592 8.8.6. W. Gadsby
“Mighty to save.” Isa. 63. 1; 19. 20; 43. 11
Mighty to save is Christ the Lamb;
Let all the saints adore his name,
And make his goodness known;
With one accord proclaim abroad,
The wonders of their Saviour, God,
Whose blood did once atone.
Mighty to save! nor all sin’s power
Can hold the sinner in that hour
When Jesus calls him home;
Nor Moses, with his iron rod,
Can keep the trembling soul from God,
When the set time is come.
[Mighty to save! he saves from hell;
A mighty Saviour suits me well;
A helpless wretch am I;
With sin oppressed, by law condemned,
With neither feet nor legs to stand,
Nor wings from wrath to fly.]
[Mighty to save! he saves from death;
O may I, with my latest breath,
His mighty power proclaim.
Ye sinners lost, and wretched too,
He came to save such worms as you,
And mighty is his name.]
[Mighty to save! let Zion sing
The honours of her God and King,
Whose love no change can know.
With cheerful hearts, and cheerful voice,
We’ll in the mighty God rejoice,
And sing his praise below.]
And when the icy hand of death
Shall steal away our mortal breath,
Our joy shall still increase;
Yes, with a loud immortal tongue,
We’ll sing, and Christ shall be our song,
In realms of endless peace.