1090 L.M. J. Kent
“Turn you to the strong hold.” Zech. 9. 12
Prisoners of hope, to Jesus turn;
He’s a Strong-hold, ordained for you;
Gird up your loins, and cease to mourn,
And to the Lamb your way pursue.
Though fast in Sinai’s fetters bound,
Held in the deepest bondage there,
Yet ’tis the gospel’s joyful sound:
“Sinners, to this Strong-hold repair.”
Turn hither, ye who once were blessed
With life the ways of God to run;
But now whose hearts are sore distressed,
Because those golden hours are gone.
Turn hither, ye who oft have tried,
By works, salvation to obtain;
See royal robes your shame to hide,
And blood that takes out every stain.
His name a tower for strength renowned,
Shall save his people from their sin;
Free grace shall o’er their sins abound;
Ye fearing, doubting souls, turn in.