615 8.7.4. W. Gadsby
“In the world ye shall have tribulation.” John 16. 33
Sinners, called by grace, and blessèd
With a living faith in Christ,
Must not think to be caressèd
By a world of sin and vice;
Satan’s agents
Cannot love the Saviour’s choice.
Let this thought the Christian strengthen;
Jesus’ name is life and peace;
Angels have not skill to mention
Half his wisdom, power, or grace.
Souls that trust him,
Soon shall see him face to face.
Though they suffer for a season,
For the name of Christ, their Lord;
And at times may know no reason
Why such sorrows are endured;
Soon he’ll teach them,
That the whole has worked for good.
[Happy is the savèd sinner,
That endures for Jesus’ sake;
He of endless life’s a winner;
Of his glory shall partake;
Jesus will not,
Cannot, such a soul forsake.]
O for love, for faith, and patience!
Jesus, fix our souls on thee!
Nor let Satan’s dire vexations,
Make us start aside or flee;
May we ever
Cling and twine, dear Lord, to thee.