683 S.M. W. Gadsby
“Thy kingdom come.” Matt. 6. 10; Dan. 2. 44
Great God! thy kingdom come,
With reverence would we pray,
May the eternal Three-in-One
His sovereign sceptre sway.
May grace triumphant reign,
And Christ exalted be;
Sinners, deserving endless pain,
Thy great salvation see.
May mercy, truth, and peace,
Fill each believer’s soul,
And the sweet kingdom of thy grace,
Their raging lusts control.
[May love and harmony
Among thy saints abide,
Thy presence set each bosom free
From enmity and pride.]
Go on, thou mighty God,
Thy wonders to make known,
Till every sinner bought with blood,
Shall trust in thee alone.
Thus let thy kingdom come,
And free salvation reign,
Till all thy saints arrive at home,
And never part again.