1013 C.M. T. Kelly
“Ye shall be my sons and daughters.” 2 Cor. 6. 18
There is a family on earth,
Whose Father fills a throne!
But though a seed of heavenly birth,
To men they’re little known.
Whene’er they meet the public eye,
They feel the public scorn;
For men their fairest claims deny,
And count them basely born.
But ’tis the King who reigns above,
That claims them for his own;
The favoured objects of his love,
And destined to a throne.
But when the King himself was here,
His claims were set at nought;
Would they another lot prefer?
Rejected be the thought!
No; they will tread, while here below,
The path their Master trod;
Content all honour to forego,
But that which comes from God.