1119 8.7. J. Fawcett
“I will guide thee with mine eye.” Ps. 32. 8
Jesus, thou Almighty Saviour,
Prostrate at thy feet I lie;
Humbly I entreat thy favour,
Condescend to hear my cry.
When I was to thee a stranger,
Wandering in forbidden ways,
From the paths of sin and danger
Thou didst call me by thy grace.
Let not, then, my foes confound me,
Thou art all my help and hope;
Let thy arms of love surround me,
Let thy mercy hold me up.
Grant me thy Divine direction
In the way that I should go;
Let thy hand be my protection
From the power of every foe.
Gracious Saviour, never leave me,
While my toils and conflicts last;
To thy kind embrace receive me,
When the storms of life are past.