874 7s J. Hart
Be clothed with humility. 1 Pet. 5. 5; Isa. 64. 6
Lord, if with thee part I bear;
If I through thy word am clean;
In thy mercy if I share;
If thy blood has purged my sin;
To my needy soul impart
Thy good Spirit from above,
To enrich my barren heart
With humility and love.
Lord, my heart, a desert vast,
Thy reviving hand requires;
Sin has laid my vineyard waste,
Overgrown with weeds and briars.
Thou canst make this desert bloom;
Breathe, O breathe, celestial Dove,
Till it blow with rich perfume
Of humility and love.
Vanquish in me lust and pride;
All my stubbornness subdue;
Smile me into fruit, or chide,
If no milder means will do.
Ah! compassionate my case;
Let the poor thy pity move;
Give me of thy boundless grace,
Give humility and love.
[Why should one that bears thy name,
Why should thy adopted child,
Be in rags, exposed to shame,
Like a savage, fierce and wild?
With thy children I would sit,
And not like an alien rove;
Clothe my soul and make it fit,
With humility and love.]
[Greatest sinners, greatly spared,
Love much, and themselves abase;
Mine’s a paradox too hard –
Rich of mercy, poor of grace;
Me thou hast forgiven much;
(This my sins too plainly prove).
Give me what thou givest such –
Much humility and love.]