979 L.M. Samuel Medley
“Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst.” Matt. 5. 6
Jesus those happy souls does bless,
Who hunger for his righteousness;
Who seek the smilings of his face,
And thirst for fresh supplies of grace.
They cannot here contented live
On all the dainties earth can give;
Their souls can feast on nothing less
Than Christ’s eternal righteousness.
Some sweet foretastes they have below,
But the bright world, to which they go,
Will them a glorious banquet yield;
There shall their souls be ever filled.
May this my blest experience be;
To hunger, Lord, and thirst for thee,
And on thy righteousness to live,
Which can both food and comfort give!
Then when at death my soul shall rise
To the blest banquet in the skies,
I shall partake the heavenly store,
And feast and sing for evermore.