963 7s Gospel Mag., 1781
“The Spirit also helpeth our infirmities.” Rom. 8. 26
Blessed Spirit from above,
Teach, O teach me how to pray;
Fill my soul with heavenly love;
Lead me the celestial way.
When temptations me surround,
Help me, Lord, on thee to call;
When iniquities abound,
Save, O save me, or I fall.
When thou hidest thy lovely face,
Till the cloud is passed away,
And I feel the sweets of peace,
Never let me cease to pray.
When I feel my heart like stone,
When I have no heart to pray,
At thy feet, O God, I’d groan,
“Take this stony heart away.”
Holy Spirit, on me shine;
Make my evidences clear;
Then I’ll say that God is mine!
I shall with the Lord appear!