1049 L.M. T. Kelly
“He bringeth them unto their desired haven.” Ps. 107. 30
The Christian navigates a sea
Where various forms of death appear;
Nor skill, alas! nor power has he,
Aright his dangerous course to steer.
Why does he venture, then, from shore,
And dare so many deaths to brave?
Because the land affrights him more
Than all the perils of the wave;
Because he hopes a port to find,
Where all his toil will be repaid;
And though unskilful, weak, and blind,
Yet Jesus bids him nothing dread.
His destined land he sometimes sees,
And thinks his toils will soon be o’er;
Expects some favourable breeze
Will waft him quickly to the shore.
But sudden clouds obstruct his view,
And he enjoys the sight no more;
Nor does he now believe it true
That he had ever seen the shore.
Though fear his heart should overwhelm,
He’ll reach the port for which he’s bound;
For Jesus holds and guides the helm,
And safety is where he is found.