447 L.M. J. Hart
Sighing for the Substance. Luke 14. 22; John 6. 53
Pity a helpless sinner, Lord,
Who would believe thy gracious word,
But own my heart, with shame and grief,
A sink of sin and unbelief.
Lord, in thy house I read there’s room,
And, venturing hard, behold I come;
But can there, tell me, can there be
Amongst thy children room for me?
I eat the bread, and drink the wine;
But oh! my soul wants more than sign!
I faint unless I feed on thee,
And drink the blood as shed for me.
For sinners, Lord, thou cam’st to bleed;
And I’m a sinner vile indeed;
Lord, I believe, thy grace is free,
O magnify that grace in me.