1087 L.M. A. Steele
“Thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin.” Isa. 53. 10
Was it for sin, for mortal guilt,
The Saviour gave his vital blood;
For sin amazing anguish felt,
The wrath of an offended God?
And shall I harbour in my breast
(Tremble, my soul, at such a deed)
This dreadful foe, this fatal guest,
The sin that made the Saviour bleed?
Come, glorious Conqueror, gracious Lord,
Thy all-prevailing power employ;
O come, with thy resistless word,
These hateful enemies destroy.
My hope, my all is fixed on thee,
For thou alone hast power divine;
O come, and conquer, Lord, for me,
And all the glory shall be thine.