855 C.M. J. Hart
The Holy Trinity. Isa. 57. 15; 1 Pet. 1. 16
God is a high and holy God,
Eternally the same;
Holiness is his blest abode,
And holy is his name.
The holy Father, Holy Ghost,
Men readily will own;
But ’tis a blessing few can boast,
To know the holy Son.
[With hearts of flint, and fronts of brass,
Some talk of Christ their Head;
And make the living Lord, alas!
Companion with the dead.
Familiar freedom, luscious names,
To Christ some fondly use;
Visions of wonder, flashy frames,
Are others’ utmost views.
By things like these men often run
To this or that extreme;
But that man truly knows the Son
Who loves to live like him.]
Lord, help us by thy mighty power
To gain our constant view;
Which is, that we may know thee more,
And more resemble too.