991 L.M. Augustus Toplady
“Their strength is to sit still.” Isa. 30. 7, 15
Emptied of earth I fain would be,
The world, myself, and all but thee;
Only reserved for Christ that died,
Surrendered to the Crucified.
Sequestered from the noise and strife,
The lust, the pomp, the pride of life;
For heaven alone my heart prepare,
And have my conversation there.
Constrain my soul thy sway to own;
Self-will, self-righteousness dethrone;
Each idol tread beneath thy feet,
And to thyself the conquest get.
Detach from sublunary joys
One that would only hear thy voice.
Thy beauty see, thy grace admire,
Nor glow but with celestial fire.
Larger communion let me prove
With thee, blest Object of my love;
But O for this no power have I!
My strength is at thy feet to lie.