87A L.M. J. Kent
Eph. 2; Mal. 3. 6
O the mysterious depths of grace!
Who shall thy wandering mazes trace?
Surpassing human thought to know
Where this abyss of love shall flow.
’Twas hid in God’s eternal breast,
For all his sons in Jesus blest,
Whose mystic members, from of old,
Were in the book of life enrolled.
[Shall one, as now in thy embrace,
Before tomorrow fall from grace;
Be doomed to Tophet’s endless flame,
Where hope or mercy never came?
No! glory to his name we say,
He’ll love tomorrow as today.
No wrath shall e’er his bosom move
Towards an object of his love.]
No heights of guilt, nor depths of sin,
Where his redeemed have ever been,
But sovereign grace was underneath,
And love eternal, strong as death.
Come, then, ye saints, in strains divine,
Rehearse the same in every line;
Nor fear to sing the charming lay;
You’ll sing the same another day.
No other song will be the employ
Of saints, in worlds of endless joy,
But loud hosannas round the throne,
To the great sacred Three-in-One.