953 C.M. J. Hoskins
Hope in trouble. Jonah 2. 4; Ps. 30. 7; 130. 5
Alas! the Lord my life is gone,
The Saviour hides his face;
And I am left to walk alone,
In this dark wilderness.
In vain I read, in vain I pray,
Or hear salvation’s word,
Unless a soul-reviving ray
Beam from the glorious Lord.
Yet would I trust in him that died,
For Jesus is his name;
Yet would I in his grace confide,
For he is still the same.
If once his grace renew the heart,
Jesus will there remain;
He cannot finally depart,
But must return again.
Then, dearest Lord, teach me to wait
Thy own appointed time;
O change my captive, mournful state,
And witness thou art mine.