365 L.M. Isaac Watts
At the Settlement of a Church. Ps. 132. 5, 13-18
Where shall we go to seek and find
A habitation for our God;
A dwelling for the Eternal Mind,
Amongst the sons of flesh and blood?
The God of Jacob chose the hill
Of Zion, for his ancient rest;
And Zion is his dwelling still;
His church is with his presence blessed.
“Here will I fix my gracious throne,
And reign for ever,” says the Lord;
“Here shall my power and love be known,
And blessings shall attend my word.
“Here I will meet the hungry poor,
And fill their souls with living bread;
Sinners that wait before my door,
With sweet provisions shall be fed.
“Girded with truth, and full of grace,
My priests, my ministers shall shine;
Not Aaron, in his costly dress,
Made an appearance so divine.
“The saints, unable to contain
Their inward joys, shall shout and sing,
The Son of David here shall reign,
And Zion triumph in her King.”