490 7s J. Hart
Christ’s Resurrection and Ascension. Acts 1. 9
Jesus, our triumphant Head,
Risen victorious from the dead,
To the realms of glory gone,
To ascend his rightful throne.
Cherubs on the Conqueror gaze;
Seraphs glow with brighter blaze;
Each bright order of the sky
Hails him as he passes by.
[Saints the glorious triumph meet,
See their enemies at his feet!
By his scars his toils are viewed,
And his garments rolled in blood.]
[Heaven its King congratulates;
Opens wide her golden gates;
Angels songs of victory sing;
All the blissful regions ring.]
Sinners, join the heavenly powers,
None but burdened sinners prove
Blood-bought pardon, dying love.
Hail, thou dear, thou worthy Lord;
Holy Lamb, incarnate Word!
Hail, thou suffering Son of God!
Take the trophies of thy blood.