397 7s John Newton
The Power of Prayer. Ps. 50. 15; James 5. 16-18
In themselves as weak as worms,
How can poor believers stand,
When temptations, foes, and storms,
Press them close on every hand?
Weak, indeed, they feel they are,
But they know the Throne of Grace;
And the God who answers prayer,
Helps them when they seek his face.
Though the Lord awhile delay,
Succour they at length obtain;
He who taught their hearts to pray,
Will not let them cry in vain.
Wrestling prayer can wonders do;
Bring relief in deepest straits!
Prayer can force a passage through
Iron bars and brazen gates.
For the wonders he has wrought,
Let us now our praises give;
And, by sweet experience taught,
Call upon him while we live.