605 S.M. W. Gadsby
“The just shall live by faith.” Rom. 1. 17; Heb. 10. 38
The just by faith shall live,
Nor fear the powers of hell;
All blessings that a God can give,
In Christ most richly dwell.
By faith in Jesus’ blood,
The just shall live indeed;
Shall have a settled peace with God,
And from their sins be freed.
When sense and reason fail,
And all things dark appear,
By faith, the just shall say, ’Tis well,
Jehovah will appear.
If providence should frown,
And crosses still increase;
By faith, the just shall live and own
God their salvation is.
By faith in Christ, as God,
As Prophet, Priest, and King,
The just shall live, and live to prove,
That death has lost its sting.