609 7s W. Gadsby
“Walk in love.” Eph. 5. 2; Rom. 12. 10, 15
Lord, we fain would walk in love,
But, alas! how slow we move;
Pride, that haughty monster, pride,
Often makes us start aside.
Lamb of God, thy power make known;
Sweetly draw, and we will run;
Make our love to thee and thine
Like the sun at noon-day shine.
As the purchase of thy blood,
May we seek each other’s good;
And be it our great concern,
Thee to view, of thee to learn.
May we mourn with those that mourn;
Make each other’s cause our own;
Ever keeping this in mind,
We are to each other joined.
Flesh of flesh, and bone of bone,
With the King of glory one;
Of one body each a part,
Jesus, make us one in heart.
King of kings, enthroned above,
Come and shed abroad thy love;
Fill us with that source of joy,
Which can never, never cloy.