821 C.M. J. Hart
Wonderful Love. Heb. 10. 19, 20; John. 3. 16; 16. 27
Father of heaven, almighty King,
How wondrous is thy love,
That worms of dust thy praise should sing,
And thou their songs approve!
[Since by a new and living Way
Access to thee is given,
Poor sinners may with boldness pray,
And earth converse with heaven.]
Give each some token, Lord, for good,
And send the Spirit down,
To feed us with celestial food,
The body of thy Son.
The feast thou hast been pleased to make
We would by faith receive,
That all that come their part may take,
And all that take may live.
Let every tongue the Father own,
Who, when we all were lost,
To seek and save us sent the Son,
And gives the Holy Ghost.