts (L.M.)164
Behold the sure foundation stoneIsaac Watts (C.M.)141
Behold the throne of grace!John Newton (S.M.)395
Behold what wondrous graceIsaac Watts (S.M.)79
Behold your Saviours face:C. Wesley (148th)59
Behold! my covenant stands for ever good,Isaac Watts (50th)497
Behold! the grace appears,Isaac Watts (S.M.)38
Behold! with awful pompJ. Hart (S.M.)847
Behold, I fall before thy face;Isaac Watts (L.M.)1004
Behold, I make thy cause my own;J. Hart (C.M.)151
Behold, a dying Saviours veinsIsaac Watts (C.M.)212
Behold, again we turn to thee;T. Kelly (L.M.)1041
Behold, dear Lord, we come again,D. Herbert (C.M.)677
Behold, from the desert of sin,J. Kent (8s)334
Behold, from what beginnings smallJ. Hart (C.M.)709
Behold, he lays his vengeance by;Isaac Watts (L.M.)123
Behold, the Judge descends; his guards are nigh;Isaac Watts (50th)497
Behold, these walls we raise;Samuel Medley (C.M.)367
Behold, with wondering eyes,W. Gadsby (148th)571
Beholds her Lord leave all below,J. Stevens (C.M.)228
Beholds their grief, and feels their smart.John Berridge (148th)749
Being of the favoured number,T. Kelly (8.7.7.)1063
Believe and enter in!C. Wesley (C.M.)1061
Believe and plead his holy word;Samuel Medley (L.M.)377
Believe on me, and banish fear;J. Hart (L.M.)352
Believe the gospel, and rejoice;J. Hart (L.M.)837
Believe, but not alone;J. Hart (C.M.)240
Believe; receive the full release;J. Hart (S.M.)487
Believer, here thy comfort stands –J. Kent (L.M.)10
Believer, lift thy drooping head;J. Hart (L.M.)836
Believer, thou shalt seeJ. Kent (148th)87
Believers are not called, we see,J. Hart (C.M.)782
Believers in their darksome gravesJ. Hart (C.M.)845
Believers know its taste,John Berridge (S.M.)890
Believers own they are but blind;J. Hart (C.M.)181
Believers then grow strong in faith,John Berridge (148th)888
Believers, hail your rising Head,J. Hart (L.M.)488
Believers, rejoice, for all things are yours;J. Kent (104th)912
Believing, Christ will send them down.John Berridge (L.M.)897
Believing, they rejoice in him,Isaac Watts (C.M.)165
Believing, true, and clean,C. Wesley (C.M.)1024
Believing, we rejoiceIsaac Watts (S.M.)125
Beloved Saviour, ever beSamuel Medley (L.M.)173
Beloved of the Lord most high,W. Gadsby (L.M.)531
Beloved, we are comeW. Gadsby (S.M.)663
Belovèd Saviour, faithful Friend,J. Allen (L.M.)952
Bend their bright sceptres down; Isaac Watts (C.M.)476
Beneath his sheltering blood!J. Kent (C.M.)1093
Beneath his smiles my heart has lived,Isaac Watts (C.M.)85
Beneath my Fathers eye?A. Steele (C.M.)1083
Beneath my Lord the Lamb.Isaac Watts (C.M.)4
Beneath my soul he placed,Isaac Watts (C.M.)94
Beneath the droppings of thy blood,Isaac Watts (L.M.)166
Beneath the heaviest load;T. Greene (C.M.)261
Beneath the sacred throne of GodJ. Kent (C.M.)914
Beneath the shadow of thy crossAugustus Toplady (112th)1052
Beneath thy fainting headJ. Kent (S.M.)909
Bequeathed in everlasting love;J. Kent (L.M.)113
Bereave thee of thy guilty fear,John Berridge (112th)899
Beset and plunge the soul in shame.W. Gadsby (148th)618
Beset by sore evils without and within,J. Hart (104th)129
Beset the soul by night and day.W. Gadsby (148th)618
Beset with snares on every hand,P. Doddridge (L.M.)331
Beside the gospel-poolJohn Newton (S.M.)729
Beside the living stream.Isaac Watts (C.M.)139
Besmear the frighted ground!J. Berridge (8.8.6.)148
Bestow this rich blessing on me,R. Burnham (8s)380
Bestows his alms on Christ.J. Hart (S.M.)880
Bethesdas pool is not like this,J. Cennick (112th)985
Betrays, with blind and feeble rage,J. Hart (S.M.)878
Better than himself to be;T. Kelly (8.7.4.)1014
Better, wisdom cant devise;J. Kent (8.7.4.)920
Between my soul and sin.R. Burnham (C.M.)997
Between the folded leaves.Isaac Watts (C.M.)4
Between the goats and chosen sheep;W. Tucker (L.M.)78
Between the powers of grace and sin,S. Stennett (L.M.)762
Between the saints and sin;J. Swain (C.M.)467
Betwixt a head diffusing bloodJ. Hart (C.M.)785
Betwixt a heart like melting waxJ. Hart (C.M.)785
Betwixt an agonising GodJ. Hart (C.M.)785
Bewail thy want of sight;J. Hart (S.M.)878
Bewildered on a legal coast,John Berridge (112th)899
Beyond all brightness bright,J. Hart (7.6.8.)854
Beyond the limits of his love;J. Kent (L.M.)76
Beyond the reach of human thought.J. Cennick (112th)985
Beyond the reach of sin and gloom,W. Gadsby (C.M.)553
Beyond thy utmost wantsJohn Newton (S.M.)395
Beyond what angels know,Henry Fowler (C.M.)1027
Beyond what his wisdom ordains,J. Kent (8s)334
Beyond whateer they knew.Isaac Watts (C.M.)5
Beyond, beyond the grave,W. Gadsby (122nd)522
Beyond, beyond this lower sky,Isaac Watts (L.M.)481
Bid all jars for ever cease.C. Wesley (7s)248
Bid all my vile affections die,G. Tersteegen, translated by J. Wesley (112th)1075
Bid corruptions, Lord, be still;C. Wesley (7s)1077
Bid every furnace purge my drossJ. Berridge (C.M.)300
Bid every string awake.Augustus Toplady (S.M.)330
Bid heart and flesh cry out for thee,John Berridge (112th)901
Bid me disbelieve no more.W. Hammond (7s)280
Bid me embrace my dying Lord,Augustus Toplady (S.M.)1067
Bid me seek thy smiling face;J. Adams (7s)389
Bid my anxious fears subside;W. Williams (8.7.4.)462
Bid my corruptions end.C. Wesley & Augustus Toplady (C.M.)1072
Bid my doubts and fears depart;W. Hammond (7s)280
Bid my will to thine submit;John Berridge (7s)686
Bid rocks and mountains on them fall,J. Hart (S.M.)847
Bid stormy trouble cease,A. Steele (C.M.)1079
Bid the bitten look up to it;J. Hart (8.8.7.)876
Bid the guilty him embrace.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)514
Bid the refreshing north wind wake;J. Hart (C.M.)455
Bid the tempestuous rage of sin,R. Hill (112th)1070
Bid the unruly throng depart,WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)381
Bid thy restless fears be gone;J. Fawcett (8.7.4.)333
Bid us call to mind thy cross,J. Hart (7.6.)827
Bid us in thy care confide;J. Hart (7s)706
Bid us now thy influence prove;Augustus Toplady (from the German) (8.7.)1073
Bid us praise thee,J. Adams (8.7.4.)205
Bid, Lord, thy banished ones rejoice;Count Zinzendorf trans. by J. Wesley (L.M.)103
Bids Mercy bring the news to me.J. Berridge (148th)146
Bids his children watch and call;W. Gadsby (7s)645
Bids his mourners weep no more.C. Batty (8.7.)741
Bids our souls his glories taste,W. Gadsby (7s)662
Bids saints remember all his pains,W. Gadsby (S.M.)540
Bids sins of a crimson-like dyeJ. Hart (8s)233
Bids us now to Jesus flee;J. Hart (7s)789
Bids you undismayed go on.J. Cennick (7s)267
Billows of temptation roll;W. W. Horne (7s)1111
Bind my wandering heart to thee.R. Robinson (8.7.)199
Bind thy golden girdle round thee,J. Hart (8.7.)270
Binding his slaves in heavy chains;Isaac Watts (L.M.)1006
Black with white, dark with light,J. Hart (8.3.)800
Blameless in love, a holy seed.Isaac Watts (L.M.)73
Blasphemies and murders;J. Hart (7.6.)306
Blasphemously obscene;J. Hart (7.6.7.)795
Blasted my gourds, and laid me low.John Newton (L.M.)295
Blasted with cold, and black with gloom.J. Hart (L.M.)875
Blazing in the incarnate Word.W. Gadsby (7s)518
Blazing with majestic light,W. Gadsby (7s)518
Bleed through his wounded side.Isaac Watts (C.M.)438
Bleeding on the cross for me,J. Berridge (7s)177
Bleeding, grieving, crying,J. Hart (7.6.)780
Blending their beauties, both proclaimJ. Needham (C.M.)252
Bless Him, my soul, from day to day,Samuel Medley (L.M.)171
Bless our hearts with gospel peace,(Author Unknown) (7s)970
Bless the Lord, my soul, and raiseJ. Hart (7.6.8.)801
Bless the dark world with heavenly light;Isaac Watts (L.M.)1147
Bless the provisions of thy house,Isaac Watts (C.M.)366
Bless the work they undertake;J. Hart (8.7.)864
Bless thee for Gethsemane.J. Hart (7s)802
Bless them, for thy churchs sake.J. Hart (8.7.)864
Bless thy church, and guard the throne.Crosse (8.7.)1150
Bless us with a solemn frame,W. Gadsby (8.7.)697
Bless us with a solemn frame;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)563
Bless us with a solemn frame;W. Gadsby (7s)695
Bless with true fellowship with thee,W. Gadsby (L.M.)655
Bless, O bless us, ere we go;T. Kelly (8.7.4.)1137
Bless, dear Lord, each labouring servant;J. Hart (8.7.)864
Blessed Comforter, appearW. Gadsby (7s)695
Blessed Jesus! fill each heartW. Gadsby (7s)720
Blessed Jesus! thee we sing;J. Adams (7s)99
Blessed Jesus,J. Adams (8.7.4.)349
Blessed Jesus, Lord of all,W. Gadsby (7s)640
Blessed Spirit from above,Gospel Mag., 1781 (7s)963
Blessed be the wisdom and the grace,J. Kent (L.M.)405
Blessed with a surer prophecy.J. Kent (L.M.)915
Blessed with the pardon of her sin,J. Kent (L.M.)924
Blessings more numerous than the stars,P. Doddridge (C.M.)84
Blessings, my friends, like these,J. Hart (S.M.)792
Blessèd are the eyes that see him;J. Swain (8.7.4.)1055
Blessèd are the poor in spirit,J. Kent (8.7.4.)918
Blessèd are the sons of God,J. Humphreys (7s)80
Blessèd are the souls that trust him,J. Swain (8.7.4.)1055
Blessèd are the souls who trembleHenry Fowler (8.7.4.)1038
Blessèd are they whose guilt is gone,J. Hart (L.M.)681
Blessèd is the upper saint,J. Berridge (7s)177
Blest God! that once in fiery tonguesJ. Hart (C.M.)30
Blest Jesus! what delicious fare!Isaac Watts (L.M.)264
Blest Source of life divine!A. Steele (8.8.6.)962
Blest Spirit of Christ, descend on us thus;J. Hart (104th)456
Blest Spirit of truth, eternal God,J. Hart (C.M.)28
Blest angels leave their high abode,Isaac Watts (L.M.)20
Blest angels sound his lofty praise Isaac Watts (C.M.)476
Blest are the humble souls that seeIsaac Watts (L.M.)1112
Blest are the men of broken heart,Isaac Watts (L.M.)1112
Blest are the men whose hearts are setIsaac Watts (L.M.)369
Blest are the saints who sit on high,Isaac Watts (L.M.)369
Blest are the souls that find a placeIsaac Watts (L.M.)369
Blest are the souls that hear and knowIsaac Watts (C.M.)58
Blest are the souls that thirst for grace,Isaac Watts (L.M.)1112
Blest assurance!Henry Fowler (8.7.4.)769
Blest be the Father and his love,Isaac Watts (L.M.)33
Blest be the Lamb, my dearest Lord,Isaac Watts (C.M.)100
Blest inhabitants of Zion,John Newton (8.7.)372
Blest is the man who trusts in thee.Isaac Watts (L.M.)370
Blest is the man, O God,Augustus Toplady (S.M.)330
Blest mourners! they shall shortly riseSamuel Medley (L.M.)263
Blest river! great its virtues are;Samuel Medley (L.M.)996
Blest soul that can say, Christ only I seek.J. Hart (104th)804
Blest the ears that hear his voice;J. Swain (8.7.4.)1055
Blest to everlasting. Amen, and amen.J. Hart (104th)449
Blest with this faith, then let us raiseJ. Hart (L.M.)88
Blind guides cry, Lo, here! and, Lo, there!J. Hart (8s)220
Blind unbelief is sure to err,WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)320
Blind zeal, or false devotion;J. Hart (
Blind, perverse, and filthy;J. Hart (7.6.)780
Blissful sound to rebel man.J. Kent (7s)1044
Blood and righteousness divineC. Wesley (7.6.8.)391
Blood has a voice to pierce the skies:Isaac Watts (L.M.)123
Blood, that answers every claim,J. H. Langley (7s)284
Blood-bought pardon, dying love.J. Hart (7s)490
Blow on the treasures of thy word,John Newton (C.M.)1108
Blow on this garden of perfume;Isaac Watts (L.M.)363
Blow ye the trumpet, blowC. Wesley (148th)59
Blush, Christian, blush; let shame abound;J. Hart (L.M.)797
Blushes of blood the moon deface;J. Hart (S.M.)847
Boast not, but meek and lowly be;J. Hart (L.M.)810
Boast not, ye sons of earth,J. Hart (148th)307
Bold shall I stand in that great day,Count Zinzendorf trans. by J. Wesley (L.M.)103
Bold shall they appear in the presence of God.C. Wesley (104th)408
Boldly before him stand;R. Burnham (148th)494
Bondage and labour quite forgets,J. Hart (8.8.6.)358
Borders on the shades of death,C. Wesley (8.7.)1057
Bore all incarnate God could bear,J. Hart (L.M.)153
Bore sins tremendous load!J. Allen (6.4.)415
Born a Saviour, Christ the King.J. Hart (8.7.)776
Born a babe, by birth mysterious,J. Hart (8.7.)776
Born by degrees, but chose at once;Isaac Watts (L.M.)73
Born in the image of his Son,Isaac Watts (C.M.)190
Born of God, they hate all sin;J. Humphreys (7s)80
Born that we no more may die!C. Wesley (7s)36
Born thy children to deliver,C. Wesley (8.7.)1054
Born to reign in us for ever,C. Wesley (8.7.)1054
Born to set thy people free;C. Wesley (8.7.)1054
Borne aloft, to heaven be brought,T. Kelly (7s)1062
Borne on angels wings to heaven,J. Fawcett (8.7.4.)461
Both heaven and earth shall pass away;J. Hart (L.M.)352
Both now and evermore.Rozzell (7.6.)292
Both on thy heart and on thy hand;Isaac Watts (L.M.)92
Both represent the unstable mind;B. Beddome (L.M.)296
Both to watch and seek his face.W. Gadsby (7s)645
Bought us with his own hearts blood;J. Hart (7s)154
Bought with the blood of Christ,W. Gadsby (148th)598
Bought with the treasures of his blood;Isaac Watts (L.M.)92
Bound by everlasting bands?J. Kent (8.7.4.)766
Bound by his word, he will displayP. Doddridge (L.M.)332
Bound down with twice ten thousand ties,C. Wesley & Augustus Toplady (C.M.)1072
Bound hand and foot by sin.J. Kent (C.M.)1092
Boundless depths of love divine!J. Hart (7s)154
Bow down, sense and reason, faith only reign here.J. Hart (11s)40
Bow their bashful heads, and ownJ. Hart (7.6.8.)854
Bowed down beneath a load of sin;John Newton (C.M.)388
Bowed down with guilt, I cant look up;J. Hart (L.M.)838
Bowed down with horror to the ground,J. Hart (L.M.)712
Bowed down with weighty woe,J. Hart (C.M.)108
Bowed with fruitless sorrow down;J. Swain (8.7.4.)1055
Bread and wine to feed our bodies;J. Hart (8.7.)826
Bread of heaven,W. Williams (8.7.4.)462
Bread, thus broken, aptly showsJ. Hart (7s)830
Break down this separating wall,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1098
Break off our legal chains, O God,D. Herbert (C.M.)679
Break our chains, and set us free;J. Hart (8.7.)776
Break the tempters fatal power,John Newton (8.7.)1144
Break through these tottering walls of clay.A. Steele (L.M.)1081
Break, O break these hearts of stone,J. Hart (7.6.8.)823
Breaks forth in boundless grace.W. Gadsby (C.M.)596
Breaks through the clouds of flesh and sense,Isaac Watts (C.M.)226
Breathe comfort where distress abounds,J. Hart (C.M.)28
Breathe from the gentle south, O Lord,John Newton (C.M.)1108
Breathe on these bones, so dry and dead;J. Hart (8.8.6.)29
Breathe thy life, and spread thy light.Augustus Toplady (from the German) (8.7.)1073
Breathe thyself into my breast,J. Stocker (7s)767
Breathe upon us from above,(Author Unknown) (7s)970
Breathe, O breathe thy blessed SpiritC. Wesley (8.7.)1053
Breathe, O breathe, celestial Dove,J. Hart (7s)874
Brethren should from conflict cease?T. Kelly (8.7.4.)1014
Brethren, be not too secure,J. Hart (8.7.)237
Brethren, by this, your claim, abide –J. Hart (C.M.)351
Brethren, in a state so sad,J. Hart (7.6.)306
Brethren, let us think of this:T. Kelly (8.7.7.)1063
Brethren, let us walk togetherT. Kelly (8.7.4.)1014
Brethren, this had never beenJ. Hart (7s)789
Brethren, those who come to blissJ. Hart (7.6.)717
Brethren, though we cannot see,J. Hart (7.6.)315
Brethren, we should learn the ratherT. Kelly (8.7.4.)1014
Brethren, why toil ye thus for toys,J. Hart (P.M.)814
Brethren, would you know your stay,J. Hart (7.5.)77
Bright Morning Star, arise,Henry Fowler (C.M.)1027
Bright Morning Star, bids darkness flee.J. Grigg and B. Francis (last verse) (L.M.)427
Bright examples to our youth!John Newton (8.7.)1144
Bright world of bliss, O could I seeA. Steele (L.M.)1081
Bright, everlasting mansions stand,J. Kent (8.8.6.)217
Brighter than the blaze of day,W. Gadsby (7s)545
Bring down a taste of truth divine,Isaac Watts (L.M.)264
Bring forth the fatted calf,W. Gadsby (148th)590
Bring forth the royal diadem,E. Perronet (C.M.)730
Bring hither the best robe;W. Gadsby (148th)590
Bring it with thy burial-seal.John Berridge (7s)702
Bring me back, and lead, and keep;C. Wesley (7s)1071
Bring me where I my heaven may find,C. Wesley (L.M.)1016
Bring near, bring near, the joyful hour,C. Wesley (L.M.)1019
Bring no money, price, or aught,J. Kent (7s)1044
Bring our inconstancy to view.B. Beddome (L.M.)296
Bring pardon, peace, and healing too.J. Kent (L.M.)1127
Bring relief in deepest straits!John Newton (7s)397
Bring the blessed gospel-rest.John Berridge (7s)702
Bring their sweetest, noblest lays;J. Bakewell (8.7.)931
Bring them back into thy fold;W. Hammond (7s)768
Bring them, ye angels, from their distant lands.Isaac Watts (50th)497
Bring thy salvation near;John Berridge (148th)883
Bring wandering sinners home;W. Gadsby (148th)696
Brings all the will and power forth.John Berridge (148th)674
Brings distant prospects home,Isaac Watts (C.M.)226
Brings every blessing from above.WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)394
Brings kind compassion in his eyes,John Berridge (C.M.)336
Brings no great glory to its root;J. Hart (L.M.)256
Bringst forth thy bread and wine;J. Hart (7.6.8.)823
Brisk and dull in half an hour,John Berridge (7s)301
Britain, all guilty as she is,E. Scott (C.M.)1145
Britons, then, shall still before theeCrosse (8.7.)1150
Broken by the laws loud thunder,J. Kent (8.7.)759
Broken hearts in him are blessed;W. Gadsby (7s)720
Broken hearts, and humble walkers,J. Hart (8.7.)719
Broken hearts, or wounded spirits,J. Kent (8.7.)759
Broken hearts, repeat the same;W. Gadsby (7s)720
Broken words, not half his worth.J. Berridge (7s)177
Brooding mischief in a smile.John Berridge (7s)742
Brother to your souls becomes.J. Cennick (7s)267
Brought Israel of old at a stand,J. Kent (8s)298
Brought down to that sad state for meJ. Hart (C.M.)105
Brought his own covenant to his thoughts,Isaac Watts (S.M.)318
Brought near the doctrine of the cross,Isaac Watts (L.M.)57
Brought rebel sinners near to God;C. Cole (L.M.)984
Brought safely by his hand thus far,John Newton (L.M.)961
Brought the Saviour from the sky;W. Gadsby (7s)594
Brought the Shepherd of the sheep,John Newton (7s)1138
Brought us to abhor the crime;W. Gadsby (7s)654
Bruised the harmless Lamb of God;J. Hart (7s)802
Bruisèd Bridegroom, take us wholly,J. Hart (8.7.)237A
Buckle on thy heavenly armour;J. Hart (8.7.)270
Buds and blossoms as the rose;T. Kelly (8.7.4.)932
Build on no mans parts or merit,J. Hart (8.7.)864
Build up and bolster sandy hopes!John Berridge (148th)674
Built by the eternal hands;Isaac Watts (C.M.)226
Built on his truth and armed with power.Isaac Watts (L.M.)1141
Burdened and groaning then no more,John Newton (C.M.)469
Burdened with a load of sin;John Newton (7s)356
Burdened with sin, and fears oppressed,Samuel Medley (L.M.)941
Burdened, dejected, and oppressed,Samuel Medley (C.M.)386
Buried in baptism with our Lord,J. Hart (L.M.)718
Buried in shadows of the night,Isaac Watts (L.M.)1006
Buried in sorrow and in sin,Isaac Watts (C.M.)213
Buried with our Lord, and risingJ. Fellows (8.7.)433
Burning seraphs round thy throne,J. Hart (7.6.8.)854
Burning with vindictive fire.J. Hart (7s)789
Burst through the clouds, O Source of Light!Gospel Mag., 1777 (L.M.)942
Bursting through the veil of night;J. Hart (8.7.)776
But Abrams lawful family.W. Gadsby (122nd)522
But Christ a faithful Son.Isaac Watts (S.M.)50
But Christ has blessed the poor.J. Hart (C.M.)222
But Christ has cleared my misty sight,J. Berridge (C.M.)300
But Christ has holiness enoughJ. Hart (C.M.)181
But Christ in every age has provedJ. Hart (C.M.)351
But Christ well knows, and Christ alone,J. Hart (L.M.)718
But Christ who saves from hell.D. Herbert (C.M.)676
But Christ will bring thee safe on shore.John Berridge (112th)705
But Christ will do for me;W. Gadsby (148th)613
But Christ will not allowJohn Berridge (148th)885
But Christ withdrawn, what watch we keep!J. Hart (L.M.)153
But Christ, by his own powerful blood,Isaac Watts (C.M.)121
But Christ, my ransom, died.Isaac Watts (C.M.)464
But Christ, the heavenly Lamb,Isaac Watts (S.M.)125
But God himself declaresJ. Hart (C.M.)181
But God must work the will,John Berridge (148th)674
But God, who called me here below,John Newton (C.M.)198
But I am jealous of my heart,Isaac Watts (L.M.)92
But I can only spread my sail;Augustus Toplady (L.M.)1018
But I can read each moving line,J. Hart (L.M.)316
But I feel myself so hard.J. Hart (7.6.)780
But I from month to month complain;J. Hart (L.M.)875
But I have trusted in thy grace,Isaac Watts (L.M.)401
But I lisp and falter forthJ. Berridge (7s)177
But I now with wonder tell,W. Gadsby (7s)584
But I would be holy.J. Hart (7.6.)780
But Ill retire beneath the cross;Isaac Watts (L.M.)47
But Im cold, Im dark, Im dead.J. Hart (7.6.)780
But Im in prison yet.J. Hart (C.M.)151
But Jesus answered, Set them free,J. Hart (L.M.)837
But Jesus blood has full atonement made,W. Gadsby (10s)669
But Jesus blood its rage can quell,W. Gadsby (C.M.)604
But Jesus cries, Return, return,John Berridge (C.M.)894
But Jesus crucified!J. Berridge (C.M.)169
But Jesus guides us through the vale;Gospel Mag., 1799 (L.M.)245
But Jesus has his promise passedJohn Newton (112th)728
But Jesus is the Head.Isaac Watts (S.M.)437
But Jesus is the same.J. Berridge (8.8.6.)149
But Jesus love they highly prize;Samuel Medley (L.M.)978
But Jesus makes us then his care;Gospel Mag., 1799 (L.M.)245
But Jesus precious blood?John Berridge (148th)671
But Jesus seems to mind thee not!John Berridge (112th)899
But Jesus spent his life to workIsaac Watts (C.M.)109
But Jesus the blessed can yield them good cheer.W. Gadsby (104th)520
But Jesus will relieve the poor.J. Hart (112th)182
But Jesus, stronger far than he,John Newton (C.M.)1020
But Jesus, thy dear gasping breathIsaac Watts (L.M.)47
But Justice cried, with frowning face,J. Brewer (L.M.)134
But O for this no power have I!Augustus Toplady (L.M.)991
But O good news of grace!W. Gadsby (148th)590
But O his love what tongue can tell?Samuel Medley (L.M.)410
But O remember Me!J. Hart (C.M.)818
But O remember him;W. Gadsby (S.M.)663
But O what backwardness to pray!John Newton (112th)728
But O what gentle termsIsaac Watts (148th)122
But O what joy this witness gives,Samuel Medley (L.M.)173
But O! he gives to every childJ. Hart (S.M.)831
But O! when gloomy clouds arise,A. Steele (8.8.6.)962
But O! when gloomy doubts prevail,A. Steele (C.M.)136
But O, amazed, I see the handH. Paice, 1798 (L.M.)200
But O, if Christ and heaven be mine,A. Steele (L.M.)1085
But O, indulge this only wish,A. Steele (C.M.)1086
But O, my soul trembled, and feltW. Gadsby (8s)565
But O, my soul, if truths so brightIsaac Watts (L.M.)75
But O, the blest day, and soon twill arise,Samuel Medley (104th)322
But Zion cries to God on high,Henry Fowler (C.M.)1027
But Zion feels it so.Henry Fowler (C.M.)1027
But a bleeding Jesus.J. Hart (7.6.)315
But a drought has since succeeded,John Newton (8.7.)1144
But a prayer-hearing, answering GodWIlliam Cowper (L.M.)967
But a sense of blood-bought pardonJ. Hart (8.7.)746
But a shadow or a worm.John Berridge (7s)301
But after all thats said or done,J. Hart (C.M.)783
But ah! I feel no love at all,D. Herbert (C.M.)676
But ah! both heaven and earth have heardJohn Newton (L.M.)1142
But ah! how barren still!R. Burnham (C.M.)997
But ah! my hearts a barren heath,J. Hart (L.M.)875
But ah! my inmost spirit cries,WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)259
But ah! my soul laboured in vain,W. Gadsby (8s)565
But ah! what is the house to me,John Berridge (148th)884
But ah! when these short visits end,J. Hart (C.M.)251
But all be life and peace;W. Gadsby (C.M.)664
But all be love and blood.J. Hart (C.M.)156
But all gave a smile when he spoke;W. Gadsby (8s)581
But all in Jesus name;J. Hart (C.M.)32
But all my prayer he shutteth out.John Berridge (148th)749
But all my treasures with me bear.P. Doddridge (L.M.)331
But all such claims I now renounce;T. Kelly (L.M.)1042
But all the time the Lord they seek,J. Hart (C.M.)241
But all the wine leaks out.J. Berridge (8.8.6.)178
But all their joys are one.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1005
But all this will not do;J. Hart (S.M.)311
But all true Christians this may boast,J. Hart (L.M.)34
But answers of peace to thee shall send none;J. Kent (104th)297
But are married to the Lord,W. Gadsby (7s)650
But as they his beauty see.W. Gadsby (7s)619
But as to mans merit, tis hateful to me!Gospel Mag., 1777 (11s)52
But as we from Jesus receiveW. Gadsby (8s)670
But ask the Lord for his receipt,J. Berridge (C.M.)101
But at Gods footstool humbly fall,Samuel Medley (L.M.)172
But at thy own sad folly blush,John Berridge (S.M.)335
But banished thence we fly to thee,J. Hart (L.M.)153
But be our conflicts short or long,J. Hart (C.M.)747
But behold the gospel plan;J. Hart (8.7.)864
But believe your dying Lord,J. Hart (8.7.)237A
But better bread by farJ. Hart (S.M.)446
But boast of a heart that from sickness is free.W. Gadsby (11s)548
But by faith in Jesus blood.R. Burnham (8.7.)157
But by faith, and not by sight,J. Hart (7.6.)315
But can I bear the piercing thought:Lady Huntingdon’s Col., 1774 (8.8.6.)938
But can there, tell me, can there beJ. Hart (L.M.)447
But cannot afford nor comfort nor food,W. Gadsby (104th)520
But cannot enter in;Henry Fowler (148th)1026
But cannot long refrain.J. Hart (S.M.)308A
But cannot turn them out;John Berridge (148th)887
But cheerly work, and sing of grace.J. Berridge (L.M.)49
But chose a pebble from the brook.WIlliam Cowper (148th)338
But cloud, and wind, and dew, and star,B. Beddome (L.M.)296
But dearest Lord, lest these should faint,J. Hart (C.M.)773
But deaths cold hand must close my eyes,J. Hart (L.M.)838
But defend, defend us, Jesus,J. Hart (8.7.)746
But did the blind receive their sightJ. Hart (L.M.)875
But dies when dreadful storms appear.W. Gadsby (148th)618
But dwell, dear Jesus, where thou art;W. W. Horne (C.M.)468
But each shall say, For me.Augustus Toplady (S.M.)330
But ever with him reign,W. W. Horne (C.M.)468
But everlasting is thy love,Isaac Watts (L.M.)83
But faith approves it well;John Newton (S.M.)337
But faith can answer thy demands,Isaac Watts (L.M.)112
But faithful thou art, O Fountain of Love.W. Hammond (104th)343
But fall on their faces, and worship the Lamb.J. Berridge (104th)150
But far more welcome to the soulJ. Kent (C.M.)1093
But fear, alas! tis not for me.J. Kent (L.M.)910
But feels the plague of sin;D. Herbert (C.M.)678
But feels within foul envy lurk,J. Hart (148th)313
But fellowship with him;John Berridge (148th)884
But few among the carnal wise,Isaac Watts (C.M.)74
But few of noble race,Isaac Watts (C.M.)74
But filthier still I grew;Rozzell (C.M.)189
But find no comfort there.WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)281
But find, alas! when night comes on,J. Hart (S.M.)308
But firm and steadfast stands his word;J. Hart (L.M.)858
But firm as his decreeJ. Kent (8.8.6.)917
But firmly eye the Saviour;J. Hart (7.7.4.)235
But first instructs them how to choose,John Newton (L.M.)692
But fix on thee my choice.John Berridge (8.8.6.)690
But fly to what the Lord has done,Augustus Toplady (8.8.6.)1103
But for a living soul to stand,J. Hart (C.M.)783
But for free and sovereign grace,Henry Fowler (7s)1031
But for the soul himself preparesJ. Hart (C.M.)828
But for this truth O sound it wide!,Gospel Mag., 1777 (C.M.)206
But found a smarting debt.J. Berridge (8.8.6.)148
But found no refuge in that nameJ. Kent (C.M.)923
But freely will heal them by night or by day.W. Gadsby (11s)548
But fresh folds build up everywhere,John Berridge (148th)374
But from Gileads sovereign balm.J. Kent (8.7.4.)916
But from bondage set us free;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)610
But from his dear covenant love.J. Kent (8.7.4.)758
But gather first my saints, the Judge commands;Isaac Watts (50th)497
But godliness, in all its life,J. Berridge (C.M.)169
But gospel acts a kinder part,J. Berridge (L.M.)49
But gospel sings of Jesus blood,J. Berridge (L.M.)49
But grace a spring of hope supplies;T. Kelly (L.M.)1043
But grace and truth by Christ are given;J. Hart (C.M.)809
But grace has set me free.John Newton (C.M.)1100
But grace sweetly speaks unto me,W. Gadsby (8s)595
But grace, though the smallest, shall surely be tried.J. Kent (104th)297
But greater is thy mercys store!C. Wesley (7.6.8.)391
But greater the pangs of his mind.J. Swain (8s)159
But greater, Lord, thou art,W. Hammond (148th)339
But greatest gratitude should flowJ. Hart (C.M.)834
But hates the God of truth and grace.W. Gadsby (L.M.)621
But have full salvation found.John Newton (7s)956
But he chose our hopeless case,T. Kelly (8.7.7.)1040
But he conquered when he fell,W. Gadsby (7s)657
But he conquered,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)560
But he descends and shows his faceIsaac Watts (L.M.)22
But he knows nothing of it yet,J. Hart (C.M.)785
But he that feels pollution most,J. Kent (C.M.)1089
But he that feels the heaviest loadJ. Hart (C.M.)218
But he that into Christ believes,J. Hart (8.6.8.)234
But he upholds us with his arm,D. Herbert (C.M.)509
But he vouchsafes to be my guide,John Newton (L.M.)960
But he who raised himself indeed,John Berridge (8.8.6.)904
But he who saved them by his blood,T. Kelly (L.M.)992
But he whose sins are washed away,J. Kent (8.8.6.)217
But he will never take awayW. Hammond (C.M.)344
But hear it still in vain;John Newton (S.M.)196
But heavy bars confine their powerIsaac Watts (C.M.)424
But hell and sin are vanquished foes;Isaac Watts (L.M.)1007
But here, my friends, the danger lies;J. Hart (C.M.)774
But heres our point of rest:J. Hart (S.M.)312
But hes pure and holy too;J. Hart (7s)789
But his beloved bride;W. Gadsby (148th)666
But his sin-atoning bloodW. Gadsby (7s)720
But his whose name is Truth and Grace.John Berridge (148th)883
But how little understood!J. Hart (7s)802
But how littles understood!J. Hart (7s)154
But humbly own the costJ. Swain (122nd)371
But if I lisp a song of praise,A. C. R., 1790 (L.M.)204
But if Immanuels face appear,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1095
But if guilt removèd return and remain,J. Hart (104th)155
But if he deign to whisper peace,J. Hart (C.M.)812
But if he has taught us, our ends should be these:J. Hart (104th)456
But if the Lord be once withdrawn,Isaac Watts (L.M.)326
But if they only make you stray,J. Hart (8.8.8.)807
But if we food and raiment have,J. Hart (8.8.8.)807
But importune thee soJ. Hart (C.M.)808
But in Jesus balmy blood;J. Kent (8.7.)759
But in dear Gethsemane.J. Hart (7s)802
But in his heart no faith is found.John Berridge (112th)744
But in his looks a glory stands,Isaac Watts (L.M.)18
But in his pleasure rest;C. Wesley (S.M.)70
But in strains of much compassion,R. Burnham (8.7.)258
But in the Lamb, for sinners slain,Henry Fowler (L.M.)1036
But in the Lord alone.W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)572
But in the Lord alone.Isaac Watts (C.M.)74
But in the gospel Christ appearsIsaac Watts (L.M.)48
But in the grace that rescued man,Isaac Watts (L.M.)752
But in thee a solid peace.Gospel Mag., 1781 (8.7.)965
But in this great Sacrifice;J. Kent (8.7.4.)916
But into bondage fall,J. Berridge (S.M.)253
But is by faith put on.J. Hart (C.M.)805
But is by sin undone,Henry Fowler (148th)1026
But it has been in such a wayJohn Newton (L.M.)295
But it overwhelms them all.J. Swain (8.7.4.)1055
But keep me, Lord, from party zeal,T. Kelly (L.M.)974
But keep my conscience clear.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1003
But know not which way to move:W. Gadsby (7s)722
But lambs are preserved, though helpless in kind;J. Hart (104th)804
But leaves him in distress;W. Gadsby (148th)585
But lest I faint, or turn away,John Newton (C.M.)1108
But let not all this terrify;J. Hart (C.M.)305
But let our debts be what they may,J. Hart (C.M.)218
But let righteousness imputedJ. Hart (8.7.)270
But let the stoutest sinner feelJohn Newton (C.M.)691
But let the thought our spirits cheer,T. Kelly (L.M.)1048
But let us haste from all below.T. Kelly (L.M.)1048
But life attends each deathful sound,A. Steele (L.M.)1123
But like a child at home.Isaac Watts (C.M.)139
But lo! he leaves those heavenly forms;Isaac Watts (L.M.)20
But lo! the Second Adam came,J. Hart (112th)89
But looks for all in Christ.B. Beddome (S.M.)225
But loud hosannas round the throne,J. Kent (L.M.)87A
But love shall still remain,J. Hart (S.M.)792
But love thee, and bless thee, and rest in his love.J. Kent (104th)912
But love to sinners fills his heart,T. Kelly (S.M.)1012
But loves him to the end.J. Hart (C.M.)351
But lower now than angels made.J. Hart (L.M.)153
But lumpish is and dry.John Berridge (8.8.6.)905
But makes a more delightful stayIsaac Watts (L.M.)360
But makes it not secure.J. Hart (S.M.)236
But man, vile man, forsook his bliss,Isaac Watts (L.M.)317
But many a lion is in the way found.John Berridge (104th)906
But mark, the way is holy ground,J. Berridge (S.M.)253
But may I hope that thou wilt ownJohn Newton (C.M.)1100
But may be found in thee;J. Ryland (C.M.)247
But may its powers be felt and seen;W. Gadsby (L.M.)621
But me he found, and always held,J. Hart (S.M.)775
But meet reproach and bear the shame.Isaac Watts (L.M.)419
But mercy is thy choice;Isaac Watts (C.M.)126
But mercy much entreat;John Berridge (C.M.)892
But mercy now triumphant reigns.J. Hart (L.M.)488
But mix their own works with his plan;John Newton (8s)1149
But more shall grow again.J. Hart (7.6.8.)779
But mourn the plague within.J. Kent (C.M.)1089
But mourn their defilement within.J. Kent (8s)298
But much I fear, lest in some hourT. Kelly (L.M.)1043
But much more is signified:J. Hart (8.7.)826
But must return again.J. Hoskins (C.M.)953
But my complaints remain;John Newton (S.M.)729
But my enemies make head.J. Hart (7.6.)780
But my mercies Ill renew;John Newton (7s)273
But my petition hear.J. Fawcett (C.M.)393
But my safety is in thee.J. Adams (7s)347
But my sins return anew;J. Hart (7.6.)780
But neither shall us quite control;J. Hart (7.6.8.)787
But never, never, Lord, from thee.Samuel Medley (L.M.)1105
But new trials soon surround us,R. Burnham (8.7.)1096
But night and stars, and moon and sun,J. Hart (L.M.)88
But no man ever did so yet,J. Hart (C.M.)809
But none of the ransomed shall ever be lost;Henry Fowler (11.8.)350
But not the living child.J. Hart (S.M.)236
But now I find an aching voidWIlliam Cowper (C.M.)958
But now I learn to blush for shame,J. Berridge (C.M.)300
But now he feels his woes;W. Gadsby (148th)590
But now her beauty is defaced;Isaac Watts (L.M.)1140
But now my Gods a martyred Man.J. Hart (L.M.)153A
But now those golden hours are fled,J. Kent (L.M.)910
But now whose hearts are sore distressed,J. Kent (L.M.)1090
But now, my soul, beholdR. Burnham (148th)494
But of his own abounding grace,Isaac Watts (L.M.)211
But of immortal seed;W. Gadsby (148th)598
But of life, the healing treeJ. Hart (7s)802
But oft my mind is called away.T. Kelly (L.M.)1124
But oft, alas! Ive need to say,T. Kelly (L.M.)1124
But often find another mind,WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)281
But often tend to aggravate my grief;W. Gadsby (10s)701
But oh! my soul wants more than sign!J. Hart (L.M.)447
But oh, what human eye can trace,Boyce (C.M.)1151
But on him wait till he rise up.John Berridge (112th)899
But on him wait, till he give rest.John Berridge (112th)899
But on his sovereign mind.W. Gadsby (C.M.)530
But one sweet smile from theeB. Beddome (148th)947
But only he could drink it up.J. Hart (L.M.)718
But only say Theyre past.Isaac Watts (C.M.)498
But our Jesus died to have usJohn Newton (8.7.7.)133
But own my heart, with shame and grief,J. Hart (L.M.)447
But owns all doctrines must be trueJ. Stevens (C.M.)228
But part with all, and follow him.R. Burnham (L.M.)771
But peace, and truth, and loveIsaac Watts (S.M.)50
But penetrates his ears;D. Herbert (C.M.)509
But perfect truth and righteousnessIsaac Watts (C.M.)1148
But plead the blood that did for sin atone.W. Gadsby (10s)668
But plead the blood that once for sin was spilt.W. Gadsby (10s)668
But pleads the blood that did for sin atone.W. Gadsby (10s)668
But pray with faith in Jesus name.J. Hart (L.M.)882
But produce a grateful mind,W. Gadsby (7s)594
But quickened sinners want to prayW. Gadsby (S.M.)725
But raise it to a flame;Isaac Watts (C.M.)120
But rather be boldly withstood,J. Hart (8s)220
But readily will say,D. Herbert (C.M.)678
But retrospect of former daysT. Kelly (L.M.)1046
But richer far, for more it cost.J. Hart (L.M.)718
But richer pastures I prepare,P. Doddridge (S.M.)345
But rocks and mountains fly.J. Hart (S.M.)847
But save me for thy mercies sake.Samuel Medley (L.M.)384
But scatters all his corn;J. Berridge (8.8.6.)178
But see how heavens indulgent careJ. Kent (L.M.)76
But see what different thoughts ariseJ. Hart (C.M.)39
But seek enduring happinessB. Beddome (C.M.)1110
But send more showers of heavenly love,J. Stevens (8.8.6.)216
But sent the world his truth and grace,Isaac Watts (S.M.)420
But shall I from thy throne retreat,R. Burnham (C.M.)997
But shall with joy behold their Head,J. Adams (8.8.6.)67
But sharper scourges tear his heart!J. Hart (L.M.)797
But she can charm by day or night.W. Gadsby (L.M.)620
But should not cost the saint a tear,T. Kelly (L.M.)1048
But should repentance, or should faith,J. Hart (C.M.)240
But shrink from sin with holy dread.(Author Unknown) (L.M.)937
But sin hangs heavy on my soul.Isaac Watts (L.M.)480
But sin will still remain;J. Hart (S.M.)311
But sin, with shameless face,W. Gadsby (148th)617
But since Ive known the life and powerT. Kelly (L.M.)949
But since in love I took thee in,Henry Fowler (S.M.)1032
But since my Saviour stands between,John Newton (C.M.)119
But since the precept cameIsaac Watts (C.M.)46
But sinners, and their wicked ways,Isaac Watts & J. Needham (C.M.)15
But skilfuls the Pilot who sits at the helm;J. Grant (11s)993
But smile my darkness into day.Samuel Medley (L.M.)941
But some faint shadows of my Lord;Isaac Watts (L.M.)142
But something greater lies there yet.J. Hart (L.M.)791
But something yet can do the deed,J. Hart (L.M.)316
But soon he was forced into Adullams cave,W. Gadsby (104th)549
But soon revives, and springs again,J. Hart (C.M.)845
But soon theres something intervenes;D. Herbert (C.M.)507
But soon they every one must cease,J. Hart (S.M.)792
But soon thy works of power forgot,Isaac Watts (S.M.)318
But sooner all nature shall change,John Newton (8s)276
But souls enlightened from aboveIsaac Watts (C.M.)165
But sovereign grace was underneath,J. Kent (L.M.)87A
But speak, my Lord, and calm my fear;Isaac Watts (L.M.)166
But spotless, innocent, and pure,Isaac Watts (C.M.)120
But stay, my soul, to hope give place;Isaac Watts (C.M.)727
But steals himself away;John Berridge (148th)889
But still his grace is sure;J. Hart (
But still in Zion loves to dwell.Isaac Watts (L.M.)360
But still maintain their prime;Isaac Watts (C.M.)2
But still the lustre of thy graceIsaac Watts (C.M.)5
But still the path brighter did shineW. Gadsby (8s)544
But still, as oft as troubles come,J. Swain (L.M.)286
But strength in thee I fain would have,C. Wesley (S.M.)1059
But strife and difference will subsistJ. Hart (C.M.)816
But strong consolation his grace does afford.W. Hammond (104th)998
But such are not of God.J. Berridge (S.M.)114
But such as seem to run the race,John Berridge (8.8.6.)302
But such who in Jesus believe,W. Gadsby (8s)544
But sudden clouds obstruct his view,T. Kelly (L.M.)1049
But surely I neer shall forget;W. Gadsby (8s)581
But surely will heal them, and perfectly too.W. Gadsby (11s)548
But surely will take out thy stain.W. Gadsby (8s)627
But sweet will be the flower.WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)320
But sweeter news the gospel brings;J. Berridge (L.M.)49
But swell my sails, and speed my way.Augustus Toplady (L.M.)1018
But teach me to resign.T. Greene (C.M.)261
But that himself the work begun;Gospel Mag., 1777 (C.M.)206
But that man truly knows the SonJ. Hart (C.M.)855
But that of Jesus, can sufficeT. Kelly (L.M.)949
But that which comes from God.T. Kelly (C.M.)1013
But that wrought out by Christ the Son,J. Kent (L.M.)113
But the Christian from the tombJ. Hart (7.6.8.)843
But the God of love, the Saviour,Zion’s Trumpet, 1838 (8.7.)1118
But the God of my salvationW. Gadsby (8.7.4.)583
But the Lord, by grace divine,W. Gadsby (7s)654
But the Prince of Peace could sit,J. Hart (7s)802
But the Saviours power to know,WIlliam Cowper (7s)282
But the awful stroke that found him,T. Kelly (8.7.)1116
But the bliss of it isJ. Hart (8.3.)484
But the blood of Jesus.J. Hart (7.6.)827
But the bond-womans sonW. Gadsby (122nd)522
But the bright world to which I go,Isaac Watts (L.M.)473
But the bright world, to which they go,Samuel Medley (L.M.)979
But the dear stream, when Christ was slain,Isaac Watts (L.M.)123
But the horrors which he felt,J. Hart (7s)802
But the proof of proofs indeedJ. Hart (7s)789
But the remedys without thee;J. Hart (8.8.7.)876
But the rich food on which we liveIsaac Watts (L.M.)363
But the rich savoury meatJ. Hart (148th)817
But the sorest trial yet,J. Hart (7s)802
But the soul that is wholeJ. Hart (8.3.)799
But the true gold sustains no loss;Isaac Watts (L.M.)142
But the true-born child of GodWIlliam Cowper (7s)282
But there eternal pleasure reigns,John Newton (S.M.)337
But theres a people taught by graceT. Kelly (C.M.)975
But theres a voice of sovereign graceIsaac Watts (C.M.)764
But they are not my God.Isaac Watts (C.M.)186
But they cannot tell it all;J. Swain (8.7.4.)1055
But they cause us grief at present,John Newton (8.7.)1144
But they know the Throne of Grace;John Newton (7s)397
But they that in the Lord confide,J. Hart (L.M.)352
But thine conduct to heaven.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1148
But think on nobler things.J. Hart (C.M.)829
But this he will teach us in time,W. Gadsby (8s)670
But this hour is too, too sad!J. Hart (7s)802
But this righteousness of JesusJ. Kent (8.7.4.)920
But this unfeeling heart of mine.J. Hart (L.M.)316
But this we can tell, that he loved us so well,C. Wesley (11s)161
But this we know, twas done for us.J. Hart (L.M.)88
But this we sought in vain.W. Gadsby (C.M.)637
But thorns, and knotted whips, and bandsJ. Hart (L.M.)153A
But thou art greater than my heart.C. Wesley (L.M.)1016
But thou canst every breach repair,John Newton (C.M.)1155
But thou canst give me faith.Augustus Toplady (S.M.)1067
But thou dost all things well;J. Kent (148th)732
But thou, O Christ, my wisdom art:C. Wesley (L.M.)1016
But thou, O Lord, art still the same,C. Wesley (L.M.)1076
But though I feel as cold as clay,W. Gadsby (148th)550
But though I have him oft forgot,Samuel Medley (L.M.)9
But though a seed of heavenly birth,T. Kelly (C.M.)1013
But though his methods are unknown,B. Beddome (L.M.)6
But though my wants are very great,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)589
But though ten thousand foes engage,D. Herbert (C.M.)509
But though the host of hellJ. Hart (S.M.)287
But though thus surrounded, yet, when I come there,Samuel Medley (104th)321
But through the merits of his blood.John Berridge (L.M.)748
But thus the eternal counsel ran:J. Brewer (L.M.)134
But thy commands, exceeding broad,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1148
But thy illustrious sacrificeIsaac Watts (C.M.)946
But thy love, without beginning,Gospel Mag., 1777 (8.7.4.)69
But thy one offering takes awayIsaac Watts (C.M.)121
But thy salvations sure;(Author Unknown) (148th)214
But thy word shall firm abide;J. Hart (7.6.7.)796
But till the Holy Ghost appliesW. Gadsby (C.M.)638
But till the Lord the Saviour smiles,W. Gadsby (C.M.)638
But times of refreshing return,J. Kent (8s)334
But tis a blessing few can boast,J. Hart (C.M.)855
But tis my heavenly Fathers will,W. Gadsby (148th)613
But tis the King who reigns above,T. Kelly (C.M.)1013
But tis through scenes of floods and fire.W. Gadsby (148th)618
But to Zions throne of grace,John Newton (7s)973
But to abide in thy embraceIsaac Watts (C.M.)475
But to have all our sins forgiven;J. Hart (112th)790
But to him who comfort gives?D. Turner (8.7.)1068
But to him who ever lives?D. Turner (8.7.)1068
But to sing the Rest remaining,J. Swain (8.7.4.)1055
But to the Rock of Ages led.J. Kent (L.M.)926
But to the loving Saviours breast?C. Wesley (L.M.)1016
But to those who have confessèd,John Newton (8.7.4.)496
But to thy arms, for peace and rest?Samuel Medley (C.M.)386
But to thy care the rest resign;John Newton (L.M.)692
But to thyself, who bidst us come?Samuel Medley (C.M.)176
But toiled without success.WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)188
But tread, whilst we taste of the bliss,J. Swain (8s)159
But tremble at his word.J. Hart (S.M.)878
But triumph all the while.Henry Fowler (S.M.)1029
But trust him for his grace;WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)320
But turns his eye another way,J. Hart (C.M.)32
But twas because he loved my soul,R. Burnham (C.M.)191
But unbelief, self-will,WIlliam Cowper (148th)338
But union can be noneJ. Hart (C.M.)785
But vain and sinful thoughts intrude,T. Kelly (L.M.)1124
But venture to be nought.J. Hart (C.M.)708
But vile infernals cant prevail;Gospel Mag., 1799 (L.M.)245
But vile outrageous thieves broke in,(Author Unknown) (8.8.6.)903
But wait and look, and look again.Samuel Medley (L.M.)1056
But wake and feel my hunger still.John Berridge (148th)884
But walk, depending on my Lord,J. Hart (C.M.)812
But we arise by grace divine,Isaac Watts (C.M.)213
But we build upon a baseJ. Hart (7.6.7.)795
But we command respect.J. Hart (C.M.)805
But we first after Jesus reach,J. Hart (C.M.)181
But we have no such lengths to go,Isaac Watts (C.M.)366
But we have pierced him through and through.J. Hart (L.M.)153A
But we know, the saints have reasonT. Kelly (8.7.7.)1063
But we that wait upon the LordIsaac Watts (C.M.)327
But we think whose blood was spilt;J. Hart (7s)154
But weep and kiss the rod.John Berridge (S.M.)335
But were defiled in every part.Isaac Watts (L.M.)1004
But what I have in Christ, my Head,W. Gadsby (C.M.)604
But what are seas, or skies, or hills,J. Hart (L.M.)88
But what are vile and base;W. Gadsby (148th)526
But what by Christ is given;J. Hart (C.M.)816
But what call we small things – sins whole cancelled sum?J. Hart (104th)778
But what can poor lost sinners say,D. Herbert (C.M.)680
But what great ends can men pursueJ. Hart (L.M.)791
But what his grace decreed to give;W. Tucker (L.M.)66
But what says our Shepherd divine?J. Hart (8s)220
But what they could not tell.J. Hart (S.M.)446
But what we all shall be aboveJ. Hart (L.M.)681
But what were ever in thy view,W. Gadsby (C.M.)646
But what will approve the Bread well.W. Gadsby (8s)566
But when I cry, My strength renew,WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)281
But when I felt the tempters powerJohn Newton (L.M.)1017
But when I meet some little cross,D. Herbert (C.M.)507
But when dangers closer threaten,J. Hart (8.7.)270
But when days of darkness come,Henry Fowler (7s)1037
But when faith views the Lamb,W. Gadsby (S.M.)713
But when home our souls are brought,John Newton (8.7.7.)133
But when my Father smiles again,D. Herbert (C.M.)507
But when my faith is sharply tried,WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)323
But when our eyes behold his face, Isaac Watts (C.M.)476
But when our eyes behold thy word,Isaac Watts (L.M.)1147
But when such suggestions our spirits have plied,John Newton (104th)324
But when the King himself was here,T. Kelly (C.M.)1013
But when the Lord his arm made bare,Rozzell (C.M.)189
But when the Lord shows his satisfied face;John Berridge (104th)710
But when the Lord withdrawsW. Gadsby (S.M.)682
But when the Lords people have need,John Newton (8s)276
But when the Spirit of truth is come,John Berridge (112th)744
But when their sins forgiven,J. Hart (C.M.)747
But when this lisping, stammering tongueWIlliam Cowper (C.M.)160
But when thy Spirit shines within,D. Herbert (L.M.)711
But when to me that bloods applied,J. Hart (C.M.)31
But when we reach the plains above,J. Swain (8.8.6.)724
But when we see our Saviour there,Isaac Watts (S.M.)79
But when we view thy strange designIsaac Watts (C.M.)207
But when with clothes were decked,J. Hart (C.M.)805
But when, by faith, the cross we view,W. Gadsby (C.M.)564
But when, great God, thy light divineJ. Fawcett (L.M.)238
But when, like a sheep that strays from the fold,J. Kent (104th)912
But when, through weariness, they failed,WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)394
But where the Lord has planted grace,John Newton (C.M.)933
But where thou art, Lord, I would be;Samuel Medley (L.M.)385
But while I stood trembling with fear,W. Gadsby (8s)565
But while I walk the mournful roadSamuel Medley (L.M.)275
But while their voice is heard within,WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)381
But whither can I go to lodgeD. Herbert (C.M.)676
But who his weakness knows?J. Hart (C.M.)709
But wholly lean on Jesus name.E. Mote (L.M.)1106
But why should I give way to grief?T. Kelly (L.M.)1046
But will save from hell and sin;J. Fawcett (8.7.4.)333
But wilt thou pity us the less?WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)731
But wisdom in the Lord they find,J. Hart (C.M.)181
But wishes to be often there?WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)394
But with Christ the church shall have.W. Gadsby (7s)558
But with a loathing heart?John Berridge (148th)671
But with authority he asks,Augustus Toplady (C.M.)117
But with humble faith to seeWIlliam Cowper (7s)282
But with humble joy to drawJohn Newton (7s)973
But with the noblest powers they have,Isaac Watts (C.M.)192
But with their dying Head?Isaac Watts (C.M.)466
But words engender strife;J. Hart (S.M.)852
But work with care and skill;John Berridge (148th)674
But would on this depend –J. Hart (C.M.)222
But would receive by faith.J. Hart (C.M.)822
But would receive with hope.J. Hart (C.M.)822
But would receive with love.J. Hart (C.M.)822
But yet the love of Christ is such,J. Hart (
But yet we daily seeJ. Hart (C.M.)747
But yet we shall behold the day,T. Kelly (L.M.)1021
But youll find your foes too strong;W. Gadsby (7s)594
But, Lord, let not my soul be lostJ. Berridge (C.M.)169
But, O be astonished! theyre helpless and poor.W. Gadsby (104th)549
But, O my Lord, one look from theeWIlliam Cowper (L.M.)323
But, O my soul! admire;W. Gadsby (148th)559
But, O! one thing I plead:J. Cennick (8.8.6.)163
But, after all, the saint shall findW. Gadsby (C.M.)596
But, ah! Im worse within.D. Herbert (C.M.)510
But, ah! what vain attempt is this,W. Tucker (L.M.)78
But, alas! how slow we move;W. Gadsby (7s)609
But, alas! how soon I standW. Gadsby (7s)611
But, as oft as this you do,W. Gadsby (7s)662
But, as the objects of Christs love,W. Gadsby (C.M.)661
But, brethren, Christ, and Christ alone,J. Hart (C.M.)240
But, brethren, rest not there;J. Hart (S.M.)863
But, gracious Lord, who once didst feelJ. Hart (C.M.)774
But, if still a total strangerW. Gadsby (8.7.4.)698
But, in every chastening, proveW. Gadsby (7s)623
But, in himself, can find no rest.Henry Fowler (148th)1026
But, seldom to my purpose true,T. Kelly (L.M.)1124
But, self-condemned before thy throne,J. Kent (8.8.6.)217
But, since sin first fixed thee there,J. Hart (7s)802
But, thanks to God, its loud alarmsJ. Maxwell (L.M.)44
But, that delayed, to doubting fall,J. Hart (C.M.)773
But, though the world may think it strange,T. Kelly (L.M.)992
But, though they own the Saviours name,J. Hart (148th)353
But, through thy free goodness, my spirits revive,J. Stocker (11s)11
Buts found in Gods decrees;Isaac Watts (C.M.)63
Buts, ifs, and hows are hurledJ. Hart (S.M.)312
By Christ he finds his sins forgiven,J. Hart (8.6.8.)234
By Christ our Jehovah, the ancient I AM;J. Stevens (11s)243
By Christ we enter into rest,J. Hart (C.M.)809
By God deserted too!J. Hart (C.M.)785
By God himself are cursed.J. Hart (C.M.)45
By God, our good Father, who gave us his Son,J. Hart (104th)449
By Gods almighty word;Isaac Watts (C.M.)226
By Him my feeble souls sustained;Samuel Medley (L.M.)171
By Jesus blood, the righteous GodJ. Hart (
By Jesus from Moses are freed.W. Gadsby (8s)523
By Satan and indwelling sin,Samuel Medley (L.M.)384
By Satan sorely pressed;John Newton (C.M.)388
By a way marked out with blood,John Newton (7s)973
By a world of sin and vice;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)615
By all on earth, and all in heaven.J. Hart (L.M.)868
By almighty love anointed,J. Bakewell (8.7.)931
By ancient prophets sung;T. Kelly (C.M.)975
By awful temptations attacked and distressed,W. Gadsby (11s)644
By casting his name in the scale.John Newton (8s)1149
By covenant transaction and blood,J. Kent (8s)183
By crosses Ill scourge them for sin,J. Kent (8s)183
By crosses and losses, at lastJ. Kent (8s)334
By day and by night his love is made known;J. Wingrove (104th)1000
By days and years of sin;Rozzell (C.M.)189
By eternal destination,Gospel Mag., 1777 (8.7.4.)69
By eternal union one.J. Kent (8.7.4.)766
By faith I see the land –R. De Courcy (148th)294
By faith in Christ I walk with God,John Newton (L.M.)960
By faith in Christ he lives.W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)636
By faith in Christ, as God,W. Gadsby (S.M.)605
By faith in Jesus blood,W. Gadsby (S.M.)605
By faith in Jesus blood.J. Stevens (8.8.6.)216
By faith in Jesus blood;J. Hart (C.M.)31
By faith in Jesus name;W. Gadsby (S.M.)614
By faith in him we live, and viewW. Gadsby (148th)602
By faith in me the soul receivesJohn Newton (C.M.)193
By faith lift up your eyesW. Gadsby (148th)599
By faith may we receive!W. Gadsby (C.M.)660
By faith obeyed the Lord.Isaac Watts (C.M.)226
By faith on him roll, and lean on his breast;W. Gadsby (104th)639
By faith received, his flesh and bloodJ. Hart (C.M.)828
By faith she leans upon his breast,W. Gadsby (C.M.)638
By faith she shall hold on her way;J. Kent (8s)334
By faith shes enabled to viewJ. Kent (8s)334
By faith they journey through.J. Stevens (S.M.)425
By faith they wrestle day and night,R. Burnham (C.M.)16
By faith upon him live;W. Gadsby (148th)642
By faith upon this glorious prize!J. Swain (L.M.)387
By faith we know the worlds were madeIsaac Watts (C.M.)226
By faith we see the gloryC. Wesley (7.7.4.)131
By faith, I wield my Shield about,W. Gadsby (C.M.)547
By faith, and not by sight.J. Hart (C.M.)812
By faith, the bread and wineIsaac Watts (S.M.)437
By faith, the just shall live and ownW. Gadsby (S.M.)605
By faith, the just shall say, Tis well,W. Gadsby (S.M.)605
By far excels all things beside;R. Burnham (L.M.)771
By favour adopted, thy sons we appear,J. Stevens (11s)243
By giving credence to his word,J. Hart (8.6.8.)234
By grace alone I persevere.A. C. R., 1790 (L.M.)204
By grace thus far were come;John Newton (C.M.)202
By heaven and earth adored,John Berridge (C.M.)1128
By him some word of life impart,Augustus Toplady (8.8.6.)1103
By him supported all things stand;Isaac Watts (L.M.)20
By him who dwells within.John Newton (C.M.)1020
By him with proper food;J. Hart (S.M.)831
By his Godhead, blood, and pain;J. Kent (8.7.)759
By his Spirit sent from heaven;J. Hart (8.7.)180
By his almighty grace.W. Gadsby (C.M.)596
By his almighty hand.John Newton (C.M.)966
By his almighty hands.Isaac Watts (C.M.)124
By his almighty power;Rozzell (7.6.)292
By his beloved Son.Isaac Watts (S.M.)420
By his looks, prepare to flee!John Newton (8.7.4.)496
By his own atoning blood,W. Gadsby (7s)542
By his own power were all things made;Isaac Watts (L.M.)20
By his own sovereign will.Isaac Watts (C.M.)71
By his scars his toils are viewed,J. Hart (7s)490
By his sufferings, death, and merits;J. Kent (8.7.)759
By his sweet resistless grace;R. Burnham (7s)187
By holy loves resistless chain,Augustus Toplady (112th)1052
By imputation, mine.J. Hart (C.M.)222
By its quickening operation,T. Kelly (8.7.4.)1133
By legions of devils and mountains of sin.J. Hart (104th)129
By little and by little, heJ. Hart (C.M.)782
By mediums drawn from natures laws.J. Hart (L.M.)791
By methods of our own;Isaac Watts (C.M.)946
By nature can no man be just,W. Gadsby (8s)544
By nature prone to ill,John Newton (S.M.)278
By nature, bears, and bulls, and swine,J. Hart (C.M.)805
By nature, none of Adams raceW. Gadsby (L.M.)538
By no means can agree;W. Gadsby (148th)617
By others, for their virtue fair,J. Hart (C.M.)803A
By our SaviourT. Kelly (8.7.4.)1137
By pleading what my Lord has done.Isaac Watts (L.M.)112
By pleading with our God.Isaac Watts (C.M.)124
By power from heaven above;G. Burder (C.M.)750
By prayer let me wrestle, and he will perform;John Newton (104th)232
By pure and living faith,J. Hart (7.6.8.)779
By ravens was constantly fed.John Newton (8s)276
By reason of his groans;W. Gadsby (148th)618
By sin I am oppressed,(Author Unknown) (148th)214
By sin and sorrow pressed;J. Hart (C.M.)28
By sin and sorrow sunk as lowJ. Hart (C.M.)105
By sinners and by saints withstood;J. Hart (8.8.6.)223
By some endearing word.J. Hart (7.6.8.)823
By some unwary step.John Berridge (S.M.)335
By springs of fear and love.J. Hart (S.M.)308A
By such poor trifling toys?D. Herbert (C.M.)507
By sweet alluring call;John Berridge (8.8.6.)690
By taking mutual share.John Berridge (C.M.)375
By the Redeemers grace,John Newton (S.M.)337
By the Spirit in our ears,J. Hart (8.7.)746
By the beams of love divine;T. Kelly (7s)1117
By the broken law convicted,J. Swain (8.7.4.)1055
By the great sacred Three;Isaac Watts (C.M.)109
By the mouth of God most high.John Berridge (7s)895
By the shining of thy Spirit,C. Wesley (8.7.)1057
By the way and to the end.John Newton (7s)277
By thee the joyful newsIsaac Watts (148th)122
By thee we shall break through them all,C. Wesley (7.7.4.)131
By them the heart is viewed;J. Hart (C.M.)851
By them we feel how low were lost,J. Hart (C.M.)782
By these our Redeemer us tries,J. Hart (8s)220
By these signs: A Babe youll see,J. Hart (8.7.)776
By things like these men often runJ. Hart (C.M.)855
By this are restored the senses that droop;J. Hart (104th)254
By this are sinners snatched from hell,A. Steele (C.M.)95
By thousand dangers scared,J. Hart (148th)313
By thousand dangers scared,J. Hart (C.M.)783
By thousands through the skies!Isaac Watts (C.M.)207
By thy all-sufficient meritC. Wesley (8.7.)1057
By thy all-sufficient merit,C. Wesley (8.7.)1054
By thy counsel thou wilt guide us,Gospel Mag., 1781 (8.7.)965
By thy loving counsel guide us,Gospel Mag., 1781 (8.7.)965
By thy own eternal Spirit,C. Wesley (8.7.)1054
By thy power alone we stand.J. Adams (8.7.4.)349
By thy power and love perform.Henry Fowler (8.7.4.)769
By thy precious love constrainèd,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)656
By thy reconciling love,C. Wesley (7s)248
By thy resistless grace;A. Steele (C.M.)1143
By thy word we fain would steer,J. Hart (7s)706
By trusting in his faithful word,Samuel Medley (C.M.)383
By union with our living Lord,Isaac Watts (S.M.)437
By upright walk, and lowly heart;C. Wesley (112th)955
By us were furnished to their hands.J. Hart (L.M.)153A
By virtue of his blood,J. Hart (S.M.)811
By wars without, and fears within,John Newton (C.M.)388
By what amazing waysJ. Hart (S.M.)863
By which I will be known.Isaac Watts (S.M.)110
By which Im reconciled to God;W. Tucker (L.M.)78
By which our souls are fed.Gospel Mag., 1778 (S.M.)86
By which the truths reviled;J. Hart (S.M.)236
By whom shall Jacob now arise?T. Kelly (C.M.)1047
By whom shall Jacob now arise?T. Kelly (C.M.)1047
By whom shall Jacob now arise?T. Kelly (C.M.)1047
By whom their prayers succeed,J. Hart (C.M.)808
By whom was David taughtWIlliam Cowper (148th)338
By works of righteousness;W. Gadsby (148th)585
By works their hands have wrought;Isaac Watts (C.M.)1148
By works, salvation to obtain;J. Kent (L.M.)1090
Call back a wandering sheep;C. Wesley (7.6.8.)390
Call for songs of loudest praise.R. Robinson (8.7.)199
Call gay deceptions solid joys,J. Hart (P.M.)814
Call him our own, in ties of blood,J. Kent (L.M.)911
Call me a child of thine.Isaac Watts (C.M.)192
Call on him with unceasing prayerJohn Berridge (C.M.)765
Call to mind Gethsemane.J. Hart (7s)802
Call upon him while we live.John Newton (7s)397
Called and proved the sons of God.W. Gadsby (7s)649
Called by grace these many years,Henry Fowler (7s)1031
Called the cleansing blood to feel;W. Gadsby (7s)575
Called to feel its vengeful power,W. Gadsby (7s)575
Called to feel my guilt depart,W. Gadsby (7s)575
Called to know it me can heal;W. Gadsby (7s)575
Called to part with flesh and sin,W. Gadsby (7s)575
Called to see Gods righteous lawW. Gadsby (7s)575
Called us by his grace, and taught us;John Newton (8.7.7.)416
Called while here, to sing and tell,W. Gadsby (7s)575
Called, and called by grace divine,W. Gadsby (7s)575
Calls him his only Son;Isaac Watts (S.M.)38
Calls the south nations and awakes the north;Isaac Watts (50th)497
Calm amidst tempestuous motion,T. Kelly (8.7.4.)1102
Calm and serene my frame;WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)958
Came at length the dreadful night,J. Hart (7s)802
Came to bruise the serpents head.J. Hart (8.7.)776
Camst down in open view,J. Hart (C.M.)30
Can I deem myself a child?John Newton (7s)283
Can I forget that look;John Newton (C.M.)1025
Can I survey this scene of woe,A. Steele (L.M.)1123
Can a kind woman eer forgetIsaac Watts (C.M.)269
Can a part be sent to hell,W. Gadsby (7s)626
Can a sinner thus beguiledHenry Fowler (7s)1031
Can a womans tender careWIlliam Cowper (7s)968
Can afford the sons of mirth.W. Gadsby (7s)616
Can all our active powers inflame.A. Steele (L.M.)1080
Can alter his decree;W. Gadsby (C.M.)530
Can any creature give me rest,John Berridge (8.8.6.)690
Can any door of hope be found?J. Berridge (148th)146
Can any tell by whom?T. Kelly (C.M.)1047
Can anything be mean,W. Gadsby (148th)648
Can assuage a thirst like mine!John Newton (7s)973
Can aught be with it named?J. Hart (C.M.)856
Can be just and save by grace.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)600
Can blood such horrid crimes atone?J. Hart (C.M.)860
Can boast of goodness in Gods sight;W. Gadsby (L.M.)538
Can both instruct and cherish;J. Hart (P.M.)814
Can bring thee sweet relief.John Berridge (C.M.)892
Can bring us near the throne.Isaac Watts (C.M.)946
Can bring you nearer to the Lamb,J. Hart (8.8.8.)807
Can cleanse the vilest sinners guilt,John Newton (S.M.)196
Can come from thee alone,John Berridge (148th)886
Can control thy nature;J. Hart (7.6.)780
Can crush a thousand worlds to dust?Isaac Watts (L.M.)75
Can do nothing but devour.J. Hart (7s)789
Can ease thy pain and heal thy woe.A. Steele (L.M.)977
Can eer dissolve the sacred bands.A. Steele (L.M.)980
Can ever God dwell here?J. Hart (C.M.)310
Can folly still retain;Samuel Medley (C.M.)378
Can from afflictions raiseT. Greene (C.M.)261
Can fulfil thy laws demands;Augustus Toplady (7s)143
Can give themselves a birth;John Berridge (8.8.6.)1113
Can heal a wounded spirit;J. Hart (P.M.)814
Can hold the sinner in that hourW. Gadsby (8.8.6.)592
Can inform me where it lies;Augustus Toplady (7s)988
Can it be a question whetherT. Kelly (8.7.4.)1014
Can it be less than power divine,A. Steele (L.M.)1078
Can it be thus in those who live?Henry Fowler (C.M.)1030
Can keep the trembling soul from God,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)592
Can know how dear the victory cost,J. Hart (C.M.)785
Can know what endless love can do.W. Gadsby (148th)598
Can look the monster in the face?Samuel Medley (L.M.)470
Can loosen the mountain of high-crying guilt.John Berridge (104th)907
Can make a heavenly place,Isaac Watts (S.M.)185
Can make him hate his choice;W. Gadsby (S.M.)606
Can make him his purpose forego,Augustus Toplady (8s)340
Can make his love from her depart.W. Gadsby (L.M.)633
Can make the foulest clean;Augustus Toplady (S.M.)1067
Can make this world of guilt remove;Isaac Watts (L.M.)480
Can more weary be than I.John Newton (7s)356
Can move such loads of sin;J. Hart (C.M.)310
Can neer be known beneath the skies.J. Kent (148th)732
Can neer thy broken law redress;J. Maxwell (L.M.)44
Can neither love nor fear.D. Herbert (C.M.)676
Can neither praise nor pray;D. Herbert (C.M.)676
Can never be erased.W. Hammond (C.M.)344
Can never be known till we sing them above.J. Swain (104th)417
Can never save a soul;J. Hart (C.M.)31
Can now come near to God.J. Hart (7.6.8.)787
Can oer my heart prevail;John Berridge (148th)883
Can on this promise die.P. Doddridge (S.M.)345
Can purge away sin, or shorten arrears;John Berridge (104th)907
Can purity dispense.J. Hart (S.M.)863
Can raise a soul to heaven.Isaac Watts (C.M.)190
Can raise my heart from earth and dust,A. Steele (L.M.)1078
Can raise our souls from guilty fearsJ. Dracup (C.M.)215
Can relieve us from our smart;J. Hart (8.7.)746
Can rescue even me.C. Wesley (7.6.8.)391
Can rightly do the thing;J. Hart (C.M.)240
Can save her from the curse.W. Gadsby (C.M.)638
Can save thee from despair.Henry Fowler (S.M.)1032
Can sentence believers to hell;W. Gadsby (8s)632
Can set the soul at rest.W. Gadsby (S.M.)603
Can shield my head when dangers rise.J. Kent (L.M.)926
Can sinful souls, then, stand unclad,J. Hart (C.M.)805
Can sons of God destroy;W. Gadsby (C.M.)547
Can souls unto the utmost save,J. Dracup (C.M.)215
Can souls, all oer defiled with sin,Isaac Watts (L.M.)57
Can sovereign goodness be unkind?A. Steele (L.M.)957
Can such besetting evils dwellHenry Fowler (C.M.)1030
Can supply the soul with food?T. Kelly (7s)1045
Can the bliss I seek create.Augustus Toplady (7s)988
Can the ruined rise by fears?J. Hart (8.7.)719
Can this dark world of sin and woeA. Steele (L.M.)927
Can turn the Suretys heart away;W. Gadsby (L.M.)633
Can wash the Ethiopian white,Augustus Toplady (S.M.)1067
Can wit or reason help him out,W. Gadsby (148th)585
Can with Jesus then compare;J. Berridge (7s)177
Can with a precious Christ compare.Samuel Medley (L.M.)174
Cancelled all his peoples sin.J. Kent (8.7.4.)760
Cancelled all thy sins and mine.J. Kent (7s)145
Cancelled all your sins with blood,W. Gadsby (7s)662
Cancelled by redeeming love.J. Langford (7s)90
Cancels every penal tie;J. Hart (8.7.)237A
Cannot be callèd good.J. Hart (C.M.)851
Cannot be said to wait.J. Hart (C.M.)783
Cannot but be binding.J. Hart (8.3.)104
Cannot content, nor pleasure please.J. Hart (L.M.)304
Cannot love the Saviours choice.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)615
Cannot perfect bliss create.W. Gadsby (7s)619
Cannot, such a soul forsake.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)615
Canst keep me in the trying hour;T. Kelly (L.M.)1043
Canst thou face a holy God?W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)698
Canst thou let me sink at last?John Newton (7s)376
Canst thou not, poor soul, perceiveJ. Hart (7.5.)853
Canst thou thy face for ever hide,Isaac Watts (L.M.)401
Canst thou, by faith, survey with joy,John Newton (C.M.)469
Captived by the devil;J. Hart (7.6.)780
Careless sinner,John Newton (8.7.4.)496
Carnal else will be our cries;Henry Fowler (7s)754
Carnal pleasures will resign;W. Gadsby (7s)619
Carry on thy new creation;C. Wesley (8.7.)1053
Cast it evermore aside;John Berridge (7s)686
Cast not away your little hope;Henry Fowler (L.M.)1028
Cast, he said, on me thy care;John Newton (7s)277
Casting on him all my care?W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)698
Catch all thy sweet Spirit, and burn with thy love.J. Berridge (104th)150
Cause each soul to cleave unto thee,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)610
Cause to be dejected?J. Hart (7.6.)780
Causing bitter anguish,J. Hart (7.6.)306
Causing them to hear his call,R. Burnham (7s)187
Cease from your own works, bad or good,J. Hart (L.M.)352
Cease thy fears, then, weak believer;J. Hart (8.7.)826
Cease towards the child she bare?WIlliam Cowper (7s)968
Cease, O believer, cease to mourn;J. Kent (8.8.6.)917
Celebrate his dying love,J. Hart (7s)830
Celebrate the happy day,J. Hart (8.7.)776
Celestial Dove, descend from high,J. Hart (C.M.)862
Celestial breeze, no longer stay,Augustus Toplady (L.M.)1018
Cemented together by love;W. Gadsby (8s)635
Censure and scorn without;J. Hart (C.M.)774
Centre, source, and sum of bliss;W. Hammond (7s)342
Centring in the worthy Lamb;J. Kent (8.7.4.)918
Chained to his throne a volume lies,Isaac Watts (C.M.)4
Change thy mourning into praise.John Newton (7s)273
Changed from glory into glory,C. Wesley (8.7.)1053
Changed into a little child;Madan’s Selection (7s)1058
Changes a slave into a child,WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)188
Chase away the shades of night?W. Gadsby (7s)722
Chase your legal duns away;J. Berridge (7s)147
Chasing all our fears, and cheeringC. Wesley (8.7.)1057
Cheer and animate my heart.John Newton (7s)277
Cheer our desponding hearts,J. Hart (S.M.)27
Cheer up, desponding soul, it said,J. Hart (C.M.)151
Cheer up, ye travelling souls;J. Hart (S.M.)308A
Cheered by hope, and daily strengthened,T. Kelly (8.7.4.)1135
Cheered with sacred solitude,J. Hart (7s)802
Cheerful I live, and joyful die;P. Doddridge (L.M.)331
Cheerful he does his Fathers will,J. Needham (C.M.)252
Cheerful hope and godly fear.J. Hart (8.7.)463
Cheerful let us raise our voice;J. Hart (7s)788
Cheerful we tread the desert through,Isaac Watts (L.M.)231
Cheerfully join in one,J. Allen (6.4.)415
Cherubs on the Conqueror gaze;J. Hart (7s)490
Chief of ten thousand, now appear,T. Kelly (L.M.)1125
Children of the heavenly King,J. Cennick (7s)267
Chilled by the icy damps of death,J. Hart (112th)835
Chilled my hopes and stopped my song.John Newton (7s)400
Choose some to life, while others die,Isaac Watts (L.M.)75
Choose the ways I once abhorred,John Newton (7s)283
Choose thou the way, but still lead on.J. Hart (148th)307
Chose out his favourites to proclaimIsaac Watts (C.M.)505
Chosen Jews must not useJ. Hart (8.3.)800
Chosen and made peculiar ground;Isaac Watts (L.M.)363
Chosen in Christ their blessed Head.W. A. Clarke (L.M.)62
Chosen of God, to sinners dear,Isaac Watts (C.M.)141
Chosen of old, of old approved,W. Tucker (L.M.)65
Chosen of thee ere time began,Augustus Toplady (C.M.)940
Chosen to faith and hope,R. Burnham (148th)60
Chosen to know the Prince of Peace,R. Burnham (148th)60
Chosen to prove salvation sure;R. Burnham (148th)60
Chosen to reign for evermore.R. Burnham (148th)60
Christ Jesus, with his own hearts blood,J. Cennick (8.8.6.)163
Christ admired, themselves abhorred,J. Hart (7.6.8.)854
Christ alone could us redeem.J. Adams (8.7.4.)205
Christ and free grace therein abounds;C. Cole (L.M.)984
Christ and his bride appeared as one;J. Kent (L.M.)10
Christ and his cross is all our theme;Isaac Watts (C.M.)165
Christ and his love fill every thought,Isaac Watts (L.M.)435
Christ and his members one;Isaac Watts (S.M.)437
Christ be my first elect, he said;Isaac Watts (L.M.)73
Christ bears the names of all his saints,John Newton (C.M.)128
Christ ever will defend(Author Unknown) (148th)214
Christ exalted is our song,J. Kent (7s)145
Christ exalted,J. Kent (8.7.4.)760
Christ has blessings to impart,John Newton (7s)956
Christ has burst the gates of hell;C. Wesley (7s)485
Christ has full atonement made.W. Gadsby (7s)534
Christ has given with his blood,J. Hart (7.6.7.)795
Christ has opened paradise.C. Wesley (7s)485
Christ has perfect holinessJ. Hart (7.6.8.)787
Christ has shown to worthless me.W. Gadsby (7s)584
Christ has wrought this mighty wonder;J. Hart (8.3.)104
Christ is mine, and I am his;W. Hammond (7s)342
Christ is my All! where should I go?J. Adams (L.M.)175
Christ is my All, and he will leadJ. Adams (L.M.)175
Christ is my All, my sure Defence,J. Adams (L.M.)175
Christ is our all; of Christ we sing,W. Gadsby (C.M.)660
Christ is our life, our joy, our hope,Isaac Watts (L.M.)72
Christ is ready to receive you;R. Burnham (8.7.)157
Christ is the Friend of sinners;J. Hart (
Christ is the Keeper of his saints,R. Burnham (C.M.)772
Christ is the eternal Rock,J. Hart (S.M.)130
Christ is the new mans boast and joy;W. Gadsby (148th)617
Christ is the only wayW. Gadsby (S.M.)713
Christ is their Life, nor can they die,W. Gadsby (148th)598
Christ is their salvation, and strength he will give;J. Wingrove (104th)1000
Christ loved, and chose, and ransomed me,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)647
Christ says, That I might sinners callJ. Hart (C.M.)240
Christ the Master, Lord of all,W. Gadsby (7s)645
Christ to Israel freely gives.J. Kent (8.7.4.)916
Christ to banish from their sight;W. Gadsby (7s)619
Christ was appointed to redeemJ. Kent (L.M.)405
Christ was born in Bethlehem!C. Wesley (7s)36
Christ will make you reap in joy.Henry Fowler (8.7.4.)1038
Christ without a rival reigns.J. Kent (7s)145
Christ your Advocate is made;J. Cennick (7s)267
Christ, and him crucified,W. Gadsby (148th)617
Christ, and him crucified, has been our song;W. Gadsby (10s)699
Christ, the Lord, is risen today,C. Wesley (7s)485
Christ, the true, the only Light,C. Wesley (7s)726
Christ, who conquered for us once,J. Hart (7.6.8.)779
Christ, whose glory fills the skies,C. Wesley (7s)726
Christian, dost thou want a teacher,J. Hart (8.7.)864
Christians are priests and kings,J. Hart (148th)102
Christians in Christ obtainJ. Hart (S.M.)130
Christians oft pray for faith;W. Gadsby (148th)618
Christians yield obedience.J. Hart (7.6.)315
Christians, dismiss your fear;J. Hart (S.M.)487
Christians, lift up your heads;W. Gadsby (148th)666
Christians, rejoice, and singW. Gadsby (148th)539
Christians, repeat his love;W. Gadsby (S.M.)663
Christians, view this solemn scene,J. Hart (7.6.8.)843
Christians, your hearts and voices raise,J. Hart (C.M.)489
Christs fair image on me seal,(Author Unknown) (7s)970
Christs presence shall thy fears subdue;J. Fawcett (L.M.)328
Christs righteousness will not sufficeJ. Hart (C.M.)774
Christs the Rock of our salvation;T. Kelly (8.7.)1116
Cite the will of his own sealing;J. Hart (8.3.)484
Claiming our supreme attention,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)514
Cleanse me from its guilt and power.Augustus Toplady (7s)143
Cleanse my heart, my mind renew.C. Wesley (7s)1077
Cleanse, and make me white as snow.W. W. Horne (7s)1111
Cleansed me well from top to toe.W. Gadsby (7s)542
Cleanses from all sin, doubt it not,J. Hart (L.M.)858
Cling and twine, dear Lord, to thee.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)615
Clipped are the greedy vultures claws;J. Hart (C.M.)845
Close to the ignominious tree,Augustus Toplady (112th)1052
Close, cragged rocks are seen,J. Hart (S.M.)308
Clothe my soul and make it fit,J. Hart (7s)874
Clothe thee with righteousness divine;J. Hart (L.M.)106
Clothe us with thy righteousness;J. Hart (7s)704
Clothed in Jesus righteousness;J. Humphreys (7s)80
Clothed in Majesty divine;John Newton (8.7.4.)496
Clothed in a body like our own.Isaac Watts (L.M.)481
Clouds hide the light divine;John Newton (S.M.)337
Cloven, perhaps, to be a sign,J. Hart (8.8.6.)715
Cold as I feel this heart of mine,John Newton (C.M.)1108
Coldness, deadness, errors.J. Hart (7.6.)306
Coldness, unbelief, and pride,J. Hart (7.6.7.)795
Collect thy scattered flock once more,W. W. Horne (L.M.)285
Come and accept the promised rest;A. Steele (L.M.)1109
Come and hymn the holy Jesus,J. Hart (8.7.)719
Come and reign over us,C. Wesley (6.4.)35
Come and shed abroad thy love;W. Gadsby (7s)609
Come and spread thy banner here.C. Wesley (7s)248
Come and taste its streams below.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)582
Come before him as you are:J. Hart (8.7.)719
Come boldly to a throne of grace,D. Herbert (C.M.)675
Come boldly to the throne of grace,D. Herbert (C.M.)675
Come boldly to the throne of grace,D. Herbert (C.M.)675
Come boldly to the throne of grace;D. Herbert (C.M.)675
Come down by Jesus hands.Isaac Watts (C.M.)946
Come forth the dead from deaths dark dome,J. Hart (L.M.)492
Come from the blissful realms above;J. Hart (C.M.)28
Come hither, and behold the Lamb.Henry Fowler (L.M.)1028
Come hither, soul, I AM THE WAY.J. Cennick (L.M.)144
Come hither, to the Saviour come,Henry Fowler (L.M.)1028
Come hither, ye by sin distressed,Henry Fowler (L.M.)1028
Come hither, ye that fain would knowJ. Hart (L.M.)712
Come hither, ye whose rising fearsHenry Fowler (L.M.)1028
Come just as thou art, with thy woe,W. Gadsby (8s)627
Come naked, and adorn your soulsIsaac Watts (C.M.)56
Come needy, come guilty, come loathsome and bare;J. Hart (104th)155
Come now, reveal thyself to me;Henry Fowler (L.M.)1034
Come quickly from above;C. Wesley (C.M.)1024
Come see a scene of matchless woe,J. Hart (L.M.)712
Come shed abroad a Saviours love,Isaac Watts (C.M.)25
Come through sore temptations;J. Hart (7.6.)717
Come to judgment!J. Cennick, C. Wesley and M. Madan (8.7.4.)493
Come to judgment! come away!J. Cennick, C. Wesley and M. Madan (8.7.4.)493
Come to my help, pronounce the word,C. Wesley & Augustus Toplady (C.M.)1072
Come to witness and declareW. Gadsby (7s)649
Come unto me, the Saviour cries,(Author Unknown) (8.8.6.)902
Come, Holy Ghost, and blowR. De Courcy (148th)294
Come, Holy Spirit, and make knownB. Beddome (S.M.)225
Come, Holy Spirit, calm my mind,Lock Chapel Collection (L.M.)1008
Come, Holy Spirit, come;J. Hart (S.M.)27
Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove,Isaac Watts (C.M.)25
Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove,Isaac Watts (C.M.)25
Come, Lord Jesus, come away.J. H. Langley (7s)284
Come, Lord Jesus, quickly come,J. Hart (7.6.8.)843
Come, Lord, and grant each soul to feelD. Herbert (C.M.)679
Come, Lord, and set our souls on fire,W. Gadsby (C.M.)660
Come, O thou Saviour dear,Matlock’s Selection (S.M.)948
Come, Saviour, quickly come,Henry Fowler (S.M.)1029
Come, all harmonious tongues,Isaac Watts (S.M.)167
Come, all ye chosen saints of God,J. Hart (L.M.)153
Come, all ye pining, hungry poor,A. Steele (C.M.)1039
Come, and Ill make you free.Spiritual Mag., 1790 (C.M.)989
Come, and bring thy gospel grace.C. Wesley (8.7.)1057
Come, and claim us as thy portion,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)610
Come, and let us reason.J. Hart (7.6.)780
Come, and manifest the favourC. Wesley (8.7.)1057
Come, and on his grace depend.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)593
Come, and thy people bless,C. Wesley (6.4.)35
Come, and with thy presence bless.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)610
Come, and, thy bright beams revealing,C. Wesley (8.7.)1057
Come, be baptized without delay,J. Stevens (C.M.)426
Come, cast away despair;J. Hart (
Come, come, my soul, with boldness come,D. Herbert (C.M.)509
Come, dearest Lord, and melt my heart,A. Steele (8.8.6.)962
Come, dearest Lord, thy power impart,A. Steele (L.M.)1123
Come, drink, and never die.D. Herbert (C.M.)986
Come, every gracious heart,S. Stennett (148th)403
Come, fill our souls with love,W. Gadsby (148th)648
Come, glorious Conqueror, gracious Lord,A. Steele (L.M.)1087
Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove,S. Browne (8.8.6.)1134
Come, guilty souls, and flee awayJ. Humphreys (C.M.)55
Come, holy Comforter,C. Wesley (6.4.)35
Come, let us join our cheerful songsIsaac Watts (C.M.)1005
Come, let us seek our God today!Isaac Watts (122nd)362
Come, mourning souls, in Jesus trust;W. Gadsby (148th)537
Come, my dear Jesus, from above,Isaac Watts (L.M.)264
Come, my redeemed, possess the joys preparedIsaac Watts (50th)497
Come, my soul, and let us try,J. Hart (7.6.)780
Come, my soul, thy suit prepare,John Newton (7s)379
Come, poor sinners, come away;J. Hart (7.6.8.)787
Come, raise your thankful voice,J. Hart (148th)102
Come, saints, and sing in sweet accord,J. Kent (C.M.)411
Come, saints, with solemn pleasure traceW. Gadsby (L.M.)536
Come, see if there ever were sorrow like his.C. Wesley (11s)161
Come, sing with all poor sinners here,J. Hart (C.M.)861
Come, sit at table with your Lord,J. Hart (C.M.)818
Come, then, and give our souls a treat,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)643
Come, then, repenting sinner, come;J. Hart (C.M.)23
Come, then, with all your wants and wounds,Samuel Medley (C.M.)987
Come, then, ye saints, in strains divine,J. Kent (L.M.)87A
Come, thirsty souls, and prove it true,Samuel Medley (C.M.)987
Come, thirsty souls, your wants disclose,Samuel Medley (C.M.)987
Come, thou Almighty Comforter,D. Herbert (C.M.)679
Come, thou Fount of every blessing,R. Robinson (8.7.)199
Come, thou Incarnate Word,C. Wesley (6.4.)35
Come, thou Source of joy and gladness,Augustus Toplady (from the German) (8.7.)1073
Come, thou almighty King,C. Wesley (6.4.)35
Come, thou best of all donations,Augustus Toplady (from the German) (8.7.)1073
Come, thou burdened sinner, come.John Newton (7s)956
Come, thou dear Saviour, come away!C. Wesley (C.M.)1061
Come, thou dear exalted Saviour!C. Wesley (8.7.)1057
Come, thou long-expected Jesus!C. Wesley (8.7.)1054
Come, thou now exalted Saviour,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)563
Come, visit every heart that longsJ. Hart (C.M.)30
Come, wash your guilt away.J. Hart (C.M.)45
Come, weary souls, with sin distressed,A. Steele (L.M.)1109
Come, whosoever will,W. Gadsby (S.M.)587
Come, ye Christians, sing the praisesJ. Hart (8.7.)719
Come, ye backsliding sons of God,J. Hart (
Come, ye beloved of the Lord,B. Beddome (L.M.)431
Come, ye humble sinner-train,J. Hart (7s)788
Come, ye mourning souls, rejoice;W. Gadsby (7s)518
Come, ye redeemèd of the Lord,J. Hart (C.M.)39
Come, ye saints, with wonder viewW. Gadsby (7s)658
Come, ye sinners, poor and wretched,J. Hart (8.7.4.)723
Come, ye souls, by sin afflicted,J. Swain (8.7.4.)1055
Come, ye souls, who now are sighingR. Burnham (8.7.)976
Come, ye that know and fear the Lord,G. Burder (C.M.)750
Come, ye weary, heavy laden,J. Hart (8.7.4.)723
Comes from the throne of grace.Samuel Medley (C.M.)382
Comes to us through Jesus blood.J. Hart (8.7.)180
Comfort every sinking heart.C. Wesley (8.7.)1053
Comfort flowed from all he said:J. Hart (8.7.)776
Comfortless awhile thou art,John Newton (7s)273
Comforts eternal they shall prove,Samuel Medley (L.M.)263
Comforts fail, and sins abound.Henry Fowler (7s)1031
Comforts undeserved possessing,Crosse (8.7.)1150
Comforts, crosses, staffs, or rods;J. Hart (8.7.)864
Commissioned from his Fathers throne,Isaac Watts (148th)122
Commits his works to God alone,J. Hart (L.M.)256
Commune with Jesus as our Friend;W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)643
Communion with Jesus she gains,J. Kent (8s)334
Communion with their Lord.Isaac Watts (S.M.)437
Companion with the dead.J. Hart (C.M.)855
Companions if we find,J. Hart (S.M.)308
Compared with Christ, in all besideAugustus Toplady (C.M.)940
Compared with Jesus grace?W. Hammond (C.M.)929
Compared with sin-atoning blood.J. Hart (L.M.)797
Compared with this stupendous grace,J. Hart (C.M.)105
Compared with thy love and the blood of thy cross.Augustus Toplady (11s Irreg.)68
Compared with what my sins deserve,A. Steele (C.M.)1086
Compassion on us have, we pray,S. Barnard (148th)1129
Compassions in his heart are found,Isaac Watts (L.M.)21
Compel them to yield in the day of thy power.Augustus Toplady (104th)197
Compelled I am on Christ alone to hang,W. Gadsby (10s)668
Complete and all pure in Jesus you are;W. Gadsby (104th)568
Complete atonement thou hast made,Augustus Toplady (8.8.6.)227
Completes their salvation, and all is of grace.W. Gadsby (104th)568
Composed and softened by the day,John Newton (L.M.)1001
Concealed within the passive clay;J. Swain (L.M.)721
Condemn me for that debt of sinAugustus Toplady (8.8.6.)227
Condemned or shunned by all.J. Hart (8.8.6.)223
Condescend to hear my cry.J. Fawcett (8.7.)1119
Condescend, in love to smile,W. W. Horne (7s)1111
Conduct me in thy fear;J. Fawcett (C.M.)341
Conduct us safe, conduct us farS. Browne (8.8.6.)1134
Conduct, blest Guide, thy sinner-trainJ. Hart (8.8.6.)29
Confess our sin, and thy free grace implore.W. Gadsby (10s)699
Confined in bodies, groan,J. Hart (S.M.)842
Confirm our faith, our fears remove;A. Steele (L.M.)1109
Confirm our souls in thee,Samuel Medley (S.M.)499
Confirmed by one soft, secret word,J. Hart (C.M.)812
Confirms each promise true;Gospel Mag., 1778 (S.M.)86
Confirms his good pleasure to help me quite through.John Newton (104th)232
Conquests over hell and sin!J. Irons (8.7.4.)735
Conscience accuses from within,J. Hart (C.M.)773
Conscience condemns, corruptions rise,J. Hart (C.M.)774
Consists in standing still.J. Hart (C.M.)783
Conspire to lift thy glories high,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1005
Conspire to make our weighty cross,J. Adams (S.M.)274
Conspire to praise redeeming love,J. Kent (8.8.6.)406
Conspire to raise the sound.Isaac Watts (C.M.)213
Constant still in faith abiding,J. Allen & W. Shirley (8.7.)158
Constitute our bliss above.Augustus Toplady (7s)988
Constitute our bliss below;Augustus Toplady (7s)988
Constrain my soul thy sway to own;Augustus Toplady (L.M.)991
Constrain the soul, by love, to love,J. Kent (8.8.6.)1132
Contained in Scripture, said, I thirst.J. Hart (L.M.)815
Contained in the law of the wise,W. Gadsby (8s)529
Contempt or slight I cant approve;J. Hart (L.M.)810
Content all honour to forego,T. Kelly (C.M.)1013
Content to see thy gate,John Berridge (148th)884
Contented well in every state,John Berridge (8.8.6.)1113
Contented with the husky part,John Berridge (112th)901
Contracted to a span.J. Hart (C.M.)709
Contrite hearts cannot dissemble;Henry Fowler (8.7.4.)1038
Contrition is granted, and God justified,J. Stevens (11s)239
Control the waves; say, Peace! be still!WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)290
Convince us of our sin,J. Hart (S.M.)27
Convinced and piercèd through and through,John Berridge (112th)744
Convinced as a sinner, to Jesus I come,S. Turner or Bennett (11s)1104
Convulsions shake the solid world,Isaac Watts (L.M.)1141
Cordials to revive me quickly,John Newton (8.7.4.)43
Correct thy worm, but not in wrath;T. Kelly (L.M.)1043
Corruption rises like a storm,J. Hart (S.M.)314
Corruption shall be slain;W. W. Horne (C.M.)468
Corruptions dark and foul,J. Hart (C.M.)773
Corruptions foul and thick;J. Hart (S.M.)308
Corruptions like vapours shall rise;J. Kent (8s)298
Corruptions make the mourners shunJ. Hart (C.M.)782
Corruptions rise up thick;J. Hart (S.M.)311
Corruptions, base and foul as hell,W. Gadsby (C.M.)604
Corrupts the race, and taints us all.Isaac Watts (L.M.)1004
Cost thee wounds, and blood, and smart.J. Adams (8.7.4.)349
Costly, free, and knows no end;John Newton (8.7.7.)133
Could I joy his saints to meet,John Newton (7s)283
Could black corruptions rise and swellHenry Fowler (C.M.)1030
Could give so sweet a smell.W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)557
Could give the guilty conscience peace,Isaac Watts (S.M.)125
Could it tell half the wonders that Jesus has done.Isaac Watts (11s)414
Could my heart so hard remain,John Newton (7s)283
Could my tears for ever flow,Augustus Toplady (7s)143
Could my zeal no respite know,Augustus Toplady (7s)143
Could no corruption see.J. Hart (S.M.)487
Could no such grace afford.Isaac Watts (C.M.)366
Could or would have shed his blood;John Newton (8.7.7.)133
Could show one sin forgiven,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1148
Could to my heart seem half so good;J. Cennick (112th)985
Could we but climb where Moses stood,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1022
Could we his person learn to prize,J. Hart (C.M.)803
Could we our woes with truth divide,Rozzell (C.M.)291
Could we see how all is right,J. Hart (7.6.)315
Could we the law fulfil;J. Hart (C.M.)809
Could with delight and love exploreJ. Kent (L.M.)910
Counting all things else but dross!W. Gadsby (7s)616
Countless millionsGospel Mag., 1777 (8.7.4.)69
Counts all things else but earth and dross,J. Stevens (C.M.)228
Courage, soul, there yet is room!John Newton (7s)956
Courteous, pitiful, and kind;C. Wesley (7s)248
Cover my defenceless headC. Wesley (7s)303
Covered is my unrighteousness;J. A. Rothe translated by J. Weeks (112th)96
Covered thick with blossoms stood;John Newton (8.7.)1144
Covering our incarnate God.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)656
Crafty is the foe, and strong;J. Hart (7s)706
Crawling out and in the earth.John Berridge (7s)301
Create anew my waiting heart,John Berridge (112th)901
Creates us heirs of grace;Isaac Watts (C.M.)190
Creating most exalted bliss,John Berridge (S.M.)890
Creating power and will;John Berridge (8.8.6.)904
Creature and Creator.J. Hart (8.3.)104
Creatures all conspire to wound us,R. Burnham (8.7.)1096
Creatures are but vain at best;W. Gadsby (7s)619
Creatures no more divide my choice;John Newton (C.M.)1100
Creatures of every sort and kindW. Gadsby (C.M.)646
Creatures of fear, we drag along,Rozzell (C.M.)291
Cried out, It is finished!J. Hart (7.6.)780
Cried, Inflict it all on me.J. Hart (7s)179
Cries triumphant, It is done;Zion’s Trumpet, 1838 (8.7.)1118
Cries, Father, let the rebels live!Isaac Watts (L.M.)47
Cries, I suffered all for thee.J. Swain (8.7.)689
Crooked things makes even.W. Gadsby (7.6.)574
Cross, or quite contrarious.J. Hart (7.6.)315
Crossed all the fair designs I schemed,John Newton (L.M.)295
Crown him, crown him!T. Kelly (8.7.4.)972
Crown him, crown him!T. Kelly (8.7.4.)972
Crown him, crown him!T. Kelly (8.7.4.)972
Crown the Saviour King of kings!T. Kelly (8.7.4.)972
Crown the Saviour; saints, adore him;T. Kelly (8.7.4.)972
Crown the mighty Conqueror, crown him,T. Kelly (8.7.4.)982
Crowns become the victors brow!T. Kelly (8.7.4.)972
Crush not my soul beneath thy hand,D. Herbert (C.M.)510
Crush, dear Babe, his power within us,J. Hart (8.7.)776
Cry and groan beneath afflictions,J. Hart (8.7.)237
Crying out, Unclean, unclean!J. Hart (7s)802
Crying, Grace, grace to it.J. Dracup (C.M.)215
Cursed be the man, for ever cursed,Isaac Watts (L.M.)47
Cut off for sins, but not his own;C. Wesley (L.M.)97
Cut thy way through hosts of devils,J. Hart (8.7.)270
Cuts deep beyond expression.J. Hart (
Dagon shall fall before thy face,John Berridge (148th)885
Daily Id commune with God.R. Burnham (7s)990
Daily Id repent of sin,R. Burnham (7s)990
Daily Id thy name adore,R. Burnham (7s)990
Daily Im constrained to be!R. Robinson (8.7.)199
Daily feel thy peace within,R. Burnham (7s)990
Daily lead us unto Christ,W. Gadsby (7s)515
Daily new cause of grief impart,Samuel Medley (L.M.)377
Daily panting,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)698
Daily to feel thyself undone,J. Kent (L.M.)113
Daily wash in Calvarys blood,R. Burnham (7s)990
Daily within my bosom rise,J. Hart (C.M.)773
Dangerous is the path we go,W. Gadsby (7s)645
Dangers of every shape and nameWIlliam Cowper (L.M.)290
Dare to defend his noble cause,J. Grigg and B. Francis (last verse) (L.M.)427
Dares not appear before thy throne;Isaac Watts (L.M.)112
Dark and cheerless is the morn,C. Wesley (7s)726
Dark clouds and storms come on apace,J. Berridge (C.M.)299
Dark is he whose eyes not single;J. Hart (8.3.)800
Dark unbelief and pride,J. Hart (148th)353
Darkness and doubts had veiled my mind,Isaac Watts (C.M.)266
Darkness veils my shipwrecked soul.W. W. Horne (7s)1111
Darkness, deadness, guilt, and sin,J. Kent (7s)145
David also felt the same;John Berridge (7s)742
Davids own God, and Davids blessed Son.W. Gadsby (10s)703
Davids son, yet Davids Lord;T. Kelly (8.7.)1116
Day of judgment, day of wonders!John Newton (8.7.4.)496
Day-spring from on high, be near,C. Wesley (7s)726
Day-star, in my heart appear.C. Wesley (7s)726
Days of darkness and distressHenry Fowler (7s)1037
Days of fierce temptation too,Henry Fowler (7s)1037
Dead be my heart to every joy,P. Doddridge (C.M.)1066
Dead faith is but to think.J. Hart (S.M.)852
Dead sloth and pharisaic pride,J. Hart (S.M.)308
Dead to every lord but thee,W. Gadsby (7s)650
Deal gently with thy servant, Lord,T. Kelly (L.M.)1043
Dear Father, bless us with this grace,W. Gadsby (L.M.)531
Dear Father, draw, and we will run,W. Gadsby (148th)648
Dear Father, let thy presence beW. Gadsby (8.8.6.)643
Dear God! the treasures of thy loveIsaac Watts (C.M.)56
Dear God, my every foe subdue,W. Gadsby (L.M.)621
Dear God, our guilt forgive,W. Gadsby (S.M.)682
Dear Immanuel,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)610
Dear Jesus! Zions holy King,Samuel Medley (C.M.)367
Dear Jesus! thy glories unfold,W. Gadsby (8s)529
Dear Jesus, bless the wine and bread,John Berridge (S.M.)436
Dear Jesus, fix my roving heart,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)636
Dear Jesus, my Saviour, thy truth I embrace –E. L. Schlict (11s)41
Dear Jesus, preserve me in love,J. Swain (8s)319
Dear Jesus, raise me higher.Isaac Watts (S.M.)185
Dear Jesus, set me free,Samuel Medley (C.M.)386
Dear Jesus, show thy smiling face,John Berridge (C.M.)714
Dear Jesus, thou art true,John Berridge (148th)885
Dear Lord! and will thy pardoning loveJ. Fellows (C.M.)429
Dear Lord! are these thy ways?J. Hart (S.M.)219
Dear Lord! my panting soul inflame,J. Kent (last 3 verses) (L.M.)407
Dear Lord! to us assembled hereSamuel Medley (C.M.)382
Dear Lord, I wait thy sweet return,Henry Fowler (L.M.)1034
Dear Lord, an adamant would melt;J. Hart (L.M.)316
Dear Lord, and may I come?A. Steele (C.M.)392
Dear Lord, and shall thy Spirit restA. Steele (L.M.)1078
Dear Lord, and shall we ever liveIsaac Watts (C.M.)25
Dear Lord, assist our souls to payJohn Newton (C.M.)966
Dear Lord, do thou our strength renew,W. Gadsby (148th)608
Dear Lord, forbid that we should boast,W. Gadsby (C.M.)564
Dear Lord, in this new year.Samuel Medley (S.M.)499
Dear Lord, may I a mourner be,Samuel Medley (L.M.)263
Dear Lord, may we prize the rich peace,R. Burnham (8s)460
Dear Lord, more drops of honey send,J. Stevens (8.8.6.)216
Dear Lord, our many wants supply;Samuel Medley (C.M.)382
Dear Lord, our souls would thus be fed.Isaac Watts (L.M.)142
Dear Lord, remember me,(Author Unknown) (148th)214
Dear Lord, remember me.Augustus Toplady (C.M.)117
Dear Lord, that cannot be;D. Herbert (C.M.)679
Dear Lord, the ardour of thy loveJ. Fellows (C.M.)429
Dear Lord, thy people still are thine!B. Wallin (L.M.)82
Dear Lord, thy weaker saints inspire,R. Burnham (L.M.)3
Dear Lord, we fall before thy face;W. Gadsby (C.M.)646
Dear Lord, what heavenly wonders dwellA. Steele (C.M.)95
Dear Lord, while in thy house were found,John Newton (C.M.)1126
Dear Lord, while we adoring payA. Steele (C.M.)418
Dear Refuge of my weary soul,A. Steele (C.M.)136
Dear Saviour, I adore;A. Steele (C.M.)392
Dear Saviour, come; O quickly come,T. Kelly (L.M.)992
Dear Saviour, enlighten my eyes,W. Gadsby (8s)529
Dear Saviour, for thy mercys sake,John Newton (C.M.)288
Dear Saviour, help us now to seek,John Newton (C.M.)469
Dear Saviour, let thy beauties beIsaac Watts (C.M.)1064
Dear Saviour, let thy powerful loveA. Steele (L.M.)1109
Dear Saviour, make me free.Spiritual Mag., 1790 (C.M.)989
Dear Saviour, now the power bestow,C. Wesley (C.M.)1061
Dear Saviour, on thy people smile,T. Kelly (L.M.)1125
Dear Saviour, still lead on,J. Hart (148th)307
Dear Saviour, this is welcome news,WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)1122
Dear Shepherd of thy chosen few,WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)1023
Dear Shepherd of thy people, hereJohn Newton (C.M.)398
Dear Source of every good;A. Steele (C.M.)1039
Dear condescending God, appear,W. Gadsby (L.M.)655
Dear desire of every nation,C. Wesley (8.7.)1054
Dear dying Friend, we look on thee,John Berridge (L.M.)716
Dear dying Lamb! thy precious bloodWIlliam Cowper (C.M.)160
Dear in primeval glory, whenJ. Stevens (8.8.6.)216
Dear name! the rock on which I build;John Newton (C.M.)135
Dearest Jesus, bid me come;J. Adams (7s)389
Dearest Lord, what must I do?C. Wesley (7s)1077
Dearest Object of my love,R. Hill (7s)944
Dearest Saviour! we adore thee,John Newton (8.7.)272
Dearest Saviour, hasten hither,John Newton (8.7.)1144
Dearest of all the names above,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1095
Dearly we are bought, for GodJ. Hart (7s)154
Dearly were bought, highly esteemed;J. Hart (148th)102
Dearly were bought, highly esteemed;J. Hart (148th)102
Dearly were bought, highly esteemed;J. Hart (148th)102
Dearly were bought, highly esteemed;J. Hart (148th)102
Dearly were bought, highly esteemed;J. Hart (148th)102
Death and damnation for the first,Isaac Watts (L.M.)47
Death and destruction are my due;J. Fawcett (L.M.)238
Death and hell no more shall awe.J. Evans (8.7.4.)93
Death and hell were its attendants,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)560
Death and the grave are doleful themes,Samuel Medley (L.M.)470
Death has no sting beside;Isaac Watts (C.M.)464
Death has received a deadly bruise;J. Hart (L.M.)492
Death has received a deadly wound;J. Hart (C.M.)845
Death his deaths wound has now received;J. Hart (L.M.)836
Death in vain forbids his rise;C. Wesley (7s)485
Death is no more a frightful foe;W. W. Horne (C.M.)468
Death is now upon the road.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)698
Death lost his sting when Jesus bled;J. Swain (C.M.)467
Death of deaths, and hells Destruction,W. Williams (8.7.4.)462
Death! awful sound! the fruit of sin,Samuel Medley (L.M.)470
Death, like a narrow sea, dividesIsaac Watts (C.M.)1022
Death, nor hell, nor world, nor sin,W. Gadsby (7s)576
Death, thou hast lost thy sting.John Newton (C.M.)469
Deaths a blessing now to thoseJ. Hart (7.6.8.)843
Deaths within thee, all about thee;J. Hart (8.8.7.)876
Deceived by the father of lies,J. Hart (8s)220
Decide this doubt for me;WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)281
Decked with resplendent wounds;J. Hart (C.M.)489
Declare my sins forgiven;C. Wesley (8.8.6.)928
Declare thee good, proclaim thee just.B. Beddome (L.M.)8
Declares the great transactions past,Isaac Watts (L.M.)211
Declares the wage of sin is death.J. Berridge (148th)146
Decline each thorny road,J. Hart (C.M.)851
Decline not to the right or left;J. Hart (C.M.)812
Deeds of righteousness Ive none;J. Hart (7s)802
Deep and deeper growing yet;J. Berridge (7s)147
Deep are the wounds thy arrows give;B. Wallin (C.M.)194
Deep are the wounds which sin has made;A. Steele (L.M.)977
Deep as our helpless miseries are,Isaac Watts (C.M.)56
Deep in a cold, a joyless cell,J. Hart (112th)835
Deep in his breast engraved he boreJ. Hart (L.M.)794
Deep in his breast our names were cut;J. Hart (L.M.)712
Deep in our hearts let us recordIsaac Watts (L.M.)164
Deep in rebellion too;J. Kent (C.M.)1094
Deep in the everlasting mindW. Tucker (L.M.)66
Deep in the heart it lies;J. Hart (S.M.)236
Deep in unfathomable minesWIlliam Cowper (C.M.)320
Deep interred in earths dark wombJ. Hart (7.6.8.)843
Deep on his heart engraved;John Newton (C.M.)128
Deep quagmires choke the way;J. Hart (S.M.)308
Deep river, through the desert way;Samuel Medley (L.M.)996
Deep seated in the wounded gold,J. Hart (L.M.)794
Deep sunk in foul disgrace,Henry Fowler (148th)1026
Deep-wounded souls to thee repair,WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)731
Deeper than the depths beneath,WIlliam Cowper (7s)968
Deeply wailing,J. Cennick, C. Wesley and M. Madan (8.7.4.)493
Defend me from each threatening ill;WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)290
Defends my soul when dangers near;A. C. R., 1790 (L.M.)204
Defiled I am indeed;John Berridge (S.M.)444
Defiled throughout by sin,J. Kent (C.M.)1089
Defiled throughout by sin;John Berridge (S.M.)444
Deign to hear a sinners call;R. Hill (7s)944
Dejected, and often complains,J. Kent (8s)334
Delay not, lest I lose my life.J. Hart (112th)835
Delicious drops, like balmy dews,J. Hart (L.M.)794
Delight to disobey?W. Gadsby (S.M.)601
Delighted, weve heard its contents;R. Burnham (8s)460
Deliverance must I seek;J. Hart (S.M.)314
Deliverance unto Zion send.W. W. Horne (L.M.)285
Delivered from the mercy-seat,J. Berridge (C.M.)101
Deluded soul, be not secure;J. Hart (C.M.)783
Deluged the world, and drowned his foes.J. Hart (L.M.)791
Demands more praise than tongue can give.Isaac Watts (L.M.)363
Depart from thee? – tis death – tis more;A. Steele (L.M.)927
Depend on him, thou canst not fail;J. Hart (L.M.)882
Depend on his promise alone;J. Hart (8s)220
Depend on living bread.S. Barnard (148th)1129
Dependent on thy grace;W. Gadsby (148th)700
Depressed at heart, and faint with fears,J. Hart (7.6.8.)801
Descend from heaven, celestial Dove,J. Hart (8.8.6.)29
Descend from heaven, immortal Dove,Isaac Watts (L.M.)481
Descend, celestial Dove,J. Hart (S.M.)792
Descend, descend, thou God of grace,J. Kent (C.M.)930
Descended from above,J. Hart (8.8.6.)715
Descending from above.Isaac Watts (S.M.)50
Descending from the realms above,W. Gadsby (C.M.)553
Descending from the skies.J. Kent (C.M.)914
Describe the form, the cause define,J. Hart (L.M.)791
Deserted? He was too.J. Hart (7.6.8.)787
Deserving nought but misery,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)647
Desire in vain its depth to see;C. Wesley (8.8.6.)249
Desiring mercy for my sin,(Author Unknown) (C.M.)1009
Despair assaults by night.J. Hart (S.M.)308
Despairing of favour – cold, lifeless, forlorn,J. Hart (11s)40
Despise your lot, your hope deride;A. Steele (L.M.)257
Despised and crucified with thee,Augustus Toplady (112th)1052
Despised the mention of his grace,J. Brewer (L.M.)134
Despondency and doubt.J. Hart (C.M.)774
Destined to spread to every land:Isaac Watts (L.M.)1147
Detach from sublunary joysAugustus Toplady (L.M.)991
Detect, destroy whats not thy own;T. Kelly (L.M.)974
Determined her heart he would win,W. Gadsby (8s)569
Determined to save me, he bore all my guilt;W. Gadsby (11s)577
Determined to save, he watched oer my path,John Newton (104th)232
Determined was the manner howR. Burnham (L.M.)61
Devils retreat when he appears;R. Burnham (L.M.)3
Devoted as it is to thee,WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)381
Devoted to thy praise.B. Beddome (C.M.)434
Did Christ expire upon the cross?W. Hammond (C.M.)929
Did Christ, my Lord, suffer, and shall I repine?John Newton (104th)232
Did I meet no trials here,WIlliam Cowper (7s)282
Did Jesus once upon me shine?W. Hammond (148th)339
Did all our miseries bearJ. Hart (C.M.)486
Did all the powers of hell destroy.Isaac Watts (L.M.)211
Did almost with his latest breathJ. Hart (C.M.)829
Did eer such love and sorrow meet,Isaac Watts (L.M.)439
Did ever mourner plead with thee,WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)967
Did ever trouble yet befall,John Newton (L.M.)961
Did for man short sweetness breathe;J. Hart (7s)802
Did not thy power defend it round,Isaac Watts (L.M.)1140
Did oer his bosom roll,Isaac Watts (S.M.)167
Did on his bosom bearJ. Kent (S.M.)922
Did them from all cursings set free,J. Kent (8s)183
Did with such willingness comply;J. Hart (L.M.)34
Didst thou not hear and answer prayer;WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)967
Didst thou the great example leadJ. Fellows (C.M.)429
Die to redeem us from the curse;J. Hart (L.M.)837
Died to save my soul from hell.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)583
Died, rose, ascended, intercedes.J. Hart (L.M.)815
Dies at the opening day.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1139
Diffuse thy alms about;J. Hart (S.M.)880
Diffuse thy kind celestial dew,J. Kent (L.M.)1127
Direct his feet in paths of peace;R. Hill (L.M.)373
Direct us to the bleeding woundsJ. Hart (8.8.6.)29
Directs our doubtful feet;S. Stennett (C.M.)42
Disarmed, the King of terrors fled,J. Swain (C.M.)467
Discern the love, and bear the pain.J. Hart (L.M.)304
Disciples who are taughtJohn Berridge (148th)674
Disclose the heavenly mysteries,John Berridge (C.M.)1128
Discontented more or less,J. Berridge (7s)147
Disgrace the Christian name!A. Steele (C.M.)1143
Disgraceful and forlorn;W. Gadsby (C.M.)588
Disheartened with waiting so long,Augustus Toplady (8s)293
Dismayed at every breath,J. Hart (C.M.)773
Dismayed, dejected, shocked, distressed.J. Hart (L.M.)712
Dismiss us with thy blessing, Lord,J. Hart (L.M.)457
Disordered all by sin;J. Kent (C.M.)930
Dispatched from heaven an angel stood,J. Hart (L.M.)153
Dispel the darkness from our minds,J. Hart (S.M.)27
Dispel the gloom, and touch the string.Samuel Medley (L.M.)470
Dispelled my gloomy fears.Isaac Watts (C.M.)266
Dispense his favours as he will?Isaac Watts (L.M.)75
Display the power of saving grace,John Berridge (C.M.)714
Display the wonders of his love,W. Gadsby (148th)696
Display their glories here.Isaac Watts (C.M.)5
Display thy matchless grace;W. Gadsby (148th)696
Displayed through all the world abroad!J. Hart (L.M.)88
Displayed to rebels from above!J. Maxwell (L.M.)44
Displays the greatness of his power;J. Franklin (L.M.)513
Disputings only gender strife,J. Berridge (C.M.)169
Dissatisfied for want of God,W. Hammond (L.M.)279
Dissipate the clouds beneath.C. Wesley (8.7.)1057
Dissolve my heart in thankfulness,Isaac Watts (C.M.)763
Dissolve these rocks; call forth the stream,J. Hart (C.M.)734
Dissolved by thy goodness, I fall to the ground,J. Stocker (11s)11
Distracting thoughts and cares remove,J. Fawcett (112th)454
Distressed at heart, hell tell his GodJ. Kent (C.M.)1089
Distressed on every sideJ. Hart (S.M.)308
Distressful anguish fills my breast!W. Tucker (L.M.)399
Distressèd, tormented, forlorn,W. Gadsby (8s)566
Distrust and self-wrought confidence;J. Hart (S.M.)308
Distrust, presumption, artful guile,B. Beddome (S.M.)733
Divides the sinners from the saints,Isaac Watts (C.M.)361
Divine compassion, mighty love,A. Steele (L.M.)1109
Divine decrees remain unmoved;B. Wallin (L.M.)82
Divinely fill this place.Samuel Medley (C.M.)367
Divinely rich and free,W. Gadsby (C.M.)527
Divinity back to his frameJ. Swain (8s)159
Divinitys indwelling raysJ. Swain (8s)159
Divorce my soul from every sin,Spiritual Mag., 1790 (C.M.)989
Do I love the Lord, or no?John Newton (7s)283
Do I not find his healing voice,A. Steele (L.M.)1078
Do I not in thy word delightP. Doddridge (C.M.)1066
Do make me, Lord, a little child,John Berridge (8.8.6.)745
Do not I love thee from my soul?P. Doddridge (C.M.)1066
Do not I love thee, dearest Lord?P. Doddridge (C.M.)1066
Do not believe, but think.J. Hart (S.M.)236
Do not my suit deny;J. Fawcett (C.M.)393
Do not rough tempers, proud and base,John Berridge (112th)900
Do not think thou canst be lost,John Newton (7s)273
Do not thy lusts beset thee still,John Berridge (112th)900
Do not turn away thy face;John Newton (7s)376
Do our imperious lusts subdue,Isaac Watts (L.M.)26
Do saints repentance own;J. Hart (C.M.)241
Do these charming words afford!J. Evans (8.7.4.)93
Do they perform his will;Isaac Watts (C.M.)192
Do this, he cried, till time shall end,Isaac Watts (L.M.)1121
Do thou defend my battered shield;J. Hart (112th)835
Do thou direct our feeble heartsJ. Hart (C.M.)774
Do thou in all thy grace appear,John Berridge (S.M.)739
Do thou my Sanctuary be.Samuel Medley (L.M.)173
Do thou my sins subdue;R. Elliott (S.M.)471
Do thou the gracious harvest raise,John Newton (148th)452
Do thou the manna give;John Newton (C.M.)1126
Do thou thy face reveal.Henry Fowler (C.M.)1027
Do thou, O God, surround me still;John Berridge (112th)901
Do thou, O Lord, my faith increase,J. Maxwell (L.M.)44
Do thou, dear Lord, thy face reveal;Henry Fowler (S.M.)1035
Do thou, my soul, to Calvary fly,J. Kent (C.M.)1089
Do vex and dishearten, Jehovahs thy rest.W. Gadsby (104th)639
Do we not know that solemn word,Isaac Watts (L.M.)432
Do what we will, it haunts us still,J. Hart (S.M.)287
Does Gods election seem?J. Hart (C.M.)222
Does Satan tempt thee to give up,Henry Fowler (L.M.)1036
Does Satan tempt you to give up,Henry Fowler (L.M.)1028
Does Sinais thunder make thee start,J. Berridge (S.M.)81
Does all our guilt remove.Isaac Watts (S.M.)1015
Does all thy childrens graces prove;J. Fawcett (L.M.)289
Does bitter anguish fill thy heart,Henry Fowler (L.M.)1036
Does both grace and glory give.Gospel Mag., 1777 (8.7.4.)69
Does conscience lay a guilty charge,J. Berridge (C.M.)101
Does in a manger lie.Isaac Watts (S.M.)38
Does it boast of love within?John Berridge (7s)742
Does it feel a melting frame?John Berridge (7s)742
Does it talk of faith, and boast?John Berridge (7s)742
Does life, and time, and death command,A. Steele (L.M.)957
Does my weak courage raise;Isaac Watts (C.M.)325
Does not my heart thy precepts love,Isaac Watts (C.M.)402
Does not the gospel bring reliefT. Kelly (L.M.)1046
Does not the word still fixed remain,WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)967
Does not the workmans power extendIsaac Watts (L.M.)75
Does not thy sacred word proclaimJ. Fawcett (L.M.)238
Does not thy tender word express,Gospel Mag., 1777 (L.M.)942
Does not, my brethren, yet appear.J. Hart (L.M.)681
Does our Redeemer useIsaac Watts (148th)122
Does sorrow press thee down?J. Kent (S.M.)909
Does still my table spread;Isaac Watts (C.M.)139
Does the gospel-word proclaimJohn Newton (7s)356
Does the word of God afford!John Newton (8.7.4.)43
Does with her Beloved withdraw;J. Kent (8s)334
Doleful, dark Gethsemane.J. Hart (7s)802
Domestics, serve your Lord;J. Hart (S.M.)130
Dominions, thrones, and powers rejoice Isaac Watts (C.M.)476
Dost thou ask me who I am?John Newton (7s)376
Dost thou not dwell in all the saints,Isaac Watts (C.M.)24
Dost thou not long for Jesus rest?John Berridge (112th)705
Doting on his golden store?John Newton (8.7.4.)43
Doubt not he will carry on,J. Hart (7.6.)780
Doubting, fearing,Henry Fowler (8.7.4.)1038
Dove-like meekness graced his visage;J. Hart (8.7.)776
Down Id fall at thy dear feet,R. Burnham (7s)990
Down Immanuels lovely side;R. Burnham (8.7.)157
Down from Adams day to this.W. Gadsby (7s)543
Down from his shining throne on highS. Stennett (C.M.)51
Down from the willows take;Augustus Toplady (S.M.)330
Down they sink to rise no more.J. Swain (8.7.4.)495
Down to the chambers of the grave,J. Hart (C.M.)486
Down to the deep and buried there:Isaac Watts (L.M.)1141
Down to the gates of death,W. Gadsby (148th)602
Down to the shades of deathIsaac Watts (S.M.)167
Drained every drop of vital blood.J. Hart (L.M.)153A
Drank of this soul-reviving stream,J. Kent (L.M.)1091
Draw forth patience, faith, and prayer;W. Gadsby (7s)623
Draw me from all forbidden toil and care,W. Gadsby (10s)693
Draw me to his lovely breast?W. Gadsby (7s)722
Draw my soul to thee, my Lord;J. Adams (7s)389
Draw sinners unto Christ;John Berridge (148th)888
Draw us, Lord, by thy sweet power,W. Gadsby (7s)640
Drawn by the eternal pen.Isaac Watts (C.M.)4
Drawn from Immanuels veins,WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)160
Draws my affections from afar.Gospel Mag., 1796 (L.M.)482
Draws them to his tender breast;R. Burnham (7s)187
Dread no ills that can befall you,J. Fawcett (8.7.)428
Dream not of faith so clearJ. Hart (S.M.)312
Dressed in his righteousness alone,E. Mote (L.M.)1106
Dressed in such feeble flesh as they.Isaac Watts (L.M.)20
Drew me near his gracious throne;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)583
Drink endless pleasures in.Isaac Watts (S.M.)770
Drink, and for ever bless his name,Samuel Medley (L.M.)996
Drink, and for ever live.Samuel Medley (C.M.)987
Drink, for he says, Whoever will.Samuel Medley (L.M.)996
Drink, for the fountains open still;Samuel Medley (L.M.)996
Drive all my sad doubtings away;R. Burnham (8s)380
Drive away my gloomy fear,W. Gadsby (7s)722
Drive each rebellious, rival lust,B. Beddome (C.M.)434
Drive each rival from the heart.W. Gadsby (7s)695
Drive the old dragon from his seat,Isaac Watts (C.M.)764
Drives all my fears away.Isaac Watts (C.M.)139
Drives all these thoughts away.WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)259
Drives doubt and discontent away,WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)323
Drop into his sea outright,J. Berridge (7s)170
Drop my head into the dust;John Berridge (7s)895
Drop the soft tribute of a tear,J. Hart (L.M.)824
Drop us down a pledge of peace;John Berridge (7s)442
Dropping tears upon the grave,C. Batty (8.7.)741
Dry bones are raised and clothed afresh,Isaac Watts (L.M.)53
Dry doctrine cannot save us,J. Hart (
Duration and degree.J. Hart (C.M.)747
Dust and ashes is my name,C. Wesley (7.6.8.)98
Dwell and reign within my breast.J. Stocker (7s)767
Dwell only with the Lord.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1148
Dwell thou sensibly in us;W. Gadsby (8.7.)694
Dwell, therefore, in our hearts;J. Hart (S.M.)27
Dwells in him for ever.W. Gadsby (7.6.)574
Dwells on his dying lips, Forgive!Isaac Watts (L.M.)47
Dying love her heart attracted.C. Batty (8.7.)741
Dying sinners, look and live.J. Hart (8.8.7.)876
Each Christian will approve;W. Gadsby (S.M.)653
Each anothers burdens bear;C. Wesley (7s)248
Each believerW. Gadsby (8.7.4.)600
Each bright order of the skyJ. Hart (7s)490
Each can his brothers failings hide,J. Swain (C.M.)1082
Each cheerful grace declines;A. Steele (8.8.6.)962
Each chosen sinners case;Gospel Mag., 1777 (C.M.)206
Each exactly suited.J. Hart (8.3.)104
Each for a thank-offering brings.John Newton (8.7.)372
Each heart is known to thee.D. Herbert (C.M.)677
Each heart that pants to thee,J. Hart (C.M.)829
Each heart, once hard as steel,J. Swain (122nd)371
Each his tale in secret tells,J. Hart (7.6.8.)854
Each humble soul presents;S. Stennett (S.M.)359
Each idol tread beneath thy feet,Augustus Toplady (L.M.)991
Each in an honest heart;J. Hart (C.M.)455
Each in his due season.J. Hart (7.6.)315
Each joint is the care of the Lord,W. Gadsby (8s)635
Each moment watered by thy care,Augustus Toplady (C.M.)939
Each note shall echo, Grace, free grace!A. C. R., 1790 (L.M.)204
Each of us cry, with thankful tongues,Isaac Watts (C.M.)440
Each opening leaf, and every stroke,Isaac Watts (C.M.)4
Each part shall appear in its place,W. Gadsby (8s)635
Each perfection of JehovahW. Gadsby (8.7.4.)600
Each pleasure has its poison too,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1064
Each seeming loss improves their gains;John Newton (C.M.)966
Each sight would sink me to despair.J. Hart (L.M.)740
Each singing, I am blest!W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)580
Each star that gilds the heavenly frame,Boyce (C.M.)1151
Each sweet Ebenezer I have in reviewJohn Newton (104th)232
Each taste redeeming love,S. Barnard (148th)1129
Each to bear a brothers load.T. Kelly (8.7.4.)1014
Each to each unite, endear;C. Wesley (7s)248
Each traitor from thy throne.B. Beddome (C.M.)434
Each trial we have viewed with fretful eye,W. Gadsby (10s)699
Each trouble comfort brings.John Newton (C.M.)966
Each tumultuous storm defy;T. Kelly (8.7.4.)1102
Earnest asking all around her,C. Batty (8.7.)741
Earnest of immortal rest.J. Stocker (7s)767
Earth and hell in vain combineW. Hammond (7s)342
Earth and sin beset me round;J. H. Langley (7s)284
Earth is a polluted spot,W. Gadsby (7s)616
Earth is too narrow to expressIsaac Watts (L.M.)142
Earthly comforts, Lord, are vain;W. Hammond (7s)737
Earths fluttering joys impart;John Berridge (148th)886
Earthy cavern, to thy keepingJ. Hart (8.7.)463
Ease for the torment of the mind?Isaac Watts (L.M.)57
Eat of the tree of life, my friends;Isaac Watts (L.M.)363
Eat thy flesh and drink thy blood.W. Gadsby (8.7.)694
Eats his flesh and drinks his blood;J. Hart (8.7.)864
Ebenezers shall be reared;John Newton (7s)501
Echo to our Saviours praise;J. Kent (8.7.)913
Eden, from each flowery bed,J. Hart (7s)802
Een down to old age, all my people shall proveK., 1787 (11s)329
Een now we are the sons of God.W. Gadsby (L.M.)531
Een that from him we first receive,J. Hart (148th)448
Een then shall this be all my plea:Count Zinzendorf trans. by J. Wesley (L.M.)103
Een then thy heart was fixed on me;J. Stevens (8.8.6.)216
Een though released from guilt.J. Hart (S.M.)314
Een to the upper skies.Henry Fowler (C.M.)1027
Een when he hides his face!Isaac Watts (C.M.)85
Eer since, by faith, I saw the streamWIlliam Cowper (C.M.)160
Effectual cleansing work was there,Rozzell (C.M.)189
Effectual his medicines, nor ever did miss.W. Gadsby (11s)548
Effectual to the promised end.John Newton (altered) (L.M.)1130
Egypt and Tyre, and Greek and Jew,Isaac Watts (L.M.)360
Eight human souls, a little crew,J. Hart (C.M.)685
Election is a truth divine,W. Gadsby (C.M.)530
Election! tis a word divine;J. Hart (C.M.)222
Elijahs example declares,John Newton (8s)276
Else I could not act this part.John Berridge (7s)301
Else he another choice had made,John Newton (L.M.)692
Else my foolish heart will wanderW. Williams (8.7.)1101
Else the next cloud that veils my skiesWIlliam Cowper (C.M.)259
Else we had still refused to taste,Isaac Watts (C.M.)440
Else would my hopes for ever die,A. Steele (L.M.)1078
Embarrassed and by guilt oppressed?Henry Fowler (L.M.)1036
Embrace a wretch so vile?J. Fellows (C.M.)429
Embroidered round with blood;J. Hart (7.6.8.)843
Employ thee all thy days;W. Gadsby (148th)550
Emptied of earth I fain would be,Augustus Toplady (L.M.)991
Empty and bare, I come to theeJ. Hart (C.M.)222
Empty of good, and full of ill,J. Hart (L.M.)740
Empty send me not away,C. Wesley (7.6.8.)98
Empty, dark, and fleeting too;John Berridge (7s)301
Empty, polluted, dark, and vain,Samuel Medley (C.M.)386
Encompassed with clouds of distress,Augustus Toplady (8s)293
Encourage souls that on me wait,J. Hart (L.M.)810
Encouraged by his gracious word,W. W. Horne (L.M.)285
End of faith, as its beginning,C. Wesley (8.7.)1053
Endangered or distressed,B. Beddome (148th)947
Endeavoured with reason and wit,W. Gadsby (8s)628
Ending in eternal peace.John Newton (7s)273
Endless blessings on him rest!W. Gadsby (7s)720
Endless blessings on the Lamb!W. Gadsby (7s)720
Endless blessings rest on thee!W. Gadsby (7s)720
Endless glory and renown.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)535
Endless honours are thy due;J. Hart (7s)857
Endless life with glory crowned.T. Kelly (8.7.4.)932
Endless love he fixed upon us,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)535
Endless love shall ever last;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)535
Enemies to God and goodness,J. Hart (8.3.)799
Enemies to all thats good,W. Gadsby (7s)654
Enforced by mighty grace,John Newton (C.M.)398
Enforces his word, enlivens our faith,J. Hart (104th)254
Engage this roving, treacherous heartP. Doddridge (L.M.)331
Engage to make me blest!C. Wesley (S.M.)70
Engagèd to save her by grace,W. Gadsby (8s)569
Engraved as in eternal brass,Isaac Watts (C.M.)14
Engraved on my heart does for ever remain;J. Grant (11s)993
Enjoined us thus to do.Norman (8.8.6.)430
Enjoy salvation full and free.W. Gadsby (148th)696
Enjoy thy comforts evermore.Samuel Medley (L.M.)263
Enjoyed by all thy family,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)643
Enjoying heavenly peace.J. Franklin (C.M.)512
Enlarge, inflame, and fill his heart;R. Hill (L.M.)373
Enlighten, enliven my heart,R. Burnham (8s)380
Enlightened by thy heavenly ray,Isaac Watts (L.M.)26
Enmity to Gods right ways,J. Hart (7.6.)306
Enough, my gracious Lord,P. Doddridge (S.M.)345
Enraptured myriads sing!T. Kelly (S.M.)995
Enrich the dry and barren ground.J. Hart (L.M.)875
Entangle, and I reel.Henry Fowler (S.M.)1029
Enter and fill this place;Samuel Medley (C.M.)367
Enter the chamber of my breast;J. Hart (C.M.)310
Enter the dismal grave;J. Stevens (C.M.)426
Enter thyself, and cast out sin;C. Wesley (L.M.)1076
Enter with all thy glorious train,Isaac Watts (C.M.)366
Enter with all thy train,Samuel Medley (C.M.)367
Enthroned above, with equal glowB. Beddome (L.M.)441
Enthroned in glory now.Augustus Toplady (C.M.)117
Enthroned with him above the skies;John Newton (L.M.)91
Enveloped in debt and distress;W. Gadsby (8s)569
Envy and anger in my breastJ. Hart (S.M.)314
Envy, and pride, and lust depart,J. Hart (C.M.)251
Ere life and hope for ever fly?A. Steele (L.M.)977
Ere long a heavenly voice I heard,J. Brewer (L.M.)134
Ere long hell change this gloomy scene.Henry Fowler (L.M.)1034
Ere seas or stars were made;Isaac Watts (C.M.)1
Ere sin its baleful poison spread.W. Tucker (L.M.)65
Ere sin was born, or Satan fell,Isaac Watts (L.M.)20
Ere the blue heavens were stretched abroad,Isaac Watts (L.M.)20
Ere time began – tis your divine reward;Isaac Watts (50th)497
Ere time began, designed to beJ. Kent (L.M.)113
Ere time its rapid course began;W. Tucker (L.M.)78
Ere we can offer our complaints,Isaac Watts (L.M.)1141
Ere we leave thy table, Lord,John Berridge (7s)442
Erect thy throne within my heart,John Newton (L.M.)692
Erects his bloody cross.J. Hart (S.M.)308A
Erewhile I sit and sigh,John Berridge (148th)883
Errors of different kindJ. Hart (C.M.)774
Eternal Father, Lord of all,John Berridge (C.M.)1128
Eternal Father, who shall lookIsaac Watts (C.M.)19
Eternal Sire, by all adored;J. Hart (L.M.)844
Eternal Source of joys divine,A. Steele (C.M.)1079
Eternal Spirit! heavenly Dove!Samuel Medley (C.M.)367
Eternal Spirit, we confessIsaac Watts (L.M.)26
Eternal Wisdom has preparedIsaac Watts (C.M.)56
Eternal Wisdom neer designedJ. Kent (S.M.)909
Eternal ages saw him shine;WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)969
Eternal as thy days.Isaac Watts (C.M.)121
Eternal favours hed bestow;R. Burnham (L.M.)61
Eternal is his name;J. Hart (C.M.)13
Eternal joys my own.Augustus Toplady (C.M.)472
Eternal life at once receive,J. Hart (C.M.)685
Eternal life by Christ is given,C. Cole (L.M.)984
Eternal life is theirs.J. Hart (C.M.)834
Eternal life thy words impart;A. Steele (L.M.)927
Eternal life, at his request,Augustus Toplady (C.M.)117
Eternal lifes the gift of God;J. Hart (C.M.)816
Eternal lifes the gift of God;J. Hart (148th)817
Eternal mansions! bright array!A. Steele (L.M.)1081
Eternal misery;John Berridge (8.8.6.)905
Eternal power performs the word,Isaac Watts (L.M.)83
Eternal praise to Christ our King.W. Tucker (L.M.)65
Eternal praises beC. Wesley (6.4.)35
Eternal thoughts of love to me.J. Kent (148th)732
Eternal victory thou shalt gain,Samuel Medley (L.M.)377
Eternal was the choice of God,W. Gadsby (C.M.)530
Eternal wisdom drew the plan;J. Kent (C.M.)411
Eternal wrath to shun?W. Gadsby (148th)585
Eternally the same.Henry Fowler (S.M.)1035
Eternally the same.W. Hammond (148th)339
Eternally the same;J. Hart (C.M.)855
Eternity will not erase,Augustus Toplady (8s)340
Eternity, tremendous sound!A. Steele (L.M.)1085
Eternity, with all its years,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1
Eternitys his dwelling-place,Isaac Watts (C.M.)2
Ever can in this way run.W. Gadsby (7s)543
Ever can my soul destroy;W. Gadsby (7s)576
Ever flows their thirst to assuage?John Newton (8.7.)372
Ever for them interceding,J. Bakewell (8.7.)931
Ever full, and ever free!J. Berridge (7s)170
Ever gracious, ever wise;J. Ryland (7s)64
Ever in thy Spirit live.C. Wesley (7s)1071
Ever keeping this in mind,W. Gadsby (7s)609
Ever knocking at thy gate.W. Gadsby (7s)611
Ever on thy Captain calling,J. Hart (8.7.)270
Ever since the world began;J. Hart (7s)154
Ever sinking, yet to swim;J. Hart (8.7.)237
Everlasting peace restore;W. Hammond (7s)280
Every attribute of God,W. Gadsby (7s)594
Every blessing he can need,W. Gadsby (7.6.)574
Every blessing, great and small,W. Gadsby (7.6.)574
Every blessing, great or small,J. Hart (7s)179
Every burden to lay by;J. Hart (7.6.)780
Every burdened soul release;C. Wesley (8.7.)1057
Every burdened soul relieve,Henry Fowler (7s)754
Every day brings something new,W. Gadsby (7s)616
Every evil let me flee;Madan’s Selection (7s)1058
Every eye shall now behold him,J. Cennick, C. Wesley and M. Madan (8.7.4.)493
Every foe for them to quell,W. Gadsby (7s)594
Every foe he will subdue –J. Berridge (7s)147
Every grace and every favourJ. Hart (8.7.)180
Every hour my strength renew;John Newton (7s)379
Every island, sea, and mountain –J. Cennick, C. Wesley and M. Madan (8.7.4.)493
Every knee to him shall bow.T. Kelly (8.7.4.)972
Every man is vanity;John Berridge (7s)301
Every member lives in him;W. Gadsby (7s)626
Every moment be receivingJ. Hart (8.7.)237
Every moment on thee call,J. Hart (7s)704
Every one, without exemption,J. Hart (8.3.)104
Every ordinance a blessing,J. Hart (8.7.)864
Every part and power unclean;W. Gadsby (7s)654
Every part looked gay and green;John Newton (8.7.)1144
Every plant should droop and die.John Newton (8.7.)1144
Every poor benighted heart.C. Wesley (8.7.)1057
Every prop will, first or last,John Berridge (7s)742
Every providence a friend.J. Hart (8.7.)864
Every sinnerT. Kelly (8.7.4.)932
Every soul of man, by sinning,Gospel Mag., 1777 (8.7.4.)69
Every soul that gains salvationJ. Hart (8.7.)719
Every soul who would not die,J. Berridge (7s)147
Every state, howeer distressing,J. Hart (8.7.)864
Every stumbling-block remove;C. Wesley (7s)248
Every tempted, burdened son.J. Kent (8.7.4.)758
Every trial works for good;J. Kent (8.7.4.)758
Every trifle give me pain,John Newton (7s)283
Every virtue, every grace,J. Hart (7.6.7.)796
Every word should joy impart,John Newton (7s)273
Every work that thou must do,J. Hart (7.6.)780
Every wound appears a riverJ. Swain (8.7.)689
Everything we do we sin in.J. Hart (8.3.)800
Exactly as I am!John Newton (C.M.)119
Exalt his love with one accord,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)149
Exalt his love, proclaim his name,W. Gadsby (148th)607
Exalt redeeming love;J. Hart (148th)102
Exalt the Lamb of God,C. Wesley (148th)59
Exalt the sovereign grace of God,J. Kent (C.M.)1094
Exalted Prince of grace!J. Hupton (C.M.)1099
Exalted at his Fathers side,Isaac Watts (C.M.)168
Exalts the truth of God;J. Hart (8.6.8.)234
Exceeding precious is my Lord;John Berridge (C.M.)756
Exceeds a thousand days of mirth.Isaac Watts (L.M.)370
Exceeds all empty notion.J. Hart (
Except I add my own.J. Hart (C.M.)774
Except a Saviours brighter beamsSamuel Medley (L.M.)470
Except a very few;W. Gadsby (148th)559
Except his base and filthy rags,W. Gadsby (148th)590
Except in Jesus crucified,J. Hart (C.M.)32
Except the heart of man.J. Hart (C.M.)785
Except thy mercy make me whole.J. Hart (L.M.)838
Except ye do repent.J. Hart (C.M.)240
Exception none can boast;J. Hart (C.M.)218
Exerts his short, expiring breath;J. Hart (L.M.)815
Expand, my soul, arise and singW. Tucker (L.M.)65
Expect to find no balmJ. Berridge (S.M.)81
Expecting mercy from the Lord;John Berridge (L.M.)897
Expects some favourable breezeT. Kelly (L.M.)1049
Expects to prove that all is trueR. Burnham (C.M.)244
Expel the darkness of my mind,B. Beddome (S.M.)733
Experience likewise tells us this;J. Hart (C.M.)774
Exposed by sin to Gods just wrath,J. Hart (C.M.)181
Exposed to earth and heaven above,J. Hart (L.M.)797
Exposed to wrath divine.W. Gadsby (C.M.)533
Expressly, in one part,J. Hart (C.M.)774
Extend thy mercy, gracious God;J. Hart (112th)835
Extend to every thought.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1148
Eye has not seen, nor ear has heard,J. Hart (C.M.)803A
Eyeing Jesus new command;R. Burnham (8.7.)258
Fain thy Spirits dictates hear;J. Hart (7s)706
Fain would I find increase of faith;J. Hart (L.M.)875
Fain would I find my God, but fearJ. Hart (L.M.)304
Fain would I hope that thou didst bleedJohn Newton (S.M.)196
Fain would I mount, fain would I glow,Augustus Toplady (L.M.)1018
Fain would I see fresh graces bloom;J. Hart (L.M.)875
Fain would I sound it out so loud,P. Doddridge (C.M.)138
Fain would make my soul to flee;J. Adams (7s)347
Fain would my eyes my Saviour see;Isaac Watts (L.M.)264
Fain would my raptured soul depart,W. W. Horne (C.M.)468
Fain would my soul look up and seeSamuel Medley (L.M.)941
Fain would my thoughts leap out and fly,Isaac Watts (L.M.)480
Fain would the heart uniteJohn Berridge (148th)885
Faint and imperfect emblems are;B. Beddome (L.M.)296
Faint not then, but pray and wait,J. Hart (7.6.)780
Fair Canaans delectable plains,J. Kent (8s)334
Fair branch, ordained of old to shootIsaac Watts (L.M.)1140
Fair dawn of immortalityA. Steele (L.M.)1081
Fair their portion!T. Kelly (8.7.4.)932
Faith alone makes thy own,J. Hart (8.3.)484
Faith and repentance all must find;J. Hart (C.M.)747
Faith and repentance he bestowsW. Tucker (L.M.)66
Faith believes it – Hope expects it –J. Swain (8.7.4.)1055
Faith eyes the promise firm and sure,J. Stevens (8.8.6.)242
Faith gives the full release;J. Hart (S.M.)130
Faith has an overcoming power;Isaac Watts (L.M.)72
Faith he gives us to believe it;J. Hart (8.7.)180
Faith in Christs righteousness aloneW. Gadsby (S.M.)603
Faith in the bleeding Lamb,J. Hart (S.M.)792
Faith increase, and fears decline;W. Gadsby (7s)545
Faith is by knowledge fed,J. Hart (S.M.)236
Faith is our guide, and faith our light.Isaac Watts (L.M.)231
Faith is the brightest evidenceIsaac Watts (C.M.)226
Faith is thy gift, and hope, and love,J. Hart (S.M.)820
Faith keeps in constant view;John Newton (S.M.)337
Faith lives in spite of hell;W. Gadsby (S.M.)603
Faith looks beyond the flood,J. Stevens (8.8.6.)242
Faith must obtain the prize.W. Gadsby (S.M.)603
Faith owes its birth to sovereign grace,J. Stevens (C.M.)228
Faith owns the sceptre through the cross,J. Stevens (C.M.)228
Faith relieves us from thy guilt,J. Hart (7s)154
Faith shall soon to vision turn;J. Kent (7s)145
Faith shall trace in Christ, his Head,W. Gadsby (7s)545
Faith strives, but all its efforts fail,John Newton (C.M.)1155
Faith that stands fast when devils roar,J. Hart (148th)777
Faith viewed the Saviours precious blood,W. Gadsby (C.M.)637
Faith views him dead upon the tree;J. Stevens (C.M.)228
Faith when void of works is dead;J. Hart (7.6.)780
Faith will point out the roadJ. Hart (C.M.)39
Faith will to bliss give place;J. Hart (S.M.)792
Faith without works is dead.J. Hart (S.M.)852
Faith yields to grace the glory due,J. Stevens (C.M.)228
Faith! tis a grace divine,W. Gadsby (S.M.)603
Faith! tis a precious grace,B. Beddome (S.M.)225
Faith, and love, and every joy;John Newton (7s)400
Faith, and love, and holiness;J. Hart (7s)179
Faith, implanted from above,J. Hart (7.6.8.)779
Faith, like a conqueror, can produceIsaac Watts (C.M.)192
Faithful Jehovah must remain,Samuel Medley (L.M.)377
Faithfulness is Gods alone,J. Hart (7.6.7.)795
Faithless may prove, and give up all.T. Kelly (L.M.)1043
Faiths a convincing proof,J. Hart (S.M.)236
Faiths mighty Beginner and Finisher too.Augustus Toplady (104th)262
Fall down and veil before the Lamb.J. Hart (L.M.)88
Fall down at the feet of the Lamb,W. Gadsby (8s)627
Fall far below thy word;Isaac Watts (C.M.)1148
Fall on him with thy wrathful powerW. Gadsby (148th)559
False and foul as hell, my heartC. Wesley (7.6.8.)98
False hopes, vain pleasures, and light joys.J. Hart (8.8.8.)807
False lights delude the eyes,J. Hart (S.M.)308
False to thee, like Peter, IC. Wesley (7.6.8.)390
Familiar freedom, luscious names,J. Hart (C.M.)855
Famine, or sword, or nakedness?Isaac Watts (L.M.)72
Far and wide the cleansing floodJ. Kent (7s)1044
Far as the east is from the west,Isaac Watts (S.M.)1015
Far distant from my blissful home;J. Fawcett (L.M.)289
Far from my heart be joys like these,John Newton (C.M.)1100
Far from my thoughts, vain world, begone;Isaac Watts (L.M.)264
Far from thee, I faint and languish;W. Williams (8.7.)1101
Far into distant worlds she pries,Isaac Watts (L.M.)231
Far off, and make my feeble heartRozzell (C.M.)291
Far removes each anxious care;C. Wesley (7s)1071
Far removingT. Kelly (8.7.4.)1014
Far too deep for human reason;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)582
Farther than this he yet must go.J. Hart (8.6.8.)234
Fast bound in the chains of imperious death,Isaac Watts (11s)414
Fast by this fountain let me stay,John Berridge (L.M.)896
Fast hastening to our blest abode.W. Gadsby (L.M.)531
Fast in his slavish chains.Isaac Watts (C.M.)764
Father all glorious,C. Wesley (6.4.)35
Father of heaven, almighty King,J. Hart (C.M.)821
Father of heaven, we thee address;J. Hart (C.M.)862
Father, I long, I faint to seeIsaac Watts (C.M.)475
Father, I thank thy wondrous love,Isaac Watts (C.M.)71
Father, I will that all my saintsAugustus Toplady (C.M.)117
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,J. Hart (7s)802
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.J. Hart (7s)503
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,J. Hart (8.7.)180
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,W. Gadsby (8.7.)694
Father, at the point to die,C. Wesley (7.6.8.)390
Father, ere we hence depart,J. Hart (7.6.8.)866
Father, fix my soul on thee;Madan’s Selection (7s)1058
Father, he cries, I will that theseJ. Swain (L.M.)387
Father, how wide thy glory shines!Isaac Watts (C.M.)207
Father, in us thy Son reveal;J. Fawcett (112th)454
Father, make us clearly viewW. Gadsby (7s)623
Father, the rebel cries,W. Gadsby (148th)590
Father, thy quickening Spirit sendJ. Hart (C.M.)455
Father, thy will be done,W. Gadsby (S.M.)682
Father, thy will be done.J. Hart (148th)307
Father, whateer of earthly blissA. Steele (C.M.)1010
Fathom that it never can;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)582
Fatigued with sin, distressed with fear,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)636
Faultless to stand before the throne.E. Mote (L.M.)1106
Favour astonishing, divine!A. Steele (L.M.)1078
Fear is a grace which ever dwellsJ. Needham (C.M.)252
Fear not, I am with thee; O be not dismayed;K., 1787 (11s)329
Fear not, I procured thy discharge;W. Gadsby (8s)581
Fear not, brethren, joyful standJ. Cennick (7s)267
Fear not, favourites of the Almighty!J. Hart (8.7.)776
Fear not, he is ever near;J. Hart (7s)830
Fear not, his merits must prevail;J. Hart (L.M.)882
Fear not, mourner;Henry Fowler (8.7.4.)1038
Fear possessed them at the vision;J. Hart (8.7.)776
Fear thou not, nor be ashamed;John Newton (7s)273
Fearless of all that could oppose.WIlliam Cowper (148th)338
Fearless of hell and ghastly death,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1011
Fearless of rejection.J. Hart (8.3.)800
Fearless of the worlds despising,J. Fellows (8.7.)433
Feast us with thy sovereign grace.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)610
Feeble souls, be not dismayed;J. Hart (7s)830
Feeble, faint, and fearful;J. Hart (7.6.)780
Feed me now and evermore.W. Williams (8.7.4.)462
Feed us with thy flesh and bloodJ. Hart (7.6.)827
Feeds he with his flesh and blood;J. Hart (8.7.)826
Feeds us with his flesh and blood;J. Hart (8.7.)826
Feel how thy heart does beat,John Berridge (148th)673
Feel its sad condition;J. Hart (7.6.)717
Feel sweet redemption through his blood,John Berridge (148th)888
Feel sweetness in salvations plan;D. Herbert (L.M.)711
Feel the Saviour always near;C. Wesley (7s)1071
Feel their souls alive to God;W. Gadsby (8.7.)694
Feel your hearts a sink of sin,J. Kent (8.7.4.)920
Feeling the blood which Jesus spilt,John Newton (C.M.)691
Feeling thou art the sinners Friend,J. Hart (8.8.6.)29
Feeling well the peace of GodJohn Berridge (7s)686
Feeling your guilt a dreadful sting.Henry Fowler (L.M.)1028
Feels for them in distress;W. Gadsby (S.M.)624
Feels no affection for the Lord,John Berridge (8.8.6.)905
Fellowship with Jesus have.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)563
Felt their griefs and sorrows gone;J. Kent (7s)1044
Fenced with Jehovahs shalls and wills,J. Kent (L.M.)76
Few run with trumpets in their hand,John Berridge (148th)374
Fierce, impetuous, oer my headW. W. Horne (7s)1111
Fiery darts of fierce temptations,J. Hart (8.7.)270
Fiery serpents sent to bite them;J. Hart (8.8.7.)876
Fill all the realms of space;Samuel Medley (C.M.)367
Fill each believers soul,W. Gadsby (S.M.)683
Fill me, Radiancy Divine!C. Wesley (7s)726
Fill my heart with thy rich grace;(Author Unknown) (7s)970
Fill my soul with heavenly love;Gospel Mag., 1781 (7s)963
Fill our hearts with joy and peace;J. Fawcett (8.7.4.)461
Fill our souls with heavenly love;W. Gadsby (7s)695
Fill up the vast desires of man.John Berridge (148th)886
Fill us with divine forbearance;R. Burnham (8.7.)258
Fill us with that source of joy,W. Gadsby (7s)609
Fill us with the love of God.W. Gadsby (7s)649
Fill us with thy boundless grace.W. Gadsby (8.7.)697
Fill, O fill usW. Gadsby (8.7.4.)610
Filled all the morning stars with joy.WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)969
Filled with sin in every part;Henry Fowler (7s)1031
Filled with unbelief and sin,John Newton (7s)283
Filled with zeal, and love, and truth?John Newton (8.7.)1144
Fills them with deep distress,W. Gadsby (148th)634
Find at times the promise sweet,John Newton (7s)283
Find it everlasting love.John Newton (8.7.7.)133
Find my sin a grief and thrall;John Newton (7s)283
Find the dangers undiminished,J. Hart (8.7.)237
Finding him their King and Priest,J. Hart (7.6.8.)779
Finish, dear Lord, what is begun;J. Hart (148th)307
Finished all that God had promised;J. Evans (8.7.4.)93
Finished our vile transgression is,C. Wesley (L.M.)97
Finished, all the types and shadowsJ. Evans (8.7.4.)93
Finished, free, and full salvationGospel Mag., 1777 (8.7.4.)69
Firm as his throne his promise stands,Isaac Watts (C.M.)54
Firm as his throne the same shall prove;J. Kent (L.M.)915
Firm as the earth thy gospel stands,Isaac Watts (C.M.)354
Firm as the everlasting hills.J. Kent (L.M.)76
Firm as the lasting hills,J. Kent (148th)87
Firmer than heaven his covenant stands,B. Wallin (L.M.)82
First at my bleeding Suretys hand,Augustus Toplady (8.8.6.)227
First partook of human clay;J. Hart (8.7.)776
Fit name! fit place! where vengeance strove,J. Hart (L.M.)153
Fix in us thy humble dwelling;C. Wesley (8.7.)1053
Fix there my heart, and for the rest,J. Hart (L.M.)740
Fix, O fix our fickle souls;J. Hart (7s)706
Fixed by thy grace, and fixed on thee?B. Beddome (L.M.)296
Fixed my first and second birth;J. Ryland (7s)64
Fixed on his counsels and his love.Isaac Watts (L.M.)364
Fixed on his own eternally;W. Gadsby (L.M.)633
Fixed on this ground will I remain,J. A. Rothe translated by J. Weeks (112th)96
Fixed on thy everlasting word,A. Steele (L.M.)980
Fixed was the eternal state of man,W. Tucker (L.M.)78
Fixed was the vast eternal deepW. Tucker (L.M.)78
Flamed furious on his head!J. Hart (C.M.)785
Flaming and red, shall pass me by.Isaac Watts (L.M.)47
Flee to him, your only Saviour;J. Fawcett (8.7.)428
Flesh does the old man satisfy.W. Gadsby (148th)617
Flesh of flesh, and bone of bone,W. Gadsby (7s)609
Flies to the fountain of his blood,B. Beddome (S.M.)225
Floating in his languid eye.J. Allen & W. Shirley (8.7.)158
Flood after flood, with mire and mud,J. Hart (7.7.4.)235
Floods of fury roll before him;J. Swain (8.7.4.)495
Floods of vengeanceW. Gadsby (8.7.4.)656
Flow down to sinners through his Son!Isaac Watts (L.M.)73
Flow to us from Christ the Lord.J. Evans (8.7.4.)93
Flowing from thy precious blood.John Berridge (7s)686
Flowing springs in deserts dreary,J. Swain (8.7.4.)1055
Flowing with eternal love.J. Swain (8.7.)689
Flows from the high decree of heaven.R. Burnham (L.M.)61
Flows to Zion through him;W. Gadsby (7.6.)574
Fly to the hope the gospel gives;Isaac Watts (L.M.)48
Fly, then, awakened sinners, fly;J. Hart (C.M.)45
Foes advancing all around,R. Burnham (7s)990
Foes insulting his distress.T. Kelly (8.7.)1116
Foes may hate, and friends disown us,H. F. Lyte (8.7.)971
Foes on every side beset us;T. Kelly (8.7.4.)1014
Foes within, and foes without,J. Hart (7.6.)306
Foes without, and worse within.J. Hart (7s)706
Foes without, nor foes within,W. Gadsby (7s)576
Follow him without delay;J. Fawcett (8.7.)428
Follow him, our glorious Leader,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)656
Following our exalted Head;C. Wesley (7s)485
Fond of these trifling toys;Isaac Watts (C.M.)25
Fond self-direction is a shelf;J. Hart (C.M.)708
Fondly I flee from pain, yet easeJ. Hart (L.M.)304
Food and medicine, shield and sword,John Newton (8.7.4.)43
Food to the hungry give;J. Hart (S.M.)852
Food, to which the worlds a stranger,John Newton (8.7.4.)43
Foolish man never canJ. Hart (8.3.)800
Foolish, and impotent, and blind,C. Wesley (L.M.)1016
For Anak was stronger than they.J. Kent (8s)298
For Christ and he are now but one.J. Hart (8.6.8.)234
For Christ has made them free;W. Gadsby (148th)634
For Christ himself is King.T. Kelly (S.M.)995
For Christ is the substance of it;W. Gadsby (8s)523
For Christ is thy freedom from wrath, law, and sin.W. Gadsby (104th)639
For Christ was crucified!J. Cennick (8.8.6.)163
For Christ will still reign, and of Christ thou shalt boast;W. Gadsby (11s)612
For God has determined his grace shall be tried.J. Kent (104th)297
For God has pledged his holiness.J. Kent (L.M.)405
For God will your backslidings heal.J. Hart (L.M.)858
For Him I gladly all things leave;Samuel Medley (L.M.)171
For I confide in thee.Gospel Mag., 1801 (7.6.)483
For I have nought to pay.C. Wesley (7.6.8.)391
For I have nowhere else to flee,Samuel Medley (L.M.)173
For I have nowhere else to fly;Samuel Medley (L.M.)385
For I have peace with God;J. Hart (C.M.)108
For I his mercy have not missed,J. Hart (C.M.)31
For I to him belong.J. Hart (7.6.8.)801
For I was bought with blood.J. Hart (C.M.)13
For I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless,K., 1787 (11s)329
For I would wait on thee,John Berridge (148th)886
For I, thou knowst, am poor.C. Wesley (7.6.8.)98
For Im unchangeable.Henry Fowler (S.M.)1032
For Israels God thy Peace shall be.J. Kent (L.M.)925
For Jacobs foes are strong;T. Kelly (C.M.)1047
For Jacobs friends are few;T. Kelly (C.M.)1047
For Jehovah-Jesus is mine.W. Gadsby (8s)578
For Jesus and he are but one;W. Gadsby (8s)523
For Jesus appears to give you relief.W. Hammond (104th)998
For Jesus blood, through earth and skies,J. A. Rothe translated by J. Weeks (112th)96
For Jesus came to save the lost.J. Hart (
For Jesus died for me.W. Gadsby (S.M.)659
For Jesus fills the throne;D. Herbert (C.M.)675
For Jesus helps them from the skies,John Newton (C.M.)966
For Jesus holds and guides the helm,T. Kelly (L.M.)1049
For Jesus is his name;J. Hoskins (C.M.)953
For Jesus is my Hiding-place.J. Brewer (L.M.)134
For Jesus is the bread.WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)1122
For Jesus is their glorious King;T. Kelly (L.M.)992
For Jesus to my heart makes knownJ. Hart (C.M.)31
For Jesus was humbled that grace might abound;J. Stevens (11s)239
For Jesus, my Lord, paid the fine.W. Gadsby (8s)565
For O what tongue can tellJ. Hart (C.M.)709
For O! they neer shall lose their God,R. Burnham (C.M.)772
For Satan meets me when I try,John Newton (S.M.)278
For Satan there in arms resides,John Newton (C.M.)1020
For Zions sacred walls I sigh;T. Kelly (L.M.)1021
For a God supremely kind;W. Gadsby (7s)619
For a glory and a covering,John Newton (8.7.)372
For a moment I withdrew,John Newton (7s)273
For a season called to part,John Newton (7s)501
For a season they may beW. Gadsby (7s)619
For a wretch so vile as I;W. Gadsby (7s)584
For all Gods words are right.J. Hart (S.M.)878
For all beyond is thine.J. Hart (C.M.)822
For all he is or has is theirs;J. Kent (L.M.)405
For all his peoples sins was slain;J. Hart (7.6.8.)843
For all his sons in Jesus blest,J. Kent (L.M.)87A
For all our hope is there.Samuel Medley (C.M.)383
For all our sins we his may call,J. Hart (C.M.)105
For all that come to God by him,Augustus Toplady (C.M.)117
For all that the gospel makes known,J. Kent (8s)183
For all that unto him will come;W. Gadsby (8s)566
For all the blood-bought race;J. Kent (8.8.6.)217
For all the mercy shown to me!John Berridge (148th)672
For all the riches of thy graceJ. Hart (S.M.)833
For all things to depend.Augustus Toplady (C.M.)472
For all thy saints to care;D. Denham (C.M.)1154
For all true Israelites adoreJ. Hart (112th)790
For all was dark within;J. Kent (C.M.)923
For all who have tried them, swell, rot, and grow worse.J. Hart (104th)155
For and in us intercede;W. Gadsby (7s)515
For as thy days, thy strength shall be.J. Fawcett (L.M.)328
For as we sow we reap,John Berridge (S.M.)335
For blessings like these, so bounteously given,J. Hart (104th)778
For by thee we come to God.John Newton (8.7.7.)416
For calling thus thy children home;J. Hart (L.M.)844
For conquering mercy we rise,R. Burnham (8s)12
For constant support to thee fly;R. Burnham (8s)380
For continual earnestJ. Hart (8.3.)484
For crawling worms like me;J. Hart (C.M.)156
For crimes that I had done!W. Batty (C.M.)950
For daylight will spring up at last.John Berridge (148th)749
For death and hell can do no moreIsaac Watts (C.M.)465
For death can never keep from viewW. Gadsby (148th)602
For dust men seldom part with gold,J. Hart (C.M.)803
For earth and all its gilded toys?J. Hart (8.8.8.)807
For error, guilt and shame!A. Steele (C.M.)1143
For ever Id abide;Isaac Watts (S.M.)140
For ever all our guilt.Isaac Watts (C.M.)121
For ever and ever. Amen.W. Gadsby (8s)516
For ever and ever. Amen.W. Gadsby (8s)523
For ever be his name adored;A. Steele (L.M.)1080
For ever be thy love adored,Isaac Watts (C.M.)946
For ever bless and loveIsaac Watts (148th)409
For ever blessèd be the Lord,Isaac Watts (C.M.)325
For ever freed from pain;W. W. Horne (C.M.)468
For ever he loved us, and ever will love.W. Hammond (104th)343
For ever interceding there;Isaac Watts (L.M.)72
For ever is the same!J. Adams (S.M.)274
For ever on thy head.Isaac Watts (C.M.)19
For ever sing, Thou art my God!Samuel Medley (L.M.)275
For everlasting fetters too.Isaac Watts (L.M.)317
For everlasting strength is thineC. Wesley & Augustus Toplady (C.M.)1072
For every grace is thine.A. Steele (8.8.6.)962
For every pain I feel.A. Steele (C.M.)136
For every poor mourner, who thirsts for the Lord,W. Gadsby (11s)524
For every sin-sick soul.J. Hart (7.6.8.)787
For every thankful tongue affordJ. Hart (C.M.)828
For every truly Christian thoughtJ. Hart (148th)817
For every willing guest.A. Steele (C.M.)1039
For famine is stronger, and gnaws them with pain.J. Hart (104th)804
For favours so divine?A. Steele (C.M.)95
For fellowship with Zion here;J. Swain (122nd)371
For filthiness and sin.J. Hart (7.6.8.)787
For food he gives his flesh;Isaac Watts (S.M.)437
For from the Saviour you shall find(Author Unknown) (8.8.6.)902
For glory and renown,Isaac Watts (C.M.)168
For godly men decay,John Berridge (148th)374
For good remember me.T. Haweis (C.M.)1065
For grace so rich and freely given;John Berridge (L.M.)716
For guilt and sin to mourn and grieve,W. Gadsby (S.M.)614
For guilty Sodom sued;E. Scott (C.M.)1145
For he for me was slain;W. Gadsby (C.M.)567
For he has determined his grace shall be tried.J. Kent (104th)297
For he has felt the same.Isaac Watts (C.M.)120
For he is still the same.J. Hoskins (C.M.)953
For he is thy All and in All;W. Gadsby (8s)565
For he shed many a tear for you.J. Hart (L.M.)824
For he that eats immortal food,J. Hart (C.M.)828
For he was slain for us.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1005
For he was slain for us.J. Hart (C.M.)856
For he will show his face.John Berridge (C.M.)765
For heaven alone my heart prepare,Augustus Toplady (L.M.)991
For hell against both must prevail,J. Hart (8s)233
For hell can neer their life destroy.W. Gadsby (148th)598
For hell itself shakes at his name,Isaac Watts (S.M.)167
For help, amazed I view,J. Hart (C.M.)105
For helpless, wretched, ruined man,W. Gadsby (C.M.)527
For here I would begin:D. Herbert (C.M.)676
For him the cross to fly;T. Kelly (S.M.)1012
For his blessed word we should keepJ. Hart (8s)220
For his grace and power are such,John Newton (7s)379
For his own pattern given;Isaac Watts (C.M.)477
For his people bleeding,J. Hart (7.6.)306
For if thou hadst not loved me first,John Newton (C.M.)1100
For immortality we groan,A. Steele (L.M.)1081
For it is all of grace.R. Elliott (S.M.)471
For it pleased the Father well,W. Gadsby (7s)558
For joys beyond the skies.R. Burnham (C.M.)1153
For joys that none can take away.P. Doddridge (L.M.)331
For knowledge I have none;J. Hart (C.M.)156
For life, eternal life, is thine.A. Steele (L.M.)927
For lo! the dying LambJ. Hart (7.6.8.)787
For love is all he asks.J. Hart (148th)448
For love of me, the Son of GodJ. Hart (L.M.)153A
For love of whom? Of sinners base,J. Hart (L.M.)153A
For man O miracle of grace!A. Steele (C.M.)95
For man the Saviour bled.A. Steele (C.M.)95
For man, the creatures sin.Isaac Watts (C.M.)763
For mansions celestial, and rangeB. Francis (8s)246
For many such I make –J. Hart (C.M.)812
For many such there are,J. Hart (
For me he bore the wrath of God;W. Gadsby (L.M.)525
For me he died, for me.J. Hart (C.M.)829
For me he has paid the long score.W. Gadsby (8s)581
For me he in the wine-press trod;W. Gadsby (L.M.)525
For me he shed his blood;W. Gadsby (S.M.)659
For me in Jesus Christ is stored.W. Gadsby (L.M.)525
For me in pity undertake,Samuel Medley (L.M.)384
For me to die is gain.W. W. Horne (C.M.)468
For me to die is gain.W. W. Horne (C.M.)468
For me to die is gain.W. W. Horne (C.M.)468
For me to die is gain.W. W. Horne (C.M.)468
For me to die is gain.W. W. Horne (C.M.)468
For me to die is gain.W. W. Horne (C.M.)468
For me, for me the Lamb was slain,C. Wesley (L.M.)97
For men their fairest claims deny,T. Kelly (C.M.)1013
For men to build their heaven upon?Isaac Watts (L.M.)142
For mercies countless as the sands,John Newton (C.M.)959
For mercy confirming aspire;R. Burnham (8s)12
For mercy now I cry aloud,W. Hammond (L.M.)279
For mercy on thee I earnestly call;Augustus Toplady (104th)262
For mercy upholding we pray;R. Burnham (8s)12
For mercy will prevail.John Berridge (C.M.)893
For mercy would save me through Jesuss blood.Augustus Toplady (104th)197
For mercy, Lord, is all my suit;(Author Unknown) (C.M.)1009
For mercys falling crumbs.John Berridge (C.M.)743
For more the treacherous calm I dread,R. De Courcy (148th)294
For mortal was their race;Isaac Watts (C.M.)121
For my defence on high;Isaac Watts (148th)122
For my untoward heart;John Berridge (148th)672
For needy sinners, such as you.Henry Fowler (L.M.)1028
For new life, new will, new power;J. Hart (7s)704
For no mean cause he sent him downJ. Hart (C.M.)803
For none but God aloneJ. Hart (C.M.)785
For none can perish there.John Newton (C.M.)388
For nothing can hurt us while Jesus is near.J. Fawcett (104th)184
For notions resting in the headJohn Newton (C.M.)1126
For now he lives and reigns above,J. Hart (C.M.)856
For now, not without hope, I mourn;C. Wesley (112th)1060
For of ourselves weve none.J. Hart (S.M.)820
For on her Beloved she leans.J. Kent (8s)334
For on their Lord theyre waiting,Rozzell (7.6.)292
For one eternal prize;R. Burnham (C.M.)1153
For only while they pray they live.J. Hart (L.M.)882
For other guests, of various sorts,J. Hart (C.M.)39
For our acceptance pleads his own,J. Swain (L.M.)1107
For our afflictions his.J. Hart (C.M.)23
For our change our hearts prepare;J. Hart (8.7.)463
For our life his own he gave;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)535
For ourselves or else for him.J. Hart (8.7.)237
For pardon haste away.J. Kent (C.M.)1089
For pardon, Lord I pray;Samuel Medley (C.M.)378
For pardon, holiness, and heaven.C. Wesley (L.M.)97
For patience pray no more.J. Berridge (C.M.)300
For patience when I raised a cry,J. Berridge (C.M.)300
For perseverance strength Ive none,J. Hart (C.M.)222
For prodigals dressed, yet costly and good.J. Berridge (104th)150
For prospects of peace and foretastes of heaven,J. Hart (104th)778
For reasons line to sound.J. Hart (S.M.)833
For righteousness divine;J. Hart (C.M.)222
For robes and mansions in the skies.A. Steele (L.M.)1081
For shelter from impending doom;Augustus Toplady (112th)1052
For should it dare to enter there,J. Hart (S.M.)287
For shouldst thou stay till thou canst meetJ. Hart (C.M.)310
For sin amazing anguish felt,A. Steele (L.M.)1087
For sin and Satan daily striveJohn Newton (C.M.)193
For sin could eer atone;Isaac Watts (C.M.)1098
For sinful mortal worms to sing;Samuel Medley (L.M.)470
For sinners and the sinners chief.John Berridge (L.M.)897
For sinners deign to bleed?J. Hart (C.M.)803A
For sinners intercedes.J. Montgomery (C.M.)1002
For sinners like me thy mercy is free,Augustus Toplady (104th)197
For sinners, Lord, thou camst to bleed;J. Hart (L.M.)447
For sinners, is his own;John Newton (C.M.)128
For sins to come heres pardon too.J. Kent (last 3 verses) (L.M.)407
For sons and heirs of God;Isaac Watts (C.M.)74
For sorrow and sadness I joy shall receive,C. Wesley (104th)408
For souls by sin undone.Boyce (C.M.)1151
For still in thy unchanging word,A. Steele (8.8.6.)962
For such a worm as I?Isaac Watts (C.M.)763
For such a wretch as I.John Newton (S.M.)196
For such polluted worms as we.W. Gadsby (L.M.)525
For such poor souls as we.D. Herbert (C.M.)508
For such to hear and knowW. Gadsby (148th)526
For such were some of you!J. Kent (C.M.)1094
For such were some of you!J. Kent (C.M.)1094
For such were some of you!J. Kent (C.M.)1094
For sure I want entreating much,John Berridge (C.M.)684
For that blest hour I sigh and pant,J. Hart (C.M.)773
For that may prove extreme;J. Hart (C.M.)241
For that souls eternal good.J. Hart (8.7.)864
For the Lord will guard the way.W. Gadsby (7s)645
For the boasted Saviours aid.D. Turner (8.7.)1068
For the name of Christ, their Lord;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)615
For the sick, and not the whole,J. Hart (7.6.)717
For the wonders he has wrought,John Newton (7s)397
For the word of consolationJohn Newton (8.7.4.)43
For thee I would the world resign,R. De Courcy (148th)294
For thee my heart would sigh,John Berridge (148th)884
For thee my soul would cry,John Berridge (148th)884
For thee work, and in thee too,J. Hart (7.6.)780
For them he shed his precious blood,(Author Unknown) (148th)214
For them thy blood atones.Augustus Toplady (C.M.)348
For them thy righteousness avails;Augustus Toplady (C.M.)348
For there I long to be.Samuel Medley (C.M.)386
For there I long to be.Samuel Medley (C.M.)386
For there I long to be.Samuel Medley (C.M.)386
For there I long to be.Samuel Medley (C.M.)386
For there I long to be.Samuel Medley (C.M.)386
For there I seek my dwelling-place,John Berridge (S.M.)739
For there my friends and kindred dwell;Isaac Watts (122nd)362
For these too bad, for those too good;J. Hart (8.8.6.)223
For they and he are one.W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)572
For thine is all the power.J. Hart (148th)313
For thine must live, though they were dead.J. Stevens (L.M.)224
For this I sigh, for this I pine;C. Wesley (8.8.6.)249
For this correction render praise;J. Hart (C.M.)871
For this my sons alive again.W. Gadsby (148th)590
For this one favour oft Ive sought;J. Hart (C.M.)156
For this our sinful land.J. Hart (C.M.)808
For this stupendous love of heaven,T. Gibbons (L.M.)755
For this we come, for this we plead,D. Herbert (C.M.)677
For this we count the world but dross.T. Kelly (L.M.)919
For this word is sent to you,W. Gadsby (7s)662
For thou alone canst heal;A. Steele (C.M.)136
For thou alone hast drunk it up.J. Hart (148th)307
For thou alone hast power divine;A. Steele (L.M.)1087
For thou art all in all.Isaac Watts (S.M.)185
For thou art dear to me;J. Stevens (8.8.6.)216
For thou art good and wise;A. Steele (C.M.)260
For thou art just, and good, and wise;A. Steele (C.M.)1083
For thou art most near me, my flesh and my bones;J. Grant (11s)993
For thou art still my God;D. Herbert (C.M.)510
For thou art their boast, their glory, and power;C. Wesley (104th)408
For thou canst help, and thou alone,J. Hart (L.M.)875
For thou dost know, before I ask,(Author Unknown) (C.M.)1009
For thou dost read my heart;John Berridge (148th)673
For thou knowst Im but a worm;Henry Fowler (8.7.4.)769
For thou knowst how soon we err.J. Hart (7s)706
For thou, within no walls confined,WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)1023
For though he correct thee, hell rest in his love.J. Kent (104th)912
For though our cup seems filled with gall,J. Hart (148th)307
For though sin and devils against us unite,W. Gadsby (11s)612
For though we seem to move,J. Hart (S.M.)308A
For thousands of sinners he groaned and he bled.E. L. Schlict (11s)41
For thousands of sinners the Lord bowed his head;E. L. Schlict (11s)41
For thy gospels joyful sound;J. Fawcett (8.7.4.)461
For thy love to lost man alone could constrainAugustus Toplady (104th)197
For thy people thou art pleading;J. Bakewell (8.7.)931
For thy precious life and death;John Newton (8.7.)272
For tis decreed that most must passJ. Hart (S.M.)308
For tis his Spirits doing.J. Hart (
For tis of thee I little know,R. Burnham (C.M.)997
For tis of their Fathers good willJ. Kent (8s)298
For twas for sinners spilt.J. Hart (C.M.)13
For us Jesus was baptizedW. Gadsby (7s)658
For us he has the victory won,W. Gadsby (S.M.)663
For us his vital blood,J. Hart (7.6.8.)787
For us sighed, and groaned, and bled.W. Gadsby (7s)662
For us the dear Redeemer died;W. Hammond (C.M.)344
For us thou hast borne the horrorsW. Gadsby (8.7.4.)651
For us to intercede.Samuel Medley (C.M.)383
For want of clearer light.WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)188
For we are but travellers yet.J. Hart (7s)788
For we have sinned against his word;J. Hart (
For we need it often.J. Hart (7.6.)827
For we, as sons in Christ, are madeIsaac Watts (S.M.)79
For when our Jesus hides his face,D. Herbert (C.M.)679
For which the Lord came down to earth,J. Hart (C.M.)803
For which the Saviour came to die.(Author Unknown) (L.M.)937
For which the world appears but loss.T. Kelly (L.M.)949
For which we here are come;J. Stevens (C.M.)426
For whither else can sinners go?John Berridge (112th)899
For who aught to my charge shall lay,Count Zinzendorf trans. by J. Wesley (L.M.)103
For who can comprehend it all?J. Hart (L.M.)824
For who can move thats dead?J. Hart (C.M.)783
For who needs trust for things he has,J. Hart (S.M.)792
For who of mercy needs despair,J. Hart (S.M.)775
For who relieves his brethrens want,J. Hart (S.M.)880
For who shall sing his lovely nameJ. Kent (S.M.)922
For who the sum can know?J. Hart (C.M.)218
For whom my life I once laid down,J. Swain (L.M.)387
For whom the Lamb has shed his blood.J. Hart (L.M.)88
For whom the Lamb was slain.J. Hart (C.M.)28
For whom the Lord vouchsafes to plead.WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)967
For whom thy precious blood was shed,(Author Unknown) (L.M.)937
For wisdom their course to direct,J. Kent (8s)183
For wishes I have none;J. Hart (C.M.)156
For works cannot Gods favour win;W. Gadsby (8s)544
For wretched dying men;Isaac Watts (C.M.)14
For wretched strangers such as I,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)148
For you prepares a place;J. Hart (C.M.)489
For you the Redeemer in glory appears;Henry Fowler (11s)1033
For you this wondrous river rolls.Samuel Medley (L.M.)996
For your salvation pleads;J. Hart (C.M.)489
For, Lord, I plainly see,J. Hart (C.M.)222
For, after all, youll find it true,J. Hart (P.M.)814
For, living so near him, his secrets they learn.J. Hart (104th)254
For, should we now continue dumb,J. Hart (C.M.)785
For, though the mournful tragedyJ. Hart (8.8.6.)786
For, while of sin we lightly deem,J. Hart (L.M.)712
Forbear, my friends, to weep,J. Hart (S.M.)842
Forbearing, forgiving, and loving always,John Berridge (104th)906
Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast,Isaac Watts (L.M.)439
Forbid it, mighty God!Isaac Watts (S.M.)210
Forbid it, mighty God!W. Gadsby (148th)608
Forbid it, mighty God.W. Gadsby (S.M.)659
Forbid you to exult and sing;Henry Fowler (L.M.)1028
Force us to trust to Christ alone,J. Hart (C.M.)782
Forced me to the sinners Friend,John Newton (7s)277
Forget thee I will not, I cannot; thy nameJ. Grant (11s)993
Forget to keep their Lord in view?W. Gadsby (148th)608
Forgetful of a Saviours love!A. Steele (L.M.)1084
Forgetful of his word!A. Steele (C.M.)392
Forgive my doubts, O gracious Lord!A. Steele (L.M.)957
Forgive, and bid me sin no more!C. Wesley (112th)1060
Forgiven, supplied, and banqueted thusJ. Hart (104th)449
Forgiveness shed through every breast,A. Steele (L.M.)1109
Forgiveness! tis a joyful soundT. Gibbons (L.M.)755
Forgotten in unthankfulness,Isaac Watts (S.M.)420
Formed and fixed salvations plan.Gospel Mag., 1777 (8.7.4.)69
Formed in bright and grand array;J. Swain (8.7.4.)495
Formed thee for his own abode;John Newton (8.7.)372
Forsake their monumental caves,J. Hart (C.M.)845
Forsake us not, O God!E. Scott (C.M.)1145
Forth from the garden fully tried,J. Hart (C.M.)785
Forward again we press,J. Hart (S.M.)308A
Fought the fight, the battle won.C. Wesley (7s)485
Foul, I to the fountain fly;Augustus Toplady (7s)143
Found a welcome resting-place;John Newton (7s)356
Foundations for his heavenly praise;Isaac Watts (L.M.)360
Founded on right, thy prayer avails;Augustus Toplady (C.M.)117
Fountain of eternal love,J. Hart (7.6.8.)866
Fountain of joy, blest Paraclete,J. Hart (8.8.6.)29
Fountain of life, who gavest us breath,J. Hart (L.M.)844
Fountain of mercy, God of love,A. Flowerdew (C.M.)1152
Fountain of social joys,R. Burnham (C.M.)1153
Free as any river;W. Gadsby (7.6.)574
Free election, known by calling,J. Adams (8.7.4.)205
Free from boasting, free from care;T. Kelly (8.7.4.)753
Free from either dread or fear.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)560
Free from sin and servile fear,C. Wesley (7s)1071
Free from sin, and more than free;J. Bradford (7s)116
Free from the approaches of decay,A. Steele (L.M.)1081
Free from the chirpings of this bird,W. Gadsby (L.M.)620
Free from wrath and strife to live,T. Kelly (8.7.4.)1014
Free grace alone can wipe the tearsJ. Dracup (C.M.)215
Free grace and dying love.J. Dracup (C.M.)215
Free grace can death itself outbrave,J. Dracup (C.M.)215
Free grace can make adamant hearts to relent.J. Stevens (11s)239
Free grace is the joy of my heart;W. Gadsby (8s)595
Free grace is the theme of my song;W. Gadsby (8s)578
Free grace onlyGospel Mag., 1777 (8.7.4.)69
Free grace onlyGospel Mag., 1777 (8.7.4.)69
Free grace shall oer their sins abound;J. Kent (L.M.)1090
Free grace to every heaven-born soulJ. Dracup (C.M.)215
Free grace to such as sinners be;C. Cole (L.M.)984
Free grace! melodious sound!R. Burnham (S.M.)203
Free mercy in Jesus we call,R. Burnham (8s)12
Free mercy the Saviour proclaims;R. Burnham (8s)12
Free redemption, glorious scheme!J. Adams (7s)99
Free us from each carking care;W. Gadsby (7s)695
Freed from guilt, law, and the curse.W. Gadsby (8.7.)694
Freed from pride and empty notion,W. Gadsby (8.7.)694
Freed from trusting empty notion,W. Gadsby (8.7.)697
Freedom from sin and Satans chains,W. Gadsby (C.M.)528
Freely given, comes from heaven,J. Hart (8.3.)104
Freely let me take of thee;C. Wesley (7s)303
Fresh blood, as constant as the day,Isaac Watts (C.M.)121
Fresh burdens made me roar;J. Berridge (C.M.)300
Fresh honours shall adorn his crown,Isaac Watts (C.M.)366
Fresh life and vigour to my heart.Samuel Medley (L.M.)1105
Fresh succours to renew;T. Greene (C.M.)209
Fresh wisdom we pursue;Isaac Watts (C.M.)5
Friend of sinners, spotless Lamb,C. Wesley (7.6.8.)98
Friend of sinners, spotless Lamb,C. Wesley (7.6.8.)98
Friend of sinners, spotless Lamb,C. Wesley (7.6.8.)98
Friend of the friendless and the faint,WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)967
Friends, through fear, his cause disowning,T. Kelly (8.7.)1116
From Christ, the Living Way.Samuel Medley (C.M.)378
From Christ, their Head, their life proceeds,W. Gadsby (148th)598
From Christ, thy Son, the sinners Friend,J. Stevens (8.8.6.)216
From Davids stock, from Jacobs root;Isaac Watts (L.M.)1140
From Egypt lately come,T. Kelly (S.M.)995
From Egypt lately freed,John Newton (S.M.)337
From Egypts bondage brought,J. Hart (C.M.)782
From God the Father and the Son.Isaac Watts (L.M.)26
From Him I all things now receive;Samuel Medley (L.M.)171
From Jesus Christ, the living Way.Henry Fowler (L.M.)954
From Jesus heart and eyes.W. Gadsby (C.M.)588
From Jesus my Redeemers hands,John Newton (C.M.)959
From Jesus the blessing must flow,Gospel Mag., 1777 (8s)250
From Jesus they by faith receive;W. Gadsby (L.M.)538
From Jesus turned his face,W. Gadsby (148th)590
From Jesus we receive;W. Gadsby (148th)602
From Jesus wounded side;W. Gadsby (148th)630
From Satan and all that oppose.W. Gadsby (8s)597
From Satans heavy chains,Isaac Watts (C.M.)100
From Satans power and rage.W. Gadsby (C.M.)579
From age to age he proves the same;J. Franklin (L.M.)513
From all carking care relieve us;W. Gadsby (8.7.)697
From all corruption free;J. Hart (S.M.)487
From all created good.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1064
From all eternity.J. Adams (8.8.6.)67
From all its wrath and curse to thee;J. Kent (L.M.)113
From all the assaults of hell and sin,Isaac Watts (L.M.)370
From all the guilt of former sinJohn Newton (C.M.)1114
From all the malice which he bearsHenry Fowler (L.M.)954
From and to eternity;W. Gadsby (7s)558
From bondage and from fear discharged,J. Hart (112th)790
From bondage, guilt, and dread,W. Gadsby (122nd)522
From busy scenes we now retreat,T. Kelly (L.M.)1125
From condemnation I am free.J. A. Rothe translated by J. Weeks (112th)96
From condemnation free,J. Kent (S.M.)921
From crimes of deepest dye.Isaac Watts (C.M.)764
From death and hell to set them free,W. Gadsby (C.M.)570
From death he has me raisèd,Rozzell (7.6.)292
From death to set us free;John Newton (C.M.)193
From each infirmity,W. Gadsby (148th)613
From earth and sin arise,J. Kent (S.M.)412
From east to west his sovereign orders spread,Isaac Watts (50th)497
From endless night to endless day;J. Swain (L.M.)721
From endless wrath to endless bliss,W. Gadsby (S.M.)713
From enmity and pride.W. Gadsby (S.M.)683
From everlasting flowed;J. Kent (C.M.)757
From everlasting he decreedR. Burnham (L.M.)61
From everlasting is the same;J. Hart (8.8.6.)223
From everlasting thou art God,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1139
From everlasting was the Word;Isaac Watts (L.M.)20
From every evil to depart;C. Wesley (112th)955
From every foe my soul defend!W. W. Horne (L.M.)943
From every folly, every fault.J. Hart (L.M.)858
From every hateful foe,W. Gadsby (148th)613
From every legal chain;W. Gadsby (C.M.)661
From every murmur free;A. Steele (C.M.)1010
From every sin and hurtful snare,S. Browne (8.8.6.)1134
From fear and weakness set me free;Samuel Medley (L.M.)385
From first to last each one,J. Berridge (S.M.)114
From first to last salvations free,J. Kent (L.M.)10
From foes strong and cunning, and most from ourselves.J. Hart (104th)129
From foes without, and foes within.Isaac Watts (L.M.)370
From grace it proceeds, and all is the Lambs;J. Hart (104th)221
From guilt and error set me free,A. Steele (L.M.)1085
From guilt and pollution, from dead works and dross.W. Gadsby (11s)524
From guilt and sin he sets me free,W. Gadsby (C.M.)637
From guilt and slavish fears.W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)557
From guilt to set me free.W. Gadsby (S.M.)603
From guilt, law, and the curse.W. Gadsby (148th)532
From guilt, sin, wrath, bondage, and fears,W. Gadsby (8s)597
From happiness and thee.A. Steele (C.M.)1051
From head to feet, a mass of sin and guilt;W. Gadsby (10s)668
From head to foot Im nought but wounds,D. Herbert (C.M.)510
From head to foot defiled by sin,J. Kent (C.M.)1094
From heaven the sinning angels fell,Isaac Watts (L.M.)317
From heaven, in Jesus name,J. Hart (C.M.)455
From him my comforts flow.J. Hart (C.M.)108
From him such gospel never came.J. Hart (148th)353
From him that dwells within.C. Wesley (C.M.)1024
From him their souls obedience flows,W. Tucker (L.M.)66
From him, our Head, derive.J. Hart (C.M.)181
From his abounding graceR. Burnham (S.M.)203
From his blood their hopes arise.J. Kent (8.7.4.)918
From his dear wounds and bleeding side.Isaac Watts (L.M.)752
From his eye for ever hidingJ. Kent (8.7.4.)920
From holiness withdraw?W. Gadsby (S.M.)601
From it to relieve them.W. Gadsby (7.6.)574
From love of sin and hateful strife;J. Swain (L.M.)1107
From lust, and pride, and every hurtful snare;W. Gadsby (10s)693
From me turn not thy face away,J. Fawcett (C.M.)393
From my blest face to endless woe.R. Burnham (148th)494
From my debt of sin set clear,C. Wesley (7.6.8.)391
From my flinty, frozen heart;J. Hart (7s)802
From natures fountains never flowed;J. Kent (L.M.)1091
From one eternal source!J. Swain (C.M.)132
From our fears and sins release us;C. Wesley (8.7.)1054
From our lamenting eyes;J. Dracup (C.M.)215
From paths of righteousness;W. Gadsby (148th)700
From poisonous errors, pleasing cheats,J. Hart (C.M.)860
From pollution he can raise us,J. Kent (8.7.4.)760
From schemes like these, suppose them true?J. Hart (L.M.)791
From security and ease.J. Hart (8.7.)746
From self and bondage free;J. Hart (8.6.8.)234
From self and pride to set thee free;John Newton (L.M.)295
From self her affections he weans,J. Kent (8s)334
From sin and Satan set me free,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)647
From sin and Satan set me free?W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)589
From sin and Satans freed!W. Gadsby (148th)539
From sin and death release us,J. Hart (P.M.)814
From sin and death theyre free indeed;Spiritual Mag., 1790 (C.M.)989
From sin and from Moses I henceforth am freed.W. Gadsby (104th)521
From sin the others free.W. Gadsby (148th)617
From sin to release us – that yoke so long worn,J. Hart (11s)40
From sin, Satan, and the grave.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)535
From sin, and from Satan, and Mount Sinais flame,W. Gadsby (11s)524
From sin, and guilt, and fears;W. Gadsby (C.M.)637
From sinner and from saintJ. Hart (S.M.)287
From sins dark thorny maze,J. Kent (S.M.)994
From sins tremendous curse and shame?Count Zinzendorf trans. by J. Wesley (L.M.)103
From slavish works cease, then, and rest in the Lamb,W. Gadsby (104th)639
From such a waste as this,W. Gadsby (S.M.)665
From that moment his conflict begins.J. Hart (11.9.)309
From the Object of my love.W. Gadsby (7s)722
From the Strength of Israels hands.J. Kent (8.7.4.)766
From the blissful realms above,R. Burnham (7s)187
From the court of heaven dispatched.J. Hart (8.7.)776
From the dark grave he rose,S. Stennett (148th)403
From the dead was raised again,J. Hart (7s)830
From the fight returned victorious;T. Kelly (8.7.4.)972
From the foe our hearts defend,Henry Fowler (7s)754
From the formation of the sky,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1
From the laws condemning sentence,John Newton (8.7.)272
From the life of grace within,J. Irons (8.7.4.)735
From the liquid grave we rise;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)651
From the long sleep of death;Isaac Watts (C.M.)190
From the mighty take the prey,W. Gadsby (7s)515
From the oppressive weight of sin,C. Wesley (7.6.8.)391
From the paths of sin and dangerJ. Fawcett (8.7.)1119
From the power of every foe.J. Fawcett (8.7.)1119
From the rage of sin and hell.W. Gadsby (7s)551
From the rage of sin and hell.W. Gadsby (8.7.)697
From the sinners dying Friend;J. Allen & W. Shirley (8.7.)158
From the tempest covered oer;W. Gadsby (7s)551
From the tempters furious rage.R. Burnham (8.7.)258
From the usurpers power.John Newton (C.M.)1020
From thee let us never stir,J. Hart (7s)706
From thee our fruit is found.J. Hart (C.M.)851
From thee turn away our face;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)560
From thee, Lord, in whom we live;Gospel Mag., 1781 (8.7.)965
From their cursèd empire drove,J. Langford (7s)90
From thence hell quickly come;S. Stennett (148th)403
From thence her hopes arise.J. Kent (S.M.)994
From this diseasèd thingJohn Berridge (148th)671
From this polluted springJohn Berridge (148th)671
From this there can be none exempt;J. Hart (C.M.)305
From this vile tenement of clay,Gospel Mag., 1796 (L.M.)482
From this, The Lord has blessed the poor.J. Hart (L.M.)740
From thy Spirit far away.W. Williams (8.7.)1101
From thy fulness grace receive;C. Wesley (7s)1071
From thy riven side which flowed,Augustus Toplady (7s)143
From time to time my helpless soulJohn Newton (S.M.)729
From vain desires and every lust,Isaac Watts (C.M.)402
From vanity turn off my eyes;Isaac Watts (C.M.)1003
From whence they comfort draw.W. Gadsby (S.M.)614
From whence this fear and unbelief?Augustus Toplady (8.8.6.)227
From which blessings flow like a stream,W. Gadsby (8s)566
From which pure fountain if thou drawJ. Hart (8.8.6.)29
From which rich streams of blood once ran,J. Hart (C.M.)23
From which rich treasure Christ will feedW. Gadsby (148th)629
From whom all blessings spring;W. Gadsby (148th)550
From whom alone my fruit is found,J. Hart (L.M.)875
From whom assistance I obtainT. Greene (C.M.)261
From whom these streams of mercy came :Samuel Medley (L.M.)996
From whose almighty powerIsaac Watts (C.M.)505
From whose dear wounded body rollsIsaac Watts (L.M.)33
From without and from within,J. Fawcett (8.7.4.)333
From worldly thoughts O keep us clear,S. Turner (L.M.)1131
From your sins he will relieve you,R. Burnham (8.7.)157
Frosts have nipped them in the bud!John Newton (8.7.)1144
Fruit to eternal life would bear,Augustus Toplady (C.M.)939
Fruitful let thy people be;T. Kelly (8.7.4.)753
Fulfil thy gracious word,Augustus Toplady (S.M.)1067
Fulfil thy promise, gracious Lord,John Newton (C.M.)193
Fulfils his great decrees.Isaac Watts (C.M.)14
Fulfils some deep design.Isaac Watts (C.M.)4
Full and free salvation.J. Hart (8.3.)104
Full enjoyment,T. Kelly (8.7.4.)1135
Full of enmity to God;J. Hart (7.6.)780
Full of every sad complaint.John Berridge (7s)702
Full of guilt and full of fear;J. Berridge (7s)147
Full of impiety,(Author Unknown) (148th)214
Full of inconsistency!John Berridge (7s)301
Full of love to mans lost race,J. Hart (7s)802
Full of love, from envy free;T. Kelly (8.7.4.)1014
Full of pity, joined with power;J. Hart (8.7.4.)723
Full of pride and self-conceit.W. Gadsby (7s)611
Full of truth and grace thou art,C. Wesley (7.6.8.)98
Full oft they lift a hearty word,J. Berridge (C.M.)300
Full river, never to decay!Samuel Medley (L.M.)996
Full salvation sweetly sounds;J. Kent (8.7.)913
Full salvations in it.J. Hart (7.6.)306
Full, unmixed, and evermore.T. Kelly (8.7.4.)1135
Fully I am justified;J. Bradford (7s)116
Fully purge away thy dross;J. Hart (7.6.)780
Fulness all in Christ should dwell.W. Gadsby (7s)558
Furious as the foaming wave,Henry Fowler (7s)1037
Furnish us with every grace.(Author Unknown) (7s)970
Furnished with all thats good;J. Hart (C.M.)818
Gainst their God, as hardly treated,J. Hart (8.8.7.)876
Gathered from all quarters;J. Hart (7.6.)717
Gave all the various creatures birth,J. Hart (8.8.6.)358
Gave his own life away.Isaac Watts (C.M.)505
Gave them a throne which cannot move,W. Tucker (L.M.)66
Gave us ears, and gave us eyes;John Newton (8.7.7.)416
Gave us faith in Christ, his Son.W. Gadsby (7s)654
Gaze and admire, and hate the change.Isaac Watts (L.M.)53
Gaze, ye Christians, gaze and wonder;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)560
Gazed unconcerned when nature failed,J. Hart (L.M.)153A
Gazed with wonder from the sky;J. Hart (8.7.)776
Gazing on Gethsemane.J. Hart (7s)802
Gazing on thee evermore,J. Berridge (7s)177
Gethsemane, the olive press!J. Hart (L.M.)153
Gifts like this, so full and free,W. Gadsby (7s)594
Gilds the whole scene with brighter rays,Isaac Watts (C.M.)5
Gird him with all-sufficient grace;R. Hill (L.M.)373
Gird on thy mighty sword;C. Wesley (6.4.)35
Gird on thy sword, thou King of kings,C. Wesley (last verse unknown) (8.8.6.)137
Gird on thy sword, victorious Prince,Isaac Watts (C.M.)126
Gird thy loins up, Christian soldier;J. Hart (8.7.)270
Gird up your loins, and cease to mourn,J. Kent (L.M.)1090
Girded with truth, and full of grace,Isaac Watts (L.M.)365
Girt with thy strength at thy right hand;Isaac Watts (L.M.)1140
Give Christ the praise; he broke thy heart,John Berridge (148th)889
Give Him thy poor, weak, sinful heart;Samuel Medley (L.M.)171
Give but a flattering light;Isaac Watts (C.M.)1064
Give cause of triumph to thy foes,(Author Unknown) (L.M.)937
Give each some token, Lord, for good,J. Hart (C.M.)821
Give every fettered soul release,J. Hart (L.M.)457
Give gladly to the poor,J. Hart (S.M.)880
Give glory to the Holy Ghost,J. Hart (8.8.6.)504
Give gracious hearts and opened eyes,John Berridge (C.M.)1128
Give him clear light, and burning love;R. Burnham (L.M.)450
Give him, my soul, thy cause to plead,Isaac Watts (C.M.)121
Give humility and love.J. Hart (7s)874
Give joys like those above.John Newton (C.M.)933
Give me Christ, or else I die.W. Hammond (7s)737
Give me Christ, or else I die.W. Hammond (7s)737
Give me Christ, or else I die.W. Hammond (7s)737
Give me Christ, or else I die.W. Hammond (7s)737
Give me Christ, or else I die.W. Hammond (7s)737
Give me Christ, or else I die.W. Hammond (7s)737
Give me a calm, a thankful heart,A. Steele (C.M.)1010
Give me a precious glimpse of thy sweet face,W. Gadsby (10s)693
Give me both grace and glory too.Gospel Mag., 1777 (L.M.)942
Give me light, and joy, and rest,W. Gadsby (7s)722
Give me of thy boundless grace,J. Hart (7s)874
Give me sweet simplicity;John Berridge (7s)686
Give me that frame which thou likst best.J. Hart (L.M.)740
Give me the presence of thy grace,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1098
Give me the wings of faith to riseIsaac Watts (C.M.)477
Give me thy lowly mind,Matlock’s Selection (S.M.)948
Give me thy meek and lowly mind,C. Wesley (L.M.)1019
Give me to find thy promised rest.R. Hill (112th)1070
Give me to read my pardon sealed,John Newton (L.M.)692
Give me what thou givest such –J. Hart (7s)874
Give me, O Lord, a placeS. Stennett (S.M.)359
Give me, O Lord, to proveMatlock’s Selection (S.M.)948
Give me, my God, to freely shareJ. Hart (C.M.)803A
Give me, through thy dying love,C. Wesley (7.6.8.)390
Give no bad passion vent;J. Hart (S.M.)219
Give our whole selves, O Lord, to thee.Isaac Watts (L.M.)1006
Give power and will, and then command,J. Hart (C.M.)783
Give solid joy and sacred love,W. Gadsby (L.M.)655
Give the Saviour, without grudge,J. Hart (7.6.8.)843
Give the knowledge of salvation,C. Wesley (8.7.)1057
Give the pardon of our sins.C. Wesley (8.7.)1057
Give them solid peace in thee.W. Gadsby (7s)594
Give to each a gracious measureW. Gadsby (8.7.4.)610
Give to the thirsty drink;J. Hart (S.M.)852
Give us all a parting word,John Berridge (7s)442
Give us confidence undaunted,J. Hart (8.7.)463
Give us faith thy works to trace;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)560
Give us faith to view thee sighing,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)656
Give us firmly to believe,J. Hart (7s)704
Give us fresh strength to wing our wayR. Burnham (L.M.)3
Give us grace to watch and pray;W. Gadsby (7s)658
Give us his gospel and his grace,J. Hart (C.M.)808
Give us now a sweet exemptionW. Gadsby (8.7.)697
Give us that best of blessings, love,J. Hart (S.M.)792
Give us to lie, with humble hope,J. Hart (S.M.)27
Give us, blessed Jesus, give us,W. Gadsby (8.7.)697
Give us, if we live, ere long,John Newton (7s)501
Give wisdom and strength from above,J. Swain (8s)319
Give wisdom to direct our way,J. Hart (C.M.)30
Give you strength and victory.W. Gadsby (7s)720
Give, what I have long implored,C. Wesley (7.6.8.)390
Given the painful, pleasant smart.R. Hill (7s)944
Gives conduct to fools, and courage to wormsJ. Hart (104th)129
Gives exercise to faith and love;WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)394
Gives light and gladness in its room;W. Tucker (L.M.)399
Gives me faith the truth to wield.John Newton (8.7.4.)43
Gives me his holy sword to wield;Isaac Watts (L.M.)419
Gives sanction to his claim:Augustus Toplady (C.M.)117
Glad frames too often lift us up,J. Hart (C.M.)305
Glad my eyes, and warm my heart.C. Wesley (7s)726
Glad they renounce their former pride,Samuel Medley (L.M.)978
Glad to leave our cumbrous clay,J. Fawcett (8.7.4.)461
Gladdened by the flowing treasure,T. Kelly (8.7.4.)932
Gladly bear those sufferings too.W. Gadsby (7s)558
Gladly his command embracing;J. Fawcett (8.7.)428
Gladly leaving all below;J. Cennick (7s)267
Gladly own salvation free,J. Kent (8.7.4.)918
Gladly yield my all to thee;John Newton (7s)277
Gloomy garden, on thy beds,J. Hart (7s)802
Gloomy sorrows still increasing,R. Burnham (8.7.)1096
Gloomy, sad Gethsemane.J. Hart (7s)802
Glorious Captain of Salvation,J. Swain (8.7.4.)495
Glorious in his works and ways.J. Cennick (7s)267
Glorious in holiness;J. Hart (7.6.8.)854
Glorious things of thee are spoken,John Newton (8.7.)372
Glory and eternal laudJ. Hart (7s)788
Glory first to God be givenJ. Hart (8.7.)776
Glory in the highest height,W. Gadsby (7s)518
Glory is in them begun!J. Humphreys (7s)80
Glory to God aloneJ. Hart (148th)817
Glory to God on high!J. Allen (6.4.)415
Glory to God on high!J. Hart (S.M.)820
Glory to God on high,Isaac Watts (S.M.)38
Glory to God on high,Isaac Watts (S.M.)38
Glory to God that reigns above,Isaac Watts (C.M.)505
Glory to God the Father be,J. Hart (L.M.)34
Glory to God the Fathers name,Isaac Watts (C.M.)505
Glory to God the Holy Ghost,J. Hart (L.M.)34
Glory to God the Son be paidIsaac Watts (C.M.)505
Glory to God the Son, that heJ. Hart (L.M.)34
Glory to God the Son;Isaac Watts (148th)506
Glory to God the Spirit give,Isaac Watts (C.M.)505
Glory to God, in all the angelic heights;W. Gadsby (10s)703
Glory to God, they neer shall roveJ. Kent (L.M.)76
Glory to our God and King!W. Gadsby (7s)720
Glory to our God and King;W. Gadsby (7s)657
Glory to our God be givenJ. Hart (8.7.)776
Glory to the Eternal be,J. Hart (7s)503
Glory to the Lord on high.W. Gadsby (7s)518
Glory to the bleeding Lamb!J. Evans (8.7.4.)93
Glory to the new-born King,C. Wesley (7s)36
Glory to the new-born King;C. Wesley (7s)36
Glory to thee, great Son of God,Isaac Watts (L.M.)33
Glowed on the breastplate richly bright,J. Hart (L.M.)794
Go and find the royal strangerJ. Hart (8.7.)776
Go forth with one accord,W. Gadsby (148th)586
Go forth, sweet Prince, triumphantly,B. Wallin (C.M.)194
Go mourning all their days?Isaac Watts (C.M.)24
Go on to seek to know the Lord,J. Hart (S.M.)458
Go on, thou mighty God,W. Gadsby (S.M.)683
Go on; lo! heres the way.J. Hart (C.M.)812
Go visit Christ, your King;Isaac Watts (S.M.)38
Go worship at Immanuels feet;Isaac Watts (L.M.)142
Go, humble swains, said he,Isaac Watts (S.M.)38
Go, with the chains about thy neck,John Berridge (C.M.)892
Go, ye that rest upon the law,Isaac Watts (L.M.)47
God Almighty and the Lamb.J. Hart (8.7.)491
God accepts thee for thy tears;J. Hart (8.7.)719
God and man by him canJ. Hart (8.3.)104
God and sinners reconciled!C. Wesley (7s)36
God and sinners reconciled!C. Wesley (7s)36
God bids us bring no price;J. Hart (S.M.)831
God blest for evermore!J. Hart (8.8.6.)29
God blest for evermore,J. Hart (148th)313
God blest for evermore.J. Hart (C.M.)803
God can give, or we implore!Augustus Toplady (from the German) (8.7.)1073
God did love them in his SonJ. Humphreys (7s)80
God dwells in them, and they in God;J. Hart (C.M.)850
God from everlasting be blest, and, again,J. Hart (104th)449
God from the grave has raised his Son;J. Hart (L.M.)836
God has been merciful to me!Samuel Medley (L.M.)385
God has opened there a fountain,T. Kelly (8.7.4.)932
God has slain them with his sword;Henry Fowler (8.7.4.)1038
God has sworn, nor can he lie,W. Gadsby (7s)594
God hears and answers their desire;W. Gadsby (148th)618
God helping me to say,WIlliam Cowper (148th)338
God himself the giver.J. Hart (8.3.)104
God himself the word has spoken,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)600
God if over all thou art,C. Wesley (7s)1077
God in his Scriptures to revealJ. Hart (P.M.)814
God in his earthly temples laysIsaac Watts (L.M.)360
God is a Father, just and wise,W. Gadsby (L.M.)625
God is a Spirit, just and wise;W. Gadsby (C.M.)596
God is a high and holy God,J. Hart (C.M.)855
God is his own interpreter,WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)320
God is holy in his nature;J. Hart (8.3.)800
God is my Strength, and I will sing;R. Burnham (L.M.)3
God is my everlasting King;R. Burnham (L.M.)3
God is our Shield, and God our Sun;Isaac Watts (L.M.)364
God is our Shield, he guards our wayIsaac Watts (L.M.)370
God is our Sun, he makes our day;Isaac Watts (L.M.)370
God is satisfied and pleased.J. Hart (7s)788
God is the refuge of his saintsIsaac Watts (L.M.)1141
God is the same to endless years;Dobell’s Selection (L.M.)981
God is their strength, and through the roadIsaac Watts (L.M.)369
God knows we can do nothing well,D. Herbert (C.M.)678
God loved the church, and gave his SonJ. Humphreys (C.M.)55
God moves in a mysterious wayWIlliam Cowper (C.M.)320
God of eternal love,Isaac Watts (S.M.)318
God of my life, thy gracious powerC. Wesley (L.M.)1016
God of my life, to thee I call;WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)967
God of our salvation, hear us;T. Kelly (8.7.4.)1137
God of wisdom, love, and might,H. F. Lyte (8.7.)971
God on his thirsty Zion-hillIsaac Watts (C.M.)269
God only knows the love of God;C. Wesley (8.8.6.)249
God purifies the heart.J. Hart (C.M.)774
God sent his Son to die for us,J. Hart (L.M.)837
God shall alone the refuge be,Samuel Medley (C.M.)7
God that pitied sinners lost –J. Hart (7s)503
God their salvation is.W. Gadsby (S.M.)605
God through the fight shall thee sustain,Samuel Medley (L.M.)377
God thus commanded Jacobs seed,J. Hart (8.8.6.)358
God to view in Christ the Lord;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)514
God was clearly justified.J. Hart (7s)789
God was love, and loved the menW. Gadsby (7s)584
God well knows, and God alone,J. Hart (7s)802
God will not always chide;Isaac Watts (S.M.)1015
God will not give to ruin;J. Hart (
God will not of his oath repent:B. Wallin (L.M.)82
God will pronounce the sinners just,Isaac Watts (S.M.)110
God will surely with me dwell;John Berridge (7s)301
God with us by sacred ties.J. Kent (7s)145
God, for murmuring to requite them,J. Hart (8.8.7.)876
God, in the person of his Son,Isaac Watts (L.M.)18
God, of his wrath repenting, sworeJ. Hart (L.M.)791
God, or King, or Priest, or Prophet,J. Hart (8.7.)180
God, thy own God, will lead thee home,W. Gadsby (L.M.)622
God, who must ever beW. Gadsby (6.4.)517
God, you say, is good. Tis true,J. Hart (7s)789
Gods care for those he once has loved.B. Wallin (L.M.)82
Gods elect can never fail!J. Hart (7.5.)77
Gods election is the groundJ. Hart (7.5.)77
Gods eternal love record.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)641
Gods everlasting Son.Isaac Watts (S.M.)79
Gods goodness to declare,W. Gadsby (148th)634
Gods jewels of election-loveW. A. Clarke (L.M.)62
Gods mercy is for ever sure;J. Hart (C.M.)13
Gods own foe may plague his sons;J. Hart (7.6.8.)779
Gods promise and his oath,W. Gadsby (148th)607
Gods promise cannot fail;W. Gadsby (C.M.)664
Gods promise is our stay;W. Gadsby (C.M.)554
Gods pure seed remains within!J. Humphreys (7s)80
Gods righteous law is satisfied,J. Hart (L.M.)488
Gods righteous ways our carnal hearts despise,W. Gadsby (10s)699
Gods ways are just, his counsels wise;B. Beddome (L.M.)6
Gods wisdom would not pay for toysJ. Hart (C.M.)803A
Gold in the furnace triedJ. Hart (S.M.)872
Gomorrah in its crimes?E. Scott (C.M.)1145
Good God! what can a mortal do,W. Gadsby (L.M.)620
Good God, defend the dry!J. Hart (S.M.)312
Good God, forbid! inflame us with thy love,W. Gadsby (10s)703
Good creeds may stock his head around,John Berridge (112th)744
Good doctrines can do me no good,J. Berridge (C.M.)169
Good hope expects more good to know;J. Stevens (8.8.6.)242
Good hope is born of sovereign grace,J. Stevens (8.8.6.)242
Good hope rides safely oer the flood;J. Stevens (8.8.6.)242
Good hope sends out her fervent prayers,J. Stevens (8.8.6.)242
Good hope shall all their power control,J. Stevens (8.8.6.)242
Good hope, through grace, the saints possess,J. Stevens (8.8.6.)242
Good manna leave for earthly trash;John Berridge (112th)898
Good men there are; but, be it known,W. Gadsby (L.M.)538
Good news of salvation, through Jesus the Lamb.W. Gadsby (11s)524
Good will to men, to angels joy,Isaac Watts (S.M.)38
Good will to men, to angels joy,Isaac Watts (S.M.)38
Good wings of faith and wings of loveJ. Berridge (L.M.)49
Good works as legal ties;J. Hart (S.M.)852
Goodness and wrath in vain combineJ. Hart (L.M.)316
Goodness, immortal and divine,W. Gadsby (C.M.)554
Gospel repentance towards GodJ. Hart (C.M.)241
Grace all the work shall crown,P. Doddridge (S.M.)201
Grace and glory in thee shine;J. Hart (7s)857
Grace and justiceW. Gadsby (8.7.4.)514
Grace and mercyT. Kelly (8.7.4.)982
Grace and providence unite;R. Burnham (8.7.)1096
Grace brings a sense of pardoned sin,A. C. R., 1790 (L.M.)204
Grace did more than sin abound.J. Adams (8.7.4.)205
Grace first contrived a wayP. Doddridge (S.M.)201
Grace first inscribed my nameP. Doddridge (S.M.)201
Grace fits the new-born soul for heaven,J. Hart (C.M.)809
Grace has put me in the numberGospel Mag., 1777 (8.7.4.)69
Grace her empire still maintains;J. Kent (7s)145
Grace in Jesus fulness dwells,J. Kent (7s)1044
Grace is Jehovahs sovereign will,J. Stevens (L.M.)224
Grace is a firm but friendly hand,J. Stevens (L.M.)224
Grace is a shoreless sea;J. Kent (C.M.)413
Grace is free; and alls the Lambs.J. Kent (7s)1044
Grace is my shield, and Christ my song.Isaac Watts (L.M.)326
Grace is the never-ceasing springR. Burnham (S.M.)203
Grace must and will relieveW. Gadsby (S.M.)665
Grace must be free indeed!J. Hart (S.M.)219
Grace once received can neer be lost,J. Kent (L.M.)908
Grace reconciles to every loss,A. C. R., 1790 (L.M.)204
Grace reigns to pardon crimson sins,John Newton (C.M.)202
Grace shall at last the victory get,Dobell’s Selection (L.M.)981
Grace shall be our lovely theme;J. Adams (7s)99
Grace shall beyond their sins abound;J. Kent (C.M.)1092
Grace shall inspire our souls to sing,R. Burnham (S.M.)203
Grace shall reign eternally.J. Kent (8.7.4.)766
Grace takes all my ruin and woe,W. Gadsby (8s)595
Grace taught my soul to pray,P. Doddridge (S.M.)201
Grace taught our friends to knowW. Gadsby (S.M.)665
Grace taught their souls to singW. Gadsby (S.M.)665
Grace taught them to communeW. Gadsby (S.M.)665
Grace to heal thy foul backslidings,J. Kent (8.7.)913
Grace to pardon all my sin;C. Wesley (7s)303
Grace to restore thy soul,J. Kent (148th)87
Grace to save thee from thy fears;John Newton (7s)956
Grace! tis a charming sound,P. Doddridge (S.M.)201
Grace! tis a sweet, a charming theme!Isaac Watts (L.M.)18
Grace, like a fountain, ever flows,T. Greene (C.M.)209
Grace, like an uncorrupted seed,Isaac Watts (C.M.)192
Grace, till the tribes redeemed by blood,J. Kent (8.8.6.)406
Grace, which, like the Lord, the giver,John Newton (8.7.)372
Grace, wisdom, power, and righteousness;Isaac Watts (L.M.)1006
Gracious God, thy children keep;J. Hart (7s)706
Gracious Lord, incline thy ear;W. Hammond (7s)737
Gracious Redeemer, take, O take,C. Wesley (S.M.)1050
Gracious Saviour,John Newton (8.7.4.)496
Gracious Saviour, never leave me,J. Fawcett (8.7.)1119
Gracious Spirit, Dove divine,J. Stocker (7s)767
Gracious Spirit, make me heedful;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)573
Grant me the visits of thy face,Isaac Watts (C.M.)186
Grant me thy Divine directionJ. Fawcett (8.7.)1119
Grant these requests, I ask no more,John Newton (L.M.)692
Grant us, Lord, a gracious rain!John Newton (8.7.)1144
Grappling with the powers of darkness,Zion’s Trumpet, 1838 (8.7.)1118
Grateful hearts his love to prize;J. Hart (8.7.)180
Graved on his hands divinely fair,J. Kent (C.M.)413
Great All in All, eternal King!Isaac Watts (L.M.)480
Great Comforter! descend and bringIsaac Watts (C.M.)24
Great Father of glory, how rich is thy grace!J. Stevens (11s)243
Great Father of mercies, thy goodness I own,J. Stocker (11s)11
Great God of Hosts, deliverance bring;J. Hart (C.M.)808
Great God of order, truth, and grace,R. Burnham (C.M.)1153
Great God! and why is Britain spared?A. Steele (C.M.)1143
Great God! attend, while Zion singsIsaac Watts (L.M.)370
Great God! before thy throneSamuel Medley (S.M.)499
Great God! from thee theres nought concealed,John Newton (C.M.)119
Great God! how infinite art thou!Isaac Watts (C.M.)1
Great God! how infinite art thou!Isaac Watts (C.M.)1
Great God! if thou shouldst bring me near,J. Cennick (8.8.6.)163
Great God! my Maker and my King,B. Beddome (L.M.)8
Great God! prepare each heart and voiceSamuel Medley (L.M.)171
Great God! theres nothing new!Isaac Watts (C.M.)1
Great God! thy glory and thy loveSamuel Medley (C.M.)367
Great God! thy kingdom come,W. Gadsby (S.M.)683
Great God! thy nature has no bound,Isaac Watts (L.M.)761
Great God! to thee Ill makeB. Beddome (148th)947
Great God! whose universal powerW. Gadsby (C.M.)646
Great God, Three-One, again we call,J. Hart (C.M.)862
Great God, and shall thy remnant cryE. Scott (C.M.)1145
Great God, are in thy hand;B. Beddome (C.M.)1110
Great God, do thou my spirit cheer;J. Kent (L.M.)926
Great God, forbid the thought!W. Gadsby (S.M.)601
Great God, how deep thy counsels lie:J. Kent (C.M.)757
Great God, if once compared with thine,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1148
Great God, in whom we live,J. Hart (S.M.)847
Great God, to talk to thee;J. Hart (C.M.)156
Great God, to thee we come,W. Gadsby (148th)700
Great Head of influence divine,D. Denham (C.M.)1154
Great High Priest, we view thee stoopingJ. Hart (8.7.)237A
Great Prophet of my God,Isaac Watts (148th)122
Great Protector!J. Adams (8.7.4.)349
Great Rock of my secure abode;Isaac Watts (L.M.)419
Great Rock, for weary sinners made,J. Kent (L.M.)924
Great Shepherd of thine Israel,Isaac Watts (L.M.)1140
Great Spring of comfort, life, and light?A. Steele (L.M.)1078
Great Sun of righteousness, arise,Isaac Watts (L.M.)1147
Great and small, since the fall,J. Hart (8.3.)799
Great are the graces he confers,J. Hart (C.M.)32
Great as he is, I dare be free;John Newton (L.M.)960
Great his glory!T. Kelly (8.7.4.)982
Great in his anger, God arose,J. Hart (L.M.)791
Great is his love to me,W. Gadsby (148th)559
Great lengths of ground by day;J. Hart (S.M.)308
Great or good, whateer we call,J. Hart (8.7.)180
Great sovereign Lord, what human eyeBoyce (C.M.)1151
Great things we are not here to crave;J. Hart (8.8.8.)807
Greater is thy danger.J. Hart (8.3.)799
Greater riches than this earthW. Gadsby (7s)616
Greater than the sinful heart;C. Wesley (7s)1077
Greatest sinners, greatly spared,J. Hart (7s)874
Grief him covered like a grave,W. Gadsby (7s)658
Griefs and sorrows, sins and cares;R. Burnham (8.7.)1096
Groaned and bled for worms below.J. Kent (8.7.4.)920
Groaned, and bled to set me free.J. Kent (8.7.)759
Groaning on the ground he lies;J. Berridge (7s)170
Groaning, gasping, dying!J. Hart (7.6.)780
Grovelling in Gethsemane.J. Hart (7s)802
Grow most rank and bitter weeds;J. Hart (7s)802
Grow weary of his saints?Isaac Watts (C.M.)269
Grow weary, or decay?Isaac Watts (C.M.)327
Growing wanton when full fed.John Berridge (7s)301
Grows in rich Gethsemane.J. Hart (7s)802
Guard me round on every side;J. Stocker (7s)767
Guard me through life, and let my endJ. Fawcett (C.M.)341
Guard us from a world of sin;J. Hart (7s)706
Guarded by his almighty hand.John Newton (L.M.)960
Guide a poor pilgrim safely on;J. Hoskins (L.M.)945
Guide me all the desert through;J. Adams (7s)347
Guide me safe to Zions land.W. W. Horne (7s)1111
Guide me, O thou great Jehovah!W. Williams (8.7.4.)462
Guide those that hold the helm;J. Hart (C.M.)808
Guide us down to death, and thereW. Gadsby (7s)515
Guide us into perfect peace.C. Wesley (8.7.)1057
Guide us safely by thy wordJ. Hart (7.6.)827
Guide us, Jesus;J. Adams (8.7.4.)208
Guide, O guide me by thy Spirit;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)641
Guide, and Counsellor, and Friend;J. Hart (8.7.)746
Guided by grace, shall walk his ways,J. Hart (S.M.)832
Guides cry, Lo here! Lo there!J. Hart (S.M.)308
Guilt broke his guiltless heartJ. Hart (148th)445
Guilt from the troubled heart remove,J. Kent (8.8.6.)1132
Guiltless, since for me he died;J. Bradford (7s)116
Guilty before the Lord.Isaac Watts (C.M.)111
Guilty thoughts, like ghosts, pursuing,J. Swain (8.7.4.)495
Guilty, but with heart relenting,D. Turner (8.7.)1068
Gush from the sinners eyes.J. Hupton (C.M.)1099
Had I a glance of thee, my God,Isaac Watts (L.M.)480
Had I the pinions of the dove,T. Kelly (L.M.)1048
Had for his office made him meet.J. Hart (L.M.)794
Had he to any other prayed,J. Hart (112th)790
Had incurred the wrath divine;J. Hart (7s)802
Had it not been in thee.John Newton (C.M.)193
Had not God detested sin.J. Hart (7s)789
Had not love first touched my heart,R. Hill (7s)944
Had not thy choice prevented mine,J. Hart (C.M.)222
Had room; but none for him.J. Hart (C.M.)39
Had shone on this dark soul of mine,J. Fawcett (L.M.)238
Hagarenes have here no room;W. Gadsby (7s)543
Hail him who saves you by his grace,E. Perronet (C.M.)730
Hail the Lamb who came to save us;J. Kent (8.7.)913
Hail the incarnate Deity!C. Wesley (7s)36
Hail the love that made him die!J. Kent (8.7.)913
Hail! the Lord of earth and heaven!C. Wesley (7s)485
Hail! the Resurrection thou!C. Wesley (7s)485
Hail, Son of God and man!J. Hart (7.6.8.)823
Hail, blessed time! Lord, bid me come,Gospel Mag., 1796 (L.M.)482
Hail, great Immanuel, all divine!Isaac Watts (L.M.)264
Hail, matchless, free, eternal grace,J. Brewer (L.M.)134
Hail, mighty Jesus! how divineB. Wallin (C.M.)194
Hail, sacred union, firm and strong!J. Kent (L.M.)405
Hail, slaughtered Lamb of God;J. Hart (7.6.8.)823
Hail, sovereign love, that first beganJ. Brewer (L.M.)134
Hail, thou Bridegroom, bruised to death,J. Hart (7.6.8.)823
Hail, thou dear, thou worthy Lord;J. Hart (7s)490
Hail, thou mighty Saviour, blestJ. Hart (7.6.8.)823
Hail, thou suffering Son of God!J. Hart (7s)490
Hails him as he passes by.J. Hart (7s)490
Half his wisdom, power, or grace.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)615
Hallelujah to their King.W. Gadsby (7s)518
Hallelujah!J. Cennick, C. Wesley and M. Madan (8.7.4.)493
Hallelujah!Gospel Mag., 1777 (8.7.4.)69
Hallelujah!J. Kent (8.7.4.)766
Hallelujah!Henry Fowler (8.7.4.)769
Hallelujah!J. Evans (8.7.4.)93
Hallelujah, amen; salvations of God!W. Gadsby (104th)568
Hand in hand we would be walking,R. Burnham (8.7.)258
Hang on his firm decree;Isaac Watts (C.M.)4
Hangs at the mothers breast,J. Hart (C.M.)708
Hangs my everlasting all;D. Turner (8.7.)1068
Hangs my helpless soul on thee;C. Wesley (7s)303
Hangs upon yonder cross.T. Kelly (S.M.)1012
Happiness complete is thine;Augustus Toplady (7s)988
Happiness is not here;J. Hart (S.M.)880
Happiness, thou lovely name,Augustus Toplady (7s)988
Happy are they to whom the LordJohn Newton (C.M.)966
Happy are we,T. Kelly (8.7.4.)1014
Happy in thy precious love.Madan’s Selection (7s)1058
Happy is the man indeed,W. Gadsby (7.6.)574
Happy is the savèd sinner,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)615
Happy moments!J. Irons (8.7.4.)735
Happy moments!J. Irons (8.7.4.)735
Happy moments!J. Irons (8.7.4.)735
Happy seasons we have seen!John Newton (8.7.)1144
Happy songsters!J. Fawcett (8.7.4.)333
Happy soul, that hears and followsJ. Hart (8.7.)864
Happy soul, that, free from harms,C. Wesley (7s)1071
Happy souls! who cleave to ChristJ. Hart (7.6.8.)779
Happy the church, thou sacred place;Isaac Watts (L.M.)364
Happy the man that bears the strokeJ. Hart (C.M.)871
Happy the men that fear the Lord;J. Hart (L.M.)255
Harassed with tormenting doubt;John Newton (7s)356
Hard by the signals of his wound;Isaac Watts (L.M.)21
Hard is that heart which does not melt,(Author Unknown) (L.M.)937
Hard my heart, and cold, and faint;John Berridge (7s)702
Harder than rocks and mountains are,J. Hart (L.M.)153A
Hardly have a good desire.J. Hart (7.5.)853
Hardly, sure, can they be worseJohn Newton (7s)283
Hark! from the cross a gracious voiceJ. Swain (C.M.)951
Hark! his expiring groans arise!A. Steele (L.M.)1123
Hark! how he prays, the charming soundIsaac Watts (L.M.)47
Hark! how his doleful cries affrightJ. Hart (L.M.)797
Hark! how the blood-bought hosts aboveJ. Kent (8.8.6.)406
Hark! how the gospel trumpet sounds!C. Cole (L.M.)984
Hark! ten thousand harps resounding!J. Swain (8.7.4.)495
Hark! the herald-angels sing,C. Wesley (7s)36
Hark! the trumpets awful sound,John Newton (8.7.4.)496
Hark! the voice of love and mercyJ. Evans (8.7.4.)93
Hark! those bursts of acclamation,T. Kelly (8.7.4.)972
Hark! those loud triumphant chords!T. Kelly (8.7.4.)972
Hark, my soul! it is the Lord;WIlliam Cowper (7s)968
Hark, the voice of love, proclaimingT. Kelly (8.7.4.)1133
Harmonious to the ear;P. Doddridge (S.M.)201
Has God a command to fulfil,Gospel Mag., 1777 (8s)250
Has God refused to give thee aid,J. Kent (S.M.)909
Has Jesus made you free?W. Gadsby (148th)608
Has a much better faith.J. Hart (8.6.8.)234
Has all his mightiest works outdone.Isaac Watts (L.M.)18
Has answered these demands;Isaac Watts (C.M.)946
Has broken off as well.W. Gadsby (C.M.)553
Has crowned thy sacred head.Isaac Watts (C.M.)126
Has died to redeem us! what could he do more?J. Swain (104th)417
Has ever turned my night to day,A. Steele (8.8.6.)962
Has felt his sins forgiven,J. Hart (C.M.)351
Has fixed his royal throne;Isaac Watts (122nd)362
Has for hope a solid ground.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)600
Has forgiven, and does forgive,T. Kelly (8.7.4.)1014
Has free redemption in his blood.J. Hart (L.M.)255
Has frequently yielded good cheer.R. Burnham (8s)460
Has full atonement made;C. Wesley (148th)59
Has gathered thick and thundered loud,Samuel Medley (L.M.)9
Has given a fair and full release,J. Hart (C.M.)151
Has hired him, it seems;W. Gadsby (148th)590
Has joys substantial and sincere;Isaac Watts (L.M.)473
Has made his nature known.Isaac Watts (C.M.)505
Has made the contest cease,J. Berridge (148th)146
Has made the gospel known.Isaac Watts (C.M.)71
Has my poor heart been turned aside;Samuel Medley (L.M.)1056
Has nailed our tyrants to his cross,Isaac Watts (S.M.)210
Has neither shore nor bound;Isaac Watts (C.M.)212
Has on me laid his gentle rod,Samuel Medley (L.M.)410
Has power sufficient to atone;Isaac Watts (L.M.)1004
Has restless sin and raging hellIsaac Watts (C.M.)327
Has right to interpose?J. Hart (C.M.)486
Has sealed the covenant, too!Gospel Mag., 1778 (S.M.)86
Has sovereign power to save.Isaac Watts (S.M.)420
Has touched our eyes and ears,John Berridge (148th)673
Has waited for a cure.John Newton (S.M.)729
Has wandered from the Lord,A. Steele (C.M.)392
Has washed us clean, and made our peace,J. Hart (C.M.)774
Has won my affections, and bound my soul fast.J. Stocker (11s)11
Has, in the precepts of his word,Norman (8.8.6.)430
Hast made us kings and priests to God,Isaac Watts (C.M.)19
Hast set the prisoners free,Isaac Watts (C.M.)19
Hast thou a foe before whose faceP. Doddridge (C.M.)1066
Hast thou a lamb in all thy flockP. Doddridge (C.M.)1066
Hast thou forsaken me?J. Berridge (8.8.6.)148
Hast thou imparted to my soulLock Chapel Collection (L.M.)1008
Hast thou not bid me seek thy face,A. Steele (C.M.)136
Hast thou not given the sign?Isaac Watts (C.M.)1146
Hast thou not planted with thy handsIsaac Watts (L.M.)1140
Hast thou the cross for me endured,J. Fellows (C.M.)429
Hast thou, O Father, put to griefAugustus Toplady (8.8.6.)227
Haste grasps at all, but nothing keeps;J. Hart (C.M.)783
Haste to join the heavenly throng.W. Gadsby (7s)515
Haste, and seek the Saviours face;J. Berridge (7s)147
Haste, my Beloved, and removeIsaac Watts (C.M.)478
Haste, then, but with a smiling face,Isaac Watts (L.M.)264
Have I unionW. Gadsby (8.7.4.)698
Have cheered our souls and vanquished every fear.W. Gadsby (10s)699
Have done with sin, and care, and woe,John Newton (C.M.)1155
Have envied and admired our lot.John Newton (L.M.)1142
Have favour in his eyes;J. Hart (C.M.)871
Have fixed my roving heart.John Newton (C.M.)1100
Have found eternal wisdom.J. Hart (P.M.)814
Have made the curse a blessing prove!Isaac Watts (L.M.)164
Have no acceptance here.WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)1122
Have no presumptuous thought,John Berridge (148th)674
Have not I, if any soul,J. Hart (7.6.)780
Have pity on my needy soul;J. Fawcett (C.M.)393
Have proved his mercy sovereign, rich, and free.W. Gadsby (10s)669
Have taught my soul to see,W. Gadsby (148th)613
Have warned me of approaching harms;J. Maxwell (L.M.)44
Have we beheld the Lord;Isaac Watts (S.M.)423
Have we forgot the almighty NameIsaac Watts (C.M.)327
Have you no words? ah! think again;WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)394
Having Jesus,John Newton (8.7.4.)43
Having thee, I want no more.W. Hammond (7s)342
Having thy sweet consolations,Augustus Toplady (from the German) (8.7.)1073
He a present help will be –W. Gadsby (7s)720
He all his foes shall quell;C. Wesley (148th)127
He all my foes shall quell;W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)557
He all their sorrows heals.W. Gadsby (C.M.)579
He and he alone is fitW. Gadsby (7.6.)574
He anoints me from above;W. Gadsby (7s)558
He answers and fulfilsIsaac Watts (148th)122
He bears my name upon his heart,W. Gadsby (L.M.)525
He bears my sinking spirits up,W. Gadsby (C.M.)552
He bears us in his arms.J. Hart (S.M.)308A
He bequeathed his peace to me,W. Gadsby (7s)594
He bids him rule the lands abroad,Isaac Watts (S.M.)38
He bids his saints draw nigh,W. Gadsby (S.M.)624
He bids the saints be glad;Isaac Watts (122nd)362
He bids us drink his blood;Isaac Watts (S.M.)437
He binds my name upon his arm,Isaac Watts (C.M.)479
He bore almighty wrath for you,W. Gadsby (L.M.)536
He bore it for a chosen race,J. Brewer (L.M.)134
He bore their every poisonous dart,W. Gadsby (C.M.)561
He bought me with his precious blood,W. Gadsby (8s)581
He bought our souls from death and hell;J. Hart (C.M.)23
He bought thee dear abandon fear;J. Hart (C.M.)355
He bought thee with his blood.J. Hart (C.M.)355
He bought them with his own hearts blood,W. Gadsby (148th)634
He bowed his awful head;Isaac Watts (S.M.)167
He breaks his childrens hearts in twain,W. Gadsby (C.M.)553
He breaks the traps and gins that lieW. Gadsby (C.M.)553
He breaks their bonds, himself sets free,W. Gadsby (C.M.)553
He breaks through every darksome cloud,W. Gadsby (C.M.)553
He brings my wandering spirit back,Isaac Watts (C.M.)139
He brings them to the test,W. Gadsby (S.M.)614
He bursts at once the sleep of sin,J. Kent (L.M.)908
He called on Israels God, tis said;J. Hart (112th)790
He calls our wandering feet to heaven.Isaac Watts (L.M.)211
He calls the fool and makes him knowIsaac Watts (C.M.)74
He calls the simple, blind, and lameJohn Berridge (8.8.6.)745
He calls thee to his throne of grace,Isaac Watts (C.M.)727
He calls them sons and heirs.W. Gadsby (S.M.)624
He calls them to a mercy-seat,John Newton (C.M.)966
He came from above, the laws curse to remove;C. Wesley (11s)161
He came on the pinions of covenant love!Isaac Watts (11s)414
He came the lost to seek and save by grace.W. Gadsby (10s)669
He came to atone the dread justice of God,Isaac Watts (11s)414
He came to save her soul from hell,W. Gadsby (C.M.)533
He came to save such worms as you,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)592
He came to save the lost,W. Gadsby (148th)629
He came to save the poor;W. Gadsby (S.M.)587
He came to seek and save,J. Hart (148th)448
He came to seek poor sinners out,D. Herbert (C.M.)678
He came, and, with his own hearts blood,J. Hart (C.M.)861
He came, we adore him, to raise us on high;Isaac Watts (11s)414
He can do nothing good;J. Hart (C.M.)105
He cancels his malicious claim,J. Hart (112th)89
He cannot finally depart,J. Hoskins (C.M.)953
He cannot learn to love.John Newton (C.M.)691
He cannot let you starve;W. Gadsby (S.M.)519
He cannot long delay;J. Hart (C.M.)782
He cannot take from us, though oft he has tried,John Newton (104th)324
He cheers my heart, my needs supplies,John Newton (L.M.)91
He chose a people for his praise,W. Gadsby (C.M.)530
He chose her in Jesus his Son,W. Gadsby (8s)569
He clothed me well from top to toe,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)647
He comes to set thy spirit free,J. Fawcett (L.M.)328
He comes, he comes with truth and grace!W. Gadsby (148th)571
He comes, the world to judge,W. Gadsby (148th)666
He comes; the Saviour full of grace,T. Kelly (C.M.)975
He condescends to dwell below.W. Gadsby (L.M.)625
He conquered when he fell.Isaac Watts (C.M.)168
He could but just sustain the weight.J. Hart (L.M.)712
He could not me forget;W. Gadsby (S.M.)659
He cries, and cries again,John Berridge (148th)749
He crowns thy life with love,Isaac Watts (S.M.)420
He cures without money; nor will he disdainW. Gadsby (11s)548
He designèd to redeem.W. Gadsby (7s)584
He did all my debts discharge,W. Gadsby (7s)542
He did thy state survey,J. Kent (C.M.)413
He died and rose again for you;B. Beddome (L.M.)431
He died to atone for our sins, not his own;C. Wesley (11s)161
He died to set the captives free;C. Cole (L.M.)984
He dies! and in that dreadful nightIsaac Watts (L.M.)211
He does and will for me provide;J. Franklin (L.M.)513
He doomed me in the dust to lie,Rozzell (C.M.)189
He draws life and virtue from him.J. Hart (8s)220
He draws the thirsty to his spring,John Berridge (C.M.)684
He dries their tears, relieves their fears,J. Hart (S.M.)832
He engaged to manage all,John Newton (7s)277
He enters into Christ, and thereW. Gadsby (8.8.6.)636
He ever lives to intercedeIsaac Watts (C.M.)121
He ever lives, and reigns, and rests.W. Gadsby (L.M.)538
He executes his firm decrees;B. Beddome (L.M.)6
He feeds among the spicy beds,Isaac Watts (L.M.)22
He feeds his flock, he calls their names;Isaac Watts (148th)122
He feels himself guilty, and what can he do?W. Gadsby (104th)520
He feels it every day;J. Kent (C.M.)1089
He feels the Saviours worth,Henry Fowler (148th)1026
He feels the filth within.D. Herbert (C.M.)678
He feels the sweets of sin forgiven;J. Kent (L.M.)908
He feels within the weight of sin,J. Hart (S.M.)287
He felt its galling load,J. Kent (C.M.)1089
He fights our battles well;W. Gadsby (C.M.)561
He fills his own immortal NOW,Isaac Watts (C.M.)2
He fills the poor with good;Isaac Watts (S.M.)420
He finds a settled rest.W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)636
He fondly strives to flingJ. Hart (C.M.)708
He for them did once atone;W. Gadsby (7s)542
He formed the sun, fair fount of light;J. Hart (L.M.)88
He forms his vessels as he please;Isaac Watts (L.M.)75
He forsook his ancient glory,J. Kent (8.7.4.)920
He fought and he conquered her foes,W. Gadsby (8s)569
He fought, he conquered though he fell,A. Steele (L.M.)1080
He found me wandering far from God,John Newton (L.M.)91
He freely and faithfully givesW. Gadsby (8s)627
He freely loves, and without end.John Newton (L.M.)91
He freely redeemed with his bloodB. Francis (8s)246
He from faith to faith shall go,W. Gadsby (7s)545
He from the grave my dust will raise;Samuel Medley (L.M.)173
He fulfilled; reconciledJ. Hart (8.3.)104
He gapes with adamantine jaws,J. Hart (C.M.)845
He gave himself for wretched me,W. Gadsby (148th)537
He gave his Son their life to be,W. Gadsby (C.M.)570
He gave his life a ransom-priceW. Gadsby (148th)532
He gave his only Son.W. Gadsby (C.M.)570
He gave us grace in Christ his Son,Isaac Watts (L.M.)211
He gently leads us on;J. Hart (S.M.)308A
He gives her power to live and viewW. Gadsby (148th)602
He gives the conquest to the weak,Isaac Watts (C.M.)327
He gives the sufferers rest;Isaac Watts (S.M.)420
He gives them out strength for their day,John Newton (8s)276
He gives us all things, and withholdsIsaac Watts (L.M.)370
He gladly dictates, gladly hears,J. Hart (C.M.)32
He graciously imparts;S. Stennett (S.M.)359
He groaned upon the tree?Isaac Watts (C.M.)763
He groaned; he cried; he bled;W. Gadsby (S.M.)663
He guards his children well,W. Gadsby (S.M.)624
He guards our souls from hell and sinIsaac Watts (C.M.)124
He guards them by his power;R. Burnham (C.M.)772
He guides, and moves our steps,J. Hart (S.M.)308A
He has a redundance for all that believe.J. Fawcett (104th)184
He has borne their misbehaviour,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)593
He has bought me with his blood;W. Gadsby (7s)542
He has bought our souls with blood!W. Gadsby (7s)662
He has broke the bands asunder,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)583
He has brought us home to God!John Newton (8.7.7.)416
He has brought us home to God!John Newton (8.7.7.)416
He has brought us home to God!John Newton (8.7.7.)416
He has brought us home to God!John Newton (8.7.7.)416
He has brought us home to God!John Newton (8.7.7.)416
He has burst their bands asunder,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)560
He has called us,J. Adams (8.7.4.)205
He has conquered death and hell;W. Gadsby (7s)658
He has engaged, by firm decree,J. Fawcett (L.M.)328
He has engrossed my warmest love;Isaac Watts (L.M.)22
He has hushed the laws loud thunder;John Newton (8.7.7.)416
He has made an end of sin,J. Hart (7s)830
He has made us priests and kings;J. Hart (8.7.)719
He has not got a grain.J. Berridge (8.8.6.)178
He has once the wine-press trod;J. Kent (7s)145
He has promised to provide;John Newton (7s)277
He has quenched Mount Sinais flame;John Newton (8.7.7.)416
He has quite mistook the way.W. Gadsby (7s)545
He has said hell ever rest.W. Gadsby (7s)584
He has saved his favourite nation;J. Adams (8.7.4.)205
He has saved my soul from sin,W. Gadsby (7s)558
He has saved us by his blood;J. Hart (7s)179
He has saved us!J. Adams (8.7.4.)205
He has shed his precious blood,W. Gadsby (7s)654
He has the Father and the Son,J. Hart (8.6.8.)234
He has unmeasured bliss to give,A. Steele (C.M.)1039
He has vanquished death and hell;W. Gadsby (7s)662
He has washed us in his blood;John Newton (8.7.7.)416
He has washed us in his blood;John Newton (8.7.7.)416
He has washed us in his blood;John Newton (8.7.7.)416
He has washed us in his blood;John Newton (8.7.7.)416
He has washed us in his blood;John Newton (8.7.7.)416
He hates to put away.J. Kent (C.M.)413
He hates to put away.J. Kent (C.M.)413
He hates to put away.J. Kent (C.M.)413
He hates to put away.J. Kent (C.M.)413
He heard, and bade the tempest cease;John Newton (L.M.)1017
He hearkened to their groans,Isaac Watts (S.M.)318
He hears and will relieve complaint:John Berridge (C.M.)893
He hears my sad complaints,J. Berridge (S.M.)114
He hears our mournful call.D. Herbert (C.M.)509
He hears our praises and complaints,Isaac Watts (C.M.)361
He hears the Spirits voice within;J. Kent (L.M.)908
He hears the groans of his elect,J. Kent (C.M.)413
He hears the sigh or groan.D. Herbert (C.M.)675
He helps me on him to rely;J. Franklin (C.M.)511
He hides a smiling face.WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)320
He hides the purpose of his grace,J. Swain (C.M.)132
He himself has bid thee pray,John Newton (7s)379
He himself, in Jordans river,J. Fawcett (8.7.)428
He holds all nature in his hand;A. Steele (L.M.)957
He hung in open view;J. Hart (C.M.)785
He hung, through soul and body pierced,J. Hart (L.M.)815
He in holy triumph brokeW. Gadsby (7s)657
He in the thickest darkness dwells;B. Beddome (L.M.)6
He in various ways reproves;W. Gadsby (7s)623
He invites us to this feast;W. Gadsby (7s)662
He is able,J. Hart (8.7.4.)723
He is faithful,J. Fawcett (8.7.4.)333
He is mighty,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)593
He is my All; of him Ill boast;W. Gadsby (148th)630
He is my Helper and my Guide;J. Hart (C.M.)812
He is my Refuge in each deep distress;W. Gadsby (10s)667
He is my Rock, my Refuge too,J. Adams (L.M.)175
He is my Rock, my anchor-ground,John Berridge (8.8.6.)745
He is my rich treasure, my God, and my King.W. Gadsby (11s)577
He is my souls sweet morning star,Isaac Watts (C.M.)1011
He is my strength and tower;J. Franklin (C.M.)511
He is needful as our All;W. Gadsby (7.6.)574
He is needful in all stations,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)573
He is no fickle friend;J. Hart (C.M.)351
He is the Son to free;J. Hart (S.M.)130
He is the whole creations Head,Isaac Watts (L.M.)20
He is their Father still;W. Gadsby (S.M.)624
He is their God, and they shall knowW. Gadsby (8.8.6.)557
He is their treasure and their joy,W. Gadsby (148th)598
He is though I am blindSamuel Medley (C.M.)7
He is willing; doubt no more.J. Hart (8.7.4.)723
He is your God and King,W. Gadsby (148th)539
He is your God and King.J. Berridge (8.8.6.)149
He is your strength and portion too,W. Gadsby (S.M.)519
He is, I daily find,Samuel Medley (C.M.)7
He justly claims a song from me;Samuel Medley (L.M.)9
He keeps a gradual pace.J. Hart (C.M.)709
He kindly listens while they tellS. Stennett (L.M.)762
He knows and loves the beggars knock,W. Gadsby (148th)629
He knows he must resign.John Newton (C.M.)1020
He knows how deep their groanings are,Samuel Medley (L.M.)263
He knows how long Ive languished here,John Newton (S.M.)729
He knows how weak and faint thou art,John Berridge (C.M.)765
He knows our feeble frame;Isaac Watts (C.M.)120
He knows our foes are strong;D. Herbert (C.M.)509
He knows our sins perplex and tease,D. Herbert (C.M.)509
He knows the frailty of our frame;B. Beddome (L.M.)441
He knows we are but dust;D. Herbert (C.M.)678
He knows we have no strength at all;D. Herbert (C.M.)509
He knows what arguments Id takeIsaac Watts (C.M.)727
He knows what sore temptations mean,Isaac Watts (C.M.)120
He knows, and is known by, his sheep;W. Gadsby (8s)627
He laid his glory by,C. Wesley (148th)37
He leads my soul safely along,W. Gadsby (8s)565
He led the host of morning stars;Isaac Watts (L.M.)20
He led them by the way:J. Hart (8.8.6.)358
He left his radiant throne on high!A. Steele (C.M.)418
He left his starry crown,S. Stennett (148th)403
He lends an unseen hand,John Berridge (148th)749
He let his patience long endure,Isaac Watts (L.M.)75
He like an angel stands,Isaac Watts (148th)122
He likes the tents of Jacob well,Isaac Watts (L.M.)360
He lines it out with blood.J. Hart (S.M.)308A
He listens to their broken sighs,S. Stennett (S.M.)359
He lives and blessed be my Rock,Isaac Watts (L.M.)419
He lives on the bounty of grace, rich and free –W. Gadsby (11.8.)591
He lives within the vail above,Samuel Medley (C.M.)383
He lives! he lives! and sits above,Isaac Watts (L.M.)72
He lives, all blessings to impart!Samuel Medley (L.M.)751
He lives, all glory to his name!Samuel Medley (L.M.)751
He lives, eternally to save!Samuel Medley (L.M.)751
He lives, he reigns, and sits above,W. Gadsby (148th)539
He lives, the Lord enthroned on high!Samuel Medley (L.M.)751
He lives, their mansions to prepare,Samuel Medley (L.M.)751
He lives, to bring them safely there!Samuel Medley (L.M.)751
He lives, to calm their troubled heart!Samuel Medley (L.M.)751
He lives, to still his peoples fears!Samuel Medley (L.M.)751
He lives, to wipe away their tears!Samuel Medley (L.M.)751
He lives, triumphant oer the grave!Samuel Medley (L.M.)751
He lives, unchangeably the same!Samuel Medley (L.M.)751
He loads their shoulders well with woe,J. Berridge (C.M.)300
He looks to him that works the whole,J. Hart (C.M.)222
He looks with smiling face;W. Gadsby (148th)559
He loved and chose because he would;W. Gadsby (C.M.)530
He loved me ere the world began;W. Gadsby (L.M.)525
He loved, he has loved us, because he would love;C. Wesley (11s)161
He loves beyond degree;W. Gadsby (C.M.)579
He loves his people, great and small,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)149
He loves them without end,(Author Unknown) (148th)214
He loves through every changing scene,W. Gadsby (L.M.)633
He loves to bind up broken reeds,John Berridge (C.M.)743
He loves to hear our praise.Isaac Watts (C.M.)19
He loves you most dearly rejoice in his name;J. Hart (11s)40
He loves, but will correct us too,John Berridge (S.M.)335
He made a precious way to God.W. Gadsby (148th)585
He made an end of sin,W. Gadsby (S.M.)606
He made by Moses known;Isaac Watts (S.M.)420
He made his Son our sacrifice;J. Hart (L.M.)34
He made the payment good.W. Gadsby (C.M.)533
He magnified the lawW. Gadsby (148th)537
He magnified the law for me,W. Gadsby (L.M.)525
He makes his graces shine.Isaac Watts (C.M.)109
He makes my soul his care;Isaac Watts (C.M.)325
He makes the believer, and gives him his crown.J. Hart (104th)804
He makes the blind to see;D. Herbert (C.M.)675
He makes the dead to hear his voice;D. Herbert (C.M.)675
He makes the glorious victory mine,Isaac Watts (C.M.)325
He makes the sinner sad,Isaac Watts (122nd)362
He makes them feel the cleansing grace,R. Burnham (C.M.)16
He many a sore temptation meet,J. Hart (L.M.)681
He marketh every tear,John Berridge (148th)749
He may them exercise;J. Adams (S.M.)274
He measures, with a span,W. Gadsby (148th)539
He meets me with a kiss,J. Berridge (S.M.)268
He meets with many a blow;J. Hart (S.M.)287
He must relieve the poor.John Berridge (C.M.)893
He my Surety is, and Priest;W. Gadsby (7s)558
He my wounded spirit cured;W. Gadsby (7s)542
He near my soul has always stood;Samuel Medley (L.M.)9
He never can leave thee, till God is not love.W. Gadsby (104th)639
He never moves a man to say,J. Hart (C.M.)32
He never takes away our all –J. Swain (C.M.)132
He never will confoundW. Gadsby (148th)630
He never will permitJohn Newton (S.M.)729
He never will their cause despise,W. Gadsby (S.M.)614
He now has the witness within,J. Hart (8s)233
He now is the theme of my songs,W. Gadsby (8s)581
He of endless lifes a winner;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)615
He often makes the crooked straight,J. Hart (S.M.)308A
He on CalvaryJ. Kent (8.7.4.)760
He only claims whateers amiss;J. Hart (148th)817
He only rests in God.J. Hart (7.6.8.)843
He paid thy ransom with his hand,J. Berridge (C.M.)101
He paid to justice all its due,W. Tucker (L.M.)17
He pardons all their sins,W. Gadsby (148th)526
He pardons and forgives,W. Gadsby (S.M.)556
He passed to reach the crown.Isaac Watts (C.M.)168
He passed within the vail,J. Kent (S.M.)922
He pities all that feel his fear,J. Hart (C.M.)828
He pities all their griefs;J. Hart (S.M.)832
He pities your crying, and will give you rest.John Berridge (104th)687
He pity neer withdrew.Isaac Watts (C.M.)438
He placed in heaven his radiant bow;J. Hart (L.M.)791
He plants his footsteps in the sea,WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)320
He pleads, before the throne,John Newton (C.M.)119
He plucked me as a brand from hell;Samuel Medley (L.M.)410
He prays with lifted eyes.J. Hupton (C.M.)1099
He pushes at the gate,Henry Fowler (148th)1026
He puts you in mourning, the dress that you want,John Berridge (104th)687
He quits the dark abode,J. Hart (S.M.)487
He raised me from the depths of sin,Isaac Watts (C.M.)94
He raised me from the lowest state,J. Hart (C.M.)13
He raises monarchs to their thrones,Isaac Watts (C.M.)63
He ran to fetch him home;W. Gadsby (148th)590
He ran, and fell upon his neck,W. Gadsby (148th)590
He ransomed me from hell with blood,John Newton (L.M.)91
He ravens and lions can tame!John Newton (8s)276
He reads the dark lines which sin has writ there;John Berridge (104th)710
He redeemed usW. Gadsby (8.7.4.)535
He redresses all the woesW. Gadsby (7.6.)574
He reigns and intercedes.J. Hart (C.M.)489
He relieves the wounded heart;R. Burnham (8.7.)976
He requires pure desires;J. Hart (8.3.)800
He reveals in gospel days.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)514
He rises, sets, but goes not back,J. Hart (148th)777
He rolled the seas and spread the skies,J. Hart (L.M.)88
He rose and triumphed oer the grave,W. Gadsby (148th)559
He rose in triumph from the dead;W. Gadsby (L.M.)536
He ruined all his future race:J. Hart (112th)89
He rules and reigns from pole to pole.W. Gadsby (148th)559
He rules me by his well-known lawsIsaac Watts (C.M.)465
He rules oer earth and heaven;C. Wesley (148th)127
He rules on Zions hill,W. Gadsby (S.M.)541
He safely leads my soul along;Samuel Medley (L.M.)9
He said, and off he goesW. Gadsby (148th)590
He sank in wraths tremendous tide,W. Gadsby (S.M.)663
He satisfied the claims of law,W. Gadsby (C.M.)561
He saved me from my lost estate;Samuel Medley (L.M.)9
He saved them from their foes;Isaac Watts (S.M.)318
He saved us from the wrath of God,J. Hart (148th)445
He saves from death, destruction, and despair.W. Gadsby (10s)667
He saves from hell we bless his name,Isaac Watts (L.M.)211
He saves from sin, wrath, law, and hell,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)557
He saves from wrath and sin,W. Gadsby (148th)532
He saves you by his grace;W. Gadsby (148th)539
He saves, and he smiles in the face,W. Gadsby (8s)597
He saw her polluted with sin,W. Gadsby (8s)569
He saw her rolling in her filth,W. Gadsby (C.M.)533
He saw me distressed, and he said,W. Gadsby (8s)581
He saw me ruined in the fall,Samuel Medley (L.M.)9
He says hell freely give,Samuel Medley (C.M.)987
He says, Ive all that I require;J. Kent (C.M.)1092
He sees me often overcome,T. Greene (C.M.)209
He sees the struggles that prevailS. Stennett (L.M.)762
He sees us when we see not him,J. Hart (S.M.)308A
He sees when I am sunk in grief,J. Franklin (L.M.)513
He sends a legal night;John Berridge (148th)889
He sends his Spirit with his word,Isaac Watts (C.M.)325
He sends his millions down to hell,W. Gadsby (148th)559
He sets no rigorous tasks;J. Hart (148th)448
He sets the prisoners free, and breaksIsaac Watts (L.M.)1006
He shall by means like theseJ. Hart (S.M.)872
He shall fly to endless day.W. Gadsby (7s)545
He shall fulfil thy great decrees;Isaac Watts (C.M.)19
He shall get safe at last.J. Hart (C.M.)351
He shall guide me to the tomb:J. Ryland (7s)64
He shall hold thee up when falling,J. Hart (8.7.)270
He shall send down his heavenly powers,Isaac Watts (S.M.)770
He sheds his beams of light divineJ. Grigg and B. Francis (last verse) (L.M.)427
He shines eternal ages hence.WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)969
He shines into my heart;W. Gadsby (S.M.)546
He shouts aloud through pain,John Berridge (148th)749
He shows us first how foulJ. Hart (S.M.)863
He sighed; he groaned; he sweat; he cried;W. Gadsby (L.M.)536
He sighs, he faints, he groans, he cries,J. Hart (L.M.)712
He sinks in miry clay,Henry Fowler (148th)1026
He sits for grace and judgment there.Isaac Watts (122nd)362
He sits on no precarious throne,Isaac Watts (C.M.)4
He smarts beneath a Fathers rod,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)148
He smarts with nails that pierce his feet,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)148
He smiles, and my comforts abound;Augustus Toplady (8s)346
He sought a city fair and high,Isaac Watts (C.M.)226
He spared no pains, declined no load,J. Hart (148th)448
He speaks as prompted from within;J. Hart (L.M.)882
He speaks, and that almighty breathIsaac Watts (C.M.)14
He speaks, and that almighty voiceW. Gadsby (C.M.)579
He stained his garments in their blood,W. Gadsby (C.M.)561
He stands accepted in his nameJ. Kent (C.M.)1092
He stands in Jesus still complete.J. Hart (L.M.)681
He stood to strengthen, not to fight;J. Hart (L.M.)153
He stooped to bleed and die;W. Gadsby (S.M.)659
He stretched forth his power, and snatched us from hell.J. Hart (104th)778
He subdued the infernal powers,J. Langford (7s)90
He suffered and died your wants to supply;J. Wingrove (104th)1000
He surely will display,W. Gadsby (C.M.)554
He surveys all our ways;J. Hart (8.3.)800
He swore but once; the deed was done;J. Kent (L.M.)405
He takes my soul, ere Im aware,Isaac Watts (L.M.)22
He takes peculiar care of such,J. Hart (C.M.)871
He takes the men of meanest nameIsaac Watts (C.M.)74
He takes the rebel to his breast,W. Gadsby (C.M.)588
He takes the vilest of our raceW. Gadsby (8.8.6.)580
He takes, but cannot hold.J. Hart (C.M.)845
He tarries oft till men are faint,John Berridge (C.M.)893
He taught me wisdoms lessons,Rozzell (7.6.)292
He teach, save the Lamb and his blood.J. Hart (8s)220
He teaches in the soul.J. Hart (C.M.)774
He tells the shepherds of their joys,Isaac Watts (S.M.)38
He tells us were weak, our hope is in vain,John Newton (104th)324
He that answers is the same.J. Hart (8.7.)180
He that believes on Jesus Christ,J. Hart (8.6.8.)234
He that believes shall never die;W. Gadsby (S.M.)603
He that believes, the Scripture says,J. Hart (C.M.)783
He that believeth Christ the Lord,J. Hart (8.6.8.)234
He that better knows than we,J. Hart (7s)789
He that bought thee on the crossJ. Hart (7.6.)780
He that can dash whole worlds to death,Isaac Watts (C.M.)14
He that dictates them is Jesus;J. Hart (8.7.)180
He that finds this is rich indeed;J. Hart (L.M.)681
He that formed me in the womb,J. Ryland (7s)64
He that has loved us bears us through,Isaac Watts (L.M.)72
He that has made my heaven secureJ. Ryland (C.M.)247
He that hung upon the cross,J. Hart (7.6.)306
He that redeemed my soul from hellIsaac Watts (S.M.)420
He that trusts in his own heart,John Berridge (7s)742
He that wears itJ. Kent (8.7.4.)920
He that with Jesus gathers not,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)178
He that would keep this solemn day,J. Hart (8.8.6.)786
He the great atonement made!J. Bradford (7s)116
He the vail has rent in twain;W. Gadsby (7s)542
He then is all my hope and stay.E. Mote (L.M.)1106
He then took the yoke off my neck,W. Gadsby (8s)581
He thinks himself the sinner chief;John Berridge (112th)744
He to my succour came.N.Tate & N.Brady (C.M.)936
He to the needy and the faintJ. Hart (C.M.)828
He toils through life, and pants through death,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)149
He took all her debts and her woes,W. Gadsby (8s)569
He took his seat above;C. Wesley (148th)127
He took our weakness, bore our load,J. Hart (L.M.)837
He took the Lord, the great I AM,W. Gadsby (148th)550
He took the bread and blessed and brake;Isaac Watts (L.M.)1121
He took the dying traitors place,A. Steele (C.M.)95
He took the robe the Saviour wrought,Isaac Watts (C.M.)109
He treasures up his bright designs,WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)320
He tries, but cannot pray,Henry Fowler (148th)1026
He triumphed oer the powers of hell,A. Steele (L.M.)1080
He trusts in our Redeemers handsIsaac Watts (C.M.)85
He turns, and looks, and cries, Tis done.C. Wesley (7.6.8.)390
He understands a sigh divine,John Berridge (C.M.)765
He undertakes for sinners lost,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)148
He undertook our desperate debt;J. Hart (L.M.)712
He undertook the care and charge,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)572
He undertook, and must go through.J. Hart (L.M.)153
He unto the utmost saves.J. Kent (8.7.)913
He upholds them with his hand.W. Gadsby (7s)720
He waits to answer prayer.J. Swain (C.M.)132
He waits to make you free.Spiritual Mag., 1790 (C.M.)989
He was in all things like to you.J. Hart (7.6.8.)787
He was needed much indeed;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)573
He was not readier to deceive,J. Hart (S.M.)775
He was too wise to err, and O,Samuel Medley (C.M.)7
He was tried and tempted too;J. Kent (8.7.4.)758
He welcomes all by sin oppressed,W. Gadsby (148th)642
He wept, he bled, he died for you;B. Beddome (L.M.)441
He who Mary thus affected,C. Batty (8.7.)741
He who found the wandering sheepC. Wesley (7s)1071
He who has helped me hitherto,John Newton (L.M.)961
He who taught their hearts to pray,John Newton (7s)397
He whom I fix my hopes upon;J. Cennick (L.M.)144
He whose word can not be broken,John Newton (8.7.)372
He will bring us safely through.J. Hart (7s)788
He will change their night to day.W. Gadsby (7s)720
He will cheer theeW. Gadsby (8.7.4.)698
He will ease you of your pains.R. Burnham (8.7.)976
He will have compassion; then why should you grieve?J. Wingrove (104th)1000
He will his grace reveal.W. Gadsby (S.M.)624
He will neer afflict too much;W. Gadsby (7s)623
He will never, never leave us;J. Hart (8.7.)746
He will never, never, neverW. Gadsby (8.7.4.)582
He will no more be wroth with them.J. Hart (L.M.)791
He will not deceive thee; his faithfulness prove;W. Gadsby (104th)639
He will not deceive them, nor spurn them away,W. Gadsby (11s)548
He will not leave behind;W. Gadsby (148th)629
He will not pronounce thy doom;John Newton (7s)956
He will not the weakest forget;W. Gadsby (8s)516
He will not, cannot go away.W. Gadsby (148th)550
He will not, he cannot say, Go,W. Gadsby (8s)627
He will present our soulsIsaac Watts (S.M.)421
He will present us sound and whole,J. Hart (C.M.)23
He will rise up the prey to take;John Berridge (112th)899
He will say, Come near, ye blessed,John Newton (8.7.4.)496
He will surely give the crown;John Newton (8.7.7.)416
He will wash and feast you there.J. Berridge (7s)147
He will, for his own mercys sake,John Berridge (112th)899
He with his wisdom makes them wise,W. Gadsby (S.M.)624
He wore conspicuous on his breast.J. Hart (L.M.)794
He works it by his power;R. Burnham (C.M.)244
He works salvation in our hearts,Isaac Watts (L.M.)211
He wraps in frowns as well as smiles,John Berridge (C.M.)894
He wrought the righteousness,J. Hart (148th)445
He, beneath the Spirits sealing,J. Kent (8.7.)759
He, in mercy, called his own;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)583
He, in the days of feeble flesh,Isaac Watts (C.M.)120
He, in the most distressing hour,J. Franklin (L.M.)513
He, like a beacon on a hill,J. Hart (S.M.)308A
He, my Goodness, Strength, and God,J. Hart (7.6.8.)801
He, the sinners wise Physician,R. Burnham (8.7.)976
He, to save my soul from danger,R. Robinson (8.7.)199
He, to save your souls from ruin,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)593
Head oer all is Christ to me,W. Gadsby (7s)558
Head of the Church triumphant,C. Wesley (7.7.4.)131
Heal the sick, and lead the blind.C. Wesley (7s)303
Heal us, Immanuel, here we are,WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)731
Healing medicines, here I find,John Newton (8.7.4.)43
Heals him of all his wretchedness,W. Gadsby (C.M.)588
Health and every needful blessingCrosse (8.7.)1150
Hear and sing, ye sons of God;W. Gadsby (7s)534
Hear him speak, ye savèd few,W. Gadsby (7s)662
Hear his groans, till he, expiring,Zion’s Trumpet, 1838 (8.7.)1118
Hear my never-ceasing cry;W. Hammond (7s)737
Hear the Lord himself declaringT. Kelly (8.7.4.)982
Hear the Redeemers gracious call :Spiritual Mag., 1790 (C.M.)989
Hear the blest Redeemer call you;J. Fawcett (8.7.)428
Hear the dreadful sound, Depart!J. Swain (8.7.4.)495
Hear the dying Saviour cry!J. Evans (8.7.4.)93
Hear the general answer, No!T. Kelly (7s)1045
Hear the glad tidings, hear and live!J. Hart (L.M.)488
Hear the good tidings God has sent,J. Hart (L.M.)837
Hear the hymn of praise we sing.Crosse (8.7.)1150
Hear the sighs and groans of God!J. Hart (7s)802
Hear the trump proclaim the day;J. Cennick, C. Wesley and M. Madan (8.7.4.)493
Hear the voice of revelation;J. Fawcett (8.7.)428
Hear the whole conclusion of it;J. Hart (8.7.)180
Hear thy humble suppliants cry;D. Turner (8.7.)1068
Hear thy word with godly fear.T. Kelly (8.7.4.)1135
Hear us from thy bright abode,Crosse (8.7.)1150
Hear what Christ the Saviour says;John Newton (7s)273
Hear what the Lord has done for me.WIlliam Cowper (L.M.)394
Hear whilst we plead the Saviours name,John Newton (C.M.)1114
Hear with meekness;T. Kelly (8.7.4.)1135
Hear, gracious God, a sinners cry,Samuel Medley (L.M.)385
Hear, then, blessed Saviour, hear me!D. Turner (8.7.)1068
Hearing ears, and seeing eyes.J. Hart (8.7.)180
Heart and flesh may fail, tis true;W. Gadsby (7s)619
Heaven and earth shall pass away,J. Hart (7.6.7.)796
Heaven and earth, shall flee away;J. Cennick, C. Wesley and M. Madan (8.7.4.)493
Heaven before them,J. Swain (8.7.4.)495
Heaven is that holy, happy place,J. Hart (C.M.)850
Heaven its King congratulates;J. Hart (7s)490
Heaven only can bear the full flame.J. Swain (8s)162
Heaven will bring us sweeter rest.H. F. Lyte (8.7.)971
Heaven will gladly share our songs.J. Hart (8.7.)864
Heaven with the echo shall resound,P. Doddridge (S.M.)201
Heaven, earth, and hell, draw near; let all things comeIsaac Watts (50th)497
Heavenly Warrior, may we neverW. Gadsby (8.7.4.)560
Heavenly blessings, without measure,J. Evans (8.7.4.)93
Heavenly joys on earth begin.J. Irons (8.7.4.)735
Heavenly tongues are ever aiming,J. Swain (8.7.4.)1055
Heavens brightest Glory sunk in shame,W. Gadsby (L.M.)536
Heavens brightest lamps, with him compared,Isaac Watts & J. Needham (C.M.)15
Heeded not a heart unclean;W. Gadsby (7s)584
Heirs of God, joint-heirs with Jesus,J. Kent (8.7.4.)766
Held by the Saviours mighty arm,R. Burnham (C.M.)772
Held for me in thy hand,J. Stevens (8.8.6.)216
Held in the deepest bondage there,J. Kent (L.M.)1090
Hell and all its murderous train,J. Hart (7.6.7.)795
Hell and earth their powers unite,W. Gadsby (7s)619
Hell and thy sins resist thy course,Isaac Watts (L.M.)1007
Hell answer their complaint.W. Gadsby (S.M.)624
Hell banish every fear;Isaac Watts (C.M.)727
Hell be my Sanctuary there.Samuel Medley (L.M.)173
Hell break the strings of nature soon,W. Gadsby (C.M.)553
Hell cause thee to bring thy griefs to his throne,J. Kent (104th)297
Hell charm them with a holy kiss,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)580
Hell deal thy deeds their righteous doom,J. Hart (S.M.)852
Hell draw them to his breast;W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)580
Hell freely and faithfully give.W. Gadsby (8s)627
Hell give thee power, till light return,J. Hart (L.M.)707
Hell give them honour, peace, renown,J. Adams (8.8.6.)67
Hell had been my destined place.Henry Fowler (7s)1031
Hell humble thy proud heart;J. Hart (S.M.)872
Hell is vanquished, heaven appeased,J. Hart (7s)788
Hell lead them forth with love and power,W. Gadsby (L.M.)625
Hell lead them on fair Zions road,R. Burnham (C.M.)772
Hell leave me at last in trouble to sink;John Newton (104th)232
Hell leave you? No, never! his love is too great.W. Gadsby (104th)568
Hell love his own to endless day.W. Gadsby (L.M.)633
Hell love his saints unto the end,W. Gadsby (S.M.)606
Hell love tomorrow as today.J. Kent (L.M.)87A
Hell make his goodness known;W. Gadsby (S.M.)624
Hell make his sons and daughters wise,W. Gadsby (L.M.)625
Hell neer thee forsake, but surely performJ. Kent (104th)297
Hell never leave thee doubt it notJ. Hart (L.M.)707
Hell never quench the smoking flax,Isaac Watts (C.M.)120
Hell never, no never deceive;W. Gadsby (8s)627
Hell reach the port for which hes bound;T. Kelly (L.M.)1049
Hell resounds the dreadful roar;J. Swain (8.7.4.)495
Hell save you by his grace.W. Gadsby (C.M.)570
Hell seized his agonisèd heart,W. Gadsby (C.M.)561
Hell surely turn and smile again,Samuel Medley (L.M.)377
Hell take thee, and plunge thee therein,W. Gadsby (8s)627
Hell take them all to glory too.W. Gadsby (L.M.)625
Hell therefore supply all his need,W. Gadsby (8s)523
Hell was our just desert,J. Hart (148th)445
Hell with heaven mingle.J. Hart (8.3.)800
Hell-born sin, once crept in,J. Hart (8.3.)799
Hells deep caverns opening wide;J. Swain (8.7.4.)495
Help can only come from thee.John Newton (8.7.)1144
Help each other in the road;T. Kelly (8.7.4.)1014
Help each poor trembler to repeat,J. Hart (C.M.)829
Help me all thy will to do;W. Gadsby (7s)611
Help me in his name to trust;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)573
Help me to begin today.John Newton (7s)283
Help me to keep the bloody field;J. Hart (112th)835
Help me to taste thy dying love.C. Wesley (L.M.)688
Help me to tear it from thy throne,WIlliam Cowper (C.M.)958
Help me to watch, and pray, and strive,A. Steele (C.M.)1051
Help me, Lord, on thee to call;Gospel Mag., 1781 (7s)963
Help them fully to believe,Henry Fowler (7s)754
Help them their office to fulfil,D. Denham (C.M.)1154
Help theres none for such as we,J. Hart (7s)802
Help to chant the Saviours praise.J. Bakewell (8.7.)931
Help to sing the Saviours merits;J. Bakewell (8.7.)931
Help us in Jesus to believe,J. Hart (S.M.)847
Help us thy name to sing;C. Wesley (6.4.)35
Help us to be much in prayer,W. Gadsby (7s)640
Help us to feed on thee by faith,J. Hart (L.M.)824
Help us to feed upon thy word;J. Hart (L.M.)457
Help us to praise:C. Wesley (6.4.)35
Help us to take, from doubtings free,J. Hart (7.6.8.)823
Help us, dear Lord, to honour thee;J. Hart (C.M.)851
Help, Lord, for men of virtue fail;Isaac Watts (C.M.)1146
Helper, counsellor, or guide?J. Hart (8.7.)864
Helpless and far from all relief,Isaac Watts (S.M.)140
Helpless and weak, a sinner great,J. Adams (L.M.)175
Helpless souls have here a Friend;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)593
Helpless, look to thee for grace;Augustus Toplady (7s)143
Helps them when they seek his face.John Newton (7s)397
Hence all our comforts flow,Gospel Mag., 1778 (S.M.)86
Hence evermore!C. Wesley (6.4.)35
Hence from my soul, sad thoughts, begone,Isaac Watts (C.M.)266
Hence shall his sovereign throne arise;Isaac Watts (C.M.)168
Hence! accursèd wretch, depart!John Newton (8.7.4.)496
Hence, vain, intruding world, depart;A. Steele (L.M.)1085
Henceforth an end is put to sinJ. Hart (L.M.)815
Henceforth my great concern shall beJ. Ryland (C.M.)247
Her conscience gets no ease.W. Gadsby (C.M.)638
Her craft and spleen shell make them feel,W. Gadsby (L.M.)620
Her debts and guilt upon him fell;W. Gadsby (C.M.)533
Her dissolution mourns;J. Hart (S.M.)847
Her efforts all abortive prove;W. Gadsby (C.M.)638
Her empire shall maintain;J. Kent (8.8.6.)406
Her faith and her patience to prove;J. Kent (8s)334
Her favourite god pursue;S. Stennett (C.M.)42
Her hopes all centre there;J. Kent (S.M.)994
Her hopes oerturned, her projects crossed,J. Fawcett (L.M.)289
Her mansion near the throne.John Newton (C.M.)1155
Her name he enrollèd above;W. Gadsby (8s)569
Her natures serpentine indeed;W. Gadsby (L.M.)620
Her noblest life my spirit drawsIsaac Watts (L.M.)752
Her only clothing sin and guilt;W. Gadsby (C.M.)533
Her only hope for heaven,J. Kent (S.M.)922
Her several saints can boast;E. Scott (C.M.)1145
Her sin, by imputation, his,J. Kent (L.M.)10
Her strength could make a Samson yield;W. Gadsby (L.M.)620
Her strength shall suffice for the day;J. Kent (8s)334
Her suckling have no room?Isaac Watts (C.M.)269
Her trembling conscience pains,J. Kent (S.M.)994
Her woes are permitted of God,J. Kent (8s)334
Her working makes her worse;W. Gadsby (C.M.)638
Here I behold thy distant face,Isaac Watts (C.M.)475
Here I behold thy wonders, Lord,J. Maxwell (L.M.)44
Here I my Ebenezer raise,T. Greene (C.M.)209
Here I raise my Ebenezer;R. Robinson (8.7.)199
Here I will meet the hungry poor,Isaac Watts (L.M.)365
Here I with wonder seeW. Gadsby (148th)559
Here Id feast my soul for ever;J. Swain (8.7.)689
Here all Deity can meet,W. Gadsby (7s)534
Here at thy cross, my dying God,Isaac Watts (L.M.)166
Here billows break upon my breastJohn Berridge (148th)672
Here every bowel of our GodIsaac Watts (C.M.)440
Here give the troubled conscience ease;John Newton (C.M.)398
Here griefs, and cares, and pains,John Newton (S.M.)337
Here he exalts neglected wormsIsaac Watts (C.M.)4
Here he smiles and smiles for ever;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)514
Here his brightest glories shine;W. Gadsby (7s)626
Here hungry souls appear,J. Hart (S.M.)831
Here in this world of sin and woe,Samuel Medley (L.M.)941
Here in thy love will we rejoice,Samuel Medley (C.M.)176
Here is my hope, my joy, my rest;J. A. Rothe translated by J. Weeks (112th)96
Here is no prevarication;J. Hart (8.3.)104
Here it is I find my heaven,J. Allen & W. Shirley (8.7.)158
Here it shines in Jesus face;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)514
Here its guilt may estimate.T. Kelly (8.7.)1116
Here let him hold a lasting throne,Isaac Watts (C.M.)366
Here let me build and rest secure.A. Steele (L.M.)980
Here let me rest my weary head,J. Kent (L.M.)924
Here let me search my inmost mind,A. Steele (L.M.)1085
Here let me trust, while I adore,A. Steele (L.M.)957
Here let me wash my spotted soulIsaac Watts (C.M.)764
Here let my faith unshaken dwell;A. Steele (L.M.)980
Here let my soul her hold maintain,J. Kent (L.M.)908
Here let my soul retreat;A. Steele (C.M.)136
Here let the Son of David reign;Isaac Watts (C.M.)366
Here let the great Redeemer reign,P. Doddridge (L.M.)368
Here let the weary rest,J. Kent (S.M.)921
Here let thy praise be spread;Isaac Watts (C.M.)366
Here light, descending from above,S. Stennett (C.M.)42
Here love, eternal love, abounds,Samuel Medley (C.M.)987
Here manifest thyself in peace;J. Allen (L.M.)952
Here may the eternal ThreeW. Gadsby (148th)696
Here may true friendship ever reign,R. Burnham (C.M.)1153
Here may view its nature rightly,T. Kelly (8.7.)1116
Here may we confidently trust,W. Gadsby (C.M.)564
Here may we prove the power of prayerWIlliam Cowper (L.M.)1023
Here mercys boundless ocean flows,A. Steele (L.M.)1109
Here my hungry soul enjoys;John Newton (8.7.4.)43
Here no jarring notes are found;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)600
Here no strangers durst intrude;J. Hart (7s)802
Here often from our eyesJohn Newton (S.M.)337
Here on my heart the burden lies,Isaac Watts (L.M.)761
Here on the cross tis fairest drawn,Isaac Watts (L.M.)752
Here pardoned rebels sit, and holdIsaac Watts (S.M.)437
Here peace and liberty have dwelt,John Newton (L.M.)1142
Here peace and pardon, love and blood,Isaac Watts (C.M.)440
Here promises of heavenly loveS. Stennett (C.M.)42
Here safety dwells and peace divine;A. Steele (L.M.)927
Here shall my power and love be known,Isaac Watts (L.M.)365
Here shall your numerous wants receiveA. Steele (C.M.)1039
Here sinners may approach and live,W. Gadsby (C.M.)564
Here sinners may commune with God,W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)636
Here sinners may draw near,W. Gadsby (148th)585
Here sinners, black as hell, obtain relief;W. Gadsby (10s)669
Here sweeter comforts cheer my heart,A. Steele (L.M.)927
Here the FatherW. Gadsby (8.7.4.)600
Here the hungry eat and live.W. Gadsby (7s)543
Here the sacred records showJ. Kent (7s)145
Here the vast seas of grace,J. Kent (148th)87
Here the whole Deity is known,Isaac Watts (C.M.)207
Here they find a sure abiding,J. Kent (8.7.)759
Here they forget their doubts and fears,J. Swain (L.M.)738
Here they oft conversing sat,J. Hart (7s)802
Here they trusted him before us,John Newton (8.7.7.)416
Here thirsty souls approach,J. Hart (S.M.)831
Here thy bleeding wounds are healed;J. Kent (7s)145
Here to meet in peace again.John Newton (7s)501
Here to our waiting hearts proclaimWIlliam Cowper (L.M.)1023
Here unite to endless days.W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)514
Here we behold his bowels roll,Isaac Watts (C.M.)438
Here we by faith may view,W. Gadsby (S.M.)653
Here we could sit and gaze away,Isaac Watts (L.M.)265
Here we fix and comfort take –J. Hart (7s)154
Here we have a firm foundation;T. Kelly (8.7.)1116
Here we have power to plead with God,W. Gadsby (C.M.)564
Here we may sit and see him here,Isaac Watts (S.M.)357
Here we raise our Ebenezer,W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)656
Here when thy feet shall fall,J. Kent (148th)87
Here will I fix my gracious throne,Isaac Watts (L.M.)365
Here will I lie, and wait till thouJohn Newton (S.M.)196
Here would I constantly abide,W. Gadsby (C.M.)637
Here would I wait, and hope, and pray,John Newton (C.M.)1108
Here wouldst keep thy private court;J. Hart (7s)802
Here yet is thine abode;E. Scott (C.M.)1145
Here you may quench your raging thirst,Isaac Watts (C.M.)56
Here, Lord, my soul convicted standsJ. Maxwell (L.M.)44
Here, O my soul, thy trust repose;A. Steele (L.M.)980
Here, humble saints, your tribute pay;J. Stevens (C.M.)426
Here, in obedience to thy word,J. Hart (C.M.)822
Here, in thy gospels wondrous frame,Isaac Watts (C.M.)5
Here, mighty God! accept our songs;Isaac Watts (C.M.)366
Here, on the mercy-seat,S. Stennett (S.M.)359
Here, says the Lord, ye angels, spread their thrones;Isaac Watts (50th)497
Here, soul, heres raiment rich enough;J. Hart (L.M.)106
Hereafter he will make me know,Samuel Medley (C.M.)7
Herein let self be all abased,Samuel Medley (L.M.)195
Herein we every blessing view,Samuel Medley (C.M.)383
Heres a cord which cant be broken;W. Gadsby (8.7.4.)600
Heres a soul that perished suingD. Turner (8.7.)1068
Heres all a God can give;W. Gadsby (C.M.)637
Heres an amazing change indeed!J. Hart (C.M.)151
Heres blood that can take its defilement away.J. Kent (11s)1097
Heres health for the sickly, heres life for the dead.J. Hart (104th)155
Heres life, and light, and holiness,W. Gadsby (C.M.)637
Heres my claim, and here alone;J. Hart (7s)802
Heres my heart, Lord, take and seal it;R. Robinson (8.7.)199
Heres one among the damnedW. Gadsby (C.M.)547
Heres pardon full for sin thats past;J. Kent (last 3 verses) (L.M.)407
Heres refuge for sinners, whose guilt shall appearJ. Kent (11s)1097
Heres righteousness enough.J. Hart (C.M.)105
Heres room for my soul to expand;W. Gadsby (8s)529
Heres strength for the weakly that hither are led;J. Hart (104th)155
Heres the refuge of the lost;T. Kelly (8.7.)1116
Heres water, whose all-powerful streamJ. Cennick (112th)985
Heres your tenure keep it safe –J. Hart (7.5.)77
Hes Bread, and the Bread of Life too;W. Gadsby (8s)566
Hes King in Zions land,W. Gadsby (148th)648
Hes Water to cleanse and to heal;W. Gadsby (8s)566
Hes a Strong-hold, ordained for you;J. Kent (L.M.)1090
Hes all the helpless soul can need;W. Gadsby (8.8.6.)557
Hes boundless both in truth and grace.Dobell’s Selection (L.M.)981
Hes fastened there as God,W. Gadsby (148th)550
Hes gone in endless bliss to dwell,W. Gadsby (C.M.)664
Hes great, and Zion shall recordW. Gadsby (148th)559
Hes made unto them righteousness.W. Gadsby (8s)544
Hes marrow and fatness as well,W. Gadsby (8s)566
Hes mine, and with pleasure I see,W. Gadsby (8s)578
Hes mine; I bought him with my blood.J. Hart (L.M.)106
Hes one in the Lord, and in him he abides,W. Gadsby (11.8.)591
Hes precious in his precious blood,Samuel Medley (L.M.)174
Hes precious in his righteousness,Samuel Medley (L.M.)174
Hes precious on a dying bed.Samuel Medley (L.M.)174
Hes precious to his people still.Samuel Medley (L.M.)174
Hes saved, and saved by grace.W. Gadsby (C.M.)596
Hes the Rock in which they hide.W. Gadsby (7s)551
Hes the Rock of our salvation,J. Kent (8.7.4.)758
Hes the life of every limb.W. Gadsby (7s)626
Hes unsound and filthy, and no good can show.W. Gadsby (104th)520
Hid from all creatures peering eyes;J. Hart (L.M.)153
Hide all my transgressions from view.Augustus Toplady (8s)340
Hide me, O Gethsemane!J. Hart (7s)802
Hide me, O my Saviour, hide,C. Wesley (7s)303
Hide my soul within thy arms;W. Williams (8.7.)1101
Hide the heavens from my view,Henry Fowler (7s)1037
Hides the loved Saviour from my sight,W. Tucker (L.M.)399
High as the heavens are raisedIsaac Watts (S.M.)1015
High beyond imaginationW. Gadsby (8.7.4.)582
High on a throne of light they stand, Isaac Watts (C.M.)476
High on his Fathers throne;Isaac Watts (S.M.)167
Higher than the heights above;WIlliam Cowper (7s)968
Him face to face shalt see.J. Kent (8.8.6.)917
Him rise with power to save.J. Stevens (C.M.)228
Him that bled for you and me,J. Hart (7s)788
Him whom we now to thee commend;R. Hill (L.M.)373
Him your fellow-sufferer see;J. Hart (7.6.8.)787
Himself a noble vine, and weIsaac Watts (L.M.)1140
Himself for others sake he gave,T. Kelly (S.M.)1012
Himself has bound, by holy ties,W. Gadsby (148th)598
Himself has said my ransoms paid,J. Hart (C.M.)355
Himself he binds by oath and blood,W. Gadsby (C.M.)588
Himself he cannot save.T. Kelly (S.M.)1012
Himself he cannot save.T. Kelly (S.M.)1012
Himself he gives us still.J. Swain (C.M.)132
Himself my heaven, himself my joy.H. Paice, 1798 (L.M.)200
Himself shall be thy helping Friend,J. Hart (L.M.)707
His Fathers broken laws.Isaac Watts (148th)122
His Godhead from his throne:Isaac Watts (S.M.)110
His Prophet now becomes his Priest,J. Hart (8.6.8.)234
His Sons own flesh and blood.J. Hart (S.M.)831
His Spirit all the motion gives,J. Hart (S.M.)308A
His Spirit from aboveJ. Hart (S.M.)831
His Spirit he sent, to soften my heart;W. Gadsby (104th)521
His Spirit joins with oursJ. Hart (C.M.)31
His Spirit makes our conscience clean;Isaac Watts (L.M.)1006
His Spirit must discloseJohn Berridge (148th)888
His Spirit will cherish the life he first gave;J. Hart (104th)804
His Spirit write the law within,John Berridge (112th)900
His Spirits quickening breath.Augustus Toplady (C.M.)472
His Spirits voice I hear.J. Hart (C.M.)812
His Well-Beloved gave;W. Gadsby (148th)532
His aid and his influence afford,W. Gadsby (8s)635
His aid theyre supplicatingRozzell (7.6.)292
His all-creating beams displayJ. Swain (L.M.)1107
His all-prevailing sacrificeJ. Swain (L.M.)1107
His and our Fathers will;J. Hart (S.M.)130
His are faithful words and true.T. Kelly (8.7.4.)982
His ark was settled there;Isaac Watts (C.M.)366
His arm of omnipotent graceW. Gadsby (8s)627
His arm shall thee defend,J. Kent (148th)87
His arms embrace this happy ground,Isaac Watts (L.M.)364
His back with hardy stripes is hewed,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)148
His back with scourges lashed and torn;J. Hart (C.M.)785
His backs with knotted scourges lashed,J. Hart (L.M.)797
His beams, hes ever mine.W. Gadsby (S.M.)546
His beauties called to trace,W. Gadsby (C.M.)596
His beauties trace, his majesty adore;W. Gadsby (10s)667
His beauties we can never trace,Isaac Watts (L.M.)142
His bleeding cross is all my boast;S. Stennett (L.M.)271
His bleeding hands extended wide;C. Wesley (L.M.)688
His blest Spirit does impart.R. Burnham (8.7.)976
His blood alone can wash thee fair,J. Berridge (S.M.)81
His blood can cleanse the blackest soul,J. Hart (C.M.)23
His blood has set often the worst broken bones;J. Berridge (104th)150
His blood must purge the conscience clean,John Berridge (112th)900
His blood, which did your sins atone,J. Hart (C.M.)489
His body bruised for sin;J. Hart (S.M.)820
His body bruised, from every partJ. Hart (L.M.)824
His body, bathed in sweat and blood,J. Hart (L.M.)794
His bodys glorious Head;J. Hart (S.M.)130
His bodys the temple of the Holy Ghost,W. Gadsby (11s)612
His bones keep waxing old,W. Gadsby (148th)618
His bosom bears the tender lambs.Isaac Watts (148th)122
His bosom glow with love.J. Swain (C.M.)1082
His bosom heaves, with guilt oppressed,Henry Fowler (148th)1026
His boundless years can neer decrease,Isaac Watts (C.M.)2
His bounteous hand the poor supplies,J. Hart (S.M.)831
His bowels melt with love.Isaac Watts (C.M.)120
His bright robes were quickly gone;J. Kent (8.7.4.)920
His brightest form of glory shines;Isaac Watts (L.M.)752
His building shall complete;J. Dracup (C.M.)215
His chariot will not long delay;C. Wesley (last verse unknown) (8.8.6.)137
His chariots will not stay;S. Stennett (148th)403
His charms so transcendently blaze,J. Swain (8s)162
His chastening, therefore, prize,J. Hart (S.M.)872
His children he suppliesW. Gadsby (S.M.)624
His children should obey;W. Gadsby (148th)648
His church is with his presence blessed.Isaac Watts (L.M.)365
His claims were set at nought;T. Kelly (C.M.)1013
His comforts from the law,W. Gadsby (122nd)522
His commandmentsJ. Swain (8.7.4.)1055
His conquering banner oer my head.S. Stennett (L.M.)271
His conquest is crowned with the honours he won;Isaac Watts (11s)414
His counsel and his care,Isaac Watts (S.M.)421
His counsel stands for ever sure,W. Gadsby (C.M.)530
His counsel, promise, and his power.E. Mote (L.M.)1106
His counsels are settled of old;W. Gadsby (8s)516
His counsels eternal made known;W. Gadsby (8s)516
His counsels to unfold!W. Gadsby (148th)571
His countenance more graceful isIsaac Watts (L.M.)21
His course is joy and righteousness;Isaac Watts (L.M.)142
His covenant life eternal gives.J. Kent (last 3 verses) (L.M.)407
His covenant of peace.W. Hammond (C.M.)344
His covenant shall learn;J. Hart (S.M.)832
His covenant will my soul defend,T. Greene (C.M.)261
His creatures all are filledJ. Hart (S.M.)831
His cries may control the lusts of thy heart;J. Berridge (104th)150
His cross a sure foundation laidIsaac Watts (C.M.)168
His dear face by faith I see,Henry Fowler (7s)1037
His dear hands were pierced for thee;J. Kent (7s)145
His dear heart was broken too,W. Gadsby (7s)720
His dear presence makes me whole,J. Hart (7.6.8.)801
His death procured thy peace,J. Hart (S.M.)487
His debts are all discharged,W. Gadsby (C.M.)528
His decree who formed the earthJ. Ryland (7s)64
His deep and dangerous liesJ. Hart (S.M.)775
His destined land he sometimes sees,T. Kelly (L.M.)1049
His disciples likewise came;J. Hart (7s)802
His drooping head, his streaming side,J. Hart (C.M.)856
His dying love repeat.W. Gadsby (S.M.)659
His dying toil and smart,John Berridge (C.M.)756
His ear is open to their cries,S. Stennett (L.M.)762
His everlasting arms has laid,J. Kent (S.M.)909
His everlasting love.Augustus Toplady (C.M.)348
His every word of grace is strongIsaac Watts (C.M.)14
His excellencies trace,J. Hart (C.M.)803
His eyes are majesty and love,Isaac Watts (L.M.)21
His eyes in tears of sorrow drowned!J. Hart (L.M.)712
His eyes their beams display;J. Hart (S.M.)487
His face they always view;John Newton (C.M.)1155
His fairest pretensions must wholly be waived,J. Hart (11.9.)309
His faith beheld the promised land,Isaac Watts (L.M.)231
His faith stands in Jesuss power,W. Gadsby (8s)632
His faith to action seldom mounts;J. Hart (S.M.)852
His faith, and yet believes.J. Hart (C.M.)30
His faithful word declares to thee,J. Fawcett (L.M.)328
His faithfulness, justice, and truth;W. Gadsby (8s)597
His favour nothing could remove,J. Hart (C.M.)13
His favourites from his breast;Isaac Watts (C.M.)354
His flesh and his spirit with malice they tore,Isaac Watts (11s)414
His foes shall the Christian withstand,J. Kent (8s)298
His footsteps who can trace?W. Gadsby (C.M.)596
His form divinely fair;Isaac Watts (C.M.)126
His former visits we recount,J. Kent (L.M.)911
His free grace adore, and sing Worthys the Lamb!W. Gadsby (104th)568
His freed-man thou shalt go.John Berridge (C.M.)892
His fretful child, a toy,D. Herbert (C.M.)507
His friends forsook him in the night,J. Hart (L.M.)797
His fulness shall yield us abundant supplies;J. Fawcett (104th)184
His gifts in abundance we daily receive;J. Fawcett (104th)184
His glorious grace abroad.Isaac Watts (C.M.)94
His glorious power make known,W. Gadsby (148th)696
His glory and his grace.Isaac Watts (C.M.)85
His glory can never depart;W. Gadsby (11.8.)591
His glory to enjoy.W. Gadsby (C.M.)553
His goodness he will make to passW. Gadsby (C.M.)554
His goodness praise, his wonders tell,J. Hart (L.M.)837
His goodness runs an endless round;Isaac Watts (C.M.)498
His goodness will find out a way.John Newton (8s)276
His grace as the dew shall descend;Augustus Toplady (8s)346
His grace despised, his power defied,John Newton (L.M.)1142
His grace is now my song and boast,John Berridge (C.M.)336
His grace mysteriously controlsJohn Berridge (8.8.6.)690
His grace removes my sins.Isaac Watts (C.M.)1095
His grace shall neer depart;Isaac Watts (C.M.)479
His grace shall to the end,Augustus Toplady (S.M.)330
His grace, from age to age the same,W. Gadsby (S.M.)555
His gracious name makes known!John Newton (C.M.)966
His gracious name to raise;Isaac Watts (S.M.)437
His gracious purpose he will do.W. Hammond (C.M.)344
His great decrees fulfil,Isaac Watts (C.M.)71
His great, his firm decree.R. Burnham (C.M.)191
His hand has writ the sacred wordIsaac Watts (C.M.)14
His hand sustains us still.J. Hart (S.M.)308A
His hands a golden censer held,J. Hart (L.M.)794
His hands and his feet he resigned;J. Swain (8s)159
His hands are fairer to beholdIsaac Watts (L.M.)21
His hands securely keep.Isaac Watts (C.M.)354
His hatred, unbelief, and guilt,John Newton (C.M.)691
His head the finest gold excels;Isaac Watts (L.M.)21
His head, the dear majestic head, Isaac Watts (C.M.)476
His heart dissolves apace.John Newton (C.M.)691
His heart is made of tenderness;Isaac Watts (C.M.)120
His heart is my abode;W. Gadsby (C.M.)604
His heart upon Zion did set;W. Gadsby (8s)569
His helping hand, but feel;J. Hart (S.M.)308A
His holy Son he gave;R. Burnham (C.M.)16
His holy head is thrust upon,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)148
His holy truth to know;R. Burnham (C.M.)16
His honour and his names at stake,E. Mote (L.M.)1106
His honour is engaged to saveIsaac Watts (C.M.)354
His honours, and his deathless fame.J. Kent (last 3 verses) (L.M.)407
His humble suit below;Augustus Toplady (C.M.)117
His infinite power and wisdom proclaim;W. Gadsby (104th)568
His institutions would I prize;J. Grigg and B. Francis (last verse) (L.M.)427
His is love beyond a brothers –John Newton (8.7.7.)133
His judgments adored, his righteousness clear,J. Hart (104th)254
His judgments disapprove.W. Gadsby (S.M.)682
His justification receives,J. Hart (8s)233
His kingdom cannot fail;C. Wesley (148th)127
His kingdom is begun.Isaac Watts (C.M.)168
His kingdom neer decay.Isaac Watts (S.M.)38
His language is, Let me, my God,J. Hart (C.M.)222
His laws are just and mild,W. Gadsby (S.M.)540
His legs like marble pillars stand.Isaac Watts (L.M.)21
His life and death in my behalf,John Newton (C.M.)119
His life and glory gone;J. Stevens (C.M.)426
His life he gave a ransom-price,W. Gadsby (C.M.)533
His light and airy dreams,J. Hart (S.M.)775
His light shall make the darkness flee,J. Franklin (C.M.)511
His little arms about her neck,J. Hart (C.M.)708
His love abideth sure.J. Berridge (8.8.6.)149
His love all victorious shall conquer for me.C. Wesley (104th)229
His love and grace adore,J. Allen (6.4.)415
His love and his mercy forget,J. Swain (8s)319
His love and power can bless.John Newton (S.M.)395
His love and righteousness display,Dobell’s Selection (L.M.)981
His love before all time began,J. Berridge (8.8.6.)149
His love divinely free!John Berridge (C.M.)756
His love from Zion move.W. Gadsby (C.M.)579
His love from eternity gave us a home,J. Stevens (11s)243
His love he fixed on me before time began,W. Gadsby (11s)577
His love in time past forbids me to thinkJohn Newton (104th)232
His love is still as great;Isaac Watts (C.M.)438
His love is still the same.T. Greene (C.M.)230
His love no end or measure knows;J. Swain (C.M.)132
His love no variation knows.W. Hammond (148th)339
His love shall banish all your fears;W. Gadsby (C.M.)570
His love too can soften hearts harder than stones.J. Berridge (104th)150
His love will defend and guard us through life;J. Fawcett (104th)184
His love, as ancient as his name,W. Tucker (L.M.)65
His love, more ancient than the skies,W. Gadsby (C.M.)596
His love, what mortal thought can reach,A. Steele (C.M.)418
His love, without beginning, knewGospel Mag., 1777 (C.M.)206
His loves the same to thee;J. Kent (S.M.)909
His loving heart engaged to beW. Gadsby (L.M.)633
His loving heart is stillW. Hammond (148th)339
His loving-kindness changes not!Samuel Medley (L.M.)9
His loving-kindness in the skies.Samuel Medley (L.M.)9
His loving-kindness sing in death!Samuel Medley (L.M.)9
His loving-kindness, O how free!Samuel Medley (L.M.)9
His loving-kindness, O how good!Samuel Medley (L.M.)9
His loving-kindness, O how great!Samuel Medley (L.M.)9
His loving-kindness, O how strong!Samuel Medley (L.M.)9
His matchless grace to youW. Gadsby (148th)666
His matchless honours spread;W. Gadsby (148th)607
His mercies Ill proclaim;W. Gadsby (C.M.)567
His mercies lay a sovereign claimIsaac Watts (C.M.)124