337 S.M. John Newton
The Pilgrim’s Song. Heb. 11. 13, 27
From Egypt lately freed,
By the Redeemer’s grace,
A rough and thorny path we tread,
In hopes to see his face.
The flesh dislikes the way,
But faith approves it well;
This only leads to endless day
All others lead to hell.
The promised land of peace,
Faith keeps in constant view;
How different from the wilderness
We now are passing through!
Here often from our eyes
Clouds hide the light divine;
There we shall have unclouded skies,
Our Sun will always shine.
Here griefs, and cares, and pains,
And fears distress us sore;
But there eternal pleasure reigns,
And we shall weep no more.
Lord, pardon our complaints;
We follow at thy call;
The joy prepared for suffering saints,
Will make amends for all.