242 8.8.6. J. Stevens
“Good hope through grace.” 2 Thess. 2. 16; Rom. 12. 12
Good hope, through grace, the saints possess,
The fruit of Jesus’ righteousness,
And by his Spirit given;
Faith eyes the promise firm and sure,
And hope expects for evermore
To dwell with Christ in heaven.
Good hope is born of sovereign grace,
And lives in Jesus’ righteousness,
With faith, and peace, and love;
What faith believes good hope desires,
And after perfect bliss aspires,
In the bright world above.
[All through the wilderness below,
Good hope expects more good to know;
And thus is kept alive
The soul, that many a trial bears,
And conflicts hard with doubts and fears,
Till joy and peace arrive.]
[When sore temptations haunt the soul,
Good hope shall all their power control,
And save from sad despair;
While faith looks up to Jesus’ blood,
Good hope rides safely o’er the flood;
Nor dreads destruction there.]
When gloomy death, in dread array,
Appears to call the saint away,
Faith looks beyond the flood,
And when the soul to march prepares,
Good hope sends out her fervent prayers,
And dies in peace with God.