130 S.M. J. Hart
Character and Offices of Christ. Col. 3. 11
Christ is the eternal Rock,
On which his church is built;
The Shepherd of his little flock;
The Lamb that took our guilt;
Our Counsellor, our Guide,
Our Brother, and our Friend;
The Bridegroom of his chosen bride,
Who loves her to the end.
[He is the Son to free;
The Bishop he to bless;
The full Propitiation he;
The Lord our Righteousness;
His body’s glorious Head;
Our Advocate that pleads;
Our Priest that prayed, atoned and bled,
And ever intercedes.]
Let all obedient souls
Their grateful tribute bring,
Submit to Jesus’ righteous rules,
And bow before the King.
Our Prophet, Christ, expounds
His and our Father’s will;
This good Physician cures our wounds
With tenderness and skill.
[When sin had sadly made,
’Twixt wrath and mercy, strife,
Our dear Redeemer dearly paid
Our ransom with his life.
Faith gives the full release;
Our Surety for us stood;
The Mediator made the peace,
And signed it with his blood.]
[Soldiers, your Captain own;
Domestics, serve your Lord;
Sinners, the Saviour’s love make known;
Saints, hymn the incarnate Word;
The Witness sure and true
Of God’s good will to men,
The Alpha and the Omega too,
The First and Last. Amen.]
Poor pilgrims shall not stray,
Who frighted flee from wrath;
A bleeding Jesus is the Way,
And blood tracks all the path.
Christians in Christ obtain
The Truth that can’t deceive;
And never shall they die again,
Who in the Life believe.