679 C.M. D. Herbert
Prayer. Matt. 18. 20; Exod. 20. 24
Come, thou Almighty Comforter,
And bring upon thy wing
Sweet consolation to each soul,
That we may praise and sing.
We want to feel, we want to see,
We want to know thee more;
We want sweet foretastes of thy love,
As we have had before.
And shall we come in vain to God?
Dear Lord, that cannot be;
Thy promise stands engaged to come,
And bless e’en two or three.
Come, Lord, and grant each soul to feel
Its interest in thy grace;
And give us faith, and hope, and love,
And strength to run the race.
[If thou should’st leave us, we must fall;
Without thee, cannot rise;
For when our Jesus hides his face,
Our hope, our comfort, dies.]
Lord, give more faith, more solid faith,
More confidence in thee;
Break off our legal chains, O God,
And let our souls go free.