787 7.6.8. J. Hart
The Crucifixion. Zech. 13. 1; Heb. 4. 15; 12. 3
Come, poor sinners, come away;
In meditation sweet,
Let us go to Golgotha,
And kiss our Saviour’s feet.
Let us in his wounded side
Wash till we every whit are clean;
That’s the fountain opened wide
For filthiness and sin.
[Zion’s mourners, cease your fear;
For lo! the dying Lamb
Utterly forbids despair
To all that love his name.
Him your fellow-sufferer see;
He was in all things like to you.
Are you tempted? So was he.
Deserted? He was too.]
Jesus, our Redeemer, shed
For us his vital blood,
We, through our victorious Head
Can now come near to God.
Sin and sorrow may distress;
But neither shall us quite control;
Christ has perfect holiness
For every sin-sick soul.