608 148th W. Gadsby
“Walk worthy of the Lord.” Col. 1. 10; Eph. 4. 1
Ye souls, redeemed with blood,
And called by grace divine,
Walk worthy of your God,
And let your conduct shine;
Keep Christ, your living Head, in view,
In all you say, in all you do.
Has Jesus made you free?
Then you are free indeed;
Ye sons of liberty,
Ye chosen royal seed,
Walk worthy of your Lord, and view
Your glorious Head, in all you do.
Shall sons of heavenly birth
Their dignity debase?
Unite with sons of earth,
And take a servant’s place?
The slaves to sin and Satan too?
Forget to keep their Lord in view?
Forbid it, mighty God!
Preserve us in thy fear;
Uphold with staff and rod,
And guard from every snare;
Teach us to walk with Christ in view,
And honour him in all we do.
Increase our faith and love,
And make us watch and pray;
O fix our souls above,
Nor let us ever stray;
Dear Lord, do thou our strength renew,
And lead us on with Christ in view.