268 S.M. J. Berridge
The Drawings of Christ’s Love Followed. Song. 2. 10
If Jesus kindly say,
And with a whispering word,
“Arise, my love, and come away,”
I run to meet my Lord.
My soul is in my ears;
My heart is all on flame;
My eyes are sweetly drowned in tears,
And melted is my frame.
My raptured soul will rise,
And give a cheerful spring,
And dart through all the lofty skies,
To visit Zion’s King.
He meets me with a kiss,
And with a smiling face;
I taste the dear, enchanting bliss,
And wonder at his grace.
The world now drops its charms;
My idols all depart;
Soon as I reach my Saviour’s arms,
I give him all my heart.
A soft and tender sigh
Now heaves my hallowed breast;
I long to lay me down and die,
And find eternal rest.