550 148th W. Gadsby
Christ the Nail in a Sure Place. Isa. 22. 23
My soul, rejoice and sing
Thy Father’s glorious praise;
And let his precious love
Employ thee all thy days;
Proclaim, with honour to his name,
That God is love, and still the same.
To save my soul from hell
Was his eternal will;
And, bless his precious name,
His purpose to fulfil,
He took the Lord, the great I AM,
And as a nail he fastened him.
[When deep calls unto deep,
And sins like mountains rise,
And the old prince of hell
Says, All the Bible’s lies,
This Nail is fastened in my heart,
Nor will it e’er from me depart.
My wicked heart has said,
Again, yea, and again,
That Christ my soul will leave
To perish in my sin;
But though I feel as cold as clay,
He will not, cannot go away.]
He’s fastened there as God,
As Shepherd, Priest, and King,
My Lord, my Life, my Head,
From whom all blessings spring;
As all I need, as all I have,
While here, and when beyond the grave.