1072 C.M. C. Wesley & Augustus Toplady
“Lord, help me.” Matt. 15. 25
Jesus, Redeemer, Saviour, Lord,
The weary sinner’s Friend;
Come to my help, pronounce the word,
Bid my corruptions end.
Thou canst o’ercome this heart of mine,
Thou canst victorious prove;
For everlasting strength is thine
And everlasting love.
Bound down with twice ten thousand ties,
Yet let me hear thy call,
My soul in confidence shall rise,
Shall rise and break through all.
Speak and the deaf shall hear thy voice,
The blind his sight receive;
The dumb in songs of praise rejoice,
The heart of stone believe.
The Ethiop then shall change his skin;
The dead shall feel thy power;
The loathsome leper shall be clean,
And I shall sin abhor.