680 C.M. D. Herbert
Eternal Settlements. Eph. 1. 3-12; 2 Tim. 1. 9; Tit. 1. 2
Before all worlds, the glorious plan,
The blest eternal deed,
Was settled by the eternal Three,
That Christ for man should bleed.
Astonished angels stand amazed,
That Christ should die for man;
This proves the eternal love of God,
Who gloried in his plan.
But what can poor lost sinners say,
When once they get a view;
And hear the blessed Spirit say,
“All this was done for you”?
“Why me, why me, O blessed God,
Why such a wretch as me?
Who must for ever lie in hell,
Were not salvation free.”
All those that God had foreordained,
These shall and must believe;
Not all the craft of earth or hell
Shall one of these deceive.