90 7s J. Langford
Redeeming Love. Gal. 3. 13; 1 John 3. 16; Isa. 63. 9
Now begin the heavenly theme;
Sing aloud in Jesus’ name;
Ye who his salvation prove,
Triumph in redeeming love.
Ye who see the Father’s grace
Beaming in the Saviour’s face,
As to Canaan on you move,
Praise and bless redeeming love.
Mourning souls, dry up your tears;
Banish all your guilty fears;
See your guilt and curse remove,
Cancelled by redeeming love.
[Welcome all by sin oppressed,
Welcome to his sacred rest;
Nothing brought him from above,
Nothing but redeeming love.]
When his Spirit leads us home,
When we to his glory come,
We shall all the fulness prove
Of our Lord’s redeeming love.
[He subdued the infernal powers,
Those tremendous foes of ours;
From their cursèd empire drove,
Mighty in redeeming love.]
Hither, then, your music bring;
Strike aloud each cheerful string;
Join, ye saints, the hosts above;
Join to praise redeeming love.