234 8.6.8. J. Hart
Difference and Degrees of Faith. Gal. 3. 25-27
He that believeth Christ the Lord,
Who shed for man his blood,
By giving credence to his word,
Exalts the truth of God;
So far he’s right, but let him know,
Farther than this he yet must go.
He that believes on Jesus Christ,
Has a much better faith.
His Prophet now becomes his Priest,
And saves him by his death;
By Christ he finds his sins forgiven,
And Christ has made him heir of heaven.
But he that into Christ believes,
What a rich faith has he!
In Christ he moves, and acts, and lives
From self and bondage free;
He has the Father and the Son,
For Christ and he are now but one.
Till we attain to this rich faith,
Though safe, we are not sound;
Though we are saved from guilt and wrath,
Perfection is not found.
Lord, make our union closer yet,
And let the marriage be complete.