221 104th J. Hart
Free Grace. Rom 3. 24; 4. 16; 11. 6; Titus 3. 7
Ye children of God, by faith in his Son,
Redeemed by his blood, and with him made one;
This union with wonder and rapture be seen,
Which nothing shall sunder, without or within.
This pardon, this peace, which none can destroy,
This treasure of grace, this heavenly joy,
The worthless may crave it; it always comes free;
The vilest may have it, ’twas given to me.
’Tis not for good deeds, good tempers, nor frames;
>From grace it proceeds, and all is the Lamb’s;
No goodness, no fitness, expects he from us;
This I can well witness, for none could be worse.
Sick sinner, expect no balm but Christ’s blood;
Thy own works reject, the bad and the good;
None ever miscarry that on him rely,
Though filthy as Mary, Manasseh, or I.