308A S.M. J. Hart
The Narrow Way. Matt. 7. 13, 14; Luke 13. 24
If this be, Lord, thy way,
Then who can hope to gain
That prize such numbers never seek,
Such numbers seek in vain?
’Tis thy almighty grace
That can suffice alone;
Thou giv’st us strength to run the race,
And then bestow’st a crown.
Cheer up, ye travelling souls;
On Jesus’ aid rely;
He sees us when we see not him,
And always hears our cry.
[Without cessation pray;
Your prayers will not prove vain;
Our Joseph turns aside to weep,
But cannot long refrain.]
[Sudden he stands confessed;
We look, and all is light;
The foe, confounded, swift as thought,
Sneaks off, and skulks from sight.]
[His presence cheers the soul,
And smooths the rugged way;
He often makes the crooked straight,
And turns the night to day.]
[We then move cheerful on;
The ground feels firm and good;
And, lest we should mistake the way,
He lines it out with blood.]
[Again, we cannot see
His helping hand, but feel;
And though we neither feel nor see,
His hand sustains us still.]
He gently leads us on;
Protects from fatal harms;
And when we faint and cannot walk,
He bears us in his arms.
[He guides, and moves our steps,
For though we seem to move,
His Spirit all the motion gives,
By springs of fear and love.]
The meek with love he draws;
Restrains the rash by fear;
Searches and finds the wandering out,
And brings the distant near.
When for a time we stop,
Perplexed and at a loss,
He, like a beacon on a hill,
Erects his bloody cross.
Forward again we press,
And, while that mark’s in view,
Though hosts of foes beset the way,
We boldly venture through.
When all these foes are quelled,
And every danger past,
Though Death remains, he but remains
To be subdued at last.