746 8.7. J. Hart
Faith and Repentance. Acts 5. 31; 2 Cor. 7. 10
Jesus is our God and Saviour,
Guide, and Counsellor, and Friend;
Bearing all our misbehaviour,
Kind and loving to the end.
Trust him, he will not deceive us,
Though we hardly of him deem;
He will never, never leave us;
Nor will let us quite leave him.
Nothing but thy blood, O Jesus!
Can relieve us from our smart;
Nothing else from guilt release us;
Nothing else can melt the heart.
Law and terrors do but harden,
All the while they work alone;
But a sense of blood-bought pardon
Soon dissolves a heart of stone.
Teach us, by thy patient Spirit,
How to mourn and not despair;
Let us, leaning on thy merit,
Wrestle hard with God in prayer.
Whatsoe’er afflictions seize us,
They shall profit, if not please;
But defend, defend us, Jesus,
From security and ease.
Softly to thy garden lead us,
To behold thy bloody sweat;
Though thou from the curse hast freed us,
Let us not the cost forget.
Be thy groans and cries rehearsèd
By the Spirit in our ears,
Till we, viewing whom we’ve piercèd,
Melt in sympathetic tears.