954 L.M. Henry Fowler
“Save me O God.” Ps. 69. 1; 3. 7; 31. 16
Save me, O God, my spirit cries,
And on thy faithful word relies;
Save me from sin, my desperate foe,
That fills my soul with every woe.
Save me from pride, that angel-form
That swells a poor, weak, sinful worm;
That moves the tongue, the hands, the eyes,
And often takes me by surprise.
Save me from this bewitching world,
That has to death ten thousand hurled;
Whose charms enchant, and lead astray
From Jesus Christ, the living Way.
Save me from Satan’s wiles and snares,
From all the malice which he bears
Against thy image, work, and grace,
Against the visits of thy face.
Save me from gloomy black despair;
On thee alone I’d cast my care,
And wait, and pray, and groan, and sigh,
Till thou in mercy drawest nigh.