366 C.M. Isaac Watts
The Church the Dwelling of God. Ps. 132. 5-15
[The Lord in Zion placed his name;
His ark was settled there;
To Zion the whole nation came
To worship thrice a year.
But we have no such lengths to go,
Nor wander far abroad;
Where’er thy saints assemble now,
There is a house for God.]
Arise, O King of grace, arise,
And enter to thy rest;
Lo! thy church waits with longing eyes,
Thus to be owned and blessed.
Enter with all thy glorious train,
Thy Spirit and thy Word;
All that the ark did once contain,
Could no such grace afford.
Here, mighty God! accept our songs;
Here let thy praise be spread;
Bless the provisions of thy house,
And fill thy poor with bread.
Here let the Son of David reign;
Let God’s anointed shine;
Justice and truth his court maintain,
With love and power divine.
Here let him hold a lasting throne,
And as his kingdom grows,
Fresh honours shall adorn his crown,
And shame confound his foes.