183 8s J. Kent
“Look unto me.” Isa. 45. 22; John 10. 11-15
“By covenant transaction and blood,”
Says Jesus, “my people are mine;
Their sin-bearing Victim I stood;
Yea, for them my life did resign.
The curse of the law I sustained,
Did them from all cursings set free,
That when by stern Justice arraigned,
The sinner should look unto me.
“When darkness envelops the mind,
And troubles rush in as a flood,
Protection in me they shall find,
And peace in my peace-speaking blood.
For wisdom their course to direct,
As well as their danger to see,
My sheep, by my Father elect,
I’ll teach them to look unto me.
“When thirsty, or faint in the way,
Or groping ’twixt hope and despair,
To faith I’ll my fulness display,
And bid the poor sinner look there.
When lost in themselves and undone,
Like doves to my wounds they shall flee;
For all that the gospel makes known,
The sinner shall look unto me.
“By crosses I’ll scourge them for sin,
Not flowing from wrath, but in love;
Yet, while they the furnace are in,
The strength of my grace they shall prove.
And when at my footstool at last,
They come with the suppliant knee,
Their sorrowful eyes they shall cast,
And look for salvation in me.”