668 10s W. Gadsby
Panting for Pardon. Ezra 9. 5, 6; Job 13. 6
Jehovah God! eternal Lord most high!
Permit a worm to bow before thy throne;
A worm deserving endless misery,
But pleads the blood that did for sin atone.
[I feel myself a rebel, base and vile;
>From head to feet, a mass of sin and guilt;
Nor have I skill the malady to heal,
But plead the blood that once for sin was spilt.]
A base, ungrateful monster I have been,
And now with shame my guilt and folly own;
I cannot, dare not, on my own works lean,
But plead the blood that did for sin atone.
Nor dare I promise future good to bring;
I know my heart deceitful is indeed;
Compelled I am on Christ alone to hang,
And plead that blood by which the church is freed.
If thou, dear Lord, so base a wretch wilt save,
Then all the glory shall redound to thee;
While here, and when I reach beyond the grave,
My soul shall sing salvation full and free.