47 L.M. Isaac Watts
The Law and Gospel. Gal. 3. 10; Luke 23. 34; 1 Cor. 1. 18
[Cursed be the man, for ever cursed,
That does one wilful sin commit;
Death and damnation for the first,
Without relief and infinite.
Thus Sinai roars, and round the earth
Thunder, and fire, and vengeance flings;
But Jesus, thy dear gasping breath
And Calvary, say gentler things:
“Pardon and grace, and boundless love,
Streaming along a Saviour’s blood;
And life, and joy, and crowns above,
Obtained by a dear bleeding God.”
Hark! how he prays, (the charming sound
Dwells on his dying lips,) “Forgive!”
And every groan and gaping wound
Cries, “Father, let the rebels live!”]
Go, ye that rest upon the law,
And toil and seek salvation there,
Look to the flame that Moses saw,
And shrink, and tremble, and despair.
But I’ll retire beneath the cross;
Saviour, at thy dear feet I’ll lie!
And the keen sword that justice draws,
Flaming and red, shall pass me by.