796 7.6.7. J. Hart
All from above. James 1.17; Mark 13. 31
When we pray, or when we sing,
Or read, or speak, or hear,
Or do any holy thing,
Be this our constant care:
With a fixed and constant faith
Jesus Christ to keep in view,
Trusting wholly in his death
In all we ask or do.
Holiness in all its parts,
Affections placed above,
Self-abhorrence, contrite hearts,
Humility, and love;
Every virtue, every grace,
All that bears the name of good,
Perseverance in our race,
We draw from Jesus’ blood.
Lamb of God, in thee we trust,
On thy fixed love depend;
Thou art faithful, true, and just,
And lovest to the end.
Heaven and earth shall pass away,
But thy word shall firm abide;
That’s thy children’s steadfast stay
When all things fail beside.