602 148th W. Gadsby
“Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.” Heb. 12. 2
[Jesus the Author is
Of true and living faith;
This blessed grace he gives,
And saves our souls from death;
By faith in him we live, and view
The wonders God alone can do.]
[The principle of faith
From Jesus we receive;
And all the power it hath,
The Lord the Saviour gave;
’Tis Jesus gives us faith to view
The wonders God alone can do.]
’Tis Jesus gives us faith
To fight and overcome;
To vanquish hell and death,
And trust in him alone;
With sweet surprise to sit and view
The wonders God alone can do.
Nor death, nor sin, nor hell,
Against this faith can stand;
She eyes the Saviour well,
And Jesus holds her hand;
He gives her power to live and view
The wonders God alone can do.
Through every trying scene,
Down to the gates of death,
Jehovah will maintain
The life and power of faith;
For death can never keep from view
The wonders God alone can do.