978 L.M. Samuel Medley
“Blessed are the poor in spirit.” Matt. 5. 3; Luke 6. 20
How blessed are they who truly see
Their emptiness and poverty;
Whose souls are humbled in the dust,
And who in Jesus only trust!
Glad they renounce their former pride,
And wholly in his name confide;
Only in him they make their boast,
Who came to seek and save the lost.
They’re vile and poor in their own eyes,
But Jesus’ love they highly prize;
They never think they’re laid too low
If Jesus on them pity show.
To be the meanest they’re content,
So Jesus but their souls present
With pardoning grace and heavenly love,
To fit them for the joys above.
These are the souls whom Christ will bless
With all the riches of his grace;
And these are they who soon shall rise
To a bright kingdom in the skies.