222 C.M. J. Hart
“Because thou sayest, I am rich.” Rev. 3. 17
What makes mistaken men afraid
Of sovereign grace to preach!
The reason is, if truth be said,
Because they are so rich.
[Why so offensive in their eyes
Does God’s election seem?
Because they think themselves so wise
That they have chosen him.]
[Of perseverance why so loath
Are some to speak or hear?
Because, as masters over sloth,
They vow to persevere.]
[Whence is imputed righteousness
A point so little known?
Because men think they all possess
Some righteousness their own.]
Not so the needy, helpless soul,
Prefers his humble prayer;
He looks to him that works the whole,
And seeks his treasure there.
His language is, “Let me, my God,
On sovereign grace rely;
And own ’tis free, because bestowed
On one so vile as I.
“Election! ’tis a word divine;
For, Lord, I plainly see,
Had not thy choice prevented mine,
I ne’er had chosen thee.
[“For perseverance strength I’ve none,
But would on this depend –
That Jesus, having loved his own,
Will love them to the end.]
“Empty and bare, I come to thee
For righteousness divine;
O may thy matchless merits be,
By imputation, mine.”
[Thus differ these; yet hoping each
To make salvation sure.
Now most men will approve the rich,
But Christ has blessed the poor.]