1150 8.7. Crosse
Prayer and Praise for National Blessings
Lord of heaven, and earth, and ocean,
Hear us from thy bright abode,
While our hearts, with deep devotion,
Own their great and gracious God;
Now with joy we come before thee,
Seek thy face, thy mercies own;
Lord of life, and light, and glory,
Bless thy church, and guard the throne.
Health and every needful blessing
Are thy bounteous gifts t’ bestow;
Comforts undeserved possessing,
We before thy footstool bow;
Young and old do now before thee
Their united tribute bring;
Lord of life, and light, and glory,
Hear the hymn of praise we sing.
Thee, with humble adoration,
Lord, we praise for mercies past;
Still to this most favoured nation
May those mercies ever last;
Britons, then, shall still before thee
Songs of ceaseless praises sing;
Lord of life, and light, and glory,
We are safe beneath thy wing.