810 L.M. J. Hart
“Condescend to men of low estate.” Rom. 12. 16
To you who stand in Christ so fast,
Ye know your faith shall ever last;
The Lord, on whom that faith depends,
This kind, important message sends:
If light, exulting thoughts arise,
Your weaker brethren to despise,
Remember all to me are dear;
Who most is favoured most should bear.
If strong thyself, support the weak;
If well, be tender to the sick;
To babes I oft reveal my mind,
And they who seek my face shall find.
If faith be strong as well as true,
Then strive that love may be so too;
Boast not, but meek and lowly be;
The humblest soul is most like me.
[Should I, displeased, my face but turn,
Ye sadly would your folly mourn;
Who now seemed best would soon be worst;
I often make the last the first.]
Encourage souls that on me wait,
And stoop to those of low estate.
Contempt or slight I can’t approve;
Be love your aim, for I am love.