789 7s J. Hart
No Pardon out of Christ. Heb. 9. 22; Acts 4. 12
O ye sons of men, be wise;
Trust no longer dreams and lies.
Out of Christ, almighty power
Can do nothing but devour.
God, you say, is good. ’Tis true,
But he’s pure and holy too;
Just and jealous in his ire,
Burning with vindictive fire.
[This of old himself declared;
Israel trembled when they heard.
But the proof of proofs indeed
Is, he sent his Son to bleed.
When the blessed Jesus died,
God was clearly justified.
Sin to pardon without blood
Never in his nature stood.]
Worship God, then, in his Son;
There he’s love and there alone;
Think not that he will, or may,
Pardon any other way.
[See the suffering Son of God
Panting, groaning, sweating blood!
Brethren, this had never been
Had not God detested sin.]
Be his mercy, therefore, sought
In the way himself has taught;
There his clemency is such,
We can never trust too much.
He that better knows than we,
Bids us now to Jesus flee;
Humbly take him at his word,
And your souls shall bless the Lord.